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<br /> lq.'1'r�rn�ttr of the @rupetty or«�enetld�l IMer�et le B�xmwer.if a11 ar�uny TMet a�ti�Frupe�.�v�iu►y ir�erat in it �
<br /> is�ld or tran9ferrcd(ur iP n beneftci�l lntcra�t in Bonower is a�id or trnnsfer[e�and Rc�rruwer Is not a naturai peraonj withrwt
<br /> Lender`� prt�r wrltten eonscnt, Ltnder mAy, at it$option, rcyuIm Innnr�liate payment bn full of ell nums sacure.� by thja
<br /> Securlty Inetrument. liowever. this c►ption ehall not be cxercisai by l.cndcr if exercise is prnhibite�si bp falerat law as uY the dwte
<br /> of this Socurity instnimcnt. '
<br /> If Lender oxercisea thi�opUan.I,encier shall give Hormwer noticu UF asceleration. '[he notice shall provtde a psricxl of not
<br /> H
<br /> aums secu
<br /> lesa thAn 30 dny�fr�m tbo d+w t6a no�ia ls d�Uvend or mailcd within whic�lt Bomo�ver must pry si1 �ct by thi�
<br /> Sacu►3ty Instrumetu. It Horrnw�r't�lY If!'pay d�ex sums prior to the expiration of thin perlod.Lender mny iavukd wny c+cmodies
<br /> permittaf l�y tl�is Securli i�W�+tsi:.ttt ti:lthMat flu�er aotice or demnnrl Rn Hnrrowcr.
<br /> lg. gormwRY� � to�W�; �(•Borrower meeta cxrwin conditiotts, Barrower SI18�I Il�VC 1FiC 1��1� LG I1tVC
<br /> enforccmcn4 of thi+ Sccurity tnstnunent disuontin�t at any ti�ne prior to th�carlier..af: (uJ S daye (or such att�er perfod n
<br /> npplicable law may specify for scinstatement)befan sale of thc Praperty pursuant to any power of xale containc�id it� thie
<br /> Secudty Instrument;ar(b)entry af a Judgment enforcing this Secudty instrument. Thosa condittons sn th�r�t Bonower:(a)p�ye
<br /> t.,ender all suma whieh then would be due w�der thia Security Instcurnent and tha Nate as if no ucceleratlon had oocucrat; (b)
<br /> cure.g any default of nny other oovenants or eg�cements;(c)pa s ali expenses incucred in enforcing thia Secudry inswmcnt,
<br /> including.i�ut noc limited to, t+easonuble attorneYs' fees;und(d�takes such accion as Lender may reasonabty require to Assurt
<br /> that the lien of thia Serudty Instrument. l.ender s dghts in tlie Property und Horrower•s obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> thia Secudty Iitsuument shail continue unahanged. Upon reinstatemant by Borrower. tl�ie Sec�dty Instniment and the
<br /> abligattons securod hemby shall remstn fuAy effective us if no acceteratian had occutred.However,this r�ght ta ninstate shall
<br /> not npply in the case of accelerat�on undQr paragraph 17.
<br /> lA. Sale ot Note; Change ot Lostn Servicer.The Note or a partial iuterest in the Nute(together with this Securiry
<br /> Instrumeat)may be so�d one or more dmes without pdor notice ta Borrower.A sale may result ia a chan�e In the entity(knowa
<br /> as the^Loan Servicer")thut collects monthly puymenta due under the Note and this 5ecurity Instcument.Theta also ms►y be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Sen�icer mu�elated to a sate of the Note.If thene iB a ehange of tbe I.�oan Sen+iccr,Barcower�viil be
<br /> � g[ven w�itten notice af the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above a�d appiicable law.Tlte notice wiU siate thn n��ne and
<br /> � address af the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice wiii alsa oontain any other ,
<br /> infora�ation raZutred by applicxible law.
<br /> � ?,p. Huffindous Substaitces. Botrower shaU aot cause or pem�it the preseace, use. disposal, staruge�ur release af any
<br /> ,, �;f, � Hezerdous Substances on or in tho Propercy. Borrower shall not do, r�or eiliow �yan� alsc, :o do, at�ything affectin� the
<br /> �. Pcoperty that is in violation of any Envimnmental Law.The precc�ing two sentences sWii! not apply to the presenco. use. or
<br /> � stora�e on the Property of small quantitIes af Ha7ardous 5ubstances that are generally reco;nized ta be appropriate w aormal
<br /> residendal uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shalt promptly give Lender wrltten nottce of su►y investi�atlon.claim. demand. lawsuit mr ather actlon by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Bnvlronmental Law
<br /> of which iiorrower has actual knowled�e. If Borrower leams.or ts noufied by uny govemmental ur r�egulatory authority,that
<br /> any removal or other remediation of aay Hazardous Substance affecting the Prupecty�s nece.ssary.Borrower shaU promptly take
<br /> i all necessary remedia►aetions in accordanco witu Bzivi�v�u��ttat Law.
<br /> i As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardovs Substanas"are those substances defined as toxic or hezaidous substances by
<br /> ' Envimnmr.ntal Law and the following substanees: gc�soline. kerosene. other flammable or tox�c petroleum products. toxic
<br /> � pesticides and herbicicles.volatife solvents.materlals conteining asbestos or formaldehyde,und radtoactive materials.As used in
<br /> ' this paragraph 20, "Environmentcil Law" rteeans federal laws and luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated that
<br /> �=�:� relate to health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> •;�r:, NON-UATIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Leraler further covenartt sind ngcee as follows:
<br /> � xl. Acceleration;Remedles.I.ender shall give noNce to Borrower prior to axeleration following 8ornower's brea�h
<br /> � of any covenant or egreeraent in this Securtty instnument (but not pr[or to aoceleration under p�ragraph 17 unles�
<br /> appl[cable Iaw provtdes otherwtse).The noNce shall specify: (a)tk�e defautt; (b�the actton re�uired to cure the defaulk
<br /> (c)a dstte,not less than 30 dnys from the date the nottce is gtven to Borrower,by which the defauit must be cured;and
<br /> (d) that faUure to cure the deisult on or be[ore the date spectfied in the notice�nay result in acceleration of the stuns
<br /> secured by thts Security Instn�ment and sale of thc Property. The notice shall furUter inform Borrower o!the dght to
<br /> rcinstate after aoceleration and the right to brtng a rnu�t action to assert the non�xistence of a default or any other
<br /> det'ense of Borrower to aoceteratton and sale. If the de!'eult is not cured on or b�efore the date specifled in the nottce,
<br /> Lender, at Ita optlon,mey require immedtate�payment M full of atl sums secured by this Security Instnunee�t without
<br /> �at:F nn• further demand and muy tnvoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitteti by applicabie law.I.en@er shaU be
<br /> entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies prov[ded i�n this paingraph 21.Includi�,bat not Itmited
<br /> ,�'��i�: �;,, to,reus�►nable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> ��:r�'..:•';�: U ihepower o[sale is Imoked. Trnstee shall recard a notice of default ia each county in whfch uny part of the
<br /> `;�•:�:.:`.���� Pro�erty Es located and shatl mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applica6le{aw to Borrower und to
<br /> �•:?:::��:. . the ather persom ptrscribed by applicuble law.ARer the time required by eppltcable lew,Ttvstee s1uil1 give publlc natice
<br /> }�._...Y�...
<br /> �;�.s�•.��• ' of sale!o the persons and in the miutnet�prescribed by nppiicable law.'frustee,wlthaut demand on Borrower.shall
<br /> .:�'�`� "' ' the Pnn�erty at publtc auctfon to tbe highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms deslgnuted in the nottce ot
<br /> +w;=';�-'•= sale in one or more parceis and in any urder Tcustee determines.Trustee may postpma�P sele of all or eny parcel of the
<br /> ' "± � � Property by pubiec an�ouncement at the time and place of any previousty scheduled sale. Lender or its desigrtee may
<br /> '�.�:�;::.� . purchase the Pro�ty at any sale.
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