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<br /> . appltcablc law mny specify for tefnclutement)bejaia r:ale oF itca �o�,�rty pw�uant to�r,y paxer of�alc cantaisiM�n lhis �
<br /> Seciuity Instrument;or(b)entry of r�Jwclgn�ent enforcing thiR Secarity Insrivmen� fho:w coudido�is r�re that Bunowar: (•r)
<br /> P8
<br /> paya L.ender all sums which then wouid be duc widee this Security Insuw:aent and tt�e N�te as If no accclera�un had
<br /> occurnd;(b)cures any defeult of any other covekants or agreementa;(c)p�ys all exp�nsea incumed iA enforctn$thi�Sacurity
<br /> � Insbument�inclad.ing. b�st aot limltsd to.reasana0le attomays'fees;und(d)tatccs such ectlan es Lender rn�y aeson�bly
<br /> reguire to assUro tl'iat the lIen of thts Secudry Iastrument;l,ender4�rights i�the Property end Borrowet s obli�ttion W pay tt�e
<br /> sums secwed by this 8ecurity Iastniment ahail condnue unchaaged. Upon reinRtate�ent by Hormwel'. thie Setncity
<br /> Insnument and the ob:3gad�ns serured hereby shell rcm�in f��11y effective Hs if no accelerAdon had occune�d. Hawovr.r,thi�
<br /> right to minstata s�aU aot apply�u the case of aarelerntion under paragraph 17.
<br /> �9. Sple ot Note;Char�e olt E.osn Seevi�r. The Note ar a parttal interest in shc.Nou(together wtth tliis Securlty
<br /> Inatrumant)may be sold one or mano dmes without prior notice to aorrower. A sale may nesult in a change in the entity
<br /> (known as the"Loan SetvIccr")that collecta monthly poymente due ander the Note aad thia�curlty Insaument Them also
<br /> may be one or mon changes of the Lonn Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there ls�change of tha Loan S�xvlcer.
<br /> Homuwer wtU be givea written nadce of t�e change in accardance with paragraph lA above and appAcabla isw. Tha notic�
<br /> will statc tho namc and!address of the new Loan Setvtcec uad the nddress.to�vhich payments ehould be mads. Ttte nodce will
<br /> also oontairs any other informadon requfr�ed by applicnble law.
<br /> 20. Ha�rdoas 5ubstances. Bomnwer shaU uot cause or peimit the presence.ase,disposel,storage.or retease of eny
<br /> Hazandous 5ubstances on or ln the Property. Boirower shall uot do. nor allow anyone elscs to du,anythiag affacting the
<br /> Propexty that is in violation of any Eavironmenta!Law. Tha precediag two sentences shaU not apply to the pnsence,use,or
<br /> sWrage on the Property of small quanHdes of Hazardous Substances that are geaerally recogaized to be eppropriste to normal
<br /> resldential uses and w mnintenance of tha Property.
<br /> Bonowor shall pmmptly�ive Lender wrltten nodce of aay inveaclgaHon,cisim.demand, lawsnit or other acflon by any
<br /> � goveramental or c�egWatory agency or private party involviag the Property and any Hazardous Substauce or Eavimnm6ntat
<br /> "-'�'•�' Lew of which Bomnwer has actual knowiedge. If Borrower lcams. or is no6fied by any govemmentel or regula�orry
<br /> ...,;�' 'T .�` suthority,ihat any removel or other reraedladon of aay Hezardous Substanoe affecting thc Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> V; . •. : : shaU promptly teke sU necessary rem e d lal scdoas in acco r dance w i t h E nviro�mmen t a l L.aw.
<br /> '�{L�`�`'�' . . As used�n this paragraph 20,"Hezardous Substances"are those aubstuaces datined as toxic or hazerdous subetences by
<br /> '���°'" ' Environmental I.Qw und the following substances: gasoline. kerosene.other flammabte or toxic pe�olewn products,toaic
<br /> . t. ._. ' .
<br /> �•Y�5�- �k��:�y� pesticidas and herbuides,voladle solvents. materials coatelning asbesws or formaldehyde,and padtaactive matertaYs. As
<br /> �?`'� Y•�� .. ��:�� used in ttus paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means fedetal laws and laws of the judsdicdon wherE the Property is located
<br /> �, � • that relate to health,safety or enviromuental prot�tion.
<br /> ' f•.� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender furiher covenaat and agree as follows:
<br /> � °� : ���r 21. Acceleradon;Remedtes. I.ender shWl gtvo uotice.to Borrower prlor to acceleratton following Borrowe.r's
<br /> '" bres�cL oi eny covenant or e�reement ta thts Security Imsteument(but not prior w aceeleraUon under paragraph 27
<br /> ' ` " ' unle.cc appltcsble Ww provtde�otherwisel. The notice shall specitti: (a1 We defaulti(b)tlte sCtlon e+equired to cure ttte
<br /> : '" lefaalk(c)a dete,not less than 30 days from the dute the nottce ta�ven to Borrower,by whi�the defautt must be
<br /> " , � cured;end(d)that fellnre W cure the default on or isefore the date speclfled W the notfce may result in acc�leratton oi
<br /> � •� the aums sccured by this Security Iastru�ment and sale of t6e Property. The notice shafl further Inform Borrower oY
<br /> „ the right W r+einstate efter sccxleratton ead t6e right to bring a couct acNon to assert the noa-e�dstence of a detaalt or
<br /> � eny other defense of Borc+ower to aaelerallon aad sale. If We defaWt is not cured on or beforn the date epedtied in
<br /> �• , the notice.Lender at its opHon may requise Immediate payment in Yutt of all aums secured by ttds Security L�strument
<br /> without thrttier demand end may tnvoke the power of sale aad any other remedtes perm[tted by applfcable!aw
<br /> , �� � • � �` I.ender shaD be ent�tled to callect aU expenses incurred in ptirau[ng the remedies provided in this paragraph 21,
<br /> induding,but not Itmtted to,reasonnble attorneys'fees and costs of tttle evidence.
<br /> ° � ` " If the power of sale is invoked,'11r�stee shall record a noUce of default!n eacb county in which any part of We
<br /> ' Property is located and shaU maSi copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by appUcable law to Borrower and to
<br /> the other persons prescrlbed by appltcable law After the time requtred by appUcable Iaw,'Itivstee shall give public
<br /> �_ . . notice of sate to the persona and in the manner prescribed by appUceble law 'IYnstee,without demand on Borrnwer,
<br /> ' shall sell the Property at public auctton to tUe higkest bidder a!the dme sud place end under We terma deslgnated i�n
<br /> � ' „ the aattce of sale in one or more parcels and tn any oeder'IYustee determSnea. 'llrustee may postpone sale oi ell or any
<br /> '� parcel of We Property by pubUc announcement at the time end place of any previously scheduled sole. Lender or its
<br /> `, ' �• . . deslgnee may purchase the Yroperty at eny sete.
<br /> `'' �� `', ,•���, ' Upon receipt of payment of the prlce bid,'Itiwstee shall deliver to the purcheser'lln�tee•s decd conve y t a g t he
<br /> � � Pmperty. The rec�tals in We'l�ustee's deed ehaU be prlma facte evidence of the trnth of the statements made there�ln.
<br /> , '1lrustee shall apply the proceeds of the sele tn the following order. (a)to nll costs end expense.g of exerclsing tlte power ,•,_:
<br /> ,..
<br /> �..
<br /> A�
<br /> � . .
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