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<br /> . 6� _��,onsnce„_12en r� a�1� S'S�III��x1S�e � ,�"h .awe. .. Truetor
<br /> ' +ahall keep the P�operty fn good cnndition aad rRpairs a��ll � •
<br /> �zomptly repai�, or re�laae, any impravement whl.ch tn�ey 3� c'l�msged �
<br /> or de�troyedi ehail not aommit or pe�rni� auiy a►pto c�x detariora-
<br /> tia� of the kropezty� eha�Z nok �emove, d.emol�ah ur aubstantia►11� ,
<br /> aiter a�ny o� the improver�er►�.e� o�� tlzs Pxo�arL-�r j �bail i�o� �am.-ni�, „
<br /> euffer or permit any act to �be done in or upon Che Propez�y in ,
<br /> via�.ation of any law, oxdinance or regulationt and ehall pxomptly „
<br /> d�sahaxge at Truetor�e cost and expenae al.l liene, encumbrance�a
<br /> and chargee levied, impoaed or asseesed againe�t khe Pxa�aerty or
<br /> any part thereof.
<br /> �, �n�nt Dotnain. Lender is hereby assigned all aompeaea- ' �
<br /> y tion, awarde, damagee and a�her payrr�entis or zel3.cf (hereinafte�c
<br /> "Proceeda") in connection with condemnatfon or other taking of
<br /> the Property or part tYnereof, or for.cr�AVeyance in lieu oE aon-
<br /> demnation. Lender ehal3. .be entitled a� itg option to aommence,
<br /> appear in aad proeecu�Q 3n i�.s own ix�me� any action or.pzoceed-
<br /> �f�ngo; asid eha�.l also b.e entit].�d to ma�e any �omproin�se. or set- �•�����`�
<br /> tlemen'� _3,n connect�.an'wfth auc�, t�ci,nc� ar damag�. In� the event . .
<br /> any port•ion of the Property ia sa taken or damaged,� vander' �sha11 � •� � '.�
<br /> have the opticn, it its sole ansY absolute diacxetioa, to apg�� �
<br /> �t,, all such Proceeda, after deducting therefrom a].l coate arzd
<br /> expens�s incurr�d by it in connection with euah Proceeda, upon
<br /> any indebtedneas secured hereby and in auah order ae Lender may
<br /> determine, or to apply aLl such Proceeds, after such deductione,
<br /> to the restoration of the Property upon euah conditions as Lender
<br /> may detormine. Any application of Proceede to indebtedneae ehall
<br /> not extend or poetpone the due date of any paymeatB under the
<br /> No�e, or cure any default thereunder or hereunder. �lny unapplied
<br /> ,
<br /> funds eh�ll be paid to Tsustox.
<br /> � g� AeYfertnan_ce �y Lender. Upon the occurrence of an Event
<br /> c �� of Default hereunder, or if any act ia taken or legal proceeding
<br /> 1 ,�,�si�..�r
<br /> ,�; commericed, which materially affects Lender's intereet 3n the
<br /> - - ,.��;�;�.��' Proper.�y, Lend�r may in its own diecr�tion, but r�ithout obli.ga- _
<br /> ;,.A,;!�?�',, tion to do so, and without notice to or demand upan Trustor and
<br /> ,.�� . without releaeing Tr.ustor from any obligation, do any act wliich
<br /> . .� �Y�;;� Trustox has agreed but fa,il.s to do and may aleo do any other act
<br /> � � . �.' it deems neceesa�y to protect the security hereof. Trustor
<br /> shall, immediately upon demand therefor by Lender, pay ko Lender
<br /> ' � � �•�- all coete and expenses incurred and aums expended by Lender in
<br /> .#"�k'"�';'��*��:".�;r connection with the sxercise by Lender of the foregoing rights,
<br /> �'"� '��'r�`^���•h��°�.;� together with 3aterest thereon at the default zate provided in
<br /> :� ���:�`r' �1•. . � the Note, which shall be added to the indebtednesa secured
<br /> _.';;,,�,_ ,,,,. hereby. Lender sha11 not 3ncur any liability because of anything
<br /> r�. it may do or omit to do hereunder. �,,
<br /> i�;-- � .
<br /> �1���-. ,, g, Ha2a_rdOLS tutater�a1s. Truetoz ahall keep the Property in
<br /> ,,:«���'?�, � compliance with all applicable lawa, ordinances and regulatione .
<br /> ; , "' • relating to 3.nduatrial hygiene or environmental protection
<br /> �, �. :�,; � , (collectively referred to her�in as "Environmental Lawa") . True-
<br /> � tor shall keep the Property free from all substances deemed to be ..
<br /> � � � hazardous or �oxic under any Environmental Lawa (collectively
<br /> � referred tc, herein as "Hazardous Materials°) . Trustor hereby
<br /> � warranta and represente to Lender that there are no Hazardous
<br /> Materials on or under the Property. Trustor hereby agrees to
<br /> - � indemnify and hold harntless Lender, its directors, officere, em-
<br /> •�` . �� ployees and agenta, and any auccesaora to Lender�s interest, from
<br /> '� ` ' and against any and all claime, damages, lossea and liabilities
<br /> � arieing in connection with the presence, use diaposal or trans- I ..
<br />- �: - port of any Hazardous Materials on, under, from or about the
<br /> `. 10. Aaeignme t o� Rente. Trustor hereby asaigna ta Lender I
<br /> � � the rents, iseues and profita of the Property, provided that �
<br /> � . Trustor shall, until the occurrence of an Event of Default here-
<br /> . under, have the right to collect and retain euch rents, issues }
<br /> � ,�'•�- and profits as they become due and payable. Upon the occurrence �
<br /> `��� of an Event of Default, Lender may, either in person or by agent,
<br /> <. '-�: ,.1,
<br /> g �
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<br /> ,,
<br /> ,� , '•
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