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<br /> THiS 1-�t�AM1I.Y RiDRR is madc this 9 9TH �y of �����T • ' !�� .
<br /> � �nd i�inrnrZwnued into and ah�ll be damod to ariiend�nd suppl�ment the Moct�a�a, Deod af Tnu�t w,.5�pnu3ty ..
<br /> Dea! (Iho •'Socutity Instmmant")of the sarr�e date given by the undr.rsignal (the "Bort+ower") to eecw�e
<br /> ' Horrowcr'R NotG to
<br /> 7ho �qa�tabi• Bulldin� and Loan Asa�oiation ot c3rand Iatands
<br /> N�br�tska. A Federel 3avinga Bank �che��I.ender•�)
<br /> of the sarn�daee and rnvering the Property described in the Securiry Instrument and tacatod at: �
<br /> 3023 �AIDWAY RD. aRAND I8LAND� NEBRASKA 8g803-2438
<br /> �Propetty Add[as) '
<br /> i-4 FAtbfII.Y COVENAid1'S.In addition ro�#te coven�ts artd agr�eenaits made us ths SecurIty Iasttumwt.
<br /> Hormwer and I.ender further covernuit and agreE as follows:
<br /> Prnpeity descrtbed in the Security Instnunent.the followin�items u�e added to the Pmpecty descriptlon,and shall
<br /> :tlso constituu the['roperty covered by thes Secudty Instrument:building mate�ials.appliances and gooda of every,
<br /> nutwti; whntsoever rtow ar hemafter located in, on. or used, or iptended to be used in connectton with the
<br /> Ptoperty, inctudiag. but not timited to. those for the purposes of supplying or distributing heuting, caoling.
<br /> el�ciry. gas. water. eir and light. fire prevention und exdnguishins apparatus. secudty sind access control
<br /> apgaratus. plumbi��g. buth tubs, water heuters. wuter closets,sjnks, rnnges, stoves, c�efr�gerators, dishwashers.
<br /> disposttls, washers, dryers.awnings, storm wjndows.storm doors, screens.blinds. shades.curtains and curwin
<br /> rods.attached mirrors.cabinets,panelling and attached floor covedngs now or hereatier attached to the Property.
<br /> al! of whIch, includine neplacements sind addItFons thereto, stusil be deemed to bc and remain a purt of the
<br /> Froperty covered by the Security Insuument. Ail of the foregoing rogether with the Froperty descdbed in the
<br /> Secudty Instrument(or the leasehold estute if the Security Insm�ment is on a leasehold)ere refemed to!n this 1-4
<br /> Family Rtder and the Secudty Instrument as the••Property."
<br /> B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE WITN LAW.Borrower shall not seek,ag�ee to or make a
<br /> change in the use of the Property or its zoning clessification.unless Lender has ngreed in writing to the change.
<br /> Borrower shall comply with ell Iaws, ordinances. regulations anci requirements of nny �ovemmental body
<br /> appllcable ta the Property.
<br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS.Except as pertnitted by federal law. Borrower shall not allow any lien infedor
<br /> tn the Security inctrnment to tx��rf?r.tPrl�galnst the Progess��withoat Lender's pdor t�rr�ttes:persnisstan.
<br /> D.RENT I.OS.S INSURANCE.Borrower shall maintain insurnnce asainst rent loss in addition to the other
<br /> hauirds for which insurance is required by Uniform Covenant S.
<br /> E.'•BORItOWER'5 ItIGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETED.Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted.
<br /> F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower athenvise agree in writin�, the ficst
<br /> sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 concerning Borrower's occupancy of th� Pcoperty ts deleted. All remaining
<br /> ooveruinnts and agreements set focth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect.
<br /> MULTISTATE t•4 FAMILY RIDER•Fannfe MaelPreddte Maa Unitorm Inatrument Fotm 3170 3/93
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