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<br /> _ I "qs�tiica!►le law may sp�ify for Minautr.menl)befonc a�lo of the Pm�ertY Parsuint w �ny pqwtr af. snle ca�tainod fa thin
<br /> Secuiuty Insttumu�l:ur(b)cntry nY�►Judqment uu�ffarcin$thls Sxurity Cnsuumen� '1'ha�a couditinns�c tfi�t iic»rowu: (a)
<br /> ;� pRys� [xn�r tll �uma whYCh tt►on wouid bas duc u�sdsr this l4ecuritY insuurnent an� the Natc es if'au ac�;e�aatlr�► l�d
<br /> a�curnd:(b?ctrea any detault of my atlxr coven�au a�rcam�enu:(c)Po►ya.11 ex�asee fr�unad ia enfana��securi�y
<br /> Ineuurnea� ineludfn�.but na limited ta�oe�b�c a�tarneYe�ke�:tind(d�tnkes a�ch�ctlon aa Lenda m�y te�eo�►bly
<br /> nogulcs to xuure W�t the lien uf t6h Sacutity Lutr'u�near,Laxlah ri�f�x in tlw 1'r.�tg ead Batrowetk obli�tk�a w pry t6e
<br /> auf�s eec�n�edby tf� 3ecwity inrbuiriaot � coqBau ur�ch�n�ad. Upan t�eimdNement by �an+aw�s�tld� 5acurf►y
<br /> )n�he►m.nc�,!�t6e obliZe!ione Recu�+ed hcrtby�Il t�enwin fu{ly cffa�tive w�if no yccelerulan had occruned. �oweva,t6lx
<br /> . t�tn . �U aa�pply ia tt�e c�ue ot�coelaatian nader ptcs�raPh ly.
<br /> ��.:;��,,,�i[�iN�.4�IMe at I.o�a Seerk�sr. The Note ar s p�rd�inte�est in the Note(toj�tha with ehi�Saurlry
<br /> . ;1nct�i�nent)r�y.de��.plta or mare tlme� wlthouc prior nodce tn Borrower. A a�le m�y rcsult in a chan� in tbe et�tlty ,
<br /> {knrnvi4�rtUn �r9�iaft�"��h�t¢ollacts ma�thlY P�YmeM�Auo under the Note uld thir Sacuriry In�dqnneM• '11�era�Jw
<br /> 'jii�y tia one rK mare clp�n�es'ef the Lo�nn 9�rvlae�'wu�eloted to�s�le of the Note. (t them is�chan�o oi c�uz Lo�n Servicer.
<br /> Borrowa will be�iven writun nodce of the chu�ge In�xordmca wIth p�nsc�pN 14��buve u�d applisable I�w. The notkw
<br /> will ateu the naax aad add�+es�of Uao now l,o�t�Sttvicer�nd the eddrc�R to whtc �yrnent��hnuW be mrde. 7f�e iatkx will
<br /> •lso caaudn�ny otAer infonruition requie+ed by�pplk�bte I�w.
<br /> 90. Hn�r�r�S� Bamwer sha11 not cause ar pern�it tha ptrrcnce,usc,dl�pu�t.�tarue.ur cek�of any
<br /> Hazardow Sub�tances on a•in �he Pra�perty. Bsxmwer xhdl nd do,nor atluw wny�r►e clire tn da.anythin�a�ftertln= iho .
<br /> Prapetry�hat 1r in vloluiorn nt any Enviraunental L,aw. The p►�a:aUqg two wentc�tce��tuill nM�pp�y tn Iho poexence.u�e.ix
<br /> �wcyo on tl►e Prq�Ry ot sm+�ll quentitieA of Hv,a�w Subsuncex th�t uo generrlly roc:c►�nlred t�be w�ptripriwte to M►tm�l
<br /> residen8�l wus u�d w matnteriu�ca af the A�nperty.
<br /> Bamwa shall pcamptly�ive t�ender wrlltea nntice at any invesdYattan.clxim,drm�xf.l�w�uit ix other�lion hy+uiy
<br /> gc�vemmental ar re�utuory a�ency or peivau p�rty involving ttw l�m�crty and ur►y Hw.+�rduub 5u�ti��r ue��vkarai��eaiot
<br /> Law ot whkh Batower hu�ctuyl knowledgc. IP Horrowcr icamx. w ia na�iticd by any govemmenUl or requluory
<br /> authority�th�i any�emovxl or othet remedfadon of any Ha�.erdnu�SuMunco wffecting thG Property ia neceasary,8�xrower
<br /> shall prom�xly tA1co�I)necossuy remedtul acttoas in accoldance w[th�nvltonmentnl Law.
<br /> As uaed!n tt�ia poragraph 7A,"H�.ardous Substances"are tNose substance�deiined us toxic or hazardons substa�by
<br /> Envlr�nnmenul Law and the following substances: gasoline.kerosone,other flumnuble or taaic petroleum ptvdocts,toatc
<br /> pesticides and heibicides, volatile solvente. materials containing asbestos or formaldehyda,end radioactIve matedals. Ae
<br /> use�ia this puagraPh 20.••�c►vironmeatnl Lsiw"�neaas federa!lawa nnd laws of the jurisdiction w6en the Property is locaud
<br /> that relase to health,safery ac environ�nenu�!protecdon.
<br /> NON-iJN�ORM COi/ENAN'TS. Bomower and Lender further�covenant imd agc+eee as follows:
<br /> 21. A�deratlon; Remcdie9. Lender e6�p glve nottce to Barmwer prtor to ucdersttan[dbw4�g Borenwer'e
<br /> brac�ot�oy wvea�nt or agrameat in thia Security Instrament(but not prior W aooekratMn iu�r par�rnpb 17
<br /> unkss a�gitable 4w grovtdes other�e). The notia shall spectl�y: (R)the defAatt,(b)the actlon r�u3eed to cnre t6e
<br /> default;(c)a dste.not kss th�n 30 daya tMm the date the nottce is given w Borrower,by w6k6 Aae•de�adt must be
<br /> cured;and(d)that idlure to cnre t6e detoult on or before the d�tte spuiitcd tn the notla may ersult in accdenUoa ot
<br /> lic�sums�ecared by t6b� Iastrunnent nnd eale of We Pco�perty. The nottoe shaU t�rther intorm Bomuwer of
<br /> the rieht to reiaat�te atter aooeleratlon and tbe d�tht to brtng a court actbn W assert the non�xistence of a dKault or
<br /> wy other ddea�e ut Bnrenwer to s�cceleratlon and sal� It the detanit ts not cured on or before t6e d�te spedtled tn
<br /> ' the natia,Lazder�t tts opflon may require immediate�xyment in tlill ot all smns�secured by this 3ecurtty Iagtrurnent
<br /> without lhrtler demand �nd may invoke We power oi sale and any oWe� remedies permitted by wpplkabk law
<br /> I.�der sh�ll De tntttled to coUect aU a�pen�s incun+ed tn pursW�t6e remedles provided tn this pae�grapL 21,
<br /> tndodtng,6nt not Umitcd ta,e+asonabk attotneys'[as aad rnsts d t[tle evidena.
<br /> It tLe pnwer ot sa16!s involced,'11�asta shell e+eoord a notice of default in esch county in which any parlt ot t6e
<br /> Property is Ixsted aud�ball maq copies of sueh not[r.e in We manner prescribed by eppll�ble!aw W Borr+awer and w
<br /> the other persons presc�ibal by appHcable law After the tlaae required by upplIca6le taw,'Mistee aliaD gtve publk
<br /> . notla o[sak to the perso�ond in the manner prescdbed by appllcabte law 'ltastec,without deamaad on Borrower,
<br /> shaU ad!tlre Properiy at public aucttbtt to the hlghest bidder at tha ttme aad plw�e and under the te�us ds�nated in
<br /> the nottce oteale In one or more psucels aad tn eny order 1lrnstee determiuea 9Fnstee may pos3pone sak otall or any
<br /> � paral ot the Pr�perty by pnblic nnnouncemeret at the tlme and place of any prevtousiy schedWed sate.L.ender or its
<br /> de��ee ma!Pu�h�se the Froperty stt wy spte.
<br /> ' Upon r�etpt ot payment ot We prtc�e bid,7lrustee ehall deliver to We purchaser 1lvstee's deed conveying the
<br /> Propesty. Ztie rec[tals in the'IYustee's deed sht�ll be prtma fade eWdence of ttee trufh o!the atatements made thercin.
<br /> 71ruslee ahstll apply We proceeds o!the sale tn t�e[ollowing order: te)to ai1 costv and expeases of exercising the power
<br /> �
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