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<br /> A��r�' �, �u.�f:+ � . ••:�`• ,��i �r ��� �� ,i�, ',.,?;. �,;:i�
<br /> '�. J��Y . i t
<br /> . . ., �,�,�.�'r o�►Ratts�,a_, 94-1UC943
<br /> --- - — .,�-- ----.s=-.-y--....._.�� - �-- �--• =-�- ---.r..�-._�r,usr... _:_3�_ .��_
<br /> � �,— . ...,�*,�.�.....r,,.�...�.,...��....�.r.:�.�..�:.�.,..:� .... ._�--.-. --,- -
<br /> Inaorporal�d into�nd�h�ll!�►d�m�!to am�nd and aupplem�nf flf�MoR1p�ot 0Md of T�u�t�h�r�lln�ltrt r�f�radxo u th� ^
<br /> "3�urliy Intitrurn�rot", of the,��m� d�xe piv�n by fhs untf�relgned, herstr��iter reter�M to es tb�"Borrow�r",ta e�urR
<br /> BarowK'� Ind�btWnne,h�rgin�tl�r ntNrnd to ao th�°Noto",to HOME FEDERAL BAVIN(38 AMQ l.OAM A4�5ACIATION O�
<br /> ARAPID iEU1ND.h��tc��ite r�l�rrod taas ttw''L�ndK",of tha�sm��st�and covR�inp th��rupArty d�sorib�f In ths 8saurlty
<br /> inatrumont rr�d looat�d�t: . � .
<br /> 4220 SLNMI�Fi �IRCLE� GRANp ISl.AND fYE 60803
<br /> �Ptaputy Addaa�)
<br /> Wi'INfe�'i N:
<br /> WHEREAS.darow�r�nd L�nd�r h�v��prNd th�t�ny ants tn0 prafit�atttlbut�bl�to ih�plop�rty�h�utd co��ttltut�
<br /> addltbnat Nourity to tAr LondK ta tM p�ymmt of ihe Not�;
<br /> NOW.THEREFOR�It 1��BrNd that QM 8�ourity Instrum�nt sh�it b�em�nd�d A�r�E►y�nd dNmrd to Inolud�ths tollowlap
<br /> ptovidorn:
<br /> • 1. �y(pp(�iQ1H!!!ta and L�e�►�i�nt.i o�t�ntlo�R�nte.8orraw�r he�o�y abaotut�ly md uncondlslonslty aslqns all
<br /> r�nt�, Iswa and ptof(ts ot th� prap�►ty to Renoflolary. Lender ahatl har� ths ripht, power and authority durinp ths
<br /> contlnuana�ot tIN 8�curity InUroment to aotisat ths��nts�Issues and prottts ot ths praperty 9nd ot any p��eonal prop�rty
<br /> lat#t�d th�roon with or wlthout 3�Icinp paassetlon of the property affeoted heteby.L�nd�t,'�ow�r�r�her�by conaenis to
<br /> 8otro�rt e��t�atton and ntention oi euah rents.is�ue�artd prof Its as they aaorus�nd brcoms p�yabta�ao tanp a�Borrow�t
<br /> i�not�e�t�►ueh timi,ln cNhult with�eep�ct to payment oi any indebtednese a�oured henby,or in ths perform�ncs ot�ny
<br /> ap��nt h�nunder.
<br /> 2. A000tetm�nt of R�csl�n, If any svent af defautt in respect to the 3eoutlty Inst�ument shall have xautred and bs
<br /> conttnutnp.l�nd�r� as e matter of rl�ht and wltAout notice to Borrower ot anyons clalminp under 8or�ower�and without
<br /> rpatd to the v�lw of th�truat atate or ths I�terest of the Borrower thsreln,ahall havs the�ipht to apply to any coun havinp
<br /> jurisdiotias to�ppoint a recetver of the propeRy.
<br /> 3. J,ytit to Poasession.lo ase of detautt in the payment of the said princtpai Note at intereat,or�ny priM theraof,as it
<br /> shalt mature,or In the aase of(ailure to keep or perfo�m any ot the covenanta or ap�eements coatefned in the Saourity Instru-
<br /> ment�thern tM t.ender� Its euoceasora ot aeetgna,shall be and Is hereby authorized and empoweted to taks Immsdlate
<br /> porsaslon o!th�aald premiqee tharaln deacribed And to eotleet the rents iheretrom.and to appty ths proeeeda iheraot to ths
<br /> paymeni of ths Note.
<br /> 4. !►pollo�tlon ot Renta.Issues and Profits.All rents coileoted by Lende�ot lha�eceiver shall ba appited flrst to payment
<br /> ot ttw costs ot manaQament of tne property ana cotteatton ot rente,tnciudinp,but not iimiteci to�reaeiver's iesa,promiums on
<br /> recelver'a boads and reseonabte attomey's teea�and then to the sums aeeured by tha Seaurity instrument.Lender and the
<br /> recelver ahai!De Ilabie to account onty far those�ents actually reaelved.
<br /> 6. natruc�,on of P�ovialons.Eaah of the provietona contalned fn this Aasipnment of Rente Nider and the Seourity Inntru•
<br /> , � ment abali.untess otAenwiss apaotflaally required,be conet�ued in aoaordance wlth Nebraeka law�and in the event any
<br /> prov�alon hereln or tAerein ccntafned ehall be determirted by a aoun of compete�t�u�ladiotlon to be unentorceable,the oame
<br /> sha01 be conelrued as though aueh unentorceabte provision wero not a pa�t hereot ar thereof.
<br /> 8. Effect of Rider.Except as speciflcaliy modtfied by or inconsistent with this Aeslpnment ot Rents Rlder or by any other
<br /> appliaable �Ider.ali ot the termo and prnvlstons aontetned in the Seaurity leatrument shali continue In fuil torae and eftect.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,8orrower has axecuted thla Aa ip ment of Renta Rtder on the date firat noted above.
<br /> �(��C�!%�4'�.1{�d.�.���
<br /> CHARLES . WANITSCHKE eorrower
<br /> � � � - ,;�A:
<br /> ` IRMA m. WANITSCHKE eorrower ��
<br /> STATE OF f�EBRA8KA) '�.
<br /> COIAlJ1'Y OF HALL j� ��R�:
<br /> ��:
<br /> qualNi�d fo a d co n��peraonaUy oame�HAR9E., W a4 W�N�I�SCHKEdANO"�IRI¢I��ott�ANITSaCHK�������N��I�d ::F�.
<br /> • �,�.
<br /> WIFE �to be the identta4l peraor►(e)whoae ntme(e�Idare aubacri�ed .
<br /> to ths forepolnp instrument.and heJahelthey aoknowtedpe the executlon theroot to be hislherlthelr votuntary aot and deed. ;
<br /> ,�.:.
<br /> Witneaa myAend and Nolarlel Seal at GRANO ISLANO. NEBRASKA _ ��;�.,�
<br /> in said count,�y,�tha date aforeaaid. ;
<br /> �q�1.ItNKt �iGVS.�.� .Z . ��ee��.J�.� �.
<br /> � ��� Notery PuDlla �
<br /> " My Commlaston sxpirea: 1JC--�. L 9' !4 9 6
<br /> ` �Nloaov�m
<br /> '.. .
<br /> :
<br /> � �. ..
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