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<br /> ��'Y`t1GR lNiTH a1D ttic iiy��rovementg�x�w on c�rcaftcr ctccted on�h�praper�y.a��i�,*•lt;di�{��+C111*.iCt3,
<br /> and Cuttutt.s now oa'hcreuCter a part af Iho property. All rspluce:nen�s an�addittons shaU also be eoverc�by rhfa Securiry
<br /> Iast�umen� A!I af the fure�aing ls rcfcrred ta i�t thla Sa:udty Instcument as tho"a'roperty."
<br /> BdRROWER COVENA.N'i'S th�t BunnW�e is lawfully seised nf tlte estato het�eby conveyed ond ha+the right to grwat
<br /> and convey thepmpe�ty and that tho Piropsrty ia unencumbered esce�t For encumbeances of raacd. emrower watratus and
<br /> wiil defend generaliy tha dtb te the Pmpe�ty pgdnst oll cl�ims md dem�ndx,subjact to�ny encumbrnnas of mord.
<br /> TL-ItS SE.�Ut2[TY lid5'TIiU1G2Ei�1T cautbiaes aeifotm cnv�nrnt+for nn+�onal usc ond non�niforrr� covec�ua►►t.v with
<br /> Umited vuiadan.s by Jiuiadlction to constitute n unifatm tsecudty inatrument covering real property.
<br /> UNIPORM COVE�NAN'CS. Bo�rower and Lender covrnant and Agtee as followe:
<br /> l. P�ymeat ot�r�adp�!�nd Intera�;Prep�ymeet aM Late Chsr`a. Barrowcr shell prom}�tly pay when due tt�a
<br /> principal of nnd inurest on the debt evi�nced by the Note and airy prcpaynr+ert and lnu charges due uttder the Nou.
<br /> 2. Fiunds tor 1�a�wl I�ueatitca Subjxi to npplicablo law or ta u written wuivu by Lendor.Hortower ahalt pay to
<br /> Lxnder on the day monihly payrtxnta ore due under the Note.until�he Noto is paid in ttill. a sum("Funds")for.(u)yearly
<br /> taxes and xssessaxnts which may attain prtc�ity ov¢r thiR Security[nsmunent as a tien on Ihc Peopert�,(b)yeariy Icaschold
<br /> payments or ground rentti on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazasd or propaty insurance premiums: (d) yearly tlood
<br /> insumnce pnmiums. if any:(e)Yeariy mostgage tasurnnce premium�.jf any: and(� any sums puyable by Bomower to
<br /> Lender.in acwrdtirtce with thc provision9 of para�raph S.in Ueu of the paytnent of mortgnge iasurance premiums. These
<br /> items ane cc�llled"Escrow Items" l.ender muy.at uay Wn¢.coUert and hold Funds ia un amonnt not m exceed the maaimum
<br /> auiount a lender far A federally ret�ted mnrtgase loan may requioe for Bmmwerk escrow accouat under the federal Rcal
<br /> Eistnte SeWemerd Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from dme to da�e.12 U.�.C.$2601 ee uq.("RBSPA").unless aaother
<br /> !aw that applie.4 to du f�nds seta u lesser amoun4 If so.Leader atay.�t ruty d�ne.collect aad hold FLnds in an amourtt aoi to
<br /> exceed tbs tesser amounL Lehder mny estimate the amount of Funds due on the basls of cunent data and r�easonable
<br /> estimates of expendiwres of future Escrnw ltems or otherwise in accordance with epplicablt law.
<br /> Tha Ftiutds shull be hetd in an tnstitu6on whase depos�ts a�i�uumd by a federal ugency.Iasaumentel�ty. or endty
<br /> (including Lender.if L.ead�r Is such ua insdtution)or Ia tury�ederal Home Los�n Ssink.. Lendes shaU apply the FS�nds to pay
<br /> the Escmw Items. Lender ma� not chaige Boirowex for holdtng and applying the Funds. annunUy analyzing the escmw
<br /> o�count,or verlfj+tag the Escmw items. unless C.ender pays Ba�rrower interest on the I�nds artd applicuble law pem�ts
<br /> i.eader W make such a charge. Huwever.Lender may requlne Bomnwer W pay a one-dme charge for an tadependent reul
<br /> estate uu reporting service used by[.ender in connection with this loan,unless appl�cable law p�vides otherwise. Ualess an
<br /> ugreraient is made or applicable law requims interest to be paid.I.ender shall not be required to pay Bomnwer any Interest or
<br /> eamings an tlie FLnds. Borrower and Lender may�in wridng,howevet,tbat interest shall be paid on the Punds. Lender
<br /> sdal)give to Bonrower.without charge.an annunl aceoundng of the FLnds,showins ccedits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the!'hnds was made. 'R�e Funds�re pledged as eddidonal securiry for aU sums secumd by
<br /> this�:uiity I�s.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender esc�eed the amountR permiped to be hetd by applicable law. I.ender shaU account ta
<br /> Borrower for the excess F1mds in accordance with the c�eequiremenu of upplicable law. If the araouat of the Funds held by
<br /> Lender at any time Is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items whea due,Yxnder mny so notify Bomnwer in wridng.and.in
<br /> such case Boirower shall pay to l.ender the arnoant aeoessary to make up the deficieacy. Bomnwer shaU make up the ��
<br /> defic�ency in no more than twelve montWy payments.at I.ender's sole disci+edon.
<br /> Upon paymeat in full of all sua�s secured by this Securiry Instrumeat.Lender shail pmmptly refund m Bomnwer any ��'��.
<br /> " Fhnds held by Lender. If.under paragaph 21.fxnder shall aoquire or sell the Property.Leader,prior to the aoquisltion or
<br /> s91e of the Property.shall apply any E�nds held by Lender at the ame of acquisidon or sale as a credit aguinst the sums
<br /> �. - secured by tLis Seturity InstnimeaG :;�
<br /> 3. Applicatton af Payments. Unless appllcable law prnv�dPS othen�vlse. all paycnems receivcd by L.ender under �-
<br /> pawgraphs 1 aad 2 shall be applied:fus�to nny prepayment c6arges due under the Nate;se.cond to�uounts payable under �
<br /> paragraph 2;third.to iaterest dae:fourth.to principal due;and last,to any tate charges due under the Note. �
<br /> 4. Chnrges;Lteas. Bocrower shali pay all wxes,nssessments, chsu�es, fines and impositions atuibutable to the
<br /> Propeity which may atteln prtority over this Securiry Inst:umenG and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Bormwer
<br /> shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragcuph 2.or if aot paid in that munner.Bormwet shall pay them on ��""
<br /> time direcdy to the person owe�paymenG Borrower shall promptly fi�mish to Lender all norices of amoants to be paid undea _.
<br /> tLis pazagrapb. If Borrower makes these payments diiecdy.Bon+ower shall prompily fumish to L.ender ceceipts evidencing �'j-
<br /> the puyments. .
<br /> Botrower shall pmmpdy dtscharse any lien wl�ich�as priority over this S�curity Insnument unlass Bomnwer:(a)agrees
<br /> ��;;ti�;,� in writing to tbe payment of the obligation secared by the iten in a manner aooepmble to I.ender.(b)contests in good faith thFs
<br /> lien by.or defends against enforcemeat of ttte Uen in,legal pmceedings which in the Lender�►opinion oper.tte to ptizvent the
<br /> enforcemeat of the lien:or(c)secures from the�older of the lien an agreement satisfuctory W Lender subo:dinating the lien
<br /> .� �.'�; . to this Se�urIty Iastrnment If Lender determines that aay part of the Pcoperty is subyect to n lien which may attaia priority
<br /> '%;;' . � �'
<br /> � � �� over this Secunty Instrumen�L.ender may give Borrower a nodce{dendfying the liea. Bomower shap sadsfy the lien or mke
<br /> :����`� ��:'� one or more of the acdons set forh above w[thin 10 days of the giviag of nopce.
<br /> .;,+�� S. Hs�M or Properly Insorance. Bomower shull keep the improvements aow eustiag or hereafter erected on the
<br /> :�''�` propeity ins�ned agaiust loss by fire.hazards included within the teim"extended wverage" and any ather hawrds.inclnding
<br /> �!`��° • floods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This inswance shnll be maintained in the amonnts und for the
<br /> :��•�°s—
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