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<br /> CASE �: 321-1720414-7Q3 �Q111t �s 0160317`� •
<br /> TOC3B'1'f�1�R 1YTi�l�It dw im{�+ovaaono�eo�v ar M�a�Aer ee�ocled at dre pe�o�e�ty.and�i1 eNrare�fM�����►
<br /> • rmt�,toy�idef,tuindral,oil�nd�u rl�b�ud O�iu���1dw�nd Nn�k�ud dl lb�mroe�eo�v ar M�rs4ar�pe�af ie
<br /> pro�aty.All��ad rdditlic�os iWl ai�o be ca�M b�►IM�S�a�ly►IwN�MI.A1l of tMe.Mn/oi�Yt t�bwi e ir
<br /> thi�Sactxity Lw�ment n tbo••propaty••
<br /> BOt+t�OWEI��OV6NA.'VTS duit Harm�vor b l�wit�lY�ei�e�ol t�e ame 6aaby oaaraq�ed ad bu�tl�e rl�Mt 1�''�t�rd
<br /> oonvay dfe Propt:ry aad Hat dse Y'topaty i�t�nancua�balrod.exoeQt for a�cumbnnoet ot�acard. Ba�[o"wer'w�r�rw+e�d�vill ,
<br /> de!'Clld�aiaaily th0 titb b the Pe'uPa�tY�pioac al!C1�n aad dan�ndti wDject b a�Y aacu�nb�oa 9[te00�d. �, .
<br /> i.Pl�j�eN atPr�ixip�!',Islenat a�d Ltbt Crr� Hare�o�wer Ihali P�Y vrhea due d�e prieclpd o��aod i�Netat tm.dre �.
<br /> debt evWe�ioed bY dio No�e and L�le c1lr�as duo imder d�e Nob.
<br /> l Mo�W�Pli�e�b d Tases�I�wrwoo�ud Ofl�et CM�'�e1. Borro�ree dull fochde Lt d�ch mond�► Pq�e�t+ " .
<br /> m�d�laviod�lavbd�ain�t the fProp�tty.(b�1e�ed�nkl�Prym�ts a��ot�d�a bu411a�out�Y.�� ..
<br /> far�a ra4uirad by P�in�ph 4.
<br /> B�cb monthly iostella�ait far It�ans(aJi.@).�nd(c) a6a11 eguat aaauve,lflh of d�e�aaud�rnoumf.fr na�onebly atlmred
<br /> by Lendr,r�phu an�aQO��t auffic,�nt io m�tt.�in m addltlonwl b�l�nca oinot taote th�n qao�ctb of the cednelMed�ooun�.11�e
<br /> f�Il�nnwl anwiuit fa acb item ahsll bo�ocwnuWed by I.aWrr witdin a pa�Od eadin8 aoe moath befaa an iuna�rouW bec<wx
<br /> ddiaque�N.i�eadei�haU IwW the�uoaats Collectad#n auR q pay be�au t�)�(b).aod(c)befaro t�y bocoiae�qua�. _
<br /> If at�ny t�ae tha taa!of tl�e p�ymaits hdd by I.aaaer fa Itaau(��lb�.md(a).oo�ethQ Mtth t6e iuuae awrxblY peymedta
<br /> fa a�b itwas ppy�ble w L�ender p�iar m d�e d�e d�s of such itaw,exooeds by moi+e thari onasuth t6e�ed a�nount of
<br /> P�Y�ffi�1��PaY s�c6 imr�wbea due.aad if payaxnta on tino Note ae cucratt�d�I.aKler ehdl dtl�a re�finid thn ,
<br /> euceas ov�r aaasix� af the asdmatod paYmmta or ccedit tbe eaccess avei aoo-�xtb of the e�tirnaled ipaymea�s b a1�e9u�t
<br /> .� pyments by Borrowa�at t4e option of Baao�va.If tbe wCtl of the peyaknm m�do by Baaoaer far it�aa(�,1.@).a�tC)is .
<br /> �2�+gslt kha Lea�ahm d�e,thm Bam�wer s6all pt�r tD L+enda WY Amount nocest�rY to m�te np tbe ddiCimcY oa a ��.
<br /> , s bet'as�o tLa data the ixra beoomes due.
<br /> . . " Ax used in thlq Sec�uiry Ins�wnent, "Sax�ary"waas the Sa�et�ry► uf Nousin8 aud Utben Dave�optna�t a hi�ar Mr
<br /> f���� ` dGSig�oo„In any yen in which the I.ender must p�ryr a b:�,aga Ins�ueua pntaium to tha Sax�t�►(ar aaY Ye�in v�hich each
<br /> `.,., �.�•.s.,�;• ptemium wuWd t�ve beee�roquired if tbe Lsr�'a�ll hdd t6o SecurIty Iaatntmeat)�each moa1WY PsYr�t a�U atso include
<br /> '�'�� . � eitha;(i)�n ins�lLnent of dta snnasl matgage iaaumx premitm►w be pid by Leada to tbo Sax�t�Y.a(i�a monthty c�ge
<br /> n
<br /> ' 'r: inat�d of a matp,�ge insuraace praninm�'thi�Seauity In�t fs boW by dse Seaetay.Bacb munthly iawlLnmt of t6e
<br /> "��"s"�`;��":�':,:�``. awa�g�ga lns�raaca pnminm sl�ll be in an amount su�icieat to aocumulata the full eanual mo�tBAB��P��h
<br /> .- �,..�."`�'��� l.eadrr aae montL prior to the date the fuil anuual mostgage iasiaanca praaima is dne to the Secret�Y.a if this Sa�eity
<br /> ,r?lt.:.:;�;� ..ac•,.r•
<br /> "'!'.-���i .r.r„'..:�..,,_ .
<br /> ,,...h,;,;}t�: �.,... Instnunant is held by the Sa�Y.�ach montdty charge sbiU be in an nnount eqnal o�ono-tweltth of one-ha1P paeeat of tha
<br /> ;��,��`'"' on�pnd�mB�ci�l balam�e duo on the Nota
<br /> r ..�..:, �1
<br /> m,;�'�'},"'"..""�." "�, IE Barowa tendeia to Leader tba full paymeat of eri snms securod by this Sac�uiry Ina�umm�BomoMa'a aeoo�mt siall ba
<br /> �!!. �4��kP..rr: �.
<br /> � "�':������ ��} a�attited wtth tho balance remaining f�all Ltstallmeata fa�r items(a).ro�.��c���a�y m����t
<br /> ''�}•'';�a` .. �"• �.:
<br /> ".t�`:': �,' -- ;"�• � t�t�anda 6av not bocome obltgate�t to pay to the Soc�r.tery,and Lenda sf�all Prau►PdY refund atry exoess fimds to Boaoxa.
<br /> :"���.:� . .. . ImmadiatelY priar to a fo�eclaquro sale of the Propaty a its acq�isition by Leader,Bortower's eccaunt a6all 6o coodited wIth any
<br /> ' .': ' ..: balanoe muainmg for ell Inslallmei►ts far items(s►).N)�end(a). .
<br /> .,.;:��-,: 5:;: .
<br /> ����,..�;,� . 3.Appliation of F�ymmta AU payment�under parag�apds 1 aad 2 shall be epplied by Lende,r as follows: .
<br /> 1,2�
<br /> Ur�:'y ' ..
<br /> .T::,`;��, f�fi�'L; �t,co the uartge8e L�surance praaium to be paid by Lender to the Socretary or oo the monthly charge by the Socc�etary
<br /> ��;�, ;; � `'`� instead of the monthly moitgaga insurence premium:
<br /> � � ;','`�;�; $�d,w any taxes.speclal a�ess�nents.leasehold payme�ts or �und rents,�utd Gre,flood and oth�hazerd ias�uanoe
<br /> � - �,�,��„�a; ���
<br /> �; 1t1ud,m inoer�t due under the Not�
<br /> . pp�b,wemnrtizatton of the prindpal of the Note;
<br /> , FiBb,ta late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �;� ��4R(NE�lo2�al.o� CFC(OS/Y4) a.p•�of a t��� �:
<br /> s
<br /> s. .
<br /> f .
<br /> ,� .��;•�
<br /> j ,, .. � f
<br /> , ,; �
<br /> . �
<br /> . ,
<br /> . �. �
<br /> . . .
<br /> : -� .
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<br /> I �:,: ------- - ....---....-------- ------._..____------._�---.. ----.- -_ . .� .. ..
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