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<br /> t� - . - - .;. � r f �1✓it4 ;itil y��}i y��i �,t�(�l� �' r V�'..�;� �t}�a �,`�vJ' .;.;' � , . ��.i
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<br /> � �. 9� ia�,� . �..
<br /> ,�� �,��� �� � �tl��� � �����n �}�q� ��nxi�s are insured bp a foderal agency� instn�mentality, or entity
<br /> (inciuding Lender.if l.endcr iy such nn institution)or in uny Federa]Hamo Loan Bank. Lender shall a�ipiy ths Fwxis to pay thc
<br /> Fscrow items.Lender may no4 cliarga 8aerower for holding und applying the Funds.annu:illy analyzing ttie esccow a:count,or
<br /> verifyiag the Escrow Itcros,untcss Le��dcr pays Horrower interest on the Funds and applicn�tc lnw permits Lettd.s to maka such
<br /> a charge.Howevcr.Lender niaymq ulrc Bornawa to pay a ane-tima rharge for un independent rcnl estate wx reporting servlcc
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this Ioan, unlesa applicablo law providea atherwlst;. Unless an agrecment 1!► made ar
<br /> applicabie Iaw requires intcrest m bc paid.L,ender ehall not bo requiral w pay Horrawer any interesc or eumin e on the k��indy.
<br /> Borrower end Lender tnay ogree in writtng,haw�ver.that interest shal!be p�id an thc Funds. T.ender shall g
<br /> ve�o Botrowet.
<br /> wtthout cher�e, en annoal n�cnunting af thc Funda. aliowing creciits and debite to the Funds und the purpo�e for whtch each
<br /> dcbit to che Funda wav made.The Funds nti+e pledged ag ndditional securlty fot ait Fums ae��urr,�i by titiiy�:uriiy instcvntent.
<br /> If tha Fundx held by Lcndsr exceed tho�:mounts permitted�ta be heid by uppNcublo IYw,Lender shall Acecwnt tq Bartqwer
<br /> for the exces�Funda in a�°cordance wlth tht rcquircments of appiicablc law. (f the umount af the Funds held by I.onder at any
<br /> time is not�ufficient tu pay tho Escmw It�ms when due.I.ender muy so natify�rcuwer in writing.and.in such case�arrawer
<br /> shall pay ta I.ender tho umaunt neres�ary tc�mnke up the deficiency. Barrawer sfiall make up thc dcBcicncy ln no moro than
<br /> twclve mnnd�ly puyments.ut l,crtdcr'x r�tc discretion.
<br /> llpnn paym�nl in fitll ui ull r�ums sccurcd by thiR Securlty Inatrument, L.endcr Fhull pramptly refund to Hormwer any
<br /> Purn1A held by I.cnder.If.wxi�r urugrupR�21.l.�:ndcr ahull acquira ar setl the Property,I.ender.prfor to the acquisitian or sole
<br /> of"the Prapexty,c;hull apply any�unda held by L.ender at the time af acquiaition or sale n9 a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> thia Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> 3. Appllc4don of�yment�. Unle�s npplicuble tuw provtdes athervrise.all puyments recclved by Lender under pt�rag hpZs
<br /> I nnd 2 shall be appliod: first,to uny prepuyment charges due under the Nate: second.to amounts payublo under paragrap
<br /> third,to inten5t due:fourth.to principal due:and lart,to uny lato charses dua under the Note.
<br /> 4. Chargest I.lens. Borrower ehall pay ail taxes.assessment�.charges,fines and imposit�ons attributable to tho Property
<br /> which rmy atwin pr�ority over this Security Tnsirumant. s+nd teasehold paym.nts or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> thesc obligations in the ma►iner provtded in purag�aph 2.or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> .�•, . ' ta the person owed puyment. Borrower shali promptly fumish to L.ender all noticer of amonnta�to be paId under this paragraph.
<br /> ;,,.,, .
<br /> ,t .,.;._ . ,.', If Bocrower makes these payments dit�etly.Bortower shall pmmptly fumish to L.ender recelpts evldencin� e payments.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien whlch has pdority over this Ser.udty Instrumant unless Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> ,,I�• ;,. ���-.,,•, wrlting ta the payment of the obli�ation secured by the IIen in a manner acceptabla to I.ender;(b)contests in good feith the lien
<br /> "�'`�`�,�'' ' by. or defettds against enfarcement of ihe lien m. legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> °u"��`���'-" enforcement of the lien: or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> iv•f}.�;., : '"•:;-,..
<br /> ,�,��;,;;,,,��;,a#:.�. this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a llen which muy attein pda ry over
<br /> t.,�. „ this Security Instnuncnt. Lertder may give Borrower a notice identifytng the lien.Horrower shall sadsfy the lien or take one or
<br /> r'-.:'.,,. �•F . � more of the actions sQt forth above within 10 days of the�iving of nottce.
<br /> ''^'� S. HazaM or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep thc lmprovements now eaisting or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � � Property insured against loss by fre.hazards included withIn the term "extended covera�e"and any other hazitrds. including
<br /> ,:, . ftoads or t�aading,t'or•�hicti l.es:der res��sir�s ins�rAru'e. Thic tnsurance shs�il be malntained in the amounts and for the periods
<br /> :i
<br /> that Lender requires. T'he insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chasen by Borrower subject to Lender's approvat
<br /> • � whlch shnll not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower falls to maintuin coverage described above, Lender may. at Lender's
<br /> ,'';° � � optton.obtain coverage to protect Lender's rlghts in the Property in accardance with parngraph 7.
<br /> , � •• Att insura�►ce policies and renewnls shall be acceptable to L.ender and shap include a standard mortgage clause. L.ender
<br /> shall have the right to hold the�olicfes and renewa(s.If L.ender requires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipu of
<br /> � ,. paid premtums and renewal nonces.In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prampt notice to the insurance carrier and[.cnder. .
<br /> - � " I.ender may make proof af loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> . Unless Lender and Bonower otherwise agree m wrlting, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the
<br /> � Property damage8,if the restoration or repair is oconomically feaslble and L.�nder's security is not lessened. If the restoratlon or
<br /> repair is not economically feasfble or Lender's security would be tessened.the insurance praceeds shull be applied to the sums
<br /> . � secuted by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. wich uny excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> ' , praperty,or does not answer within 30 duys a notice fmm Lender thut the insurunce cnrrier has offered to settle a cluim,then .�;,�
<br /> � . Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. I.ender muy use the proceeds to mpair or restore the Property ar to puy sums
<br /> •�'7�':" '• ``'�'' secured by this Securlry Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> � Unless I.ender nnd Borrower otherwise a�ree in writing, any applicntion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or ,
<br /> • postpone the due date of the monthly payments oefernd to in paragruphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> • • � under para�raph 21 the Property i�acquired by I.ender, Borrower's ri�ht to sny insurance policies and proceeds resulting from
<br /> . .; ,� dtunage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender ro the extent of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument
<br /> Immediately pdor to the acquisition.
<br /> - 6. Qccupancy,Preservatian,Maintenance and ProtecHon of the Property; Borrower's Loan Appl[cat(on;l.easeholds.
<br /> �, „ :' • Borrower shall occupy.establish. and use the Property as Bonower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> '- �, this Security Instrument and shatl continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at lea.ct one year after
<br /> • ° . the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise a�rees in writin�, which consent shall not be unreasonabiy wtthheld, or unless
<br /> , '�„ extenuatin� circumstances eaist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bonower shall not destroy, damage or impuir the
<br /> =� � property, allow the Property ta deteriorute. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shaU be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> � action or proceedin�, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in [.ender's good fuith jud�ment could result in forfeiture of the .
<br /> ,;" Property or otherwfse materially impair the tien created by this Secudty Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Borrower may
<br /> E „ cure such u default and reinstate, as provided in paragnsph 18. by causin�the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a rulin�
<br /> that, �� Lender's good faith detetmination, precludes forfetture of the Borrower's intcrest in the Property or other matcrial
<br /> �, " impairment of the Ilen creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Bonower shull ulso be in defuult if
<br /> ., Borrower, durin�the loan applicgtion praess,gave materially false or inaccurute information or stutements to I.ender(or futled
<br /> to provide I.ender with any material information)in connection with the loan evideneed by the Note, inrluding. but not limiteci
<br /> to,mpresentationx concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny�.s u principul rcsidence. If this Security Intitrument i�on a .
<br /> � ' le�sschold, Bormwer shull comply with ull the provisions of the leatie. If Borrawer acquires fcc titic to thc Property, thc f
<br /> leaschold rand the fee title shall not mcrge unles�Lender a�rees to the merger in writing. �
<br /> 't ' 7.Proteetton of Lender's Rights[n the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants nnd agrcements containal in I
<br /> + � this Security Instrument.or there is a legai proccoding thut may significantly affect L.ender's rights in the Property (such ati a I
<br /> r �� ' pruceeding in bankruptcy.probate, for condcmnatior�or forfeiturc or to enforce laws or rcgulations>, then Lender muy do:►nd
<br /> " pay for whutever is necesutry to �rotect the vuluc of the Property nnd Iw�ndcr's rights in the Property. Lender'+acti�ms may
<br /> �:__ ..�:_� f.__ . �hi., Ca.•.�ritv In.fn�m�+nt anMl11'l11L tIl CIIUI'1. D:IVi11L
<br /> � tnctuae a in un �umn sa,ucw u ,i ucn :.m�u ..oa —•:.••:••• ••••° ...•. �
<br /> P Y B Y r r..�..., ~.�. �
<br /> re;isonable uttorneys'fees and entering on the Praperty to makc repain. AlthouKh[.�:nder may takc uction undcr this parugruph
<br /> � 7,I.ender does nut huve to do sc>.
<br /> ' �, Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parugraph 7 shull �come additionul debt of Born�wer .ecured hy thi� �
<br /> Socurity instrument. Unless Borrower and i.ender agrce to other terms of payment, these umounts sh:�ll bear intere�i 1'ram thc
<br /> , dntc of disbursement ut die Nute rate und shali be payable. with interest, upun n�iti�r from Lcndcr a� &�rrowcr nyu�wtin�: �
<br /> payment. �
<br /> � �.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender rcquired mort�age insurnnce as a condition uf muking the l��un secureci by thix Serurity I
<br /> • , [nstcument, Bc�crower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the monguge insuranre in effixt. If, f'or sny rcas�m, the j
<br /> mortgage insurunce coverage required by I.ender lupses or cea.+es tu be in eFf�tit. Bc�rniwer shall pay the pmmiumc rcyuinri to
<br /> obtnin oovernge substuntially equivulent to the mortgege insurunce previousiy in eFf�•ct.ut a rost substuntiully equivnlent to the �
<br /> . cost to Borrower of the mortgnge insurance previou�ly in effect, from an attemate mortguge insurcr upproveci by l.cndcr. If
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> • (
<br /> # •�• aogo 2 0�a Form 3028 9190
<br />