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<br /> �..;. _.. �.tir`� � ,.y � ..[ ._...:.•a '�`' _ .,i.:.�.
<br /> . � �+-., ,. ���' i
<br /> . tt ;
<br /> . a.;
<br /> �To ��Va��.1
<br /> �.Nuardaw M�1+is.Tructor ehall ke�p ths P�opsrty In aompll�nc�v�lth a�l�pptio�tbl�law�,ordtmnc�a�nd rputatiom
<br /> rolaMtp ta Induetrtal hyyirn�or rnvtrom�nUl prot�ation(aoll*otiv�ly r�t�rr�!to heeln as"Hnvironmmt�l Law�'�,Yru�tor�hatl
<br /> k�p tl�e Prop�ty hN iram�!t�u�qmcp daem�d to b�hwrAaw or toxio und�r any Envi�onm�ni�t Law�(calNatEwy rNr►nd to
<br /> h�rsln as"H�rdou�M�terlah'�.tru�tor henby warnnts�nd npreants to l,��d�r Mat th�r�are no t0��rdou�l M�Mr�al�on or
<br /> unda tM Prc�pKty.Tnulor hsnby�p�N�to Ir►d�mniy�nd hcid humN�s t�ndn�Iq dincton,ofNeKS,�mpbyN�and�pmts,and
<br /> •ny wor.NSOn 6o L�nder�IntaNt,horr�and�q�inat any�nd�ii clatm�,d�m�pa,lo�and Il+�bilitl��rhin�in conn�flon wHh
<br /> tM gr�►co,u�,dtopocoi.a iranr�po�i o!cny Hausrdous Matcriata an.urtdtn,trem or�boat ihe PropeR�.THE FOREQOIN�
<br /> 10. A��wM W R�nt�.Trustor henby aalpns to Lsndar ths renu.faues and protits of th�P�op�rty;provld�d that Tro�tor
<br /> shatl,unb!th�xeua�nce of an Ewnt of D�hui!h�eunder.hw�ths�I�ht to collsot and ntai��uah rorK�,tauasand protib a9 fMy
<br /> b�aoms dus and payabls.Upon ths onaurranc�af an Ev�nt o!Osfaul6�ender may,either in penon or by epent,with or wiMout
<br /> b►tnpinp any aotlon or prow�dinq,or by�r�ceiv�r�ppotnted by a couR and without repard ta the adsquaay ot its teaudty.ant�r
<br /> upan�nd fake posseaalon of the PropeRy,o��ny paRth�.Teof.in Ib own name or in Ms name otMe TrusU�,and do any aats whtoh It
<br /> Ina�reess tha tneome se ef om or�proteat�the seauriry hs�roof nnd,rwith or�without takinp po��eaeaelon of t�h PropeAy.su�toNor
<br /> otheiwise colleat ths�ante,lssuss and praHb thsreol.Ineludinp those paet due artd unpaid,and eppty the aame,teas costs and
<br /> expsnsesof operatton artd cotteatlon Ualudinp sttorneya'fees,upon any indebtedneaa seaured hereby,all tn suah ober aa Lende�
<br /> msy determine.The enterinQ upo�and takinp poseession of the Property,tha cotterstion ot auab renta,issues and proHb and ths
<br /> app�loaUon thereot a�atoresafd,shall not eure or waive any defauit or�otice ot detauft hereunder or Irnaitdate any aet done in
<br /> responss to such OstauR or pureuant to suah nobce ot detault and,notwlthatendinp the aonGnusrtce in poaeeasion of the Property or
<br /> the t��lrxMon,recelpt and eppilcetlon at rents,lesues or profita,and Truatee and tsnder ahell be endUed to exerciae evsry dpht
<br /> providsdfor inanyof theLcar►Oocumentaorby�aw uponoccurrenceof anyEventof Qetaul�including withoutlimitaUonthenpMto
<br /> oxe�cias the power of aale.�urther,tsnder's ri�hts and remedles under thia paragreph shnll be cumulative wit�.and in no way a
<br /> limiritio�►on.tsnde�a�ightsand remediesunderanyeas�8nmentof lesees and rentsrecordedagnMaStheProperty.Landor,Truatea
<br /> and the teaeiver shall be ilabte W account only those rents aatuatly recefved. '
<br /> 11. Ewnb ol ONault The totlowing aha�l conatltute an Event of Oafault under thta Oeed of Trust
<br /> (a) Failure to pay any instailment ot prtnoipal or intereat of ar�y other sum aecured hereby when due; r
<br /> (b) Abreachofordefaultunderanyprovialo�containedintheNote,thiaDeedofTruet,anyoftheLoanDocuments.orany
<br /> other�ten or encumbrance upon the ProperN;
<br /> (o) Aw�itof exeauUon or attachment or any simiiar procesa shatt ba entered againstTrustor whfoh shall become a Ilen on ✓;��
<br /> the Property or any,portlon the�eof or interest therel�; �
<br /> (d) There ehafl be flled by or againot Trustor or Bo►rower an acdon under any preasnt or tuture tede�al,sfate or other ��;:::
<br /> �^ ��+ • statute.law or regulaUon�elatlng to bankruplaq,insolvenay or othe�retlef for debto►s;or there shalt be appointed any trustee, ,,,
<br /> recalver or Nquldator of Trueoor or Borrower or oi elt or any part ot th�Property,or tha rente,lssues or proflts thereof,or Trustor .-�.�y_
<br /> ; 2 or Bonower ehall meke any general aesignment for the benoftt of areditors;
<br /> ";�y
<br /> (e) The�eale,transter,lease,asstgnment,conveyance or further enaumbrance ot all o�any paR ot or any Interest tn the '.���,
<br /> fl,: f,V P�operiy,either votuntarily or involuntari�y,without the express wntten conaent ot Lender,provided that TNStor shatl be ,�
<br /> permltted to execute a lease of the Property fhat does not conteln an opdon to purchase and the term ot whiah does�ot exceed `.,
<br /> � one year,' `�,�: .�:
<br /> ' ' `n (fj Abandonment of Me Properry;or
<br /> � a" ry;h' (�.{f Trustor 1s not an individual,the iasuanae,sate,Vansfer,assignment,conveyanceor encumbranceof more than a toml �
<br /> t� ` •
<br /> • • �.' of,�—percent of(If a aorporaUon)its issued and outstanding stock or(ff a partnership)a total of percent of ;
<br /> r••�- �- - pSrd�ershlp�nterests dJring the period this Deed of Truat remaMs a llen on the Property.
<br /> Y�';
<br /> 12, pemdiM;Acc�krallon Upon D�laufl.In the event ot eny Event of Detauit Lender may,without noUce except as requlred by
<br /> ' �•�• f;, law,dealare alt tndebtedness seoured hereby to be due and payabte and the same shatl thereupon become due and payabte
<br /> '��.�::� without any presentment,demand,protes!or noUce ot any kind.Thereafter Lertder may:
<br /> �;:�;'7 (a) Demend thet Trustee exercise the POWER OF 3ALE granted herein,and Trustee ehali thereafter cause T�uator's
<br /> �• • • " Utereat in the Prop9rty to be soid and the proceeds to be disMbuted,ail in the manner provlded In the Nebraska Trust OeAda
<br /> .:��• Aa�
<br /> � • �����ry (b) ExercisoanyandallrightspravidodforinanyoftheLoanOocumentaorbytawuponoccurrenceofanyEventotCefault; tis�
<br /> . +.�+�i`��•=� and
<br /> ' ';;',�?,.:� (a) Commence an ecUon to toreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a recelver,or specifically anforce eny of the
<br /> �•.:�;, �- °•• COYenaMB hBf80f.
<br /> ,A�.��{�i1/r�.�i:..�L:�..� . .
<br /> `"�,��r,, ,, -, o No remedy herein conferced upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender ts intended to be excluslve ot any other remedy herein,In the
<br /> �•• � �' Loan Documenta or by Iaw provided or permilted,but eaah shall be cumuletive,shalt be in addttl�n to every other remedy given
<br /> l�Rx.� , .
<br /> =:���:.. �.:.�: - hereunder.M the Loan Oocuments or now or hereafter existing at Iaw or in equtty or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently,
<br /> s':�-,Z"_,•,�. IndependeMty orauccesalvely. •
<br /> •�;;� . 13.Trust�s.The Trustee may reafgn at any time without oause,and lender may at any time and without causs eppoint a
<br /> + �'�•�''• succeasor or subatitute Trustee.Truatea ehali not be tiabte to any party,Inciuding without IlmHetion Lender,Borrower,T�ustor or any
<br /> , >.;�,�'���t+;`;.`�°"``�, purchaaer ottMe Property,for any losa or damage unless due to recktess or wllltul mfsconduct,and ehail not be required to take any
<br /> !�'�'"'� �=� • � aatlon in cnnneotion with the enforcement ot thia Deed of Trust un�ess Indemnitied,ln wrlting,tor ati cosm,compenaeUnn or
<br /> r.,�, , _. ;.,,
<br /> '��� ��^ '�� � expensea whiah may�e essoolated therewith.ln additlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any eaie of the Properry Qudiciat or .�
<br /> 'r�.=�� � . under the power of sete granted hereM);poatpone the sale of ai�or any portlon ot the Prope�tyr,as qrovided by law;or seli the '`� '
<br /> "= • � �� � Properly as a whote,or in separate parcete or tota at Trustee's dlacredon.
<br /> '�`�`��� "� �� �� 14. Rsuand Fxpen��s.in the event Trustee selis the Property by exerclae ot power of se�e,Trustee ahall be entitled to appty
<br /> '� - �'.'' any sate proeeeds 8rst to payment of ati eosta and expenses ot exerciaing power of sate,including atl Trustee's tees,and Lender's
<br /> :�-"' . '. ..
<br /> ,,;�;�.'.,;�. � and Truatee'sattorney's fees,actually inaurted to extent permitted by appllcable law.In the event 8orroweror Trustor exerolaes any
<br /> "��".�,:;�':,.�.. : '. ripht provided by law to cure an Event ot Defautt,Lender ahali be entltled to reaover trom Trustor ali costs and exponsea ctctualiy
<br /> , "x�'��-'=�i��� '� tncurred as a result of Truator's defauit Includlrtg wlthout�imltatlon all Trustee's and attomey's teea,W the exteM permitted by
<br /> �r� rt�'r-: •.
<br /> :�.,«��::��,..�. , 8ppitcabte law.
<br /> 15.Fut�uw Advartoa.Upon request of Borrower,Lender may,at its opdon,make addltional and tuture advancea and re-
<br /> advancea to Borrower.3uoh advanCea end readvancea,wiM intereat thereon,shali be aecured by this Oeed of Truat At no t�me ehall
<br /> ♦�`� the principal amount ot the indebtadnesa seaured by this Oeed of Trust,not�nc��d�ns��ums advenced to proteot the aecuriry of this
<br /> '�'•'�.^� .• � n�d o!Trust exceed the oriainal pdnclpai emount stated herefn,or$ � • •�e whichever is greater. �
<br /> �h::. , • 18.MHcNl�e�otit Provbioos.
<br /> '��. �� "� (a) BortorrK Not RNtas�d.Exteneion ot the dme for payment or modification of amortizaUon ot the sums aecured by this
<br /> �" � " "• Deed of Truat granted by Lender to any auccessor In intereat ot Borrower shall not operate to reiease,in any manner.the tiabltity
<br /> ������V�'� ••' of th9 originat Bonower and 8orrowere succeasore in interest Lender sha�t not be required to commence proceedings againat
<br /> �:.'�' ::, ".<< .
<br /> ,,,;... sunh sucaessor or refuse to extend dme for payment or otherwiae modity amordzaUon of the suma oeaured by thls Deed of Trust
<br /> 4,�?;,;:�;�:;~;�. :; by retiaon o}any demando made by Me orig�nal Borrower and Bonowe�'s successore In interes�
<br /> � ' (b) ��nd�r's po'�v�n.Without aNeaUng Me Ifubiilty ot any other person Ilable tor the payment of any obllgaUon herein
<br /> �� �•�''�� menUoned,and without aNecdrtg the tien or charge ot thia Deed oi Trust upon any portlon of the PropeAy not then ar theretofore
<br /> • '"�'��"'` reteasedaesecurityforthelutlamountofatlunpaldobligatlons,Lendermey,fromtimetotlmeandwiMoutnoticeti)veleaseany
<br /> r:°�.:.^: .,.
<br /> ' �:�����; � perton eo ilable,(i�)extend the matur{ty or etter any ot the terms ot any suah obllgaUOns,(Ilq grant other indulgencea,(iv)release
<br /> ;•:.ti,, f::• ;.
<br /> '.:'t�.� .; �,,,t, or reaonvey,or oause to be releaaed or reconveyed at any time at Lender's optlon¢ny parcet,poRlon or alt of the Properiy,
<br /> , (�fake or releeae any oMer or addiUonai 8eoudty for any obligation herein menUOned,or(vi)make composlUons or other
<br /> �' atranQemente with debtoro in relaUon thereto. �
<br /> , '�`ix:�y.
<br /> `}�
<br /> 'r4,� „ • .
<br /> {�n4 ? - ' .
<br />