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<br /> condemnatian ar uther taicing of nny pu�t pf the PrapcRr,or for conveyance in Iteu af condemnatlon,are herchy assigncc!and
<br /> shnll bc pufd to Lender.
<br /> In the event of n total toking of the Propetty. the praceeda shall be upplieA to thc tiuma secured by this Sccadry
<br /> Instrument,whcther or not then due, wlth nny excesA paid ta Borrower. In tho event of u puAfal taking of the Proporty in
<br /> whfch thc fuir mnrket vidue of the PropeRy immediately before the taking ia eqaul to or grcater ihan the nmount af tha sums
<br /> secund by thie Secudty Instcument immediutely befare eho taking,unles.4 Borrower and Lender atherwise ugree in writing,
<br /> the�ums secured by thts Secur�ty Instrument shnU be reduced by the nmount of the proceeds multiplied by the followtng
<br /> frnction: (n)the Wtal amount of the aums secured immediately before thc taking,dlvided by (b)the fair market vulue of the
<br /> Prc►perty immedlately before the taking. Any balance�hall ba puid t�Borruwer. in the event of u paNal taking of the
<br /> Prope�ty in which the fait market vnlue of the Property immediat�ly before the taking is kss than the nmount af the sums
<br /> secured immedlately before the taking,unless Borrower and I.ender otherwise asree In writin�or unless upplicable law
<br /> otherwise pravldes,the proceeds shall l�e applied to the sums secured by this Security Insuuinent whether or nat the sum.s are
<br /> then due.
<br /> t,, If the Property Is aMindoned by Bortower,or if.after notice by L.ender to Borrower tliat the condemnar affets to make
<br /> a�n
<br /> .�!%:� an awar�t or settle a clalm for damages.Horrower fails to respond to Lender withln 30 days after the dsue the notice is glven.
<br /> .-�.,• of the Pao or to the
<br /> •• :�����'���u I.ertder is aut9�onized to collect and apply thc proceeds.at its apdon,either to restaration or repuir Pe1'�Y
<br /> ,•.,,:,..•.,�;:t�?;�";�•:
<br /> ' �i•���� sums secured b this Securl Insuumant,whethEr ur not then due.
<br /> '�;;t,'r�t Y ZY
<br /> ,;��r Unless Lender and 9ormwer otherwise a�ree in wdtlns.any applicadon of proceeds to princlpal ahall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dace of the monthly payments refemed to ln parasrnphs 1 and 2 or change the nmount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Wot Reteaged; Forbearence By Lender Not a Waiver. F.xcension of the time for poyment ar
<br /> modiftcatfon of amortizatton of the suma secured by this Secudty Irtsuument gmnted by Lender to eny successor in interest
<br /> of Borrower shall not operate ta relense the liabiltty of the original sonawer or BoRawer:�successom in intcrext.Lender
<br /> +'" .'++; >' shull not bercquimd to commencc procecdings aguinst uny r:uccexxar in interctit cu rcfuse ro extend Hme for pnymcnt or
<br /> otherwise madify umartizution of the wumw hccured by thia Secudty Instrument hy reuxnn otany demund mudo by thc oriuinul
<br /> ' �' � Barro�ver ur Burrowerk huccesxurx i��interest. Any fnrtmurcm�e hy l.ender in exercixinK nny d�ht ur rcmedy++hull not Ix�u
<br /> waivcr uf ur prccludc thc excrcisc uf uny right or rcmcay.
<br /> iZ. Succes.wrx und Axslkna Hoondt Joint and 4uverul I,IubiUtyi t'�MKtpnerx. '1'hecuvenunts cmd ugrccmcntx i�f'thiy
<br /> Sccurity Inxtnmicnt Khal!bind imd tx�ncfit thc r�ucce���►n+urtd aswiHnr af l.cndcr imd Hu�ruNVCr,tiuhjcct ta thu pr�winlunr oF
<br /> ,..�, . . � "°', . pnrugmph 17.Borrowcrk covenantr; und ugrcc�ucnts hhnll�x�J��fnt mid�evcrid. Any Iiumswcr whu cu-.rig��s�hl�+ScrurUy
<br /> 'y: •,�; instn�ment but docy not execute the Nc�tc: lul is co•+igning thix SrcurNy Inwtrument only to�nurtgage,��imt and canvcy thnt
<br /> -;�;��;,�+,r�..: Harruwcrk intcrest in thc Property undcr thc tcrms uf thts Sccuriry Intitrumcnt; (bl is nat pere:unully u b l iguted to puy thc numx ' Y
<br /> securcd by thia Secudty lnstrument;und(c)i►grecw thut l.ende�und uny other Borrower muy ugrc�to extend.mociify,f�rbenr
<br /> � ���'bt`• , ar make uny nccommodutlona with reguro ro [he terms�f chis Sccurity fn;trurr�nt ar thz":use :�lihusst th31s �TT�wer?�
<br /> , b�l+;�'�.;•>;a<
<br /> ' lbr,�l,�:k..^-:!M� COl15CTIt.
<br /> • ��-� �,;+��+�-r 13. Lcian Charges. If the lomi secured by thik Secur�ty Instrument Is rubject to a law which seG4 muximum Ioan
<br /> `�'��;µ:-r�',_r;':�
<br /> d�:a_ _ �. y.. r charges,and thut Inw is finally interpretcd so thnt the interest or other loan charges collecud or to be collected in connectton
<br /> ;�'rf• '" �,;.:;;; with the lo�.-�exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)nny such lonn charge shull be reduced by the umount necessary to reduce �
<br /> �"-" ���'� '�.• the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)nny sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wiU be . �.
<br /> :� .�iS�:.u:}.:.:v::., ,� .
<br /> vy',;c:5�°�'�,;�' refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducfng the principal owed under the Note or by makln$a '�•,►
<br /> .'.Na'��� direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction wilt be treated as a partial prepayment without uny ,''i�"
<br /> -�t=�'��•.y��. prepayment char�e under the Note.
<br /> � t . . � lh
<br /> 'w��:;�•<+a•� 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall bc given by delivering it or by �
<br /> �'��r"''���' mailing it by ficst class mail untess appIIcable IAw requires use of another method.The natice shall be direeted to the Property
<br /> y ,.,.,.,,:
<br /> e t�i'�w •;;' Address or any other address Botrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fust cluss ,
<br /> - mail to Lender's addr�eas stated herein or uny othec address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice providec:for
<br /> '`?�.�` in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been �iven to Borrower ar Lender when given as provided in this � •
<br /> � .F'�'°"`"`' P�SraPh.
<br /> � �,.,.., .•:"' 15. Governing Law;Severability. This Secudty Inswment sholl be govemed by fedcrul law und the law of the
<br /> '`u`�� �r. jurisdicdon In which the Property is locuted. In the event that any provision or dause of this Secudty Instrument or the Note
<br /> ,,f. , contlicts with applicable luw,such conflict shull not uffect other provisions of thIs Security Instrument or the Note which cun
<br /> � be given effect without the canfltcting proviston. 'Ib thts end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note nre
<br /> ����i""�'''' declar+ed to be sevemble.
<br /> ::,�„�.�.w:;;;�,�.<...
<br /> r ,,� r.:�,��.,:;.:,�-.;;.
<br /> ��':_,,,,,_,.::�.,y.„ 16. Borrawer's Copy. Botrower shull be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> �y::�'"�4.1�i�� �: 1�J. 'Ilransfer of the Property or a Beneflcial Interest tn Borrower. If ull or any part of the f'roperty or any interest in
<br /> "�`"` !` it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial intet�.ct in Borrower is sotd or transfe�red:►nd Horrower is not u natursl pecson)
<br /> � wlthout Lender:s prior written consent,Lender mey.ut its option.require immediate payment in full of:ill sums secured by �
<br /> �r �''ti�° thts Security Instrument. However.this optton shnll not be exercised by Lender if exercisc is prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> ..,�.,•,
<br /> �� ;,.. j:r, � the date of this Secudty Instniment.
<br /> � �+�. •• . If Lender exercisos this opdon.L,ender shall give Borrower notice of accelemtion. 'Ihe notice shall provide u period of
<br /> � �_'��:'.`'`� ��:� noi less than 30 dnys from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within whlch Borrower must pay ull sums secured by this
<br /> i�•�f��-���'� �- ��-{ � Securlty InstnunenG If Borcower fails to pay these sums pdor to the expiration of this period. Lender may invoke any
<br /> '-">�"' '" �� remedies pern�itted by this Securicy Inswment without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> ��;:•.:�•:' ." ,. 18. Borrower's Rtght to Reinstete. If Bomower meets certain conditlans,Boerower shnll have the right to hnve
<br /> . • enfotccsment of this Securiry Inswment discontinued at uny time prior to the eariter of: (a)5 dnys(or such other period as
<br /> �;-�'�� � ' 5ingle Fami{y—Fannte Mae/Fteddie Mnc U(�IFORM lNSTRi1MF.NT—Udform Covmanta 9190 (poge 4 nj6 pages�
<br /> 7�i��-tkf;i..,,�}.t Es`ti�. •
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