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<br /> T(Q(3ATHE:A WITI'��Ii tt�, improvamcnte naw or horoatt�r eractal an tho pROpe�ty� u►d a!I a�semeacs,ri�hts,
<br /> �ppurtenna�:aa,rGnta, rayelctea,rr�inec�l,all and��s ciYhta end prc�tit�,water ri�h�.+ aiu!etnck nnd afl tixturnk naw Ur •
<br /> �here�dtar�prwt v�the praperey.All rapttcamep►te�t►d�ddltlone alull aleo bp covccrod by�h1s�ecesdty Inytrut�ent.A!!at
<br /> the fore�ing ta rcfe�crod tq in thtA Secudty Itrrtcument a tlic"Pcoparty." " .
<br /> BORIt�WSR COVBI�ANI'S tlsat Hotrower i� ItwiWly eedpad of th�e eet�t�her�by conveyed u�d h�e tha ri�ht to
<br /> . �nt�rtd convey the Property�nd that tt�e l�spe�ty ie unat�cuenbered,eYCept[at emcUmbranaeA ot record. &xto�rer
<br /> wutmbr md wilt daQond�enr,r�lly tiw qfiio tu tj►e Ar�oei.y��irwi ali vl�i»�e�s�dern3arK+a,eu�jaci*w aiiYet�ut,�i�.-�+
<br /> at ramd. �
<br /> � 1.Payn�e�t of 1'riaoip�l,IIatereit�a0 Law Ch�sje.HorroMer ehall pay�haa due the priacIpd af�and tnten�et
<br /> an,the debt evidoncea by the Note�nd i�te clur�ae due under aho Nou.
<br /> Z. Mont�6ly Paymeats oi Ta=eA� Inour�aca �nd Othar C6irjas. Barrower �lutl Includo in each manthly
<br /> paYenent.eo�ether�rIth the�rinat�l and intereat�s eet forth in the Note and�ay late chu�ee,an iastellment of aay(aI
<br /> tatae and specid aeseesnients levted or to be levied ag�iast the Property��b)leasehold psyments or ground rente on the
<br /> Property.and(cy presniuma ior insuriutce required by pra�raph 4.
<br /> E�ch monthly insullmeni for iteme(�I� (b),uid(c)shall oqwl ona-tROlithot tha�nauil ataounte,as�+eaaon�bly
<br /> esdm�tted by Gendor. plua an nmouat suftIcIeat to mdm�in an addittonel balmoe oi not moro t2�aa one-stzth of the
<br /> esttmatal amounts.'I`he full aanwl amount fnr each ium shatl be tccumul�ted 6y Lander wIthia a perIod ending one
<br /> month before an item would bx�me del�aquan�l�derr el�all hold tho uaounte colla�tod in tnmt w pay itezas(�j,{by.
<br /> and(a)beiore tFtu�y ba:ome deliaquent.
<br /> Ii at any time the total of the paymeate held by I.ender for tte:ne(a)�(b)�aad(e),toge�ther wIth the future moathly
<br /> payments for euch items payable to I.aadar�rtor to the dtsa daus of euch itemo,exceedA by more thaa one�Irth tho
<br /> esdmated nmount ot paymeaffi requtrcd W pay such itema whcn due.aad i�payments on the Note aro eurreut,then
<br /> Leader shall either refuad tho aic�ss over one-�sixth of ttie estimntcd paymants or credIt the exceag over one-sirth af the
<br /> esttmated psym�nts to subeequent ymente by Horrower,at tha optloa of Bon+ower.It the totel of the payazaats mede
<br /> by Borrower for item (a),(b).or�c) ia[nsuff�cIent to pay the item whea due.then Borrower shall pay to Lender any
<br /> emount n�ry to meke up the deficlency oa or befote the dato the item bocomesdue.
<br /> Aa eised�n thie SocurItq Iastrunient,"Sa;retery" means the Secrotary oi Housiag and Urbau Developtnent or his or
<br /> her desIgnee.Ia aay year in wtucta the Laader muat pay a mortgage insuraace premiu:n to the Sa:ratery(or aay yeat ia
<br /> wblch such premiu:n would have beon required if the Lender stlll held the Sccurtty Instrumeat�.each montlily paymeat
<br /> '' ehe11 also includo aither: (i) aa iasteliment of the anaual mortgage insurence premium to be paid by Lender to the
<br /> , .�.�� .,,� Socretary�or(iI) a moathly chatge instead of a mortgege insurauoe pte:nium ii this Securtty Insrtrument ie held by tha
<br /> -+ r`- Secretery.Ench moathly inetallment of the mortgage insurance premium shall be ta aa smount suiflcIent to accumulete
<br /> :� the full anaval mortgage ineurance premium wlth Lender oae month prior to tho dete the full annuat mortgaga insurance
<br /> * ...�'• w �•. premium ie due to the Socrotary.or if this Socurity Instrument is held by the Secntery,each muathly chetge ahall be in
<br /> an emouat equal W oae-twelfthof one-halt percent oi the outsteading priacipal balance due oa the Nota.
<br /> ��';�b;���ys>,
<br /> ''�i Ii Bonowet teadera to LeAder the iWl payment oi ell sums securcd by thie Security Instrument.Horrower's aasount
<br /> .�. . shall be credited wIth the balance remainieg for all inetalimenta for ite:ne(a).(b),end(c)end any mortguge insurauca
<br /> ���.f""'�'� premiunn installment that Leader hes not become obligated to pay to the Secretary.and Leader shall promptly refund
<br /> � �-•'�'"�.��''�-`' � any eacess fuade to Horron►er.Immediately prior to a foreclosure sale of the Property or its acquisidon by Leader.
<br /> ''"i T- �`n:�' Borrower's account shell bo credited aith any balance remeining for all ivatsllments[or items(a).(b),and(c).
<br /> '��-.' -•, at 1
<br /> ..y� �:.�.5"
<br /> ,t�-....� . �.
<br /> `` ' n..�►:::� :.'- 3.Applicatioa of Paymeats.All psyrnenta uader paregraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as follow�
<br /> .�...:.,
<br /> . . �,: 5:���•
<br /> � ""-��=''�'°' Firsc.to the mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lend6r w tha Secretary or w the monthly charge by the ���
<br /> , r �::;'j�,-:.:�°r; • Secretary inetead oi the monthly mortgage inauraaca premium; '��4,,�
<br /> �;A,,..,�,. .•
<br /> � '`�°� � Secoad, to any taxes,spec�al assessments.leasehold paymenta ar grouad reate.end fite, flood aad other hezard
<br /> ?�`,•'�.
<br /> ,�,�r-�� �. ;;:;t insuraace premiume,as requiced; �
<br /> '�'�"°f.�`:�'.'�`'��. Third.to interest due under the Note;
<br /> �„;rt�"��.r:!�. Fov�r h,to amortlzationof the principal of tha Note;
<br /> :;���;;;�!' ', :. il�ft�fi;w lAtecherges due under theNata. ��
<br /> ;iT���.' "� Q�—�IRME1 �o��a� P�N 7 or e tniti.ts: �
<br /> „ . ..:._ ,:�r:
<br /> ; .: .; � .� �k.
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