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<br /> 1 fixtum �w or hercrRer � �rt of t!�c prnpe!ty. A!1 repi�ceroerM� � �dditian nhril �Isa �e ornaed by t1i�t.8ac�eky
<br /> � Instnmxiat.AU nf the f«rzb�ing 1��rcferred to in this�ecnsity rn�;irunxnt as tt�c'Pr�p�tty."-
<br /> BORtiOWE�i CUV�NA�VTS that&�rcoK�er is Inwfully�seised uf tha r.st;�ta henbe cnnveyGd wd has the right to gnuw ud ,
<br /> ; cunve.y the Pn�perty uK1 th�t tho Property is urencumberad, exceQt tar encumbrsu►cea of record. Borrower wa�reuK��!wil!
<br /> detend jenen8y the tide t�i the Pruprrty adnst�Il cirirt►s and Aemsnci+. �wb�act to any encumbrsncea of reoo�d.
<br /> . TNIS SLCURITY lN5�'�tUM�NT�incs uniform cAVenanta for nrt�pnn!ttsG wd n4a•uniform eoYen�nts with limitod
<br /> variations by jurisdictian tn cnnst[tute s unitorm ea�crlty irtst�umrnt oovedn,g tatl pmpeAy.
<br /> UNd�'(�RI:i CO:��NANTS.r.airt�v:�e:a�Q t,cu;tcr wvc:.�u nad:�g��.t�.,fai!atn:
<br /> j '1.Pfqme�t of Prleci�l w�d I�tee+ait; Pe+ep�yment asd Lst� Ckae�s. Barrower shnU QmmptlY Pap When due the
<br /> 1 princ;pil ci!'ond intercst on ttie debt evtdeneed by Uw N�te aAd aay prepsyment and��te charges dne und.r the Nae.
<br /> Z.b�unde tor Taxes and Inarance. Subjcct to�plicabla I�w or to e written w�tver by I.ender,Bormwer stull psy ta
<br /> l.crnder on the iisy�noncbly pnyment�are due umler the Nate,until the Nate is pAid in full.a sum("�unds")for:(a)yeuly taxes
<br /> and assessments which may uttnin prlority over this Serudty Insuument as a lien on the Protaerty;(b)yeuly tea.gehold payments
<br /> ur grnund ca�t.s on the Ptaperty.if any:(c)�rcariy hazard ar prapxriy i��surarsra prtmiums:(d)Yeariy Qood jnsurancx premium�,
<br /> if any;�e)yearty morg�ge irtsurance pnmiums. if any;end(�uny sums payab4o by Barcawer to Lender. in a�eonrdujcx with
<br /> the provlsions uf parag�aph H. in IIeu af the payment af martgage insurance pmmiums.Tlxse itrms are caJled"Fscrow Items."
<br /> l.ender n�s►y,at any time. coltect nnd ho!d Funds in an amount nat to eaceed the ma�dmum�nuunt a Iender for a federally
<br /> relAtod�rxirtgage loan may require for Bormwer's esct+uw acoount under the fadera!Rea!Estate Setdement Pr000duns Act of
<br /> � 197�a�ornended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Soction 2G01 et s�q.("RESPA').nnless anotlKr Iaw Wut applles to the Fw�ds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. [f so:Lender may.at uny tinne. oollect and hald �unds in an amount awt w exoocd the lesser uaount.
<br /> Lender�may estimatz the amount of Funds due on the br�ssia of�urrent data and r�easo.�abte estimates of expenditu�s of future
<br /> Escr�ow Itemg or atherwise in II000rd�nce wlth applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shnll Ix held tn an instltution whose deposits are i�sured by a federn! agency. instntrnental[ty, or entiry
<br /> (including Lender.if Lendef is such an institutton)or�n uny FeGerW Home Loan Bunk.Lendar shall apply the Funds w pay tbe
<br /> Escrow Yte�as. Lender may nnt chatge ldorruwer far holdi�g utW applylns the Funds.annually analyzIag the esccow uomtint.or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items.ualess I.ender pays Bormwer interest on th�Funds and applicable law permits Lender to mak�such
<br /> a charge. However,Lender may c�equine Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent ceal estnte ta�c reporting setvia
<br /> usod by 1.ender in c�nnactIon with this loan. unless nppliGeble law pmvides otherwlse. Unless an agreert�em is madc or
<br /> applicabie luw requires interest to be paid.Lender shnll not be c�equired ta pay Borrower eny interest or eamings on thc Funds.
<br /> Bomower m�d I.ender may asree in writing,however.that intemst shall be paid on the Fwuls. L+ender shall give to Bort�wer.
<br /> wlthout charge.an annual aecountinb o6 the Funds. showjns cred[u end debits to th�Furtds und the parpose for wh�cA eacd
<br /> debit w ci�e F�mds wus made.3fie Fan�3s are Fie�ged as ad�iaoiwl secvrity ior aii sums secuied by ihis Sen�siiy instnur�it.
<br /> If the Funds held by Ixnder exceecl the amounts penaitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shaU account to Bomower
<br /> for the excess Furds in nccoadance with the requirements of�ppltcable law. If tfte amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Iten�s when due.Lender may so nadfy�rrower in wrifing.and.in such case Bornower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the wt�ount neoessary to make up the deficiency.Bomnwer shall make up the deficiurtry in no mor�e than
<br /> twelve menthly paymertu.ut LeMer s sole discretion.
<br /> Upon parymera in full of nll sums secuced by this Securiry Insnvment.Lender shall promptly refund to Bornower any
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If. under parq�raph 2t.[.ender shall acquire or seU the Property.Lender,prior w the acquisitIon or sale
<br /> of the Pcoperty.shall�pply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acqulsition or cale as a credit against the sums secumd by
<br /> this Scxurity Instnunent.
<br /> 3.Eipplicntton of PaymenUs.Unless sipplicable!aw provldrs otherwise.uU payments c�eceived by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 aid 2 shall be app!led: first.to any prepayment charges due under the Note;sernnd.to amounts puyable under paragraph 2;
<br /> third,ro interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last.to;my late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Charges;Uens.Borrower shall pay�11 t�ces.assessments.charges. fines and impositlons attributablc to the Property
<br /> whidi may attain priority over this Secvrity Insuvment. and leasehold payments or�round rents. if any. Horrower shall pay
<br /> thesc oblbgadons in the maiuier pnnvided in pa�agrciph 2,or if nat paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time dit+�ctly
<br /> to the person owed payment. Bomower shall promptly furnish to l.ender ail notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> If Borrower makes these paymenu directly. Borrower shall pmmptly furnish to I.ender crceipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Bornnwer shall prnmptly dischar�e any lien which hus priority over this Sesurity Instrument un(cts Borrower:(a)agr�ees in
<br /> writing to the payment of the obli�aaton secured by the lien in a manner acoeptable to Lender;(b)aontests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defends against enforcemern of the lien in, Iegal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforce�rcent of the lien;or(c)secures Crom the holder of the tien an agreemem satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> this Securiry instniment. If Le�der deterntines that siny pa�t of the Property is subject to a lien which mny attain priority over ,.
<br /> this Saurity Instniment,I.ender cnay�ive Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bormwer shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> mor�e of che actions set forth above within l0 dnys of the giving of notiee.
<br /> Fortn 3028 9/90
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