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<br /> ot iLALL CouatY.Nebaiic��s�moctpy�ors�rnd Ilara FeQaal Sav[�p�nd t.o�n Ae�od�tba atOr�nd(�limd��ao�pontlon
<br /> o�Wdned u�d e�dstin�under the laa+s of the Uaited Stata ot Anterta��dth iu princip�l ot(loo�ad pUoe ot busltia�at Oe�tid ifland,Neb�ira,�
<br /> � •
<br /> WlTNES3st'H: 71�ttsaidmort�or;�.._ ,torRndiammieerationottfiaatunot TEN THOLISAND TIUENTY
<br /> AND 50/100- --- -- - - -- ----------- - - - - ---_�.,,�= 10�020.50 �
<br /> .
<br /> ,: r.:� .,
<br /> thereaiytoiMhichi�hercbYactnbwkd�d.da e5 lrythrseD�nm�MUtCandwatr�nfi►�to'ntidanon�a{ee.iusuocasoreautadins.
<br /> rorever.aU the rouorrinsdacrihed rai«ute.�ituaud ia the County or HAC L" �` '
<br /> and&ataof Ncbensk�.to-wit:
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<br /> :�'j5`y. ;'��fJ%
<br /> ��'1���" 7f�lE EAST TWELUE FEET (12') �F LOT THREE (3) AND THE WEST FIFTY EIGH7 FEET (58') OF ''
<br /> ' � f'�` �� ';j`�`:
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<br /> %,, � t�;�'q•' Together wtth�11 trcatinB.air oonditionine�uShtin6.�nd pluatbing equtpment m1d Hsw:es.4scluding ecireena.a�vntnge�swrm windowa s� '���
<br /> doon.and wiadow sA�dn or bltodt.8lEd OA Oi IR COtIDlC�iOA M�LR 6�Id plOpEltY�w!►ether the euae�e�e aow lowted on edd proparty or hereaftcr
<br /> Ql�pd CTMtaOA.
<br /> TO HAV 8 AND TO HOLLI THE SAME.wgethor vit!►all aad etngul�r ehe tenements.heredttunents�nd aypurtenaneee thereunw ba :w�'�
<br /> loe�tna.or ta ae�ywia a�rtaioin�, forever. �nd w�aat the titk to cho eame. Said morg�gorg heeeby cavenanb_.,-.wit!► esid '"�
<br /> aw��tAat t Qe.�._ .at che deUvery herdot.the Ia�l owaer.�.-,.ot ths peem[eea above eonveyred u�d dexribed. .:
<br /> � eTe Mi�d of a saod aad ind�f�ulEb e�tate of iaherit�na�tl�ein.hes aad ek�r oi aU encumbranaes.and tlut�he�Lwill �";�'�
<br /> wa�e u►d det�ad tlw ttels the�ew foeever�gataet the cLime and dern�ads ot dl panons wi»�i9oever. .
<br /> PROVtD&DALWAYS,�ndthblasteumentieo:ecutedaaddelWeredWeav�ethepaymenLOftheeumof TEN TH�USAND "'
<br /> - -.. ;,,; 'fWENTY AND 50/1Q0------------------------------------nouueti10,02�.SD �� ;'����.
<br /> � �rith fat�eest thei+eoa,to�atAer wlN euch ch�rgee�nd ndvaaaes�s m�y be due aud payable W eaid moetgagee unda eAe eerms�nd aondJLions ;� •
<br /> n
<br /> ..�� o!ths pmmiasay aots oi evan date herewitA aad eenued hereby.e:ecuted Dy naid mortg�gor S__w eatd mortg�gee.WYable as ospfeseed �'�'.�
<br /> ;•j�,x+����r j.
<br /> in�aid mt�.ond w srurs th�pa[orm�aas o!�ll the teims�nd conditlone oontaU►ed thaieia.74�e urms oi eaid note�re hanby iaooeponted
<br /> "� �,`.�k��°i' hu�in by this tefee�eme.
<br /> hu
<br /> ' y."iive
<br /> "x�^ It 4 tbs int�ntba�ad�geamentot ths paetbs Aereto that chis moetqagu ehall deo eccum�qy fuw�e adwaxs mide W seid nrortg�gor.� _
<br /> .,��;�`��.`' by,edd mo�tgu�e�wd any usd dl indebtedaesa ia addidon w che emount above etated whtcG snid mmR�gore.oe aqy ot them�rtesy owe to
<br /> '"eg��;,:z e�9d mo�t�8ee.M►rera evMenaed.whetlbr by acoount or otherwise.Thia mortg�ge ehait rema�n in Wll Wra aad eftxe Eatween
<br /> �,y;•.•�. •. tEe patti�s lr+ern�nd their hei�e.peeeonsl rep�taUves.suaoeaeors�d aeaigns.until all unoanLe eavsed Aeteuridsr.includieg tuWre
<br /> �°.�::.�t � advu►ae.a+e paid tn tUV wtth intareet. „
<br /> ..•'��YJL�• '
<br /> '1^1•','���;rt.M1;x, Tlis moetpgor s Eweby�saigo-�W etid aartgagee aU rente and tnoome�rl�iag et any wd dl ttmea irom eaid P�D�Y and
<br /> : �r.:_._,..:,� benby authorise etid mort�ee or it�a� ita optfon.upon dehWt.W taka clurge of e�id property aad oollx¢dl iente and inoome
<br /> �..1�...,�:µ . the�tiam and apply t6e e�mo W tM p�yadent of intetest. prfaciyat. tnaunnoe preminme. tasea. aa+essaseate� eepaire or imp�ovemente
<br /> _ �,...T�►�... aeaena�r w lu�p�id pmprty In tea�ntaby aonditioa.�to otl�er c1�r8e�ar p�naeats pmvided tos herein ar in the aote lureby eeeured.Thts
<br /> . � . _ ,• , imt anetgnmaat ehtileoatiaue inlotoe unLil the ua�id btlaaae ot eaSd note ia tully paid.Ttro teicing oi posees+Eoa Aeeunder elutl tn eo menrter
<br /> 4, `��i's.' prsveaL oe�etasd eaid mort��ee ia tbe oollectioa of e�id eums by foraclosure or othavFee.
<br /> }" ���"' Ti�e hiitue of ths m
<br /> ��e��upr�ita righte hnasa�.r at a4y tlme ehall aot be oonateued os a wdver of ite dght w asgerG the
<br /> :1": eune rt aqy 4t�r Ltma and to ia�ist upoa�nd enforae stdct�piiaxe wtth all fhe teeme aad penvletons o!eaid eote ud ot ehie mostgage.
<br /> � -. -.� � • It eaid mat�gots e}uU eauae W be pMt w enid mortpgee t6e entire amouni duo it Eere�nder.end unda tho te::ne�nd proviatuae
<br /> �., .>�'�.,'' oi e�id mb be�by aeeuied.iacludina fuwie advamc�,�ad aqy esunsioae or amw�lu Wenwi in aaoordance with the temu aad provisiona
<br /> ��:�.�,.::�r.;eYi� � �U
<br /> ��'���it1�_ ''M .
<br /> ,..'�':•.:; . •., t,bnot.aad it nid mat�aaar�_ehHl oomg�+with all the provi�Soas of ea6!note and at tRia enoetg�ge,taea tl�we preeente ehall be vofd:
<br /> -.�w.- ;; :` , ..� atheewLfe amata in�ill la+e�a��t6cl.andadd moet��e e6a11 beentitled Lo tLe Doase�loa of all of e�ld a�oy�Y.and ite aption.
<br /> '�� , �� � d�Lrs th�w6oM o!e�Sd mte a��ll Ind�Atdnse repiraented tbeseby w be immsdiate�yr due�ad pay�bto,�ad msy io:eelaee thie moitgsge
<br /> =c;'!"S�1`k.' . .,�'?.. Or f�b�OL�/T�K'�OII�O{ri�OGC��1�I'�ght.A�pl�iEIDELt�I�{YEd.
<br /> ,:1::� •• This e�ll be Dtn �nd ehaU eanro to e�o beneftt of the heira.e:ecvtore.adminfattatote.enoeesaora aad wi�ot eRe
<br /> .K i.•..:.�. ... .I r'1s:.
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<br /> ���'�?-`-;��;'� " ..riccen. �/
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