e; r �. p�t ,;.�� � . �. .... ,4;tS�;ei nt '''�"'''�r11`dz;-`t
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<br /> Thirty Slu Hundrmdth�(145.36?fxt to a pol�at of curvature;.ti�atce �- ;
<br /> southwest�rlp alai� t1r�at+c af a 275.13 foot radita curvo W the
<br /> � (Iqfl( CIW[d �tl�S 4Q° SY O7" VU - k�11� C110ld �atWICC
<br /> 33T.3?) a di� of Zhra� Hu�ndred Slxty "Tl�rae �trd 3ixroai
<br /> �iu��d�:» f3G3t.lf�) �'� c�► � �it �f rov:.r:� cue�r.:; � �.,
<br /> aouthwate,�ly�1onj the�c of a 37.37 foot radtut cu�to tt�a k�tt
<br /> (lon�chard bearIn�5,2° 4S 44"W-lon� chord diststtoce 47.�1
<br /> feet) a dist�nca of Fifty Ana and'Thne Tenths(51.30) fxt ta a
<br /> po;nt of tAngency; the�x S Q3° �S' 28" W a dis�ance of Orie
<br /> Hun�+ed Slxty Five and'i�r►enty S�wen Hundredths (165.2�f�et
<br /> to a poir►t on the south i�ne of said 5ecdan Thizty�Sia (36). said ..
<br /> point b��B�ght Hundred Forty Bight (848.0) feat�wcat of the
<br /> aouthe�st corner of said Secdon Thirty Si�c(36);thence S 87°37'
<br /> 45" W alang annd upon the aouth line oF said Soctian Thirty Si�c
<br /> � (36), a distar�ce of Pifty and Twcnty Bight Hund�dths (50.28)
<br /> fed� tf1e�[�e N 03° 3B' 28°W a tl3stettce of fftie Hui�d�ed Pif�.y
<br /> Two and B�ghty Nine Hundredths (152.89) fat to a point vf
<br /> curvadue;th�ce northwesterly along the ar�c of 34.85 foat radiu$
<br /> cutve ta the leR(long chord beazing N 45° 41' 40" W - 1017g .
<br /> chord distanc�52.88') a distance of Sixty and Two Huncirredths
<br /> (60.02j feet; the�te�e N OS° Ol' 48" W. a distance of Thlrty 5i�c
<br /> (36.0)faet;thestce N 84° 58' 12"B a distance of Ninety Two and
<br /> Seven Hundrociths (92.0'n feet w a point of curvature; thence
<br /> northeasterly along the arc of a 239.15 foot radius curve to the laft
<br /> (lon� chord beaurin� N 44° 04' 19.5" B - long chard distance
<br /> 313.15') a d�stance of Thros Hundred Forty One and Poriy One
<br /> :�,��'� �� Hundredtha(341.41)feet to a point of tangency;thence N 03°10'
<br /> ' ''��,�,�� . 2T E a distance of One Hundrod Foriy Four aad Si�c�,iundredths
<br /> " � � ''-t4'"�T� (144.0� feet; thence N 00° 55' S1" W a di�tance of Sixty Plve
<br /> ,:,
<br /> � 'il�, �,,.r�.t-� •
<br /> �,�sY,fs:�,{v:,� �a rr�y s�►�,x�a��ns ��s.9'n feet; thence S 89° ar si•
<br /> .�a��r `� W a dIstance of One Hundred Fifty Five and Twenty Four
<br /> ��-'�`�'� Hundrodths(1SS.24)feet; thence N 83° 2T 08" W a distance of
<br /> •� .�.,.
<br /> • �Y � One Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Eight and Si�cty One
<br /> �.. �:- �
<br /> ; '.,..a;:';�.��� Hundrodttis(1,438.61)feet to the southeast corner of Lot One(1)�
<br /> j;'•�c"'� Block One(1)�Pondemsa Lake Estates Sabdivislon; thenoe N 4$°
<br /> _�.
<br /> .E�k�-�:. 48' 40" S a dist�nce of One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy
<br /> �'�*'���:� Bight auul Sixtcen HunMedths (1,718.i� feet to the southwest
<br /> ��K�i�i�..:.., '��4.•
<br /> �t,;; :;,,�r.._: corner o�Loi 1'wenty 1\vo(22),Hlock One(1), Pon�lerosa Lalce
<br /> �'r�''�`�`�` '' ' Bstates Subdivlsion; thence N 85° 11' SS" B along and upon the
<br /> ,-�+.� .,�.�. ;::
<br /> � ��••��� •`� southerly line of said Subdivision,a distanc�of One H�andreQ Sixty
<br /> . .��;� •,
<br /> ` , -��:;; ° Four and Seventy Three Hundredths (164.73) feet; thence S 85°
<br /> � �',`;;t,°: � 49' 46" B along and upon said southerly line a distance of One �,e�g
<br /> �'.'�r�;<:�ii•;. -;±fi
<br /> -''r;,°�:;,t`. �: : Hundred Eighty Sev+en and Nine Tenths (I87.9) fPet to the �,,�
<br /> X.4,'�„. ` : southwest corner of said block Two (2) Ponderosa Iake Estates
<br /> � �.��.,� ��, .
<br /> -;:,,. . ��:,:
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