ti � ".�; 11�IINt.�^_ '. . I ?y� . . . . ��{i::� .�� (:��,�..
<br /> �c: ��
<br /> . eq=,� �'fe}J. •: ' - .
<br /> � ' �K�� i:r... ,. '^f.
<br /> . . �;;i��Ii7{d'�.`,.° ' _
<br /> -- — --- - — — - -- -�: -- --_ — - - _ — ---—-
<br /> ' i
<br /> a.�e.�� oE�o oF r�usr 94��0'7�I.i p�'
<br /> ' -� I.oan No (�oMtnued)
<br /> ..,,�:;,�+r�.. �o.,�,,,s -
<br /> NOYhIy IhMhM. tJpon��qwi1 by��tbN�Tnlstor shY�x�ouM Anat�Cinp ttt�and taku wfulMwr WhM aollon f�nqtt�sUd by 6M�d1r
<br /> b p�rNd�n0 oonYnw L�ndr�MourN�r k�Mt tn th�R«►to and PMfo�Mi In addNion to rsoadr�p Mas OMd d Tn�i In{f�ro11
<br /> " � p��P�Y�a�l�nda rt�y,�t�mr Yrtw�nd wiMoul turlha aulhodrallon Uom�or.fib a�outod aa�nl�psrl�,eopin or+wA�odu¢Mcns ai
<br /> , !hb OMd d T�uM a a Ilnanq�o ota�TtuNorPwson�l M�i rt�it�art�at��pMoe r�s�onaMY cawaM�nt b T�nxta u�d��
<br /> t�Ml. Uppn d�yuN,Tnata �wl
<br /> ,�.°?.,.:,..:•.� . .� � r_rt�mr.ke N nvr�!!�Al�ML�anAn wNhln ihres(3)cfsys NtlM of wnBl�n dknand kom Lond�r
<br /> .. ., H,
<br /> aa..N.. n,.��.aaw�.a r�a ca��.�a�c••au►.�aY+�►f,�wnw���ro�.ron�ono.�nw,�m...�w,�a�
<br /> �.�.�:---;�+:.;.,r or.nw�br�c�«e dTtt�!may b�ubWmd(MCA af hquhd Oy th�Unitorm Comm�roiY Codr)�u.a ua�.a on+� aw a w�d
<br /> ,� � ,.� pf TNN. �
<br /> . ,^;i5�-is:;',"r•'`'•;�,'�'t`$ FUAT!!It A{�lR1AqCESi ATTOft[��1q•FA4'L TIN(ONOYYMIp pr01IN1oM tMtU�1p to M11Mr ifilXi�OM 4IId�ttOrtl�y�U►dYEi�ti0 Il p�t!M t11N
<br /> � ' f�wddT�xl. .',r�� "; -
<br /> . .`t .. Fa111M AsNKaneN. Al an�r 1rrn�and k�n Ym�to dnr.upon a4w�t d tand�r.Trusta ririM m�k����nd dNiw4 a wll otur�to b� �.; " ' �
<br /> �••-`` . ' nrd���ocecuMd a dMwr�d.to loridrr a to Landa�d�lpnw,and wl+u+�qumted by Lender,cttn�ta b�INSd�ncord�d,rMfqd,a �,'"'��..�,a. . _
<br /> �� p
<br /> .r.t'' , ' , �dNl�Y ihr Ctt1 mty b�.�t sucA Urtw and In wch oMas and pl�ou af L�n d u maY dMm ePp r o p r i ah,�r ry ana�II woh o�1p�q�, ;•v�:;�
<br /> � " �lwd�ot�rwL aeurily dMob�Wh��a����nandnp Wt�►b�continwdon etabn+�nls�iratrumMb d tuth�►wwana�o�irtlllatN, �'<-rr�- �
<br /> �,,' � ' and olM►dooummts a rtwy,!n th�soM ol L�nd�r�b�niastary a dKNabt�In a�Mr to�R�otuaM,compt�tr�PMf�t,wntinu��c► ' t:,
<br /> � h " ^ a ih� Mora of Truata un lM Credit ApreNn�n�thts �+�
<br /> �� O � � OMd of Tn�sf.tnd ttro RWt�d DoaurtMnb.and (b)lh�N��n and `i� � '�
<br /> 7� . ' s�curif�►k�MrKts a�a b d by t h b O N d a f T i w t on ths Pr o p�A y.whaNw naw owr�ar fMnaftw�cqulr�d byTnata. Untw prohlbfF�d by kw :�,. �t •�, �
<br /> � � , . ar aprMd to 1tN eoMr�q►by Unda in vrtiUnp,Tiustor sf�tN nimbu�I.�ndM tOr�II COfb i�ld/7�ns�s t�leiuhd UI COTI�NCUOO wlth tMN mllttelt � `�`r!• y ;.::.: •:•
<br /> �.:�
<br /> rM1�r�d to in ttYS pvapraph. t .•... •e� ,
<br /> �,�:.:;., .... ARern�y�.tn.Raet. If Tnntor taNS to do any af tM thinps rofarnd to in the D��D��Ph.Lendar may do to fa and!n th�n4r►w of ' ..
<br /> ,:� �s.:.,..
<br /> ' T�ntor tnd ot T�usto�s�enss. For auah PurPosa.T n�s t o r M n by k rav o c�b b aPP o i M s I A n d e r a s T r u s t o r s a tt a r�y Nn-facl fa Ih�pur pos� . .�:}r�
<br /> an
<br /> � . d makin0.�oacuYnO.dNiwrtn0.NinB�naadinq,md d o lnp a N o t h e r t h tnps aa may be n e c a s a ry o r d e s i r a b l a�i n L.�n d w e s o M o P l n t o n.t o :
<br /> �ocompAsh tAs mttte�a refartod to in tM preadi�p Parapraph. �t�� :�.,,�s,.
<br /> � � ; " Fl1.L pERFOR�IMif�, tf Tnista paya alt the Indebtedness wtwn due,te�mtnates tha cr�edft Wne aocouM,and otherwisa peAamn tlt the obtlpntlom '' '".:..,.;
<br /> i ;,�+,,;, , �mPos�d�POn Tn�st4r under tFdO Doed of Tna1.LendK shoN executa and detivar to Trusbe�request fa(ult reaonwyanes and ah�N uceaute and . ''�'���.Y�4(��
<br /> dWvar to Tn�sta suitobl�tAatOmants of tstmirwtlon of any Mandnp statement on fila evidenCirp Lendets seourity intarest fn th�fkMs 8nd the •�,?, y'y5,•..
<br /> , , 3, ,� {, Px�on�i PropaAy.MY aconveYance fee re4uked by law shell be paid bY Trustar.ff per m H t e d bY aAP l k:a b i e l aw. :,� „���, ��':.
<br /> � �� �.�� � DEFAtL7. Each of tho to7owlnp,at the option ot Lsnder.shaN consUtute ao event of default('Event af OeTault')under this Deed ot Trus� (a) ` "� � ' ��'`'r:-'�
<br /> , •�. �f�,\, �,`,
<br /> 'i ) 'th�ata commlis�aud a m�ces a materiat misrePiese�teHon at any Unw in coaneation wlth lhe rxedlt Nne erxourd. Thb ctn inWuda�for axampie,e ', '':'�;:�
<br /> ;.S y+, xed �::.;,.�;
<br /> ., {��p sfqt�ent aDput TYusta's Incorra.ass�s,I�b11N�s. a any oUwr asPe� of Trusto�s flrtandnl condidon. lb�Trusta does not meet the �
<br /> �,:(`,(.; repayment terrt�a of tM cr�edt Itne axouM. (o)T�ustora action or inacHOn aWereely a(feab the collaterel fa the crodtt Nn�acaouM a I.ondars dphb � -
<br /> . ,., in the t�ateril. Thls oan include�lor exampie.feYur�W maintaln roquked i�uranae.weste a destruoUve use ot tlw dNwNlnp�f�GUn to psy toxo9, . °,
<br /> .';q;.,,, nD.aeatlon of a Iten on the dwelUrp without our p�mission�fonclasure •. ` ..
<br /> � ,., � tMlth of�tll porsona�Wa on the eCCOUM.transfer of tHM or eoio of t1a dwelli
<br /> =--;�, �p!!sz hacl�t o!anoll�r!!s�►,er ths s�ot lun�!s�r tbw dwdung ta proh�bitad Qurg,oses. A'''�`
<br /> . ;,�,;_ Rltifff8 AND REME'DIEB ON OEPAU.T. Upon fh�ooaurnnos ot any EveM of Deiault and at any tlme thereefter.Tn�stw a L�ndsr.at Hs opUon, ;. � '
<br /> � rt��e x m�any orn a more o t t h e f d l o w irp r qhb and remedle�,in addlHOn to any othar dgMe a remedies provided by taw: � r�'
<br /> r,.: . ."s' ,
<br /> .� AcdNntion upal Wfaulq Ad1!lilOnM iienMdie�. If any svant ot datault ocews whbh is not cured within flRem(16)dtya�w notka,as per ,_ ,-
<br /> ttw f�ms o!th�Crodlt A�roement seaurad hxabY��endor maY deo►ara ep indebtedness sec�uod by Ihis Deed of Trust to ba dw tnd paytbN
<br /> and tTw sanN etW tt�eraupon bocom�dw tnd payaba without any preser�ment,demand.Protest or notba af tny kind. Tharitfter,L.endv . � �
<br /> ,. �r ,.
<br /> . ,� (�) EHMr in prROn or by�pint,witb ar wilhoN brhpin0 any acdon a procwdtn0�a by a ncNwr�ODoint�d by�eourl�nd wfthoul :���� ,
<br /> npvd to tt»adpuaoy of Ib e�curily,�nt�►upon tnd fak�possssalon of th�Props�ly,a tny put th�nof.ln ib own ntnN a fn llw e�trr» ,
<br /> ot Tnstes.and do any aob whbh N de�ms Mo�sary or deskabN to pros�w tM v�lu��muk�hbiNly or rmttbWl�►Of t!N PropKly�Or D1rt ' ',,:/r�j•
<br /> of th�P►ap�rly aint�nst in ths Ptop�Ay;it�nat�th�inaom�irom tt»P4rap�rfy a P�ot�at th�pctxily t�th�Prap�rt�;�n0.wNh a wlthW! ,
<br /> . talclrp posspston ot the P►aperty,sw ta a otNe�la�oou�at tM�cnls,fssua snd proflts of tM Pro�rfy,indudir�p thot�Oat dw nnd '
<br /> rsn
<br /> unp�id,and�ppry the arr�,less costs and�sr�ses of op�radon and collecUon,inctudinp attameya h�s,to tny lnd�bt�drwss s�cured ,,
<br /> by thb ONd of Tntst,�1 fn euch ada u Lendsr may determine. The enterinp upon artd Wcinp possession of th�Propwty,th�colt�CUon
<br /> of such ronb,issws and proBts.and tM�pplkatton thereof shalt eot oure or walvo arry defautt a notloe of delauR under thls O�ed of Trust � t}��
<br /> a invUldab any act done In response to aucA defnutt or pursuant to such noUCe of detaulh,and,notwilhst�ndirp!he coMinumce in •
<br /> possesston ot tM Propert�r or the cotbction,reoeipt and appllcatlon of renb,fssu� a proflb.Tnntee a I.snder shall bt entided to ;
<br /> mads�avay ripM provlded tar In ih�Crodlt AareemeM or the Related DacumeMS or by taw upon the ocourrence ot any event of defauH, � . � �
<br /> .. Ind�tdinp tM ripht to exerctse ihs pow�of etW; '.
<br /> .�. '. (b) Commence tn aadon to toredos�thts Deed of Ttust as a mortqape,appaint a�eoeiver or apeeflMally enforoe any ot tAa�renanb � •
<br /> •• hereot;Ynd �
<br /> (o) DeYvet to Tnstee a wdlten dedaraUon ot detauB and demand for sale artd a wrilten notloe of detault antJ etecdon to ceuse Tiustors • ��
<br /> " tr�tensst in tM PropMty to be sotd,whbh nadce Tnistee shap eause to be duy fited 1or recad In the epproprtata otfices of tha County 1n � <. •
<br /> ;; whlCh tA0 PtOpeAY b lOCated�end � . ••,�:.
<br /> (d) WIIA respect to aN a any part ot the Pe�sonel Property.Lender aha�have eti the dpMs and remedies ot a seowed PaAY under the i .
<br /> Nebraska Udtam Commarciel Cods. � .
<br /> �'�' Fofadosttn by Powet O!$de.If lender elects to toredose by mcerdse of She Power of Sale hereln conte�ned,Lsnder shaU noUy Trustee and
<br /> z �.':~ ehdl depa�it with 7npt�thb Oeed ot Ttust trtd the GedR Ayreement end BuCh reoelPts and evtdence of exqendftu�made and secured by !
<br /> � this Osed ot Ttust as Trtlstee+nay requYe. !
<br /> (a) Upon reoeipt ot suoh nolk:e from Lender,Trustee ahaU causo to Oe recaded,pubtlahed and delhrered to Tru3tar suoh NoUoa ot DetaWt i
<br /> ' o0
<br /> ? � '� and Hotbe ot Seis as then requtrod Dy taw and by this Oeed of T�usl. Ttustee shaA,wfthout demand on Tn�tor.atter such tlme as mey (
<br /> then be nquirsd by taw and after recordatfon of suah NoUce o!Oafauk and after Nouce ot Sale having been g►ven as requUed by taw,setl .
<br /> E tha PrOpaAy at the tlm�aed ptaw of stla f6ad by it fn 8uch Not►oe of Seia,elther as e whote,ot In separate tots or paroe�s or ttems es ;
<br /> Truste�sfror deem a�edtent,and M 8uoh ordar oa H may determtne,at publlo suctlon to the Alphest btdde,1a cash tn lawtut money of .
<br /> � Hw Udtsd Stat�s ay�bi�at lho tlme ot etN. 7rustee sMN deliver to euoh Purcheaer or purehasers thereot ib 9ood and autAdeM deed or i
<br /> d�s comM�q�P�oP�Y so eold,but wltrtout any covenant ar wurar►yr.e��ss a tmptied. The redtals M euch deod of any mattars
<br /> � [, .• a taob sIW b�aonduuw proof of th�truthtutness theroot. Any person,indudinp vritAout UmitaBon Tntstar.Trustos.or Lender.may I
<br /> purchw�teucheata. I
<br /> (b) IlS maY�e O�itted by law.aRer deducling aU cosb�tees and exPer�es of Tro�tee and of this Thist.n�otudle0 costs ot evfda�of j •
<br /> k .. � ° ° tld�In connoCtion wtth sate,Trusho ahaq apPly the P�eeds of sate to Payme�of (q aU sums expended under the terms of this Oesd of
<br /> � Tnist a and�Ms torms of M9 Credit Apreement not then repatd.Inatudlnp but not Iimited to acaued IMemst and late chu�es, (N)ell '
<br /> �...r_,,,y...�� �m��'___'_�__ u..�.. 4.H..wa..w..w...�w.r IonsW ewNMaA Nwn�n ..
<br /> www oiniw u�Ti ownw�n...ww��.•... �.y«w.w.........• �..i,.�...�r.�.._.�._.�...._�.�_.._�__.�_'_' — _ ' ._
<br /> I!� ° (o) Trustea rr►sy In the mann�Provtded bY�aw postpone sate ot au a any porflon ot tho PropeAy.
<br /> ` RMnedles No!Ekciutlw. Trustee snd 6ender.and eaah of them,ahalt be enUtted to anfonn�payment and pedormanoe ot any Indebtedness
<br /> ° or obNpatlons svaur+�d by ttib O�d of Tiust tnd to exe►clse eq�MS and pov�rers under thls Deed of 7rust,under the Qredlt Agroernant.under
<br /> �� o�r ot thv Retatod Ooaumaits,a under any other ngreemeM a ony taws now or hereatter In torce;notwlthstandlnp,some a ett of sueh ,
<br /> •: � indabtodrwts and ob9�Bons c,�oured by thla Oc�d of T�ust may na+r or herealter be othe�wlse seoured,whether by mo�fpege,desd of trust. ,
<br /> �'�'. � • pkda,Nen,asslpnrtwnt or otherwlse.Notther tho aco¢ptanoe ot thb Deed ot Trust nor its erdorcemont,whother by eourf actfon a pursuan�to
<br /> ��• . . th�power of a¢N or other poweis coMatned in lhls OeeR af Tnist,aheU preJudkre a in eny manner af[ect Tnistee's or LendaPs rlpht to reauze
<br /> ' ';%:i��`�.. upon or enlacs anr olher securly rtow�ha�aHer hetd by Trustee or Lender.ft belnp agreed fhat Tnrsteu and lender.snd eaoh oi them.shatt
<br /> ,' ` -� bs enHdea!to entarx Ihls Deed of Tnmt and�ny oiher teourity now or hereafter held by lender a Tnistee in suaA ader nnd manner ea they or �
<br /> � �.� �� • • eltAe►of ttwm may in thek ebsolute dlscredon determfne. No remedy oonferted upon or rese�ved to 1'tusfee or Lvnder,b IMended to be i
<br /> ewduslva ot smI other semedy In thts Deed ot Tru9t or by!aw provided or p�mltted,but eaoh ahaN be oumulaWe end ehatl ba In addl8on to
<br /> swry oiher romedy pNen lrt thb Deed of Trust a now a Piereatter e�dsUnp at t�w or In eqully or by affitute. Every power or remedy atven by the
<br /> GYadlt A�rNm�nt a ar►y ot tt►e Reltted Oocuments to Trustee ot Lendet ot to whioh etther ot lhem may ba ottte�wNse�ritlded,maY be �
<br /> exe�cltod,opncurtenty at Independerdy.trom Hrn�to tlme and as oRen ea may be deemed expedlent by Trustee u Lender,and elther ot them ` „
<br /> F i ` .. � • mi,y puraue inconsistant remsdles. Nothfrq In thb Oeed ot Tiust eheN bA oonsUUed as prehlbltlnp lender irom seek�nq a defiNdency ludqment
<br /> I� ►:, • • ' . , . E •
<br /> l . �� ' � ,
<br />