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<br /> The Cairo Athletic Aeeoaiation, Inc. , a Nebra�3ca corporation, � ``
<br /> herein called the aRANTOR, �or ONB DOLLAR AND OTHBR VAI,UABL� ��:ys
<br /> CONSIDBRATION, hereby grants an�l conveys unto �,";:#
<br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, aRANTBS, a pex,man�nt and perpetual
<br /> easement and right-of-�ay to construct, operate, maintain, repair, �
<br /> �;�'
<br /> remove and replace one or mora municipal water towers and all other �.�t,
<br /> neceasary appurteaances and improvementa associated witia rnunic3paA �'
<br /> walter towere as �ell as water mains, sewer mains, overhead and
<br /> underground electric lines, electricai poles, transformers, gaa ' _
<br /> linee, telephone cables� cable tv cables, communicatioa cables,
<br /> surf�ce markere, junction boxes, �ences and driveways and any other ���
<br /> equipment or s'tructures neceseary for the operation of any of the
<br /> foregoing utilitie�, upon, over, above, underneath, acrosa and �s�'�T
<br /> r:�
<br /> through tk�e following-described real eetate: ��;,:�
<br /> A tract of land nompriai�g a paxt of the Northmest
<br /> Quarter tNW�1 of Sectfon Nineteen (19}, Township Twelve '
<br /> (12) North, Range Sleven (11) Weat of the 6 th P.M., in ,
<br /> Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska, arad more particularly
<br /> described ae followe:
<br /> Beginuiag at a point on the no�th line of said Northwest
<br /> Q�.iarter, eaid point being one hundred twenty-six t126)
<br /> feet eaet of the section corner; thence deflecting ri.ght
<br /> g0° 19� and running south thirty-three (33) feet; thence
<br /> def�.ecting right 44° 50.5' and running southwesterly
<br /> eighty-five (85) feet; thence deflectinq 1q��� 45a� •C?9.5' �
<br /> and running south parallei tio the we��� 4i�ne���of.,gaid �
<br /> �` Northwest Quarter a distance of three hu�,,,fQrry��s�x
<br /> ' �w� '. and fifty hundredtha (346.50) feet �o the north liae of
<br /> . . the Surlingtoa Northern Railroad acight-of-way; thence
<br /> Y � deflecting left 74° 29' and running aoutheasterly along
<br /> �, the norCh line of said railroad right-of-way a distance
<br /> og three hundred forty aud fifty-seven hundredths
<br /> .�`�� (34�.57) feet; thence deflecting 90° 00' left and running
<br /> northeasterly eighty t80) feet; thence defiecting right
<br /> �� 90° 00• and running southeasterly one hundred ten and
<br /> for�y-five hundredths (110.45) feet; thence deflecting
<br /> l�ft 73°' S9• 43" and runaiag aortheaeterly two hundred
<br /> , � ;:.; , � thirty-tt�ree and eighGy hundredths (233.80) feet to the
<br /> t �?':'�;. v�esterly liae of Lot �o (2) , �rner Grain Ca., Ltd.
<br /> ��X: Subdivisionf thence deflecting left 32� 09' 27" and
<br /> +�+�•+*+i�Q northerlv along the �esterly line af said Lot Two
<br /> (2) a distance of eighty-eight and forty-five hundredths
<br /> `� � (88.45) feet; Chence deflecting left 90° 18' S0" �nd
<br /> ,�,:_ � ;-�:: ,
<br /> running westerly one hundred fifty t150) feet; thence
<br /> deflecting righ� 89° 41• 10" and ruruiing northerly two .
<br /> hundred (2D0) feet to the north line of said Nnrthwest
<br /> Quarter; thence deflecting I.e�t 90° 18' S0" aztd running
<br /> y+: ' west along t�e north line of eaid Northwest Quarter a
<br /> . .:�';�;�:�: digtance of three hundred seventy and twenty-three
<br /> ���.� hundredths t370.23) feet to the point of beginning and
<br /> containing 5.04 acres, more or leas. I
<br /> ...�,�::� .>.'r�
<br /> �'i+�:-3:� , .�, I .
<br /> .�<.';:,;;�:, � (
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<br />