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<br /> ptriods tt�at I.ender requires. 'I7�e insurance cerrler providi�ag the insurance eh�ll bo��y Bortuwer aubjoct to i.etKltr's
<br /> approval whtch Ahall�ioi be unrcaROnably withheld. lf�3orrower fails tn muliitaln caverug�dcscrlbed ut,ave,l.c�t�kr tnay.at�
<br /> � i.enderb optian,abtain Goveraga to pmiett Lender'k dglus In the i'roperty in uccordanco wlth pncag[aph 7.
<br /> All insur�nce�licies at�d nnewals shail be seceptxbld ta t�ender and sh�ll include a dnnda�m�actgAge cluise. Lender
<br /> ahs11 hxvo thc right to hold the�oliclos w�d senewols. If Lender requlns.P.orrower shaU pn�mptly glve to Lender all sa:eipq►
<br /> of paid pcemiums and c+ectewal noticee. In the event of los9.Bumowu�hatl give prompt notia to thie irtsurance curier and
<br /> ' Lertder. Lender may make proof of loss if not m�de promptly by Horrower.
<br /> llntess Ltttdsr attd Bomo�ver olhr,nvise a�rce in wddn�,ins�erance pra:eeds shall be npplied to restorutlan ar rop�it of
<br /> tbe propeRy d�maged. if th�restoration or npeir la economically fessible end Lender A saurlty is not lessened. If thc
<br /> restoradan or Kpair Is not economicalty feusible or Lcndar�securlty would bo lessened, tho insuranee praceeds shAl!bp'
<br /> appUrd to thc swns securt�d by this Securlty Inst�ment,whether or not then due,wIth any oxass paid to Borrowcr. IP
<br /> Borrawtr airandona the Property.ur das not answer within 30 days a notice fmm Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> offered tu settle a clatm,then L,ender muy collect the Insurunce proceeds. Lender may use�he proceeds to cepair or testora
<br /> tlie Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Insmunenb whether or nat then due. Tho 30-day periad will begin when
<br /> the noticc is givcn.
<br /> UnLess Lender and Bonower atherwise sg�+ea in wridng,any application of praceeds to principal shall not exund or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymcAts tefemed to in parngraphs 1 and 2 or changa the amount of the payments. lf
<br /> under paragraph 21 the P�aperiy is acquired by Lender,Borrower's nght to any inaurance polictes and praceeds resulting
<br /> from damage ta the Property prior to the acquisition shaU pass to Lender to the extent of tho awns secured by thIs Securiry
<br /> Instrument lmmediately prlor to the acquisltlon.
<br /> b. Oocupa�cy. Preservatian, 1NAinteaance and Protectton ot the Property; Borrower's Loan Appltat8on;
<br /> Leaseholda. Borrower shalt occupy,establish,cued use the Property ris Borrower's principal rosidence wlthln s�ty daya ufter
<br /> the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the P►vpeny as Burrowex y prLteipal tesIdence far at
<br /> least one year after the date of occupun�y, unless Lender otherwise ag�ees in writing, which consent shaU not ba
<br /> unreasonably withheld.or unless extenuuting circumstances e�st which ure beyond Sornawer�s control. Borrower shall not
<br /> destroy.damage or impair the Property.atlow tlie Propercy to deteriorate,or commit wnste on the Property. Borrower shs�ll
<br /> be in default if.any forPeiture action or praceeding,whether ctvil or criminal.ia begun that in Lender�s gaod faith judgment
<br /> ca�td msult in forfeiture of the Property or otherw3s�materially impair the lien created by tbis Secunty Insuument or
<br /> Lcnder's security interest Borrower may cune such a default su�d reinstate.as yrovtded in paragraph Ifi,by causing the action
<br /> or•pmceeding tp be dismissed with a n�WS that,in Lendor`s good faith determination.precludes forfeiture of the Borrowerl�
<br /> ' interest in the Property or other matedal jmpairment ef the tien cmated by ttiis Security Instrument or Lenderh seturIry
<br /> ` intemsG Ha�rower shaD also be !n default if Barrower. during the luan application pmcess, guve materiWly felse or
<br /> I inaccuraic infosmation or statements to LenBer(or failed to pmKide Lender wIth any materiel infomiationl In conne.ction with
<br /> the laan evidenced by the Nate, fncluding,hut not limlted to. representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> Prnpeny as u principal msidence. If this Security Instrument ia on a leasehold.Bosower shall comply with all the provlslons
<br /> of the lense. If Borrower acquims fee dtla to the I'ropetiy,the leasehoid and the fee ptle shall not merge ualess Lender agrees
<br /> to the merger in wridn$.
<br /> 7. Prntection ot I.ender's Rights in the Properig. If Borrower fails to perform the covenents and agreements
<br /> � cantained in this Securiry Insuument, or there is•a legal proc:eeding that may significantly affect Lender's rlghts in the
<br /> � pir�►perty(such as a proceeding in bankn�ptcy,pmbate,far condemnadon or forfelture or to enforce laws or regulaaons),then
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whutever is necessnry to pmtact the value of the Property und Lender�rights in the Property.
<br /> � L,ender's acrions may include payins any sums secured by a Ilen which hes priority over this Secwity Jnstrument.uppearing
<br /> , In couR.paytng reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take uction
<br /> � under this paragraph 7.I.ender daes not have to do so.
<br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under�his paragraph 7 shaU become addidonal debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Securiry InstnimenG Unless Borrower nnd I.ender agree to other terms of paymen�these amounts shall bear intec�est from the
<br /> dnte of disbursement at the Note ratc end shelt be payuble. with tnterest,upon nodce from Lender to Bnrn�wer requesting
<br /> i pay:nen�
<br /> S. Morty�ge Ynsurance. If Lender required matgage insurance as u condition of making the loan secured by thls ��'
<br /> SecurIty Instiumen�Bomower shall pay the p�ern�ums required to mainwin the mortgage insurance In effec� [t;for any
<br /> nes�son. tha mort�age inaurance coverage reguir�ed by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect, Homower shall pay the
<br /> premiums required to obtain covernge substnndally equivatent to the mortgnge insumnce previously in effect,at a cost �1,+
<br /> substantiaUy aquivalent to the wst to Bomower of the mortgege insumnce previously in effect. from on altemate mortgage s�;
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If subsuintiaUy equivalent martga�e insurance coverage is not uvailable,Barrower shall pay to :�:';�
<br /> Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bein�puid by Horrower when the ,...,
<br /> insurance rnverage Inpsed or ceused to be in effect. Lender will uccept,use and retnin these paymenu us a loss reserve in lieu {:•;�
<br /> ,� of mortgage Insurance. Losx reserve payments may no longer be required.at the option af Lender. if mortgage insurance _;.
<br /> ;� ,:,���:. coverage(in the amount nnd for the period that I.ender requires)provided by un insurer approved by I.ender again becomes ;,`,.
<br /> � �� ' available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premi ums required to meintain mortgage insurance in effest.or to provede n :;;!;�:
<br /> ��-�" loss reserve,until the�quirement for mortgage insnrance ends in nccordsnce with any wriaen a�reement between Borrower
<br /> +!�7r.
<br /> ' r.� and Lender or appGcuble law.
<br /> 9. Inspectlon. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Roperty. Lender shall
<br /> ��� � give Bo�roK+er ncstice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspecdon.
<br /> , , :�; � 10. Condemnation. 'llte proceeds of any nwerd or claim for ds�enages.direct or consequential,in connecdon with any
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