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<br /> C11SE �« 321•I7,�041�-70� IQAN �: 016Q3I� '
<br /> p�r�{e�ph 2,or d�a�e dIP�of�uch p�geneaa.A�Y exc�P�'aoeale mror ao�nowit t�q�sd lo p0►�aMMNdiK
<br /> • iodeblOdsaY 1�t�er tho Alob end ONo Sec�rin►Imon�r�t rtwU b0 p1�id b dle aQtFty 1e�Wy 011�tfed d�-
<br /> /.Ri�e. Irao�ar auU+caUect[ea�nd crir�ea wd�arized by tho Soc�raery.
<br /> !.Gru��fbr,AAOei�io�t�DaM. .
<br /> (s?Deh�M. Lada mry.axaepe tr Wailed by te�uJM1a�i�ied l�r d�Sa�eY in d�cre d p�t defi�uM� ��
<br /> nquia�o immedi�e pyaia►t in[u1t of�Yl aun�secved by IWi Sa�ritY L�Orom�t i�
<br /> (�Hocto�dc�ln bp fiii�b py in f�ll�nY�1�Y P�Y���I►��Y�'�P�Ia ot
<br /> on tho due dMe of the next raomhty pr�mant,a�
<br /> (ii)Baerower Qefwta 6y tait��fa a peifod of d�ty dWa.b Pafc�n�Y ahar oblip�oa��d!o dd�
<br /> Sea�rit�r tnateumant
<br /> (b)Sf�le WilMo�t Cr+eii!ApMroa1. Ie�let af�lt.if Parabbied,bY�pWic�l�b tt�►�od arW�dia priar�a+ovai of 1be
<br /> SeQr.�y�nqo�m iata�odLia p�y►oent fn fall of�ll�ru�oc�od Dy thit Seqrity I�r�woa�t f�
<br /> {ij A!1��gert of the 1�opaty.or a bmaSc3a1 inor�cat in a t�mt o�►ni�all ar p�t of�he Piopaety.i�eoid a adiarn►LQ .
<br /> a�nrfctred(otha tt�n by d�viso a de�cmt)by dfe BanoMet,aod
<br /> (�'!�e peop�ty is not oaupied by the psmchna ar g�aame a�di�ar ha p�ip�l caida�ce,ar db p�ri�c a
<br /> �anntce does eo oxupy the Plopaty but A�s a ha aaiit hu aot Eroen ippwad!n�000rdtlnce�rit6 d�e eequitanaks
<br /> of t6e Sacre�ey.
<br /> (c)No Wafver. If cfna�msunoes oaxa ttm waWd pamtt Lar�1�tu roquire ima�edi�le payment fn E�11.but l�eadrr doa
<br /> n�troqutne auch payena�ts,t.e�Wc does noc waive ita rigbts�respect to aubaoquent eva�a
<br /> .:.:,,�'':�.-f;`; (�Rcplatio�e d HITD Sa�ar7• �n rn�►c�rau�naes reguvtloR+ iamued bY tbe Seac�Cy �riU limit I,eade�s
<br /> �.,�s�r.•v,�t�;.:�,'��. rig��s �n the c�e of payment defaults w teq�re ienmedl�a ptymatt in fuil md faociwe if not p�W.11�is SaanitY
<br /> �`:.`, ���„;`:`� Ias�i does not authotiu aox3a�Eion or faoclas�ue if not pamittod by nguladoa.s of die Sec�tsey.
<br /> ,....
<br /> .,.,�..:.„.,,.:,�a.,�?�
<br /> A+���,?:':t�';'?,`�;, (e)Mo�e Nut In�ured. Boaowa egroe�a t1�st shouW dds Socusi4y L�urnoat�d du Note exund thaeby na be
<br /> ''�,g;,�,r�u�.L .� .� .:,.�;;�i etigibb foz insutauoC undet d�e Natlonel Housiag A,ct with�a 60 days fmm the dete hercof.Laldec rosy.at its c�p�oa�Id
<br /> . s .:,:-..;,.:i;,,�;�t; immediata payrncat in full of all swns sac�ed bY this Sea�tY
<br /> ���.0}4",��. !f;�'I��� no�wuhstanding anYddnB in Pat�tepb 9. tv4aire
<br /> �r.�:. . , Ias�ummt A wrlua� ataitmeat of my autha�od egent of the Sa:dary dsted subeeqaat m 60 dtys fao�tha d�lt
<br /> s::�. 1xse�f�daclining to insure thfs Sowric�►Insonnnau and t!n Note sxiued the�eby.shatt ba deemad aoacit�sive poof of
<br /> r,.i..�• .
<br /> ,s =,',�...-;�:.-•' s�6 iroliglbility,Notwil�tanding d!e fongoing,this option may not be exaeL9ed by Lendrr wtren tbe awvail�b�ity of
<br /> ��'-" .. � . �,:i,��;��:� insmanoe is solely due w Lender's fm'hue to iemit a mortg�ge in�uanoo p�auiam m the Sead�cy.
<br /> . ... h;,,.
<br /> -. �:....���:�:.":��••:i,
<br /> ,:f4:',i. . . ' � .�- �0.Rdaaqtemeat Borrower has a rlght w be reins�ad if Lender haa cequirod Immadlate paymmt in full becauso of
<br /> ., n...�';, • `.- :� $pttp�VEt'S�11II�C t0 pSy 8A�UROa11t dibC U11dEt t�t8 1�IOOD Qt t1118 $OC1IIItyi IA�t1.'I1l�.4 ilght 8]1�i1�C.4 CVE11 i�fOtOC�000[0
<br /> �,3.h,�hk•r:.�.a:..,•..
<br /> ��:.���•'��.,. . •. ' proopedinp ara insti0ited.lb reiaslate the Seaaity Iaat�ua�a►t,Hos:ower s4a11 wtWer in a lump s�m�ll aawuab nquhod m br6►g
<br /> ;f�r:�°�;;�;"r°� �,Y .� Bacowa's eocamt cumatt includ�ng,to the e�teut tbeq ere o61J�ntinns of Bonowa tmdex t6is Sa�riry L�twmeut�fo�oclos�e
<br /> �:N"�,,�,,:;���`c,`.•�`�,;� aos�aad cm�sonable and cusooma�y►auomays' foes and e�ses P�P�Y��aIth d�e fm�acloaura piocoodit�g.Upon
<br /> �'?�:��. • �'.:'s!F!''; �t by Borrower.this Se�ity►�t end the obli�as that it sectues shali remain in effat as if Iader liaad aot
<br /> � �'�''.. --; . ' . t+e4t�red fnnmadiaLe PaYment in fiill. However. T�enda is n� required to pemit ndns�aaeat iF (t�L�ender hss accxpted
<br /> ;;;..r,�.��;�,, , .
<br /> `'` � �t aRer t6e oommanoerneat of forocl�ue pmeooedings wItdin two yeazs i�nmediatety prac�a8 the oommmoema�t of
<br /> ,���1;•�
<br /> `��t�,;; _. .;�:{.;�.� , a cr�►t foredosure pt�0000di�►B. (iiI re�s�aent wlll ptecdude faoclosuQe on d�er�at g�nads in the fuwre. ot (iii)
<br /> -�M ;""i;�'���'' re�tanan w71 adve:sely affect the prIordty of the lien created by diis Seauicy Instrument
<br /> , •,,i,..�.
<br /> r..�.t
<br /> .��.,�
<br /> ,..,��� •' IL Borrm�rv Not Relased;Fosbearana By Len�cr Nat a Wafver. B�ctRnsian of the dme of paymeat or modi8cation ��;:'t,=
<br /> r:, �•�;'�.
<br /> � of amaoi�tiun of the sums secured by this Seareity lnsaumeat geanted by Lander w any suooe�or in intaest of Bomowa shdl
<br /> 1
<br /> �S.
<br /> *� , aot operate to rolease d�e liability of the mriginal Boie�ower or Bmmwa's suooessor in jntaest.La�der sda11 not be requiced w
<br /> � � ernnma�a pnpoeed3ngs a�air+sc anY suocesso�in intaest or refuse w e�coead dme fa payment or othelwLse modify emord�tlan of �
<br /> tho sums eecued by tLis Soauiity Iaswman by reason of any demand made by the origiiu�l Bemower or Beerower's suooass�re
<br /> _ in int,enes�Aay foibearance by Leteder in exe�Lsing any rtght�temedy sball aot be a araiver of or pr�eclude tbe exaclse of any
<br /> rlghtorrcrnedy.
<br /> _ �
<br /> �-4R(N� �a2�2�.0� CFC(03/a4) P.p•�o►e i+!�lM�. '�-�5
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