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<br /> '�O(}6THBR W[TH a!1 tha improvamenta now on c�nsRer orectod on tho pmporty+,and dl caaementa��ppurte»�ncee�and
<br /> flxtura� aow or beroaftee �{wrt of�6o propeety. AU cepl�cameata uid �dd[ttau �h�ll alw bo covered by thb Socwiry
<br /> Tnatnimen�All of the fon�cin�is referred to Im tht�Secudry lnrtntment�t the"Property."
<br /> BaRRAWBR COYBNAN'!'S th�t Batrower 1�lawtWly�oitad o�the atat�heraby conveyod wid lu�tho rl�ht to araat�nd
<br /> couvey Ihe Pwperty�nd that the Property b oinencumbend.exaept far eaaumb�wace�of record. Borrowar warnnta ued will
<br /> de�'��x!�eneraUy IT�a titlo to 41w L°�ra�;,�ty c��t ali ala�tu�aad d�msada.eub�e.et w nuy enee�mbrrnae+of e+ecorA.
<br /> 'tfUg 3ECtlItiTY 1NS7RZJMBNT combfi�a aniform cor•aoants for natioa�l we aad noa•ua3forra covenwb witb limited
<br /> vuiatton�by juri�dtction to�onstitute s uniform�eaudty ia�trumcat covering aal p[opesty.
<br /> UIVIFQRM COVBNANTS.Borenwer and Leader cove�at snd�ree n followr.
<br /> 1. P�ynKnt ot PMindp�l atr�Iata+cst; NYpa�yment and I.ate Char�es. Bortower alWl P���Y P�Y whcn due ttee
<br /> prinoipal o!and lnurat oa the debt evfdeneod by the Note md�qy prep�ymeat�nd l�t�ehar�a due under the Note.
<br /> E. Ftutido[or Tsu�ea and�.Subje.et to apPllcable 1aw or to a written w�fver by L�ender, 9orrower�all pt�y to
<br /> Leader on tbe day mr�ntltlY WYmeab am due uader the Note.uatll the Note b p�id ln EWI.s am('Fund�')for:(�)Yeuiy taxa
<br /> wd uceameat�w�tie6 m�y athia priorlty over thia Securlty Insteument�s s tien or►the Prnperty;(b)Yeuly le�hold paymeau
<br /> or ground rents om tha Propmty.if�qy�(e)Yeuly haurd or�roperiy ituurnaca pramiume:(d)YasiY flood jnnt�nce pnmiumn,
<br /> if aqy: (e)Yearly mortgage ta�urance premiums�if any:�nd(�iu►Y�WYable by Borrower to Leader. W acaordaaca with
<br /> the pruvI�iats of paragdph 8�in Ueu of the psyment of awttgage Luuranco pmmtums.'I4�e�e[teme u�e caUed"B�cmw Iteme.'
<br /> Latder mey. at wy time,ceUect aad hold Funde in tn unouat not w e�cceed the muimuin ataeu:►t a leadar for a fede:sUy
<br /> rolated mortgage lma mry nqt�ite for Bomnaer'e esarow aceount under the tederat Re�l �tote Setttemeat Pra�ttra Act of
<br /> 1974�s ameaded from time to time,12 U.S.C.Soctloa ?b01 a seq. ('RHSPA•),ualea�another law thst�pplies w the Fund�
<br /> ``�`;_ ..,_..,. eeta a lassor ampunG If eo. Lender m�y.at any tIme�coUeet�nd hold Fuads in �n�mount not W wcceed the leaeer unoun� , ?
<br /> Leader msy eatimate the rmount of Fuada due on We bas3s of cumnt d�and re�sonabla estimstes of eapeadtwres of 4i�ture
<br /> .t •,�.•.., Bscrow Items or atherwiae�n accordance wtth appllcable ltw.
<br /> . :i":'l.��:f�r.��'.�'..
<br /> T6e Funds eh�ll be held in aa Instttutton whose deposiYs ue ineurod by a fedenl ageacy, �nSttumentaUty. or entity
<br /> ;� � (including Leader.if Latder is euch�n insHwtion)or in aay Federal Homo La�n Bwnk.Lcnder ehaU apply the Funda w psy the
<br /> �, „ ..;�,.� Bsamw Item�.L�eader mry not oharge Bo:rower for holding and applyiag the Funds�a+nnually an�lyr3ng the exrow�ccouat,or
<br /> verifylag the Becrnw Items.unless Ireader paye Borrower tnterest oa the F�nds md appllcahle law permita x.eadar ta mtke such
<br /> ����;;.:�' . . a charge.However.I�radar may requiro Borrower W pa,y a oae-tima charge for aa indepeadeat real estate Uuc repotNng eeiv[ce
<br /> sY�.;;.�'. �''�� used by Leader tn connsct[on with this loan, wnless applic�ble law provides otheiadse. Unless an ag�eement fe msde or
<br /> � � appllcabie iaw reqnires into:sst to be pwia�Lcna�a�iii noi ifa r-oquir�ta pay Earrmrla aay iasa�t ar r�satags ua she F�s,
<br /> � �''"``�"i- Bo:rcwer�ad Leader mury agm,e ia wrlting.howaver�thtt Interest e}dall be patd on the Funds.Leadc,7 s6a11 givo to Borrower,
<br /> `�`'��`�.f'����. w[thout charge.aa an�uil accounting of tha Funds.showIng eredIts and debits to the Funds ind the pwpoae for wWch each
<br /> � �:�:j�r,.,,;;.�.:,.: ;.,,- r
<br /> ,�� debit to the Fwtda waa mtde.'Iba Ptmds am pledged as additional securIty for aU sums secuted by thie Securicy Instn�meat.
<br /> -�":'•��xiM;�.'�;:��,'r�';' If the Fuads held by I.eader oxead the�mounts permilted W be held bY BPPlicablo lsw,Lander ehaU accaunt to Borrewet j
<br /> .�.'.��,:`• a:,�:�sa•,;
<br /> � �,,,���� for the excess guade in accotdance with the nequiremeats of epplicabla law.If the unount of the Funds hold by Leader at any
<br /> , � �� tjane Is not suffioieat to pay the Bearuw Items wheu due.Leadar may so aotify Borrower in writtug,and,ia such c�se Borrower '�.
<br /> ��• - ebaU pay to L,ender the omount necessary W mske up the deRcteacy. Botrower eheU m�lce up the deficienay ta ao moro th�a
<br /> •'•' ;rf.:="�.c�h,�;-.�. :-�L:
<br /> 2 , µ.w.�.;.+> . taelve muntlilY WYmente,at Leader's sole discneuon. ,�.;�i
<br /> '*�.�,,� '�Jpon psyment In tWl of all sums eccue+cd by this Senurity Instcument. Leader ehell promptly refuad to Borrower auY �c.:�
<br /> .1 .. ��'t_.r::ii ;.��Y.
<br /> :��,_. :,. Funds held by Lender. If,under par�gtaph 21. Lendar ehaU aex�uire or sell tho Property.Lender,p�Ior to the acquieftion or sale
<br /> °¢ � � ,• of the prope�ty.s1u11 apply my Funds held by Leader at the dnae of acquieiNon or aslo�s e eredit agatnst the eums secut+zd by ..
<br /> �' � r.^':,•• - ..Ar�_
<br /> :xi}Ncc'.S- �8$ECl7t�h/lOB�I'UInODt. ':i;:
<br /> . . ,.�.•�+e� 3.Application of Poyme�ts.Unless applicable law pmvldes otherwise.all paymenta recelved by Lender uadar parac�raphs • •:
<br /> i � � �i� -. ....... <
<br /> ti � �;,,};,:.:�„r: 1 aad�ah�ll be applied:firet, W aaY P�Payment cbarges due under tho Note;second,to amouats payable under pnmgeap6 2; r�"�;�i
<br /> , �;�, th�d,to intanst due;foueth,to princlpal due;and last.to nny Itte c6arges due under the Note. �; ,
<br /> X�•.;.;. .�:'�', 4.C1wt�ts's Liec�v.Borrower eh�ll pay s►ll ta�s.assessmente�cbaTges, fiaes and impostdons aqributable to the Properiy �
<br /> . ,��,��tir�..'�`� which may atain prloxlqr over this 3ecurity Instrument�aad leasehold paymeats or ground rtnts� if eny. Borrower ehali pay �
<br /> ;:�?+T'r ..: . ��;..
<br /> • , , .., , � _ thiwe obligttions in tfle m�rmer provided iu pa�ag�aph 2,vr if u�t p�tZ in tLat maaner.$enower slsell pay them on time dirvetly �"
<br /> ��i�,:,.t=',.i.=:.:,� '.; to the patson owed paymea�Botrowet sL4ll promptly fumish to Lender all aoNces of�nounts to be paid ueder this parag�apb.
<br /> 'f.;;. . ' If Borrower makes these psymeate di�ectly.Borrower ehall pmmpdy furais6 to Leader racelpta evidencing tite payrcante. ! �,
<br /> ; F�;:'�.=.,�Y . �l, Bort+ewer ehall prompuy discharge any lien whtch hae prtortty over this 3ecurity Ia9tYUment unlesa�orrower:(a)agcees In i
<br /> ,.,,.. 1� wridag to the psyment of the obligation secural by the lien in a menner acceptsble W Leader.(b)wntests in good falth the llen
<br /> ;�E:t� :.:"�� '' by, or dofenda agt[nst enfineemaat of the lien ia, leg�l proccediage which in the Lender's opinton operate W pnvent the
<br /> r :1�„'S�a��LY !. e,nforcement of the lien;or(c)axur�a from the holder of tl►e Ilen an agreement sadsfactory to Lender aubordloating the Uen w
<br /> k':�-r�;..:. -
<br /> . Wia Securlty Instruffiant.If Lendar determiaos Wat any part of the Property is subjoct w a Iten w6ich may attain prto�ty over � ';�'
<br /> �^=`��` ";�° = tt�s Secutiry�nstsumart,L�ender msy givo Bor[�ower a nodce ldentitj�ng the iten. Borrower ehall eatiaty+We U�n or take oae or �
<br /> '':+':: �. .s
<br /> '. � � � • moro of the actions set forth above wlthin 10 days of the giviag of nottce.
<br /> ':rt:1'�,�`f+ �•:.�k• �Z4- 635 FOflll$028 i9I,g`� � '�`.
<br /> �r�9',;;'''�-a'•:� i:'i:;hi:._' vip�s ol e xinat•:Jfl�J�' � �' :'
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