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<br /> BAASCH AND SON3, ZNC., a Nebraska aorporation, herein cailed
<br /> receipt of which is hereby acknowiedged hexeby grants and conveys
<br /> unto
<br /> in Hal2 County, Nebraska, GR}1N'PEF, a permaneat and perpetual
<br /> easement aad right-of-way ta construct, operate, maintain, repair,
<br /> � remove and replace a water transmission ma.in and nzecessary
<br /> appurtsaances and improvemente assocfated with water transmission
<br /> lines upon, above, acrose, underneath and through the following-
<br /> desvx i.�fea3 ��a3 es�at�:
<br /> A tract of land ia the Northeast Quarter (N��t> of Section
<br /> 24, Townahip 12 North, Rang� �.2 WeSt, of the 6th B.M. ,
<br /> Ha11 County, Nebra�ka, and more particularly descri:be� as
<br /> follo�s:
<br /> Cornmencing at the NW Carner of Lot 5, Baasch and. Sons
<br /> Sumdivisfoa, Caira, Nebraska, said point being the point
<br /> of I�:giuning; theuce Bast along the South right-of-way
<br /> line of Kansas Street a distance of 33.00 feet; thence
<br /> South along a line that ie parallel with the West line of
<br /> Lot 5 a distance of 265 .70 feet to a point on the Narth
<br /> righ�-of-�ay line of Burlington Northern Railroad; thence
<br /> W�st-Northwest alarcg said right-of-way line a distance of
<br /> 34.26 feet; thence. North along the West property ifue oE
<br /> Lot 5 a di.stance af 256.46 feet to the point cf
<br /> beginning. Said tract contains .2A acres �Qre ar lese.
<br /> ,.-�
<br /> Together with unr�stricted iagrese and egress, tY�ough and
<br /> across the aba�`re-described tract of land for the purpose of �
<br /> ; .
<br /> exerciaing the rights herein granted. The Grantee covenants that.
<br /> �r
<br /> ft shall pack the topsoil in the tsenches where the utilities are ��-:
<br /> ...�
<br /> placed and restore the surface of the ground as near as possible to �:
<br /> its pres�nt condition. � -
<br /> • Thi� easettw..nt shall be pesZoetuai and shall run wfth the land
<br /> aud shall be biading upon the parties hereto and successors and
<br /> assigns of the Grantor,
<br /> DATBD: /�P.cc,r cG.s7f' � , 1994.
<br /> BAA3CH AND SON3, INC., a Nebraska
<br /> corporatfon
<br /> BY
<br /> pr s Qerald B. Kluthe �°
<br /> i �
<br /> � .
<br /> L
<br />