�. � ���,� ;�'�.. , . f .r 9W�1M�>�.r.� .• _ ...,. -
<br /> • t,�
<br /> ...�
<br /> .. � � . 9��a�s��
<br /> 9i, �fow�i"� RI�M b fltitl��t. M earowM+�b a«M1n oondk�0��/erteww�lWI h�1M+yhl b hw�� ,
<br /> dkeontrr�d N!�ny tYn�prior to th�Mr11�r of: (�)�dUrs(a�oh allwt p�rbt!M tPO�bM Mw+�►�pwMf►br tsNr1�AMNMI bNa�NII
<br /> of th� R'qsirtr Wrssient to �ny pawot of �M centRk►�d b tD1� 6rourky tnl�bitffr�i;fti' (i!)Gib� 01 ��II�iR� �f1101011(� �hM d10YfNy
<br /> Inatnlm�a►�ThoH can9Rtana au�thit Qarrotwr: (�)pny�I.mdu�N�ums wNkh tt�aro woub b��u�unda lhM B�Carity in1�1 �utd tM
<br /> Noi�a M rto aac�Nratla► Md accumid; (b) cur�s�ny dNwN of�ny ofhir Cov�n�r►! or �prs�rn�nl�i (0) pnya aN Mq�►iM Ir►Qwn� h
<br /> �ntorotrp thk 8�cu�ky Inslrommt, holudYq, bu! not ImIMd t9, n�aon�� tltar�s' hs�;an0 (d) W�M wCh �otbn�s I.�n�r eMy
<br /> rea�omby nguM�to awn that ths Iw� ol thM SacurM�r tnttrummt, tandNr fyhu tn th�RrapWty�nd eorrow��oblqiNan to pn► tM
<br /> wmb NCUrW by thM 8�qxl�► InstrunNnt �haM conthw unoh�p�d. UpOn nY►��I�+t by Qarowr►.thk d�ourl�r In1l�utnMit �nd aM
<br /> ob�tlons��aur�d hnby�haN amab fuNy NNotl�u N no Nco�Mntbn Md ocaen�d. HowMrsr�thM �At W nlmttb tAaN no! �ppy h
<br /> tt�oaN of�awflratlon ur10M'p�nptipN tY.
<br /> 1�.8�1�Ot NOb; CIWIQ! O!L0�1 BRNIC�f. TM Nob� or a p�rd�l hUrMt h tM No� (top�thM w�11 thM 81otu1!►
<br /> Instrum�nt)may b�sob on� a mov�tim�wkhout prlor notiw to Bortowa. A eaM rtny rNUR h a chmp�b tM�nt�l pcnnwn a tM
<br /> 'LOm SMVtc�ttu�t ooMori monthy paynNnri du�undr tA�Nob and thh 6�curily in�trum�n� TMro itio rtay M on�a mo� alw�p�
<br /> ot ths Lo�n 8wir.w unnt�bd to a saa of th� Not�. f!th�t��oh� of tM Lan S�viarr� 8orrcwn wW�pANn wrNNn nottw Of tM
<br /> oh�In aacord�nc�wkh p�apnpA 14 abona u���ppll�abM kw. TM nolka�wiN sWs th�nam�md tddras of tM Mw Lan 8avfaK
<br /> �nd th�addrass to whiab psymir►is.shouid ba mid�. Ttia�otica wwl alea cont8m any otha� Intormitbn nqi+trod bY�PPNCabM Yw.
<br /> �0. Haz�rdous Subsq�n�ea 8o�awK sht� not Ctua� or permn �ho rpre�sr�c�, ua, a�spos.b .coa�, or nws. ot any
<br /> Hsaudous Subst�nas on or b the i�rop�ty. BarowK sh�Y not do,�or abw anyww elso to do,anythinp afhotinp tbs Pmp�Ay tAtt b h
<br /> vbl�Uon ot rny Envtror►mmtal I.aw. TM pna�dinp two s�nbnaa ahtp not eDPN�tht piss�,uu,or stonp�on M�Prop�ryr ol�mN
<br /> quantida ot Hwrdous Subsqnoa thst N�ly haopnm�d to bo approprl�U to nonMl �sidmtTal uws ond to m�ht�nme�of the
<br /> P�oputy .
<br /> 8ortowa shitl Prompib aNa 6rrtdir wrAEen notkk� of any hvesttp�tto��a1�im. dmand.RwsuR o�oihx�otbn bp�ny Qowmm�ntal a
<br /> rpuMtay apinay a prMat�pNy fnvoNinp tho Prop�rty and uny Htardous blib�tanc�o►Em�ronmaiW t+tw ot whtah Bortow�t hst aatuti >'�'��r
<br /> T. r::il�:y
<br /> knowUdp�. i! 8ortowK N�m�. a is notkNd by any povemmmtal or npuktory athority. that any�moval or otMr rwn�dktion ot �ny ;�:,,;.
<br /> �., . ,.. .: �,^r;.,, Huudous 8ub3�nc�RM�othp tM Property is n�waaary� BoROwer shtu prompty take ul mceasary remedkl aattons In�caord�nc�wit� '!i.
<br /> � � EmiYqnm�nMtl taw. '�`4`
<br /> t
<br /> �^-• ..I dw us�d b tht� parpnpn 20. 'H�ardoua Subshnces' ere thost subsunws aletNed as toxb or haardoua subtbtha� by .�A';�;��+�?
<br /> ,.' ..�tiri_tl:'', �,' - ):�}�o4�i
<br /> ' ' ErtvYOnmMiW Lsw and tha foAewlnp subattnCil: �eolha kerosa�a. ou�er rrmmoba or toxie patroleum produete, co�o vaaewa and �t
<br /> � r �.r• ������ 5;�..;,r
<br /> .��`y"�,Ft�a•.;�..!,.s h�btda� vo�tAO soNant�. mot�rieb eontahtnq aebestoa or tormaidehyde, end ndbaothre matai�b. As used h thb pan�ph 20, �;
<br /> �. -I
<br /> �j;,,r;��:.,,.,�i;z;*;;�:,�;..}� •EnvYanmW�tal Lew• rt�ns �t I�ws md 4vw ot d►s Judsdbtton whsT�e t�s Property b bc�Ud that n!W to he4lth� stletY or
<br /> t + "`; M►vtOtlmMttltl pt0lt�Ylort.
<br /> ;;:5�,;-... .
<br /> �t•�..J NON-tJNIFOf�VI COVENMR3. 9orrowe�and Lende►furthor cwanAnt and ayroe as tolbwa
<br /> �'��,�f�'.�� at. AacefereUon; Rernedles. Lender alu�fl qive natloe to Borrmwer prior to aaaelermt�on bllowinp
<br /> �',` `' Sasr�e�'a �cla o!,�y c�s��aast �apraarr���t S� !bk Sas�:!!y l��t�t (lt�i s�t palor 9��axeleratlan
<br /> �"`����. . .,..;;;:'.'� under par��nph 17 unlea �ppti�le tew provldes otherrwlae). The nottae �hnl� �pecliy: (a) the dehutt; �
<br /> � �•• '�� (b) the aoNon ►equlred to cure the deteuit; (�) a dete� not I�as then 30 daya tirom the dete the eotice ts ��
<br /> , . ��• � pfven to BorroweP, by whfoh the detault mue! be aured; and (d) thet iaflure to cure the detwit on or '��,`
<br /> � , bsfor� the d�ts �pecified in the notlae may reault tn aeoeleratton ot fhe aums secured by this Security ,f.` �
<br /> � instrument and �te ot the Property. Ths �o�ae�II turthe� tnform 6onower ot the �t�M to rotn�tate after '
<br /> �`°"'��- � � � �cesteraUon and the rlqM to brtno • court aetion to assen the non�dstenae of a detault or my other
<br /> °A'�'=�• " ��'" � detense of Bonower to acaeleratton �nd sate. If the detautt ts not cured on or betare the d�te ipeottled
<br /> `��'`' "�� �'� � In the nottce. Lertder at its optlon mey requlre tmmedtate payment In tull ot alt aums seoured by thi�
<br /> 'r"�°""�'� � 8�ecurity instrum�nt w(thout i�rther dsmand �na mey invoke the power of ate and any other remedies
<br /> ,,9,,ly���_.. ,
<br /> ' :s,:�' � permitbd by �ppltcabts bw. Lender �hslt be enUtled to cotteat all expen�es Incu�ed in punufnp the ��
<br /> „�� remsdia provided In thb para�rrph 21�inetudtnp. but not timited to. rea�o�sble�lttornsya• tee��nd �
<br /> '. .r^�:-..-'��" �� ot tltl��vidence.
<br /> '"�'�"r' ` =�'�:" It the power of ats t� tnvoked. Tru�tee ehsli rec�rd � noUce of default In eaoh county tn whtoh any
<br /> �""' ; ' part of th� Properiy ta bc�ted and ahttl matl coples oi eueh nottae in tlie manner presaribed by�ppliable
<br /> ' � . , � !aw to Bor�rower and to the other per�ons prescribed by �ppltcable tew. Atter ths tlme �equtred by
<br /> � �� applicabte t�w, Trustee �fl �1ve publtc r�oUce ot ate to the penon�and tn the m�nne� prcscNbed by
<br /> �•.:.;:Y:. apPltcable taw. Trustee� wW�out demand on Borrower, shalt aetl the Property at publla auatian to ths
<br /> . hiphest bldder at tbe time�rtd pt�ce end ueder fhe terms desl�nated in the notlae of sate In one or more
<br /> . parcels and in �ny order Trustee determinea Trustee may po�tpane esle of W or any parcel of tlro
<br /> �� Property by publie �nnounaeme�t at the dme and ptace ot �ny previousfy scheduled ale. Leeder or (b
<br /> . . de�ipnee msy pnrehsse ths Properly�t �ny sete.
<br /> Upon recetpt of paymcM ot tha prlae bid, Tnistee sh�ll dettver t� tho purehaser Trustee'� deed
<br /> � .: :` .; aonveyinp the Property. The �eoitet�le the Trustee's deed shail be prtme tecle eytdence ot the truth of
<br /> the shtem�nt�made therein. Twatee ahtll eppty the proceeds ot the ale in the tolbwtep order:(s)to ati
<br /> ; : coats and e�en�es ot exerel�tnp the power ot aate, and the mte,irtctudtrt�the peymeM ot the Tru�ee's
<br /> ;. �: �•, tees aaW�try incurred� not to exceed 109L 9G of the principd amount of the note at the time ot the
<br /> �� declaration of dehui� a�d �easonable attorney'a fees aa permitted by I�w; (b)to �tl sums seau�ed by thb
<br /> " � Security irtsbrumen�and (c) any excea to the peraon or pareon� lepalty entitled to 1� '
<br /> � • ZZ. RQCO�IYOys�tCe. Upon peyrtbnt ot ed eums seeured by Mis Socu�ity Inatrument,Lsndor shad reque3t Trosteo to reeonuey Ne
<br /> ;�,.`;.• Prop�1Y and ehall eurt6rtdM thb SpCttrily fnebum�nt�nd dl notea evidenoNp debt seoured br Mfs SeeurYy�nshument to Trustee. Trustea i �
<br /> Z;�,=.� ,; shaN ttCOnN1y tAs P►opsrly wRhout wartanty�nd withottt Charp9 to tAe per6on ot
<br /> . persona Iapty enttttkd to k. b1�eh penson or pxsone shtH � �
<br /> • Pa7l�Y nCOrd�tlon Coste.
<br /> �$.SubStitutA TWit00. Undx�at �e optbn� may trom t4rw to tim� �now'ttrustes and eppoht a successa Watee to anY �
<br /> TrustY�tpppht�d hwwnd�r by�n hstrumm!riCOrd9d h th9 COUnty in whbh tAb SeqtrRyy InsWment b reCOrdBd. Wlthout con�rntco of � °
<br /> � tha Propaty�8u�sor Wstea shtl succ�d to dt the tWe,power and dutfes oonterted upoa Trustee Aereh and by applk�bls Yw. ;
<br /> •. ' - .' �4. Request tor Notices. BortowM�queats tAat copbs of the notYxs of dehuh tnd BatB be t,ent t0 8orrowers eddresa whbh �
<br /> � � i� g qfs ptOp�ly Ad�sss. f
<br /> • . ° Z6. Ridero to this Security Instrumee� It one or mure rlde�e ere ex�cutsd Dy 8ortower and record�d topafher wth thls {
<br /> ; • Seaurlty insdument, ths coven�nta and apnwr�►te of �ch suah rider shil bs bcotporamd tnto md ehaM art�d and euppletmnt the
<br /> . . eovQnents ond�nenMnto ot tAts Security Instrum�nt ae �the ride�(e)vrere a part of thb SecurRy InsWmer►L ��I
<br /> . . �
<br /> ' I
<br /> .�r�;��� i
<br /> .- ��7��:'`' Pap�t ot 6 !
<br /> .. Form 90IIe Wo0
<br /> ; .. :.��.' F1040.LIIA0(61WI
<br /> • '�;.. �
<br /> . ��.
<br /> i+
<br /> � i ° 910P�1 i
<br /> .� .. I
<br /> I
<br />