, ' . � � .. �„a,�;µ,yi'v-..+ci�p.ev�r;,,y;_'.. . �
<br /> ' �,a�+•�y+.�#;t'^'•�w�aW�n.rti--- .
<br /> C1
<br /> '
<br /> ..�.� '� �
<br /> , . „ 9�-����.�e � .
<br /> . • paym«►t. b,► so�r�n�ns.� n th.o�No+�,d 9afrnwa: M M. to�rl�M.Mp,4.ynt.M. m.d.b,,ea,n�►.►ior K�n, c�?. (�r. a ��1�
<br /> NnuMld�t to p�y tA�!bm wh�n du�i thm HaRO+erK sh�N p�y to I.�ndw�ny MNo��nt n�o�wy to mYc�up tha drNdM+oy on or
<br /> beloro th�d�t�tho ltxn becoonws dw,
<br /> . . An uaed In thi� Se�rity tnsfiim�nt "S��ry" m�ana th� Secral�ry of Hausin��nd Ufi�� Q�nr�lapm�nt or his or h�r
<br /> ',�; '� dx�lsnn.U*ny�/eu 1n whlch th�Len�w mudt pry�mnrtq��In�ur�nc�p�a►au�n to ths Socratxy,wch mon*hly prymmt�hW
<br /> - atao Inctudo olthw: p) an lnat�Mm�rtt of the wnnusl m�rtpr�ys Inaurance pr�ium to b�p�id by Lend�r to th�3�xsGuy,or (1� e
<br /> monthy aharp� fn�t�ad of • moRgrtpt Insuru�c�prwNum M this S�ourltyr In�trummt b h�id Oy th� 9ra+M�y. E�oh nwMhy . „
<br /> InataNrn�nt at th�matp�9e tn�uran��pr�nlum sh�N b�in�n artwum�ufAd�nt to acFumukt�th�tuN a�rr�l mortQ�g�tnwn�no�
<br /> pr«ntum with L�nd�r on�monM p�la to tt�o dat�th�luq�nnwl maipaq�Ineunrv�p�wnNrn F�dw w th� S�on4wy, a M thh
<br /> 8�cutity In�tnan�nt h held b�l th��o�iUry.Mah ntoethly olwp� sh�M be In sn�nauM �qud to oa�MaMth d on�hrM p�roM�!
<br /> ot ths outet�nding prineipd bsknee dus on th�Not�.
<br /> If Bortoww tsndw�s to L�nd�r th�iW payrn�nt ot�M sums��aurnd by thh S�uiity InsUunw�t, 8arowN's�coamt sh�A bi
<br /> cndi►.�d with th�beknu nnNhlnp fa �h�t�Mn�tts for NMns(�?,(b)�nd(o)�nd�ny mat�y�Nlwrrna Ina+hNn�tt
<br /> that LmdK Ms not becoms o6Ypat�d to pay to th� SKx�tuy,�nd l�nd�r sh�N prampty►Mund�ny excrts�M BoROww.
<br /> �mmadkt�ry P�to�foneloauM qaN of th�RoRapl or Ib sciqulsNlon by L�nd�r.Barowr'�teeounf�h�N b�endlt�ei wNh�r►Y
<br /> bat�nee►em�ininp tor�11 InsttNrn�nt�lor Rema ta),(b) �nd(o).
<br /> 3. �lpptioftlon of Raym�t�ts.NI ptymmts unde►pareprapha t�nd 2 shall bs opptlad by Lrnd�r as toNows;
<br /> •' - • Ftret to the mortsage InsurRnao�sr�mlum to be pdd by lane�►ta tbe�ectetary a to thA rnvmhy ah�rgs by 1M�Sacret�ry
<br /> instead of ths monthy mortp�p�inaunnae p�m;
<br /> "�:,i .�' �•; S�COnd. to �ny taxea, apscW asessamente, teasehotd payments or y�ound raMa, and Nre, Aaod and othar hmrd
<br /> �''�.'�_ ., �.;;i<: inaurance promtuma.ae roquiradt
<br /> ..f:_„-,;�;;',.;•,;�<_„► Thlyd�to interost due undar the Note:
<br /> ` '.r •• ��• � �ig�w Fourth,to amortizatton ot the pr[�dpal of the Note;
<br /> �:�•�r:�:, ...•
<br /> �.�,;,;c �: FlRh� to lete ch�rgas due under the Note.
<br /> �,�`�=1���.•'•� ;� 4. Ftn, Flood and Othor Hasard tnsurnnc�. Borrower ehaN Msuro �II vements on the
<br /> - -°:r:.. ; hnpro ProPKtY. whalhet
<br /> , .. . . ::� �ow tn exlatence or subsequentlyr ereetad, ag�inat*rry hmrd�, casuafNes� and contlngendes,tndudinp firc. for whtcfi Lander
<br /> ,�•.,.: .. . . ,;,,` requtres (nsurenee.This insuru�ce ahdt ba en�tnUhed in the amounta arrd tor the perbda that Lendx nquke�. Borrowsr ehaN
<br /> ° • ' . atso Msuro aq ImprovemeMa on the Property,whetha now in adatence or eubaequenty ereeted, ag�tnat�aas by Aoods to the
<br /> ' � � extent requtred by the 3earetary.Alt Insuram:e shaA be carded with com�niea approved by Lender.The k�su►ance pokdea and
<br /> �t•-� any ronawals ah�ll be hdd by Lender and sh�N Indude Ioss p4y�ble dausoa M hvor of,�nd M a tonn acaptable W,Lend+w
<br /> � � In the event ot losa, Bortower aheG gNe Lender immediate noUce by maW. Lend� m�y make proof of losa H not m�de
<br /> � promplly by 8orrowo►. Each ineurance comp�ny eon�xmed ta herebY aulhori�ed and directed to oxke payment for auch baa
<br /> " � - direcUy to Lender.instead c}to Borrowa end to Lender Jotnty. All or any part of the in�untnco proaeeds rtwy be eppikd by
<br /> ,. -/r' ; :�• Lender, at its optlon, eriher (e)to the redueUo� of the tndebtadneae under the Nota and thla Secudty InaUumoel. flrat to�ny
<br /> • delinquent amounts appited in the order N Paragraph 9,and tl�en to prepayment o!pdndpal,or @) to the restomtion or rcp�ir at
<br /> . • . the damagod Properly. My epplicatbn oi the proceeda to the pdndpal shall not extend o�postpone the due date of the
<br /> monthy paymeMs whiah are reter�ed to In Paregraph 2, ot changa the amount ot such peyments. My exceas tnsuru�ee
<br /> proceeda over an anount tequired to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Noto and this Securfty inatrument ehsll be p�td
<br /> to tite entity iegafiy eniiNed iharaEo.
<br /> � In the event of foredosure of this 3eaulty I�strumeM or other trnnsfer of UUe to the Prope�ty that extir►gtiahea tbe
<br /> � ��s:•, ', fndebtednesa,all right,tttis and interest of Bortower tn and to insurence polides In toroe oheA pass to the purohaser.
<br /> �:,�,.:•. .
<br /> �'�_"��;'. .. 5. Oaaupmcy� Preaervatian, Maintenance and Prateation of the Propsrty; Borrcnr�r'a Loan
<br /> � ��<:�:'�, � � Applieation; L�aa�holds. Borrower shaU oeaupy,establish, and use the Properry ae 8orrowete pdnalpd roaldence wlthtn
<br /> �,�,i: sixty days after the executlon of this 8ecudry Instrument and ahatl aonUnue to occupy the PropeAy as Borrowe�s plindpal
<br /> � •�°,i'�� residente ta at Ieaet one year after the dete o!occupancy, unless the 3ectetary dstermines tMs nqufnmerrt wiA cause undue
<br /> � hardahip tor BoROwer, or uniesa extenuetEng ci�cumstances exist whteh are beyond Bortower's coMrol. Borrow� nhaH notNy
<br /> - Lenders of eny extenusUng dreumstanees. 8o�ower ehali not commit waste or dastmy, damege or aubstuntlefly ehange the
<br /> '. , Piroperty or allow the Praperty to deteriomte,reasonable wear and tear excepted.Lender mey tnspeat the Properiy N the Property
<br /> � le vacant or abandoned or the loan Is in defauN. Lender may take reasonable action to protect and preaenre auoh vacant or
<br /> • abandoned PropeAy. Borrower shati eiso be In detault H 8orrower,dudng the toan appUcaBon process, gave matedalry talse or
<br /> " ; ina¢curate I�ortnaUon or atatements to lender(or falled to provide Lender wkh any materiei Inlortnatlon)tn connectton wfth tha
<br /> toen evidenced by the Note,including, but not Iimked to, representadons coneeming Borrower's occupanay of the Propaty ea a
<br /> principat residence, N thla 3ecurily Inshument is on a teasehold, Borrower shalt compry with the provisiona of the leaae. If
<br /> � Borrower acquires fee tftle to the PropeAy,the Ieasehoid and fee titie ahall not be merged unlesa Lende�agrees to the merger in •'"
<br /> ,„•,
<br /> . �• .. . . wrking. ��y,:.
<br /> .�.._�
<br /> 8. Charges to Bor�ower and Protection of Lender's Rights in the Properly. Bonower aheN pey all '' •�
<br /> ,.. govemmental or municipat eharges, tines end imposftlona that are not �nduded in Paragraph 2. Bortower shell pay thase '
<br />� ,
<br /> obligetions on tkne dlrectly to the entfty which is owed the puyment If falluro to pay wouid adversety atfect Lender s (nterest tn
<br /> ,. " .� the Properly,upon Lender's requeat Bortower ehap promptly tumish to Lender►eoelpts evidencfng these payments. �
<br /> If BoROwer falis to make theae paymente or the paymente required by Paragraph 2, ar fa{is to perfortn any othor aovenants
<br /> • and agreements aontained In this Security Instrument,or there Is a Iegal proaeeding that may signiflcantly aftect Lender's�ighte In
<br /> , . the Properly(such as a proceeding In benkruptay,tor condemnarion or to eniorca laws or regulatlons),then Lender may do end
<br /> �� pay whatever is neceaeary to proteel the vatue of the Property and lender's�ights In the Propeity.Including payment ot texes, �
<br /> L hazard insurance and other kems mentioned In Paragraph 2.
<br /> � �
<br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under thls Paregraph ehall become an ad�klonal debt of Borrower and be secured by
<br /> • � thls Secutlty Instrument.These amounts shall bear Interest from the date ot dlaburaement,at the Note rate, and at the optlon of
<br /> �, � Lender, ahaA be immedtately due and payable.
<br /> ' T. Condemnation. The praeeds ot any ewerd or elaim 1or damages, dlrect or consequenGal,In �onnectlon wfth any
<br /> ' ` condemnatton or other taking o}any pad of the Property, or tor conveyance in piace of condemnation, are hereby assigned and ,
<br /> • ' sha�l be peld to Lender to the extent of the fuq amount of the Mdebtedneas that remains unpeld under the Note and this
<br /> . Secudty Inshument, Lender shall appy such proceeds to the redueNon ot the indebtednesa under the Note and this Securi4y
<br /> Instrument, ftrst to any deilnquent amounte appited in the order provided in Peragraph 3,and then to prepayment of p�indpat.
<br /> My appilcatlon of the proaeeds to the principai shail not extend or postpone tho due date of the monthy payments, whioh are
<br /> reterted to In Para�ph 2, or change the amount of euch peyments. My excesa proceeda ove� an amount required to pay eli
<br /> � outstending tndebtedness under the Note and this Security Insttument shell be patd to the entity legaly entided thereto.
<br /> 1 8. Fe98.Lender may eollect fees and chargea authorized by the Seoretary.
<br /> L_
<br /> � 8. Qrounds for Acceleration of Debt. � �
<br /> a DOfault. Lender ma except ea Ilmited b re ulatlons Issued b the Secrete i� the case of a ment defnulta, �
<br /> j O Y. Y 9 Y ry PY
<br /> ; ' require Immediate payment in fup of eN sums secured by this Securtty Inatrument if: :
<br /> . (f} Borrower detaults by tailing to pay In tuU any monthiy payment required by this Sacurfly Inatn�ment p�lor to ar on �
<br /> �� ; the due date of the next month�r payment,or ;
<br /> (li)Borrower detaufts by talYng.fu a perlod ot th(rty days, to peHorm any othcv obNgaUons contained in thls Security
<br /> ", • Instrument.
<br /> � �
<br /> (b) 3ale Without CPedR Approval. Lender shel, H pertnitted by applicable law and wfth the p�ior approval of the
<br /> Secretary,requfre Immedlate payment In full ot a�l the sums secured by lhis Security Inshument it:
<br /> � - .• P5813.LM6(4/94) Puge 2 0l 4
<br /> �. .
<br /> . 94067
<br /> l
<br /> P
<br /> , � ----•._._..... .. . .. ..
<br /> .
<br />