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<br /> ��Gl.- aQriil�°�
<br /> '�. �f�rd or f'rr►pexty l�urt�ncc. Borrower !�ti�li keep the lmpravcment,g naw cx'�titing otn c�rea�iter arccted an the
<br /> Prupeny i�isured ogainst luss by fire, hu_+,�u�iri fncl�ded wtthin th�term "extsndcil caverage" aaQ any utt�ce ha�aeds, iacludi�iy
<br /> flu�xls or f1�xxlinB,fur which l.cndr.r tcyu{rcr iu�;uruncc. 77�ia insurcincc yhall bc i�iaintninsd in the nmourts uncl f�r tt�a pc;ri+►ds
<br /> lliui I.ender reyuirc�. Tt�e i�►�u��ujke eiu�ficr��i-���Iding tho ic�surunce tihail be chosen by tk,rruwer eubJcct t��Lcrs�cr's epgmvat �'
<br /> wl�icb sl�nll not he unrc:�uuiably withhc�d. if I��rrowcr fa�ln ta m�intuin a�veruge dc�crjbcaf nlx�vc. l.cndcr msy. a! [.ctxlet's •
<br /> optian.obtain covcmge ta protect I.ender'x right�in thr Property itt ucmrdsnce with purapraph y.
<br /> All insurunce pnlicies und �rnewnl� ehuU he uccc:ptublo[u I.ender t�nd shail inctudc u stnndurd ntar4guge cluuse. I.cnder
<br /> shull have the right tn hald Ihe policteti und renowuta.�f Lcmicr requires. Banower shuli pmmntly givc to Lendet utl rcceipts af
<br /> pnld premiums und renewal nntice�.In 4ho event��f luss.Borrawer shall give prompt nadre ta ths insurance currler and I.cndec.
<br /> Lender may m:ike praof of loss if not made pramptly by B�rruwer.
<br /> U�less Ixnder and Bonawer otherwise c►gree in writing,insumnce prorerds shidi be appliesi to restoratlon or npnir of the
<br /> Property dartwged.if the mstoration��r repair is cronumtcAlly feaslble und I.ender's sa:urlty ia not Iesscned. if the restorat[an ar
<br /> repair is nat economicuUy fes�ible ar Leniler's secudty would be lessened,the insurunce proceed.g shnll be Applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. whether or not then due, with uny excess paid to Bovrower. if Borrower nbundons the
<br /> Property, or docs rtot answer within 30 daya u noticc from Lender ehut the insumncc carcier has offered ta s:ttle a clafm.then
<br /> Lcnder may callect the insurance proceeds. Lender muy u�e the prcoceed.s to rep�lr or �estore the Aroperty or to pay sums
<br /> scxurod by this Securiry Insuument.whether or not then due.The 30-dny period wiU begin when the notice is givcn.
<br /> Unless Lender nnd Barrower otherwlse agree in writing. any applicution af praccxds ta prit�cipal shall not extend or
<br /> postpane the due dute of the monthly puymentx referced to in paragropha I and 2 ar change the umount of the payments. If
<br /> under paragruph 21 the Property is ncqulred by Lender, Barm�ver's dght to�ny insurance poticies und procecds msuldng from
<br /> dpmage to the Praperty prlor to the ncquisition Sh;ill pass to Lender tn the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instnunent
<br /> immediately pr�or to the a�:quisition.
<br /> 6.Oocupancy,Pneservation.Muintenunce and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Laan Application;I.easeholds.
<br /> Borrower shall c�ccupy,estabtish.und ure the Property as&�rrower's pr�ncipal residence within siary duys nfter the excxutian of
<br /> ihis Security Instrument and shall cantinue to accupy the Property us 8arrower's princtpal residence for�t teast one year after
<br /> the dute of occupancy,unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing,which cansent shall not be unre�sonably withheld.or unless
<br /> extenuating circumstances ezist which are beyond Borro�ver's controt. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair thc
<br /> Prnperty. altow the Property to deteriorate, or commlt wnste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if uny forfeiture
<br /> ;, action or procceding. whether civil or criminal,is Ue�u.n that in Lertder's g�ood faith judgment c�uld result in forFeiture of the
<br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Barrnwer may
<br /> cure such a default and reinstute,as provtded in paragraph I 8,by causin��he action or proceeding to be dismissed wlth a ruling
<br /> that. in Lender's good fuith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other matedal
<br /> "�� impairment of the Iten crrated by this Security Instrument or I..ender's securiry interest. Borrawer sh�ll also be in default if
<br /> �`' Bomower,during the loan applicadon process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> to provide I.ender with any material information)in connection with the laan evidenced by the Note. including.but not Iimited
<br /> to,representations conceming Borrower's oocupancy of the Property ;�s a principal r�esidence. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> ieasehold. Borrower shull oomply with all the pmvisions of the lea�e. If Borrawer acquires fcc title to the Property. the
<br /> leasehold�nd the fee titte shall not merge unless Ixnder agress to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.�tectton o!Lender's dtip,hts in the Pmperty.If Borrower fa�ls ro perform the caveaants and agreemenu contained in ;
<br /> this Security Instrument.or there is a legal proceedin� that may si�oificantly affect L.ender's ri�hts in the Property(such us a
<br /> proaed9ng in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulntions).then Lender may do und �;
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the v�lue of the Property and Lertder's ri�hts in the Property. Lender's actions may �
<br /> �.
<br /> include payin� any sums secw+ed by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument, appearing in court. paying =�
<br /> �+easonable attorneys' fees nnd entering on the P'roperty to make mprsirs. Although Lender may take nction urtder this puragraph ^:�"
<br /> 7.Lender doels not have to do so. '�-'.-
<br /> My �unounts disburse� by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by this �'`�.�:.'
<br /> <:-,:.
<br /> Secur�ty Insuvment. Unless Borrower end Lender agrrx to other terms of payment, these amounu shall bear interest from the -�r
<br /> date of diabursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with inte��est, upon notice froin Lender to Bomower reqUesting .�..`"
<br /> PaY�e-
<br /> �,lNlmrtgsge I�surartce.If Lender required mort�uge insutvme as ss mrtdiGon of makin�the loan secand by this Security ��
<br /> Insm+ment. Borrower shall pay the pmmiums required to maintain the mort�age insurance in effect. If. for any reason. the •
<br /> mortgage insurance coveru�e required by L,ender tapses or ceases to be in effece,Bomower shall pay the preauums required to .
<br /> obtain corrern�e substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at u cost substantially equivu(ent to the "
<br /> cost to IIcJrower of the niortga�e in�urance previously in effect, from an altemate moRgage insur+er approved by Lender. If •
<br /> subswntis�[ty equivsilent mortgage insurarece coverage is not avai(able.liorrower shali pay to Lcnder each month a sum equai to �
<br /> one-twelfth of the yeady mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bonower when the insurance coveruge lapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in effect.Lender witt accept.use and retain theQe payments as a loss t+eserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> w.m ao2s srso
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