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<br /> M�JRTt�A�E �4- �,Cl����
<br /> 'mts tlt�11tn1lts. Mi Wr�......._...�I��..dyr ot , AUGUST_ _ __ , �t�. by ..d brcww.
<br /> � 7A �.8 H ttSC9F3 l�NQ 7t1UITN 11 1t1�98� HlJ58A�'D AA� Ul�F�
<br /> of HAI-L CoumY.t�Nbterka.unartWa_�._.,andHoAtFedKal&HnpwdlawAwods�knotac�edGLad��oaporatlon
<br /> arpni�etl�nd exbde�tMdet tht kwi ot the Unfted Suta ol AnKrkt.dth[u�xineipd off{oe and phae ot Oudna at�ltstd t�ad�N�uk�.�s .
<br /> IooltJM�C '
<br /> vNm�tE5s8Ttt: 7t►atwtamort��r ,�oe�natnwatto«wonotthosumot ��TY THOIJSAND ELEUEN A(Vi3 aR/0[l
<br /> ----------•-----------�-----------------�-------- �� �0.011.0[3 .�
<br /> A
<br /> tLeroodDtofwhkbbhaeDyach�ow1s�ed.do�+�� bYthneD►e�ent�mc�+�Wterhdw�rr�►atuiiwwlArt�xy�t�.tusucaeuoreandat�r.
<br /> I«ersr..uu�erouowJnjaacrtbcara►ause.aicwteats►checamn►or FiRLL '
<br /> aedSatoof Nebraka,to-vrit:
<br /> - . .. �
<br /> At
<br /> Ta�tlMr aitb aq t�t[ng.sir condletoniog.USAtinB.�ad plumbing equtpment wd Astum.including ecreene.�►wntnge.etosm windowa�nd
<br /> doon,uid wtadow�hada or b1in�L,wed oA or ia�oonr�ectfon atth wid propacy.whecher tbe eame ue now located on eaid property or heredter
<br /> pLoed ehs�an.
<br /> TO HAV�AND TO HOLD THE BAME,co�ethar wlth aU uid dngulu tM tanements,hereditamenes and�pyurtemncen thercunto be•
<br /> lonjing.or in aqywlsa�DDe�+�B. to�ever. and wamnL �be litle to che e�me. Sald morg�gor..-�_hereDy covenint�.._.wlth ea[d
<br /> aooK=�gs�tl�t— he .,at ihe delivery hereof,tRe kMful ow�r--o!the premieea above conveyed u►d deacstbcd, -�
<br /> wd ^e�lsed o!�good�ad indefauible e�cate of iahedw►ae tderein.fiee�ad clear ot tll enciunbeanaes.aad ehat_he__wiU
<br /> rr�rraet�nd detei►d tde tltte dwroW taever�lnst the cWme and dmaande oi�il pereoas whomeoever•
<br /> PR�VIDED!►LWAYS,tndthielnstrumentie�autedueddelivetedWeewiethe�ntoftlreeumot n���TY 7�If11�SANfI
<br /> ELEUEH ANQ OCi,/OCI _ nottam Is ��-�11.00 1. .'t:,:.
<br /> Mitl�tate+ee0 Lhereon.wgnther wdt6 auch etutgea Rnd edvaaoea�e m�y be dne�nd payable w eaid mortg�gee under cho teene tad oonditlona :�
<br /> ot tlfs pt�omiteory aote of even dnLe here�viLh and eetured hereby,e:eeuted by eaid mortgagor_W e�id mortg�Bee.p�YaDle ae eapreaaed :�''
<br /> ta�tid eote.�nd W eeeure t�s yertomunae ot all the terma md w�idone aontained the:elu.'II'ha terme ot edd aMe are 4eieby incurporated •�"::
<br /> �:, Irnin by lhii tetm�enes. :'
<br /> �;�' Itiathelnteatioa�oda�peementottMpaetleehe:ptothatthiemoftgegeedaUalsoeeraiteenytutureadvanasmadetoaaidtnortgagw.._ ., t:.
<br /> '•;. . by eaid mortgsgee.and atty snd all iadebLedne�n in tddition to the amount above stated whfd,seM mortg�ore.or ar4y of t6em,may owe to
<br /> ,:' eaid mortgagee.howover evidenoed,whether by aots.book aceouat or otherwtse.Thia mo�tg�e ehW remain ia furi[oroe aad eHect between
<br /> � t6e putiee henko�nd thetr heies.peraonal repraaaitatives.auaeaaoro and aeaigns.uatU�11 wounts eecmed he�eunder. ineluding Powre
<br /> �?;,:;, �dvanaee.nee p�id in tult w[t6 tnteent.
<br /> r:�' The mortsagor,h�ereby�sigo..�to a�Ed moetgagee�lt reute md lawme aefaing�t say and ell tfines from eaid property and `.
<br /> l�eieby authaise e�id mortg�tgee or its tgeat,at ite opt[oa.upon deftult,to teke eharge ot seid property e�collect all rents�nd income
<br /> theeefmm aal apply the a�me w the p�ymeai oi interest. Prtncipsl�ineunme pmmiume. t�es, aeaeaameate. rep�ire or lmprovetnenta
<br /> ;� neo�utry W ke�p�aid piopertylp?enanLbk aondlLion.orw other ch�rgr:a ar paymente pmvtded for heiein or In the now heneby secuted.This
<br /> eeas uafgnment ehall oon�ta torue nnLil tAe unpafd baLaoe oteatd aoto b[utly patd.7`he talcfae of poaeeaaka ha�u�er ehs91 in rto manner
<br /> a�f provent or cetard sNd mottg�gee in the oollection of eaid eume by foteeloauro or otIIer�cL�e. ,�
<br /> The hilure oi tfie mart�aee te�arnt�qy oiite rtghte heiennder ac ar{y ttme elull no0 he oonstrued w R raiver of tte rigDt w�s+e+G the
<br /> an�e at a�y IaL�ttme�u►d W iaaiet upoa�ad entone steia compUance wdeh all tbe terme nnd provisions ai e�id noto and of ehi�moefg�ge.
<br /> It eaid m.atgngor ehall anea to be pald to e�id mortg�goe tAe entiro aiaount due It 6emunder,end uadm tt�o tenaa and pmvisEons
<br /> ot said aote husDy seatted.tncluding tuwrs�dv�eoee,wd any exteaabas or re�rale tl�ereo!in aceordusce with the temv md provfsiona
<br /> J
<br /> �.• thneot.wd[t aid mort�a_sh�ll eomD�y wltL all ehe pmvt�ione of afd nete�nd of thin mortgaga.then t6eae pnxata eAatl bo void:
<br /> �,Y,�,ti, } QO�IIfM LD ll�3D tD 1e1I flftOf anG1�L.�10��111 IDOf�E eLW OQmLlUOG LD LDE p0eae�on ot�II m EW prvpettyt.�nu�.�i iia vpiavn.
<br /> �aXr�: d�clus tbs whde of aald nots�nd dl ind�6qdaaes mpieeented e6a�eby to be taomediata)y due�nd p�yabb.�ad mqy loteeleee this mortgege .
<br /> I ,Ji�, ,�. ar t�kt�oth�r kgd ac�On W pratect ite tignR Ap�i�emeat Natved.
<br /> •
<br /> This mort�s nEdl be bindiog upae�ed elWl eaurs W t6e bem�it ot the heGe�e:ecuwre.�dminfatrnWre�sucoesaore w!�saigne ot tho
<br /> '�i� tettpoet{ve p�ttSes hereto. ,
<br /> �"�5 TM+�i�
<br /> �q;�;� !N WITNES$WHEREOF. edd Mortg�aar—!u—hereuato eet haad—the d�y and year tirot ubove
<br /> .t�1"ih wr(tten. �
<br /> 4�./. 4,.
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