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� . . ,. ♦Y . � � � � � ��q� . . .. :; A. _ t ' ' <br /> . _, . .-. ' � ;a1�::�itl1}Aa'� `. .r .('irg5 11�(n ��Sjq�ti•,LnN. , .. � .- a'';�,�'"qJ <br /> i '.' _ �� � ':� .,:� .�,,.����i� -�w.r�rt,. . � . �ni',:TaN <br /> , . . <br /> - •I '�� � _ . _ ��"s�_=---.. _.... - -�- - - - .. � -r.�� <br /> -�. � m;�:.m., ..---� ... - - ,,�. <br /> , �;_, ,� <br /> �� ` ����� <br /> '"�'"'� �r:..� . ��� A, Axal�nor h�reby oovenants and war�anb to the Assipnas that(a) Asaipnor hae not execuied any pr�� <br /> .�.,. . . . <br /> ' � assipn Q1�'IM, or ot its righL tide and intereat therein or the�entals to accrue ther�under.(b)Aasip�ar P�as not <br /> p�rh�nx a�t�sauted any i nstrument which mipht prevent the l4tsbnse trom operatlnp under any of the terms and <br /> F , condltlonsherool,orwhichwouldllmittheAsaianeelnauc�operation;(o)Aaaipno�haenota epted�entunderth�Leesefa' <br /> anyp�r�o�wb��nt to the current period tor whtch ront hee alretdy beccros due�nd psyabfa;(d)there i�no detault now <br /> • � exf�tn�underthat�seoe,and(e)Aasipnorh�snotexecutador�rentedanymodiflcationoranbnd�wha�everofthsL.e�a <br /> ��'"�;, ::v,��,:-,,;' aith.:r or,,Jly or fn r�rRtrt�oxcept m�et torlh in�hsdute e,and ihat the�.ease ts in fu0 Oarco an �ft�ct <br /> '''"%z '°'•'��t.� B. IT IS MUTUALLY AatiEED WITH RE3PECT TO EACH LEASE THAT: <br /> ± ::._,•: • ;�Xr'. ' ' <br /> ��.,...., . <br /> ;«. .�� . 1. Assipneehereby grantspermissiontoAsslpnortocoilectupon,butnotprtortoaccrual.allronte,iaaues,d�poaits :�.;, <br /> I�.,^ � '�".3 andptofitsiromthesaidPremiaeaandtoretatn,anduseanyenJoytheaame,but�eaervesthe�iphtto�erokeeuchpsrmi�sion � ,� , <br /> �"`.� �.' '' atany dme,v�ithorwithoutcauae,by�oUceinwriting toAaaignorbycertifledmailsentWtheaddrossheretnafterprescrlbedtor Y���.-.:� <br /> " • � ~"' sendtng noticea In any event,such permlasfon to Aasignor at�att be sutoma+�catly revoked upon defsu�,by AssfpROr in d�e �;�.:{F <br /> ��� ? payn►entotanycttheObliQaHonaaecuredherebyorintheperbrmanceotanyoblfgation.covonetrn,egreementherein,inseid °., <br /> ,rt ��`��� mortpnye or deed of tru a t,i�the Leaae or in any of the Obltgations sqqu r e d here by,or in any secur inp d o cu m e n t gI v e n t n ;� <br /> • � connection therowith (ai{of which wfll be referred to herein as" the event that the Aeaignee should revo ke such ' '�'� <br /> � ` � � permissionorafterthecacune�ceofaDeTauit,theAsaignee.mayetibopUon,aRernotiflcationtoAasignor,byceNNedmail,to ; <br /> the addreas hereinatter prescribed for sending any or all of the tenants ot tha Premise�to pay to Asafgnee,its <br /> � �� ege�or ita atto�neys,such rents, Issues, proflts, revenues, deposits,rf�t�ts end beneflts aa maY�now be due or shalt <br /> ��` , � heminatterbscomedue,andAsaigneemeycollectthesame.Theatfldavltorwrlttenstatementafanoflicer�agent,orattomay ` <br /> � . ofAaafgrtees4aHn9thatMerehasbaena0efauttshaticonstituteconcivafveevidencetfler�t,andany tenanttootherpsrsonr� - <br /> . ��a is authorize�end dtreated to rety thereon.Yhe Aasignor further agrees,that in the event thepermission to use and�in the <br /> Yt" '�� _ ` _ reMS.income.isaues�depositsandproftb,shouldbeterminatedorupontheoccuranceofeDetaul�toimrrredtatelytumover _ <br /> � • " tQAsstgnee.atthatlmeandtnthemannerrequestedby Asaignee,allsecu�irydepositsorothermonieadeposltodbyLesseea <br /> ' ot the Premisea in sccordance wfth the provisiona of the Leasea <br /> r , ;, .: 2. Notwithstanding the provislona of para raph 1 heretnabove,upon or at any Ume after a Qefault,as deflned :, „- <br /> � heret�above,theAssiAnee,atitsoption,maY dectareai�Obliga�onssecuredherebyimmedi�telydueandp�,yable,andmay,at <br /> ita op�on.without notice,and it any auch Obligatlons be secured by deed ot trust irrespecdve oi whether a declaratlon of <br /> ' deta�lt under said deed of trust has baen deltvered to Trustee thereunder,exercise all righta and remedies contetned in said <br /> � mortgapeordeedoftrustandwithoutregerdfortheadequaayofsecurityfortheObligatlonaherebysecured,aitheri�person , <br /> � or by agent w(th or without brfnging any aation or proceeding,or P�y e�eaeiver to be appoiMed by a court,enter upon.teke <br /> �oaaession ot.manage and operate said Premises or any part thereot,make,enforce,modiy�and accept the eunender ot <br /> Leaeea,obtainartdevictteRants,flx ormodityrents,anddoanyactewhichtt►eAssigneedeemspropertoproQi�ii�a�ac:urity <br /> ' . . hereof.andeitt�erwithcrwithouttakingpossessfonotthePremises,initaow�name,suefororotherwisecollectandtecelve � <br /> allrenta,issuesandproflts,lnatudlng thosepastdueandunpaid,anyapplythesame,tesscoatandexpen8esofoperaUonand ��, <br /> collection,inoiudtng,but not limlted to,payments tor wages and payroll te�ces,compensation af managing a ent and other ;,� <br /> e <br /> � � manegement costs and expenaes. real eatate taxes and assessments,water.sewer,and simiis�charges, naurance and , <br /> �- � worke�acompensadonpremiums,groundrents.customary�ealestatecommission,andreasonabl�aa4tomey'sfeesendcourt � <br /> costs,upon any Obllgarions secured hereby.and in such orderas the Assig�ee may determine.The entering upon and takirtg <br /> possesslon ot the Premisea,the cot�eation ot such rents,issues and proflta and the applicaUon thereot as aforesatd.shalt not <br /> � cureorwatveanydofaultorwaive,rnodity,oraHectnoticeofdefaultundersaidmortgageordeedoftrustorinvalidateanyact <br /> � done pursuanttosuchrtotice.Assig�orhere�byreleasesanyartdalict�imswhichithasormighthaveagainstAsaigrteeaHsing <br /> � � out of such cotlectton,management operation and mafntenan�e.excepting the Ifability of Assignee to accountfor amounts <br /> � , collected and expended by it <br /> 3. The Assignee ahall not be obligated to pertorm or discha�ge, no�does it hereby undertake to pertorm or <br /> � , discharg�any obilgaUon,duty or Ilabiifty under the Lease,or under or by reason of thls Asstgnment dlssignor shall and does <br /> herebyagreetoindemnirytheAssig�eeagainstandhotdttl�armlerstromanyandallllabiliry.iossordamagewhtchitmayor �, . <br /> ' ' might incur under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignmer�and ot and irom eny and all clatms and demand <br /> whataoover which maybe asserted against it by�eason of anyalleged obligation or undertaking on itspaRto perform or inthe <br /> . � discharge of any oitheterma,covenants,or agreementa contained in the Lease;shouid the Assignee incur any auch 1(abfliry. <br /> i�ss or damage under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment,or in the detensa against any such ctaims or ;. <br /> demanda�the amountthereot incfuding costa expenses and reasonabiaattorney's faes.together with Interest thereon at thA ;. <br /> higheat rate set forth In any of the ObligaUons secured hereby.shall be secured hereby and by the said mortgage ar deed of � <br /> - � trust,andAssignorshallrefmbursetheAsalgneethereforimmediatelyupondemand,anduponthefailureofAsslgnorsotodo <br /> ': the Assignea may deciare alt Obilgatlons secured hereby immedlatety due and payabie. I <br /> , �• <br /> "'' �- C. IT IS FUR1'HER MUTUALLY ACiREED THAT: <br /> :�.� � <br /> �:_ . .. . , <br /> �� ' 1. Un�itheObligattonssecuredherebyshallhavebeenpsidintull,Asaignorcovenantsandagreeatokeepieased <br /> • at e good and suiticient rental the P remtses and upon demand to transter and assign to the Asslgnea any and atl subssqueM <br /> � Leases upon all or any part ot such Premises upcn the same or substanttally the same terms and cortdiUons as are herein � <br /> � �, coMairted,andtomake,exeaute,anddel{ve�totheAssignee,upondemand,anyandallinetrumer�tsthatmaybenecessaryor <br /> �� desirable theretor�but the terma and provisions of thls Assignment shalt appiy to eny auch subsequent Lease or Leases � <br /> �' whether or not so assigned and treinsfened. <br /> .t , � <br /> �• 2 AssE rtorahall,uponrequeatofAsslgnee,furniehitacom letelistasofthedateoftherequestofallLeasesand ' <br /> ° other tenancies ofathe Premises In such reasonable detall as may be requeated by Asstgnee.FuRher,it requ�ested.Asstgnor � <br /> � shall deltver to Assignea executed or certifled coples of all Leases and other written agreements.correspondence.and � <br /> memotandabetweenAssignorand Lesseesa�dothertenanlasetHngiorththecor�actuatarrangemer�tsbetweenthem.Such � <br /> requesta may be made at any reasonable time. L_ <br /> " ` 3. The taflure to Iist any specifta Leases under Schedule B hereto,shall not Invalidate or affect In any manner,Me � <br /> . � generai assignrnent of rertts and leases provided br herein. � <br /> . t. � ., <br /> � '�� 4. Upon tha payment fn fult of all Obitgations secured hereby,as evtdencedby the recording or tiling of an � <br /> � . inshument of satlsfec�on or tull reiease ot eaid mortgage or deed ot trust,unless there shati heve been recorded another ' , <br /> � mortQageordeedoftrustiniavoroftheAasigneecoveringthewhoteoranypartoftheleasedPremises,thisAssignmentshall � <br /> becortre nult and voEd artd af no efrect <br /> i <br /> " •" " , ccsm aies s, !�.. <br /> . i <br /> ,� <br /> • `, i; <br />