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<br /> 1,�ad oi T�ust, tha taxms aY thv Craditi AgreQm�nt sha).1
<br /> aont�ol. .
<br /> NOW, �TfIERF1roR8, as seQUrity for fiha Ob1�.gations
<br /> �ri ia considsration ot the benet3.ts aa�sru[ing to Trustor, ..
<br /> �h� reaaipt and autf�,ciency ot whiah are herQby acknowl- ,
<br /> edgad, Trustor hsr�by irrevocabiy warrants, g�ants, bar-
<br /> g�ins, e�ells, trenslers, conveys and assiqns, IN �'RUST WITH
<br /> pOwER oF SA�E �ax the bererft and security of 8enelici�ry,
<br /> under and eubject to the terms and conditions he��i.nat�ar
<br /> set �orth, all of the fo].lawing desarib�ct property az�d
<br /> intarest of Truator.
<br /> The property described i:n Exhibit �, her�sinafter
<br /> refarrad to as the "I.and", the Improvements (as hereinaf�er
<br /> deffn�df aa�l al.l ufitse� Fea]. p�caparty, intorc�t.9 and rights
<br /> appurtenant thereto describeal below as being eubjgct ta
<br /> thfs Deed of Tntst are herein referred to collectively as
<br /> "this Property" or th� "Trust Estaten. "
<br /> TOGETHER with a].1 of Trusfior•s riqht, title and
<br /> interest in and to the appurtenant ri�hts and easeaaents,
<br /> rights oP way, and other riqhta used in connection witti the
<br /> Land and/or the Tmprovements;
<br /> TOGETIiEYt with all of Trustor's right, title and
<br /> frctar$st in, ta anr2 �rt@sr 3�asehaZ3 �statsa, �n3 ;n aray or
<br /> other �agreetaents, relatinq tv the use and occupancy of the
<br /> Land and/ar the Impr•avementa or any partion ichereof;
<br /> TOGETHER with all af Trustor's right, title and
<br /> inter�st in and to the rents, issues aYtd profits of th3s
<br /> Property (collectively, "Rents") ; ,
<br /> TOGETHIIt with Trustor•s right, tftle and interest
<br /> in any and all buildings and improvements naw or hereafter
<br /> erected on the Land (hereinafter sometimes collectively
<br /> referred to as the '*Improvements") and all peraonal prop—
<br /> erty, includinq, but net limited to, that portian of the
<br /> persanal property that constftutes fixtwces, attactunents,
<br /> appliances, �quipment, machfnery and otPier tangib3.e per- �_�
<br /> � � sonal pro�Oert�► now or hereafter attached to said improve— ��
<br /> . . -��c-ar:: .�>:.
<br /> :�„.- .° �-�+�: ments or now or at an time hereafter locatecl on the Land :,�,
<br /> .. ,:.���w..n Y
<br /> �;;:�:,�,�,.,, and/or Improvements and necessary for the contfnued opera-
<br /> �,,ay��: �ion of the Land and/or Improvements (hereinafter sometimes
<br /> '�`"��,;�_� colleatively re£erred to as the "Equipment") provided,
<br /> �-� however, that ar►y personal property sub�ect to a lien
<br /> �Y;,�-. � ermitted b Section 8.03(1) of the Credit Agreement shall
<br /> �.,r � _ P Y
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