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<br /> 4 0�€T���i���s Page� �
<br /> ,:,..,�..Y>:, �DS-tl-y�� DPED O€� R
<br /> R-� =_ ._ � �� + Lo�n No 96Z (Conttnuedy
<br /> # , �_.__-�__..__..�—�. ,_,_ ----- —
<br /> pracooCs and refunds ot premlum9)hom eny eale or aingr disposittoa ot tM PropeAy ���`rt'Y`��
<br /> :" t.�� _� �-, prppMy. Tho word"Pro�aA�moarta colacUvofy tho R�I Propatl+and tha Pacon4t Propaty. r "•Y
<br /> ..,, .� ,' ' � ileY Properly. TAa words'Real Propxty'mstn the property.Interesta and riyhts descdbed ebova In the"Convsyanoe and(irtnC s�ctton. *:.,�" q�..•
<br /> ^��'�,.::; �: '�'•-': ii�iatW Oocstm�nt�. TM words"Rtl:tM Ooourmnh•man and InCiud�wllhoul NmltWon a�promfss nota�andil�n�rt�nt�,io��
<br /> t � , -
<br /> � aprMmmb,�mkonrnmLl sprQOm�nb.pwr�nW�,cecurlty�9rwm�nta.matpQpos,d�eds of Wst.and aN o tastrum�ntb pr�nb and � %�,;_
<br /> . . . ° da¢ummts,wMttNt naar a Mn�tiw�,�wou►pd In conrwaiton with tFp lad�btcdnc:s. . . ,':.�
<br /> '� • ;; • .,�,;r; . � � ,.°,.
<br /> ` • itlnts. TM word W�n1s"mw�ns aM p�nt and lutun nnb.r�wnua�Inoom�,Bwos�royaltla�ProAb.tnd othw bNw1lb dwlwA i�om tM ;;:��a}�
<br /> ���. . . r
<br /> TNStM. TM wad'rruatM"mnr�a tJNITED NEBRASKA 9ANK�tiFll►ND ISUWO and�ny su4atltuta a tua�saa butt�. . ;:;�:,°� .._ -
<br /> „..� , Tcusta. TM word"fnntor'rt�ns tny and ail p�om trtd�M►tlp unouting thb t?a�d of Trust,Ir�oludin�wlihcul8mltttlon�II Trulttxs mtrtNd • ..,t:�.�� � � '
<br /> � � �OVI. .. r .;,y.y.
<br /> . , ,.. •_
<br /> .::,.�r;
<br /> -- ,� TA{1�T Is�IVEN AMD ACC�PTED ON TilE FOLI.OWINO TEAM/t :�f���:�:�.:.
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERRORNIANCQ. Exc�pl a oth�rwla proNded In thls D�d o1 Tnni,Trusla�MN p�y fo��nWr aY�mounls Mound by this DNd ': ����'�``°
<br /> � �a o1 Tiwt as th�y b�corn�dw.and�haN ttAOtly�nd In�QmMy rtwnnK pafam�U ot T�uttor�oblfpattons und�r Iho Cr�dll Agnsmmt,this ONd ot °' ��
<br /> � Trutt��nd ttw t�NtUd Oo¢um�ntf. •,, ° :°� .
<br /> .. .. PO�QSSION AND MAtNTENANCQ OP TNQ PROPERTY. Truita iprN�lh�l Ttustors Ro'ss�fston ind us�ol tM PropNty�htN b�povKMd by '�
<br /> � . . iMfOkwItlOPtoVl31of1s: ' . '��:
<br /> i Rowqlon�nd Ua�. UntN tM xour►sna�ot tn Bvtnt of Odault.Trustor m�y (a)romatn in possastlon tnd contrd of tha Propxly. (b)us�, �' ,�f �
<br /> t . op�nt�a mtnap�th�PropKfy,�nd(o)colbol any Rents hom tlur Propsrfy ,.:
<br /> ' Duty to kWnt�tn. Trusta ahili malnWn lhs Ptopaty in tenantabN condlUon tnd prompUr patam al repaWS.roplaartwnb,and matntentno� -• + . • v���•�•:
<br /> ,. .. necssstry tO P�w ite vatus. .''`'•�l .
<br /> �� �� �� N�ardpus gabstx�ces. The te�ms"hazerdous waste;R�aiardous substance,""disposat;'Yetease;and 9hrectened rel�ae'as usad in this ,� �� �� •
<br /> Oeed ot Trust,ahaN hav�the same meaMn�s as sel torth in the Comprehensive Envlronmental fiesponse,Compem,�atlon,and LabUity Act of � , ,.. ,:
<br /> 1680,oa amended,42 U.S.C.Seetlon 9801.et seq. ('CERCIA),the SupeAund Amendments end Reauthorlmtlon Aaf ot 1988,Pub.L.No. ,� "`
<br /> � " 99-499(".SARA'�,the Haaardous Matertata Tror�spalation Act,49 U.S.C.SecUOn 1801,et seq..lhe Resouroe Conservation and Raaovery Aol,
<br /> 49 U.S.C.SeaUon 6801,et seq.,or other appUcable state or Federal laws,ruies,or reputaUOna adopted pureuaM to any o!tho foreQoinp. The „ .,,�5�►��' r
<br /> ° � ms'harerdous waste'and"f+amrdous substance shall also Include,wlthout IlmttnUon,peboteum and petrotaum by-ptoduob or 8ny hsction !� �
<br /> th�root and asbestos. Trusior represents and wartanb fo lender thah (a)Durinp the pertod ot Trustora ownerahfp at the Properly.the►e hns I � .,�•.=•� ,
<br /> �. been no use,qenereflon,manufacture,atora9e,beatment,dbposal,release a Ihreatenad retease of aoy hamrdous waate a substencs by any Y`.,��
<br /> ---- perr,on an�undsr�ar abaa!!hs Praparly; t4?Tiuetor hes no know�g?et,a rm,son to believe that there hna been.exoePl ea ProviouslY _
<br /> d�ciosed to and aeknowledped by Lender in wriHap, (q any use,generetion,manutaclure,atorape.treatment,dlsposel.release,a threatened -• � i.
<br /> release of any hareMous wsste or substenoe by any pdor owners or ocoupants of lne Propedy ot pi)any actuat a threatened titlpatlon or •:
<br /> � claims o?any kind by any per�on relstttng to suah matteis;and (c)ExcePt as prevlousty disclosed to and acknowledped by Le�dor in writlng, ;��, �.
<br /> , ' p)ne8her Trusta nor any tenant,contractcr,apeM ar other authorl=ed user of lhe Property shali use.penerate.maeutaotwe,storo,treat. � , �.
<br /> dlspose of,a releas9 any heserdous waste a aubstance on,under,or about the Propedy and (U)any such acHvily shalt be conducted in
<br /> ' compNance wlth atl applleebie(ederpl,state,and toeal laws,regulado�and ordinances,inetuding without Iimitatlon those lawa,repuiado�,and ` �,�
<br /> Ordinitw�s deSCdbed ebove. Trustor authatzes Lender end its egants to enter upon the Ptoperty to make sueh i�pectlo�and tesis,et ,� � �
<br /> Trustafs expense,ss Lender may deem app�oprtate to determirte compilance ot the Property wKh this secNon ot the Deed ot Tnist. Ariy ,
<br /> InspecUOns or tests mada by Lender ahaU be for Lenders purposes only and shalt not be construed to aeate any responsibllily ar UeblUty on tAe ".', �•
<br /> � � • peR ot Lender to T�ustar or to any other person. The representaGo�and wer►antles contaleed herein are based on Tn�stors due dUlpence In ,;/� `i
<br /> U�estlpatlnp the Propert�r for harerdous waste. Trusfor hereby (a)releases and watves any tuture ctalms epainst lender ta indemnity or . �
<br /> � contributlon in the event Trusta becomes Nabte for qeanup or other eosfs under any sucn taws,and (b�agrees to IntlemMry and hold hermtess °', ,.
<br /> ' lender sgelnst am►and all claims,tosses,IlabNities,damages,penaltles,and expen.aes which Londer may direody or tndireody sustatn a suBer , •
<br /> resutdrp hom 8 breach of lhis seodon of th9 Oeed of TNSt or as a consequence ot any use,generaHon,menufacture,Sforage,disposal,reiease � '���
<br /> a threatened release oecuMng pda to Trustor's ownershlp or interest tn tAe Property.whether or not the sart►�was or shouid have been . ,� `'}'�'°
<br /> • known tp Tru9tar. The provisions ot this seetbn ot the Deed of Trust,Inciuding the obilgatlon to indemnlly,Shali suMve the payment ot the . , ;�:: '
<br /> • Indebledness and the satisteatlon and recomreyance of the Uen ot thls Oeed of Trust and shall not be aMeoted by Lender's ecqubition o!any � - �
<br /> z „ k�te�esl in the PropeAy.whather by toreclosure or otherwise. � �
<br /> .'. Nuls�r►cs�Waste. Trustor eha0 not cause,conduct ot permR any nuisance nor eommit,permit,or suNer any sMppinp of or weste on ot to the
<br /> Properly or any poAlOn of the Properly. Without tlmltinp Ihe generatity of the taegoing,Trustor wlll not remove,o�grent to any other paRy the „
<br /> „ , ripht to remova,any timber,minerats(Inciuding ofl and ges),soll,gravet or rock producb wilhout ttre prior wrftten coruent of lender. � ,
<br /> Removd Of imp�ovements. Trustor shaN nol demolish ot temove any Improvements from 1he Fiea�Property without the p�ior wdNen consent �
<br /> " . of Lender. As a condtdon to!he removat of any Improvements,Lender msy reQuire Trusto�to make artangemems sadataotory to Lender to i ��
<br /> � replace suoA improv�ments with�mprovemenb of et least equat value. • '
<br /> !. L�nder'a Ripht to Enter. Lender and 8a agents and representatives may enter upon the Real Praperty at ep reasonabie tlmes fo aNend to � �
<br /> lenders iMeresb and to Inspect the PropeRy for purposes of Trusta's compllance wlfh the terms and condfdons of this Deed of Trust. ;
<br /> , Compllanee wlth Govemmentat Requlrements. Trustor shall promptly comply wlth ail laws,adinancea,and regulaUons,now a hereafler In '
<br /> ` eftect,of ali govemmentat auihorlties eppltcabie to tM use or ocoupancy of the Property. Trustor may coNest in good faflh any auch law, �
<br /> � � ardinnnCa,or tepulatlon and withhWd compiiat�ce duting any praceeding,including appropdate appeals,so�ong e5 Tntstor has noUfled Lender
<br /> In wrlAng pda to dalnp so end so lonp as,in Lender's sole optnion,LondePS tnterests in the Property are not Jeopardl�d. Lender may requlre i
<br /> husta to post adequate securlty or e surely bond,reasonably sadstactory to Lender,to protect lender's interesl.
<br /> � � 6eD tetOrlh BbOVe�ln h�seCtlO r wh Ch homthe ChdereCte end use Ot�ihe Peoperty ete�reesonably neCessaryeo P otect 8nd padesetve the Property.�
<br /> WE ON 8ALE+CON8�IT BY LENDFR� Lender may,at tts optlon,declare tmmedlately due and payable eli sums secured by thls Deed of Trust
<br /> " upon th9 eale ar banster,wNhout the Lendere pdor wdHOn consent,of all or any paA ot tho fteel PropeAy,or anY Interest ln the Real PtopeAy. A �
<br /> 'lsote a transfer'means the aonveyance ot Reat Properly a any dght,tltle a intereat therein;whelher Npat,beneAcial or equftabte;whether vWuntary ;
<br /> w Envotur�ry;whethe►by outripht sate,deed,instel�ment sate contract.tand contreet,conRact tor deed,leaseloid InGe�esftivith a te�m�reater then �
<br /> threa(3)years,teace-aptlon contract,or by sate,�,ssfgnment,or transfer ot any beneNdal Interest in or fo 3ny land trust hoiding Ntlg t0 the Real i
<br /> Propedy.or by ar►y other method ot comreyanee of Reai Properly Interest. It any Trustor is a corporatlon,partne�ship or�imitad Nability company,
<br /> � ' � lrflngler 8IS0 inCiudes any chenpe in owtrershlp of more thfln twenty-ftve perCent(2896)ot the votinp 3tock,partnership In!erests Or Amited IlabAily
<br /> . compeny Inter�te,as the case may be,of Tnrstar. However,this opHon shalt not be exerclsed by lendar If suah exe�cise is prohlbtted by federal
<br /> �GW MAV N1011lCOYY�IIW_ . .
<br /> � TAXEB AND�ILNS. The followir�g provlslon3 reladng to the texes and tlens on the PropeAy are a pflrt of thls Oeed of T�ust.
<br /> •. � � Peyment. Trustor shal�pay whon dua(and In ail events prior to delinquency)all faxes,specia�laxes,as5essmenls,charges(Including water
<br /> � � end sewer),flnes and Imposttions tevted agalnst a on account ot lhe Properly,and shalt pay when due aA c�alms tor wak done on or tor
<br /> cervices rendered ot materlel fumished to the Property. Ttustor shali mafntaln the Property free of a�l Itens haNng prlorlty over a equat to the
<br /> � • � � Intetest o!Lendor under this Desd of Trust,except for the Ilen o}taxes flnd aesessmenb not due and except as otherwlse proNded tn this Oeed
<br /> ?1t' of 7rust.
<br />- •• Riph!To Coateat. Trustor mey withhold payment oi any tex,assessment,ar delm fn connectlon wNh a good laith dispute ovet the obligadon
<br /> to pay,so long as lender's Interest tn the Property Is not Jeopardized. if a tlen arises or is 81ed as a resull af nonpayment,Trustor shelt wtthin
<br /> Atteen(16)days atter the Ilen arlses or,It a Ilen is lued,wfthln tiNeen(1S�deys aNar Trustor has noNce of the filing,seeure the dlscharge ot the
<br /> �en.or it requested by lender,deposit with lender cash or e sutticient corporate surety bond or olher securlty saNstactory to Lender in an
<br /> amount suHident to dlsaharge the tlen ptus any costa and attorneys'fees or other charges that coutd nccrue as a result of a toreotosure or sete
<br /> under the Ilen. In any contest,Tn�stor shall detend itsett and Lender and shell sa8sly any edverse Judgment betore entorc:ement aqelnst the
<br /> � , ; • . PropeAy. Trustat ahali name Lender as an addHional obtlgee under any surety Dond fumished in the contest proceedings.
<br /> •'�° � �vidence of PaymenG 7n�stor shali upon demand fum.�sh to Lende�satlsfactory evidence ot payment af!ha te�ces or assessments and shali
<br /> > , �
<br /> !
<br /> •�
<br />