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<br /> A]LICE F. DU�BS, �ine�le, hexafn c�Iled the GRANT+OR, �or $10.00
<br /> ANO OTHEFd YALUltBLE CON8ID8RATTON, receipt oE wh�ch is hereby
<br /> acicrtoWledged hereby grants and canveys unto
<br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, (3RANTBS, a permaraent and perpetual
<br /> easement and right-of-way to construct, opera�e, maintain, repair,
<br /> remove and replace a water tx'anemisaiort main axid necessary
<br /> appurt�aanc�s and improvernents ae�saoiated �,rith water tranemiseion
<br /> lines upon, above, across, underneath and through the following-
<br /> described xeal estate:
<br /> A trnct oE land in the Northeaet Quarxer (NB,�) oE Seatiass 19,
<br /> To�nship 12 North, Rauge il We$t, of thp 6th B.M., Hall County,
<br /> Nebraeka, aa8 more pnrticularly described as folloxs:
<br /> Cam�enaing at the North�eat Corner o£ eaid 3ection 19 j thenco 3outh
<br /> along the �Teet liae of eaid Seceion a distanee of 33,�� fApi' r� r�
<br /> point on the 3outh right-of-�ray liae of xnusas Streetj thence Bast
<br /> aloag eaid righr.-of-xay liae a dietanae of 1,500.82 feet to a poiat
<br /> on said sight-of-May liae; eaid pofnt buing the point of beginaing �
<br /> of the centerline of permanent easementj th�ee South along said
<br /> centerline that is pasallel with the weat line o£ said section a
<br /> distance oP 919.94 fe�t to a poiat on the North right-of-xay line of
<br /> Susliagton Nosthera Ftailroad, said goint bei�ng the poiat of
<br /> L4rmiriation of Center2lne of eaeement, said easement l�eing 10.00
<br /> �eet either side oP centerlfne. 8aid tract contaiaa 0.42 acrea more
<br /> or laes.
<br /> Together with unrestricted ingress and egress, through and
<br /> across the above-described tract of land for the purpoae o�
<br /> exercising the rights herein granted. The Grantee covenan�s that
<br /> it shall pack the topsoil in the trenches where the ut3lities are
<br /> placed �nd restore the aurfaae of the ground as near ae possible to
<br /> its preRent condition.
<br /> �S
<br /> This easement shall be perpetual aad shail run with the land
<br /> and �hall be binding upon the parties hereto and the heirs, `:
<br /> devisees, personal representatives and assigns of the Grantor. `'•
<br /> '/'•4f
<br /> � Ju'i 15 ,`��
<br /> DATBD: Y , 1999�.
<br /> r /� �•
<br /> • �.L/l/!!(+.L�I� ��"r v -�t�r
<br /> STA�'B OF Pl'SBRASKA )
<br /> � QQ
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) -_. _ .:
<br /> N.'a:
<br /> The foregoing in.etrumeat a�as acknowledged bef.ore me this 15�
<br /> day of Jul,y , 1999, by Alice B. Dubba. a eingle person,• for ��
<br /> the pu�.^poses Cherein stated. �°���
<br /> il�L/��� ' � i
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<br /> Mr cr� a+s►��esa Np ry c F
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