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<br /> .^--_-��R�II IIOM Ct �11�11fr t,pY't 0�—IY �r. AA t�0� AI�I��OMT_—�-�1�—�-�� .
<br /> la�trynne�M. AU at'tir Mr�oia=i�cefinad W ia t�5eauity Ir�ruraea�t�dra`P�upeetY•"
<br /> BUkRUW�COV�kANTb�tJu�t Fkxruwer I�Iawi'ully aci�od of the,es�r�e her�rbp aonv�yud..�eW hwi tt�e ripht rn yrrat�iid ,.
<br /> amvey tlxs Pr�erry'and�l�the Property ir w►�c.vcnbcred, exo�ept Ca a�cumbrroncai uf ceaard. Bo�ro+ver w�n�eute md,�rill „
<br /> iklbrd �Ry tl�e title eo db P�c+p�rty��aU clKiro� ad dwernda,subjxt to�dy dnc�abranaw d woo�d. ,� .
<br /> 'I'MIS 3BGUttITY IN�'1'RUIbQBNT AMnbina w►ifamn oova�int�tor t�tioml u�e a�l�t�rm na►►a�to widi ILdled
<br /> v�ri�tio�r►bY jari�dMjoa w oaaKidMe w ruil�xae ee�eity fa�frrnMat aweeie�n�l pep�ty. _
<br /> U NI'Pt�ICM COVENANPS.1)orn�wer aM�..a�der covawu ud ajroe n follmvs: .. ,,, .,
<br /> ' l.Iarw�t ��rMKipd rwl YMe� 11+�rp��wt and I,�Et C'�Mr'M+���� �p��Y pY� �eia dre twi
<br /> � pincip�l o[aNd t�Metat oa the debt evicienr.ed by the Naee�nd aay P�paYmaft and 4te c�a�due aider Ibv tiare. „
<br /> � 2.l�qipM t�T�s�L�rw�rot. Sub,j�ect to �pplicable l�w or to a wrin�walva by I.ender. Bocrowa��hal!pay b .
<br /> I.a�dec an the d�y morit4�ly�Ymait=are dua unda�he Note,urKit the Note i�p�id Ia full�t wm l"�".)�r:(a)Y�Y�
<br /> �nd�asesarnent�which m�y an�n prioriry over this Security Iasttumcnt�a lten on tha phnperty:(b)Y�9�� PaYn�*
<br /> a�round�ta on the Ptoperty,if any:(c)YarIY h�zxtd or propeKy inwr�u�ca premiunn:(d)Ywiy fl�ad inwranoe p�nr.
<br /> if�ny: (e)Ycuiy mort�e inwran�pmmtums, If uiy:an!(��y sums payabk by Hocrower w I.apda. in anooaaa�oa�vtM
<br /> tht provisions of panigcAph B,in lieu of the piymrnt uf mottgage inturanoe praniuma.`t'hese items are r,dled'F.ecra�r.items."
<br /> ��enckt may.at any time. rnllest and fald Fuads ja an amount not to ratoeed the m�imuiu anau� a le�ier for�feAedly
<br /> r�l�ted mortgige,Iam m�y �uire for 8omower's escmw aq�owu uuder the fak�!Real F.stste Settlement Prooedui+a Ad of
<br /> 1974 as unended from timz to timr, 12 U.S.C. Secdc�n 2601 et seq. ('RBSPA")� unless another law ctut applies w the Tunda
<br /> seta a 4esser �mou�t. If ao. Lender may,at�u►y dme.collxt and hotd Funds in an'amopm not to exoeed tha leuer�roount.
<br /> Lt�tder m�y estirru�tr,tfxl amrx�nt of F�uxlq dua nn tha I�.sia af curnnt data end rrnsonabte estiu�ates of expwdltures of lUwt»
<br /> Pscmw It4ms or otl�erwise in accozdancc with applIcable law. �
<br /> T7n Funds shall bo Ixtd in an institution whose deposits are insured Ny a federal ageaoy. lnstiumrntality, or entIty
<br /> (ir�sluding Ixnder.if L.ender is such an institution)or in eny Fedtral Home Loan Bank.L,ex►dfr shall apply the Ftends to pay the
<br /> Ese�low ftems.Lender auy not charge Borrower for hoidiag and apply3ng the Fumds.anntu�Uy an�lyzing tAe axrnw accou�ltt,oc
<br /> vedfying the Escrow Items.uriless Leader pays Borrower iaurest on the Funds and applicable law pemntts Lender to nure such
<br /> �char�e.I�lowever.Lendor may reqt�ir+e Borrower to pay a ane-time chuge for an iadepeadent neal a�ttato taa repo�ting servIee
<br /> usod by (.ender in oonnectlon with this loan� unless a�vplicable law pmvtdes othenvise. Unless an agceenxat is made or
<br /> applicable law rtquires interqst to be p:►id.L.ender Shull not be�oqulred ta pay Borrower any Interest or eamings aa the Funds.
<br /> Horcower and Lender may_agre�in wrtttng. ho�wever. that tnttre.�t shali be paid on the Funds. i.ender slal! give to Bomower,
<br /> wIthout charge.un annual acoaunting of the Funds,showing cmdiu and debits to the Fwids and the putpose far w6ich each
<br /> debit to the Fuads was made.The F�nds ane plod�,eed as additlonal sectuity for all s�1ms secnnod bY this Snc�tritRY�scre�.wr�.
<br /> If the Funds held by l.ender eaoeed the amounu permittal to be 6eid by applicable law.L.ender sha11 aaount to �lnrroatir
<br /> for the exces.9 Funds in acoordance with the raquitements of applIcable law.if the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is noi sufficient to puy the Escrow Itcros when dae,L.ender may so nodfy Bomower in writing.and.in such case Boa+nwer
<br /> shcill pay to L�ender the amount necessary to make up the deSciency. Bornawex shal!make up the deficiency in no mone than
<br /> twelvc moathly payments.at i.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in fup of ell sums secured by tlils Security Insteument.,i.ender shall promptly nefund to Sorcower eny � �:.`• ,
<br /> Funds held by Lr.nder. If.under parngraph 21.Lender shell acqui�or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the a�qvisition or salc
<br /> of the I�roperty,shall apply Any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisttion or sale as a credit agui�wt tho snms securod by
<br /> this Secur�ty Instrument.
<br /> 3.Applkallon of Pgymrnts.Unless applicable law pmvides otherwise,ali paymeats received by Lender urtder paragraphs •
<br /> !attd 2 shaU be applied:first. to any prepuyment chnrges due under the Note; serond.to amounts payable under paragraph 2; �
<br /> thlyd,to tnier2st due;fou[th.to princ�pal due;a�ni tuat.W any lult clwrges duc under t!K Alutc.
<br /> 4.Chateges. Llens.Bomnwer shafi pay alt taxes.assessments,chat�es. fines and imposItians amtbntnble to the Property
<br /> which may attain prioriry over thia Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or gcound rents, if any.Eiorrower shatl pay
<br /> these obltgations in the ma�tner provided tn pamgcaph 2,or if not paid in that manr►er.Bomower shall pay them an dme diractly
<br /> to the person owed�ny�nent.Borrower shall prompily fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be pa�d under this paragraph. ,
<br /> If Somower makes�hess payments directly.Borrower shell pmmptly fumish to I.ender m.celpts evidencing the paymrnts. .
<br /> Bsrrower s�all prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Secudty Instrument untess Borrower.(aD�gcees in
<br /> writi�to the payment of the obligatIon secured by the lien in a msinrter acceptable to I.ender;(b)coMests in good fai3la the lien
<br /> by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to pr+cwent the
<br /> enfomement of the�iian;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an a�mement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> this Securlty Instrumx»t.If Lender deterntines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien wliich muy attain pdoriry over
<br /> this Secvrity Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower sh�ll satisfy the lien or tuke one or
<br /> more af the actions aet 4'orth nbove wtthin 10 days of the siving of notice.
<br /> fortn 3028 8/80
<br /> Popo 2 of 8
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