r���t���qrt'.''r. . .
<br /> ��`n'B��q ' ' �'t`'�'.i..i�.. � • � - . .
<br /> �' h 1 .
<br /> f�_�._•uu�1'.r..i�
<br /> _ - "�j..._." . " .` . .. .... .. ...'� _
<br /> ��� +1 _.......- . -
<br /> ���0�1��
<br /> /�. Boreow�r'� RIpM b �ttin�tat�. a eo�w.r n,wa as�ar.aa+atton�� eonowr►��►n an�a�+aw�b�w�t
<br /> dkconthu+�d dt�ny thw Pda to tM wWr oN(�)6 d�ys ta wot� otlw►OK(od if yplb�bM kw nry�soM�►lor n�tNr�N)tlMar�
<br /> ' . . .. - of tM ProPMY Dureuvi! to �nY Pow�r of !aw r.ont�tNd in thk 81CUAY Msttu�nlnN 01 I�I �W � • lu��t�7nto�ahp thti �urkY
<br /> .�' , mscn,mm�.rno��ona�rom.re tnu eorrow.r: ��1 ars�.«+cl�t aN turM whtoh thm wau�d be due undls lRis SicutitY tntbuntMtiP �nd th�
<br /> Nofs u N Ro�ccNMntlon had oacarr�d; (b) curK an�r dMwN ol�ny atf�aown�nt or aa�wr�nU: (o) PaYi �M so�nsw Mourtrd M
<br /> '�r�:�:,:?�:�..,: >;+�, �
<br /> .•<w, ',-'. •;; . �nlaroln0 thls B�s�fi► Mstiurt»nb Ina�dMip, 0ut �ot MmMd to, nuornbi� altan�y� t�Mi �nd (�� t�kN wah aoUan a� L+�ndu nr�
<br /> �.�.;� nupubyr nquka to at�un lhst th� Iiai of thk &aurk�r inttrum�rtb�dar� dpht�h th�Ptop�ty and 8oa�� obQ�tbe to P�9�
<br /> .,.��?��;�..� ••��, sums wound by thw 8�awky Instlurnr+l �A�N ooMhw ur�elw+p�9. tlpa+ ntbt�i�nwnt bp Oa�row�r� thM 8�ourt�► Inatrun�N �e�d M�
<br /> M , � aewntrene eeeuree t+.roer snar n�r�t�t�N�qct►w w r no�ce�ntbn nae ooaurt�d. Nowswr�thb�nt to eeh�raM�bu not�ppM�
<br /> ��'�:'-. :'.�'',:°�_,._:� tM cw ot�oc�Mratton undu wr�p�'�ph t7.
<br /> • • • 19. Sde ot Not�;Ch�n�o of L+o�n 8arvleK. � Now a a p�rew hwwt �n en� Non (�oo«� w�ar a� e�ar�hr
<br /> '. : ., .; inttnxnent)mt1►E� sold on�a monr thNt wlthouf prEot notic�to eorrowar. A saa rtrir nwlt M�ah�b tM�nillY(know�a�lh�
<br /> ' ' � "[�o�n Swlc�r9 u+at oo�ats monthN aymrnb dw und�r tt�No»md thls 8�aifi►Msrt�n4 T1Nn�Mo rnt�►a a+�a nan otw�
<br /> ot tM Lwn S�nAc�►unnt�bd to a wM of tM Nae�. ti tMra b a oh�+p�oi lM I.osn 8wir�r.Baroww wIN b�ifk�+'�rMM^�otlo�a�
<br /> ' oh�rg�In�caord�rec�w�pa�pr�ph 14�baw�nd�p{s1o�bN lew. TM ootie�w��hM tM iwn��nd�ddr�s of tM�»w I.�n B�rMcu
<br /> '� ,. , „ �nd tM addr�tt to wl�bh paynwnis should b�t�d�. TM noties v�l ai�o Contatn my oMM hloinNflon aWi�d by aOPYe�b1�rw•
<br /> ' ,, 20. HatsTdous StrbstYnCeb Barowar �hat not c�us� or P�►it th� Pn�� us�. dRPo�u. ���• or nl� d �np
<br /> H�ardout Subst�nc�s on a b tf�P�oNwyr. Borrow�r�haa not do�nor s0ow mron�NW M do,�nythl�p afMothp th�Propw!!M�t i�b
<br /> , , vblatton ot any Envtrawn�nnl taw. 1'1N Pnc�dhp two smt�nca shu not aPpN m th�pnWnc�.us�,cr ttor�on th�Prop�ly M�nw1
<br /> ,. quanttMs ot Fi�ardous �bst�nca thic an y�ab racopntsd to M�PProp��t�to �t n�id�ntW usa�na to mahwirwy ot th�
<br /> . . . , ,. Ptop�Ay
<br /> - eonowe.•n�►� �om�a,►e�•�dw wrer.�+ nouc. m a�y�.tan.o�m� a.�+.na.�«w�or otner aaaon er .nr vowrnnw�a�a
<br /> rpukSal►+p�nop or P�U PsKY hvoNinp tM F�oprRy and �ny Hmtdous �bttrn0�OP EnvitonRlM1h11 Ltw d whbh BAffOwM f1��CWt
<br /> ' • knawMd�. it 8orrow�r Moms. a i�noHNd by anY 0��a �W�m7 ��f►. that �nr nt�arl a otlMr nn»dWton af�n1►
<br /> Hanrdous Suba�ne:e aflsotMp the Prope�ty b �1►� BoROwa ehW promptN f�k�d nec�=N►ran�dW tallons h �c°�dr�C�'�
<br /> Envtronnantat 4tw.
<br /> ° 11t us�d M this W►�OrsPQ 20� "H�rardous SubStanCas" en thos� sYbstana8 dNlrNd as toxb ot hanrdous iubtt�rloM b�►
<br /> 1. Environmmtat taw �rtd ths tolbwinp wbtqnces: ptso�, kKOS�. ath�r IYrmMOM ot toxb p�broMum Produots. to�dO Wdtbtd�t �nd
<br /> Mrbbidq, voktY� soN�nts. maUriali Conlahfnp �sb�.stos or torm�W�hld�, �nd ndlo�tM me�ri��. As u:Ad in th(s O�aP„ Q�.
<br /> . 'EnvYonm�ntal ltw• m�tns tederal I1ws and �wt of thm Jur(sdbNon whe� ttN Prop�tY (s Ineat�d that tiYlf� to hM�h. sWtr a
<br /> ., envtonrrMnt410roteedon.
<br /> ' NOt�WNIFOAM CONENANTB. Bortoww�nd l.M�det fuRhM cavM�ant and�prM as tolaws:
<br /> Zt. Aeaeteratton; Remedles. Lender �11 �ive noUae to Borrower �pNor to �caeleratlon tottow�rp
<br /> . '—' . Borrower's bresch of aml covenant or apreemer� �o�inis Secu�i�i ir��=it �4 as�i�� �
<br /> under peragraph 17 unte�s applicable I�w provides othe�rwlse). The eotice shdl apeetty: (s) tMt d�hui�
<br /> � (bD the �etlon req�otred to eure the defsutt; (c) a dete.not less th�n 30 d�ya 11rom fhs dets tha notiw b
<br /> � � qlven to Barow�x. by whiah the detauit must be Qured; and (d) ttyt tallure t�a cure tM defwlt on or
<br /> � batore the date apectfled i� the �attce mtry reault in �ccelenttton of the aums securad by thh SecuNty
<br /> Instrument and ale of the Property. The notice�II tu�ther tnPorm Borrawer ot tbe�IpM to reiR��
<br /> �� . acael�eration 0na the Npht to brtnq s court aa�on Zo �K the eon-exfstenoe ot a detauR or �I ofher
<br /> detenae of Borrower to saceleratlon and e�te. It the detault ts not aured o� or betore the d� �pecMed
<br /> in the eotiae. i.endar at tts option �nay require tmmedlate pe�ymeM in tutl ot atl wms aecured by this
<br /> ° 5ecurity Inatrument wiUaut turfher demend snd m�y invoke the power of ale and �nr other romsdfes
<br /> permitted by eppltcabte lew. Lender ehatl be eMitted to aoltect all expenses tneurred in p�nuinq tbs
<br /> , remedtea provided In thts pe►a�raph 21, inotudtn�.but eot Itmited to. reasonable at�ornsya'teas and cosb
<br /> of tlUe ewidenae.
<br /> it the power of aete is invoked. Trust�e ahatt �ecord a notice ot detault tn eaeh county in whloh�ny
<br /> part o!the Property Is loeated and sAsii m�il copies ot wch nottce in the manne�presaribed by�pplicable
<br /> iew to Borrower and to the other peraons preaaribed by �pticabte law. ARer the ttme requked by
<br /> applicabte law. T�ustee ahatt �ive pubtio noUae of aste to the peraons and in the manner p�escribed by
<br /> applicabie law. Trustee. wlthaut demand on Borrower. shali eelt the Property st publie suatlon to the t
<br /> higheat bidde� at the tlme and pisee and under the terms deslgnsted in the nat�ce ot eate tn one Qr more
<br /> perceta and i� eny order Truatee determinea. Trustee mey postpone sate of all or any perael ot the
<br /> � : P�operty by pubiie announcement at the time and ptece of any previously scheduted aate. loendler or tb
<br /> , d�aipnae mey puref�aae th� Properly et any aate. �_
<br /> aae
<br /> Upon �ecCipt of payment ot the priae bid. Trustee shalt detiver to the purchaaer Trustee'a deed
<br /> comroyin� the Property. The �eaitels in the T�ustee's deed shatt be prim� facie evidenae oi the truth of
<br /> the atate�nent,s made therein. Truatee ahnti appty the proceeds o0 the aale tn the toitowin�order: (s�to alt
<br /> coats and e�enaea of exe�ctatng the power of�e, and the sale. inctudin� the payment of 4he 7rustee's .
<br /> : "� tees actuaily incurred� not to exceed 3 96 of the prJnoipal amou�t oi the note at the time of ths
<br /> � decteratton ot detautt, and �ee�aonebte Mtoreey'a tees as permitted by taw; (b) to etl aums seeured by thb
<br /> Security lnatrument; end (a)eny exaess to the peraon or peraons lepally entitted to iL
<br /> Z2.RECOf1VE�IdRQC. Upon payrt�ent of nN sums secured by this Secudty tnatrument,tsndx shaA re4��Trustee to reconveY the
<br /> Propaty�nd ehaN surtende�this Securily Instrument and ap notes evideneinp debt secured by this Secu�r Instrument M Ttuats�. TrostM
<br /> �- shaU reeomeey the PropeR�r witRout wartanty end wkhoat eharge to the person or persona IegaNfr eMiti90 to k. Sueh person or persons sh�1 �
<br /> PaY e�Y recordatbn costa.
<br /> ; 23.Subatitute Trustee. tsnder. 8t �a option, maY from ttn9 to tYne �emove T�uatee and eppoht a successor trustee to any �
<br /> �....� •ew w.ti....we,h„� i,�t..�.�.�.�nr�h tho eeuntv h whieh this Sacut$v Instrument iS feCOtd9d. WRhout Corive�lonC9 ot
<br /> T-—-_-.=-- ..o.W-.�---..� .._.�..,. _, _. ____.------ �--- ---
<br /> �� the Prope�ty.sueeosaor trustee shatt oucceod to alt the tkle, powar end duties eor+teaed upon T�usteo herefn and by applicabte hw.
<br /> �4. Requeat tor Notieea Bortower request6 th8t coptes of the notiCes of det8uk end sale be sent to Botrowere eddress whiCh
<br /> ; is the Property Address.
<br /> 26. Ridera to thts Seeurity Instrumee� If one or more ride►s ere m�ecuted by Borrowar end re�,wrded topeth�r wBh this �
<br /> •�' Sgeurity instrument, the cwenaMe end agreements ot ea�h sueh�ider ahaq be Meorporated hto and shatl amend and suPPbment Me �
<br /> i covenents and aQreen►ents of Mb Seeurity Instniment as M the dder(s)were a part ot Mb Security Instrument.
<br /> �
<br /> i i
<br /> ; ;
<br /> 0 I
<br /> > � Pip�{oi:. Fo,�soze aroo
<br /> �
<br /> ' Rt040.1M0(6/W)
<br /> I .
<br /> I `
<br /> �� I
<br />