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<br /> _ . 1-4 FA11�LY ��IL�F� ��� ���4 - �
<br /> Assi�ttMent qf R�nis 0026CD271�9
<br /> 'I"HIS 1-A FA�!!LY R.[DAR is made th�is 19TH 'd�y of AUDLISY � 8A�+
<br /> and is inc:oiporatod into and sha�l be damed to amer�d and supplsment the Mor[g�ge. i)oed qf r�c or sa�ricr
<br /> pecd (the ••Socu�ity Insuument") of the s�me date gtven by the undcr4lgnad (the '•Horrawer") to aecure
<br /> Barrower's Note ta �
<br /> Th• Equi t ab1• �uf 1 di nQ dnd l.onn Asaoci�tt i on pf (ir�nd i al and, ' �
<br /> N�braska, A F�d�rat $avin�a�� 8ar�k ��ne•�t.ender")
<br /> uf the same duta and covering tho Pro}x�ty descrlbed fn the Security itusuument and lar�ated at:
<br /> 1010 N CI.ARK, QRAND I8LAND, PIEBRA�3KA 88801-4029
<br /> . lPmPeny Addrossj � .
<br /> 1-4 FAMI�.X CnV�NANTB.In addidon to the covanants and aqtpe�n¢nts made In che S�curiry insttument,,
<br /> Borrower and L.ender flirther covenant and agres as follows: '.
<br /> Property de.scribed in the Sectuity instrument,the foliowtng ftems ara added w the Property description,and ehalt
<br /> also eonstitute�th�Property covered by the Security Insnument:buildtng matertats,appltunas and goods of es+ery.
<br /> nature whatsoavor now or hereafter located in. on. or used. or inteuded to be used in contt¢ction wEth the
<br /> properiy, including.but not limited to. those for the ptlqwses of sapplying or disMbudng heating, caoling,
<br /> elcxtrictty. gas, water, air and light, fire prevention und extinguishin� apparatus. securlty and aooess oontro!
<br /> apparatus. plu�bing, bath tubs. water heaters, water tlosets. sinks. r�uig�s, stoves, refi3gerators,dishwashers,
<br /> d{y��g� W�hcrs.dryers. awnings.sto�xn windows, storm doors. screens,blinds. shades, curtains and curtain
<br /> rods, attachod mlrrora. cabinets.panelling and ettached tloor coverings now or hereatter attache0 to the Property.
<br /> all of which. inciudi�ng replucements and additions thoreto, shall be de�med to be and rernein a part of the
<br /> Property covered by the Security Insavment. AIl of the foregoing together with the I�roperty described in the
<br /> Securlty Instrument(or the leasehold estate if the Socurity Insuument fs on a leasehuld)are referre�ro in this 1-4
<br /> Fzunily Rid�r arid the Securiry lnsuument ws the"Property." ;
<br /> B. USE QI� PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Horrower shall not seek, agree to or make a
<br /> change in the use of the Property or its zoning classiticntion.unless I.ender has agreed in writing to the ohange.
<br /> Borrower shail compiy with all laws. ordinances. regulntions sind require.�nents nf any �ovemmenta! body
<br /> applfcabie to th�Pmperty .
<br /> C.SIJ�ORDINATE LIENS. Except as pernutted by federal law.Horrower shall not allow aay lien inferior
<br /> to the Secuilty lnstrument to be perfected agciinst the Property withaut Lender's pdor wdtten pemiission.
<br /> D.RLNT LOSS INS[TRANCE.Borrower shall maintain insurunce against rent toss in additlon to the ottler
<br /> harar+ds for whicb insurance is requiced by Uniform Covenant S.
<br /> E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATf�"DELET'ED.Unifbrm Covenant 18 is delete�.
<br /> F. BORItOWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Aomower otherwise agree in writing, the first
<br /> sentence in'Uniferm Covenant 6 concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property {s deleted. AII remainins
<br /> covenants and agreements set forth in Unfform Covenant 6 shull remain in effect.
<br /> M111.TISTATE 1•4 FAMILY RIDER-Fannle MaelFreddie Maa UnHottn Mauument Form 87 70 3198
<br /> ��-67 183041.01 VMP MORTUA6E FORMS•18001821•7281 � Prutatl m Nocrded Pepar
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