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<br /> � , 9�L �urrix�i :, � ',..
<br /> . SEL]',ERS are irstereeted in selling the edditione7l �ract oi ].��ed. _
<br /> neverthelese the parties are unabl�a �o agrQO upan A ��le �+�i.��
<br /> and upon a11 the tertne end aond 3tione for a eele, then the SE�LERS
<br /> sY�all be free to se11 to anyone el�se upon either prioe or tes•ms, " .
<br /> or both, whioh sesm to �he 3E�L�RB to be more fevorable to them
<br /> thaz� the bes�t offer raade �o them in ths negotiat9.one by �k�e BtiYF.RS.
<br /> Iiowever, 5ELLERS a�ree that� for a period of at 7.eaet nine.,j9) •
<br /> ,mont,kis �theres�fter, they wf.11. ,�bt sell suah additional property to �
<br /> ' � �r�iia�d party either for a. �.�a«er px3oo� ar .upo� moro favoxab�.e__. . .. .
<br /> ,.�_ � ,°����s; '.:c,�,1na�2�� than they .}iad previously refuAed to aooept �f,rc�m
<br /> V���1� • . 1. , 1
<br /> p:+J`4 � . - . . ._ .. .
<br /> ' � z �>,,�;� � .�,:�,,;' . •�..;,��the ��UYE� �"or euoh additionel lsnd, unTesa the BUYERS duxing the
<br /> �'��' �'� � ' �� in�erveni�ig ti.me have withdaaWn thei.r best and hi�heat previous �
<br /> �;
<br /> offer. The terms of the aele may l�e of es great or greeter 9.mport-
<br /> anoe to the SELI,ERS as the priae, ax�d the SELL�;RS ahall have the.
<br /> exalusive right i;o determine theix impor+•ance to them. The Pore-
<br /> going requi•roments sh�11 �nly be appl3.oable to the first time the .
<br /> , ,r��� :� SEZLER: express en interest in a pooaiblo sele o� the edd�.tional
<br /> ,� property� and the wait:ir.g period snall epply only duri�� s�d aPtss
<br /> • � the first ivatanae as above releted. However, if the �EL7�ERS do
<br /> . �� �r� .
<br /> � �" V ��-'1r�' not complete a aa].e in a�oordance with the above provisi.one end
<br /> �:'��•�����'7+•'��4.
<br /> n~�:;���x�^",�� under the aircumetances outlined above, neverthelesa as s metter
<br /> � �,; ,r .�,.
<br /> � '�''�'�'� of gentlemen's agreement, but with no legaZly binding force or
<br /> '.iF�ypYr?
<br /> ��r�,•;� _ ePfeot upon any of the parties hereto, thereafter if and whenever
<br /> Y N c�Y,uf�,. •
<br /> ' F,,,`c'...'.rY•`'�;;:' , the pxeseist owners of such additional property, who ere the 8E� �
<br /> ���TMr"'����•"���� herefn, aha�1 de$ire to ae].1 the additional property� to such ex-
<br /> n�G:h:t��5:�.r • . ..
<br /> ""�`��'�'�`"`�"'{�� � � � tent as ray appear to be practical or feasible, in their opinion,
<br /> .,.�,:'•;;�;s��.��... • ..
<br /> ;;";�'�;:�'�-_ .'�_ ;:",�. the SELI.r�RS s�ia11 try to give the BUYERS of the property, whiah _
<br /> s�.� ._ ..
<br /> `��=�'��`' •� �� is herein sold in this Agreement, suvh firet ahenoe to acquire the ^
<br /> �r.�
<br /> ��,�.��',.�,� . � � � sa�e at a later time and under other airaumstanoes, if suah an „�:�
<br /> ��I�';,�;'�- . , errangenent can properly be worked out without pre3udice, in their �.•
<br /> j�. =''��� ' opinion, to the intere�ts of the SEI,7�ERS of t4�e property 3.n secur-
<br /> "��,•• ing the best posaiUle price and terms for �hem for the same. ThiE
<br /> ,�:.-•� �� :;� provis3cn relat3.ng to fi.rst ri.ght to guroliase is per$onal to the
<br /> ,, BUYERS, or i;he c�urvivor af them, and sha11 not be available to any
<br /> � �� successor in interest.
<br /> i IN WIT'tESS WHEREOF, the partiee have exeouted thic� instxu-
<br /> `' .� . . .: .� , � taent this /�ti'/ dey of April� J.972. Thia i.nstrument is exeouted
<br /> M '� � in tripl3.oate, one copy for the S�LZERS, one copy for the HUYERS,
<br /> � �`', ,,. and ane copy for the E:acrow A�ent.
<br /> �' SEI,ZERS: B�"��'
<br /> � , �
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<br /> � �� • aoy Ue g Ga . Harre e n �
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