q .!- � , , ^t.1� �� ..tf�:; r
<br />�� _. '',f• .,i>at� - ' � • �.�7;.
<br /> �`t�
<br /> --- —'- ,!• ----
<br /> wbswnttally�pivrk�t q�xtW�e IAwrinoe�oaven�e is�wt av�Tl�b1e�Horrowe�r�11{�+y tu Lender�a�ch moMh a amn�qwd lw .
<br /> ' ant-t'wcltlN a�the yead moc�o Imwar�ee�miuc�beipa paid by Horrowsr whzn the i►uttr�u�ce oover�e l�fMd ar�wieod to
<br /> a
<br /> bo In CtfoCt.[,endor wU Aceept,u�o uxi rztxin thcce payn�ants as a loss reservc in liru of mart�age it�urance. I.au reu�ve
<br /> �pnyments�nwy iw longer be rey�aire�l,ad tt��piinn of I.t:r�der,if m�rtguge insurance covr•,age(in!hc i�mrsunt��xt for the pedod
<br /> � th�t I.e�xlcr rcquires)providr.d by are insurer approved by i.ender ugafn i�acames avnilnble anc!19 oiitrinocl•Anrrowet�I�al!p�y -�
<br /> the pren�funu requfradta mairrt�in mortgwgr insuranoe In efFect.or to p�+ovide a luas reservc,umil the reqairemrent for man��
<br /> tnwrunoe a�dK in accordance with wr►y wdtten agrxment between 8arrawer and i.ender or�pplicable I�w. � .
<br /> � 9. Iiupect{on. Lend�r ux ity agent cnay ma1�e reaiw�able entri,es upon and inspectians of the Prc�perty. I.endtr ehe11 fivo.�
<br /> Bc►mnwer notia+u�he time uf or prior to an inapection.speclfyieB reaon�ble ca►use for the in�pection. S�
<br /> 10. Condemnatlon.The pracesds of any aw�ud or claim for damagen,Qirect or consequentf�i� fn connection with
<br /> cpndemrwtion or other Wcing of any patt af tha Property.or fbr conveymcnm litu uf oo��deiii�Io�i.�u.;Iw�.;iry a:zlK��
<br /> shait be paid co l.ender.
<br /> In the event of o totnl wking of the Property,the procoeds shall be appfled to thc sumg sxurcd by thts Secudt�In.ur
<br /> whcther or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. ln tho event of a partial taking of tha Property ln whicb tho'f �
<br /> market vulua of the Pmperty immedtatcly beforo t2�o Wdng is equal to or greater thon the am�un+t of tha suma eecured by th
<br /> Security Instrument immediately before die taking. unless Aarrower and Lender otherwtso agroe in wr�ting.the sums accural H�
<br /> this Secudry Instn�ment shaU be raiuctd by the �unount of the pmcr,eds mulNplled by tl�e followlna fiactIon: (�) the total �
<br /> omount of the sums serwed jmnnediately bcfon tho taking,divided by(b) the fair market value of the Froperty itnmcdiatcly
<br /> before the tekiag.Any balunce shull be paid to Borrower. In the event af n partial taicinR of.the Property in which the fair
<br /> market vsilua of the Property immedIatcly befon the taking is less than tbe amount of the sums socured lmnxdlatcly before the
<br /> tnking,unless Bonower nn�1 I.ender otherwise ngree in writing or unless applicable law otherwlse provides,the procada sfiail
<br /> be apptied to t!=t sums secured by this Security Instrtunent whether or not the awns az+e then due.
<br /> If the Pmpeny ia abandoned by Borrower,or if,aRer nodce by L.ender to Borrower that the condemnor affer�to make an
<br /> award or settle a clalm for damages. Borrower fnils to respond'to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is givat.
<br /> LenAer is authorized w coAect And apply the praeecls,at its optton.either to restorat�on or re�air of the Property or to the�s
<br /> secured by this SecurIry Inshument,whether or not then due.
<br /> �' Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise egree in wdtiag, any application of pmceeda to prIacipal sl�„�11 not•extend or
<br /> w ,,,,; j„';����Y os ne the due date of ihe moath[y ayments referred to Inpa�agraphs 1 and 2 or chenge the omount of sucd payments.
<br /> � �Il. Bomower Not Released;For6esrsnce Ry I.ender Not a Waiver.Bxtension of the time for payment or modific�tIon
<br /> of amortization of the swns secured by this Secutity Instrument granted by Lender to eny suocessor in inurest of Borrower shatl
<br /> > �"�F,i;����-•� not operate to release the liabfliry of the ori�inel Borrower or Horrower's successois in interest.Lender shull not be requjred to
<br /> �°�a .rt�rl
<br /> t,�wa commence prooeedings against any successor in intemst or refuse W extend time for payment or otherwi�see modify amortizutlon
<br /> ;��'`���k� � of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrumeat by reason of any demand made by the odgjnal Borrower or Bomower's
<br /> �;:'•,.. ' , 3, successors In interest.Any�forbearance by I.ender in exercisIns eny right or�y shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> �� '��'�"'�• exercise of any dght or reme�i
<br /> :.�'�4'�_•��,��. Y•
<br /> ,:�+•�-:�•.;; ���. 12. Successors and Assigas Bound; Jolnt and Several Liability; Co-sigaers. The covenants and agreements of shis
<br /> ''��;E'' `�;• l''`��• Securiry Instrument shall birtd and benefit the suca:ssors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subJect to the provisions of
<br /> ��• �`'���' ` ��`�• ga 4t 17_ E�m�wer't covenants nnd agreements shall be ioint and several. My Borrower who co-signs this 5ecudty
<br /> ��"'''"�'- ' nI su�ument but dces not execute the Note: (a)Is casisning thts SecurIty Instrument only to mortgage, grent and convey that
<br /> �...;�,-:�..,:... .:.;,;
<br /> ;,;,, . r �ornower's lnterest in the Property under the terms af this Security Instmment;(b)is not personaliy obligated to pay the sums
<br /> ,`' ����'�'� sect►red by this Socudty Inswment;and(c) agmees that Lender and any other Borrower may agme to extend.modlfy,fot'bea�'or
<br /> -s:�.•�:,;:
<br /> �.�`` • :, •�,? malce nny eccommodetjons with regard ta the tertns of this 5ecurity Insuument or the Note wlthou�that Borrower's consem. •
<br /> " � "���:�r` 13. Loan Charges.If the loan secured by this Sccur�ty Instrument is sub'ert tv a law which sets maximum loan charges�
<br /> . � .• `�*'� and tt�at law is finally interpreted so that the Interest�r other loan charges co�lected or to be collected tn connecttan witl�the
<br /> �����(;; , � ' _ loan exceect the permitted limits. then:(n)any such loxn charge shall be reduced by the amount n�essery to reduce the charge
<br /> �:;,:,"~'`.:•.;f-• �, to the perntftted limlt:aad(b)any sums already collected from Barrower which exceeded permitted limlts will be refurtded to
<br /> -�•}-•• � ;� -�•�� Bomower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing t he pr�nci p a i owed under the Note or by making a dimct
<br /> ^=�•••�•�u�• ���: • paymenx ro Borrower. If a refund reduces pdnctpal. the reducdon wjll be treated as a partial prepayment wtthaut� aay
<br /> • , '' ' ', � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14.NoNces.Any nottee to�orrower provided for in this Secudty Instcument shall be given by delivering It or by mailing
<br /> ::T�,�%`...,�:..."`:� it by fitst cluss mait unless applicable law requires use of another method. The natice shall be directed to the Pcoperty Address
<br /> �r+� ,. . or any other address�orrower designates by notice to L,ender. Any notice to L,ender shall be given by fi�st class mail to
<br /> ' � Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any nottce provided for In thjs
<br /> •'" • ' "x. Securiry Inswment shall be deemed to have been�iven to Borrower or I.ender when siven as provided in tMs paragraph.
<br /> ' I5.Governtng Law; Severability. This Security Insuument shail be governed by fedcral inw and the Inw of the
<br /> " . � jnrisdIction in which the Property is located. In the event that any proviston or clause of this Security Tnstrument or the Note
<br /> . conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> given effect wIthout the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instcument und the Note are declared
<br /> ,��s::, . to be severnble. �,�
<br /> ''.;�- > 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one canforme�copy of the Note and of this Security Inatrument.
<br /> • 17.Transier of the Property or a Benet'ictal Interest in Borrower. If alt or any part of the Property or any interest in it -
<br /> � is sold or transferr�d(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferced and Borrower is not a naturni person)wlthout •
<br /> `,'.�� .' - Lender's pdor written wnsent. Lender may,tu its option, r uire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> ,:.:• Security Instrument.However,this option shall not be exercisei�y Lender it exerc�se is prohibited by fede�zd law as of the date
<br /> � of this Security InstNment.
<br /> � � If L.ender exercises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period of not
<br /> � less than 30 days from the date the irotice is delivered or mailed within �vhich Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> i � �'°`��' Securiry Instevment.If Horrower f�ils to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.L.ender may invoke pny c�medies
<br /> �F permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demactd on Horrower.
<br /> • 18. Borrower's RiQbt to Reinstate. If 9orrower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> enforccment of this Security instrument d�scnntinued at ar+y time prior to the eaclier of: (a)5 days(or such other pedod as
<br /> � � ' applicable law mny specify for reinstatement)befure sale of the Property pursuant ta any power of sale contuined in this
<br /> d , S�uriry Instrumcnt;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Secudty Instrument.Those conditions are thnt Bomower:(a)pays
<br /> • I.ettder atl sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred: (b)
<br /> � � . cures any defuult of any other covenants�r agreements; (c)pays all expe�es incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> including,but not limited to,reawnable attorneys'fees; and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to ussure
<br /> that the lien of this Secudty Instcument, Lender's r�hts In the Property und Borrower's oblisation to pay the sums tier.ured by
<br /> � .�e_ o_�.s�_ *_w_.�.�... ..f...tt ......�i....e ..v.l.u.�n 11nnn r�aincfnta+mrnt �1V Rnrmwer. thic Secuntv Instrutnent and the
<br /> _ . uua uc�.wn� u��a.u��....�. .,...... ..........».. :........'a^- –r°. ."---^°---- �� ' -
<br /> � � � " obligations secured hereby sh�ll remain fully effective as if no arceleration hud occurred. However, this right to minstate shali
<br /> ' not s►pply in the case of accelerution under paragraph 17.
<br /> p
<br /> � 19. Sule of Note; Change of Loun 5ervfcer. The Note or a parti�l inter�st in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> , lnstcument)may b�sold unc or more times without prior notice to Barrower. A sale may msult in a chan�e in the entity(known
<br /> • ° os the"Laan Serviccr")thnt co11ec4c monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There xlso may be one
<br /> or more chan�es of the Loan Servicer unrelatal to a sule af the Note. If there is n change of the I.nan Servicer. Borrower will be
<br /> ' given written notice of the chunge in accordance with paragrupn 14 above and applirable law. The notice will state thr name and
<br /> uddmss of the new I.c�an Servicer and the uddress to whtch payments should be made.The notire will ttiso contain any other
<br /> " infocmution reyuired by upplicable iaw.
<br /> � 20. Ha�ardous Subs�tnttces. Borrc�wer shall not cause or permit the presenre. use, diapowl, storage, ��r reteace uf any , �
<br /> �" Huxardous Substnnces on or in the ProPerty. Borrower shal( not do, nor ultow anyone else to do, anythin�; affecting the
<br /> ,. Pmperty th�t is in violatio�n of uny Environment:�l Law. The precc�ding two sentenres,haU not upply to the proxnce. use, ur
<br /> ' storuge on the PmpeRy of smail quantities�f Hu�ardous Substunces that arc genercilly recognircd to be appropriate tu normal
<br /> ;�, residential uxs und to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> v�o�ot a Form 3028 9190
<br />