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<br /> - ;�1� i ' . �.t.
<br /> t� �
<br /> .'l-� '
<br /> ' . .�:. .�
<br /> 94-�c��'� �
<br /> 0.Na�wr�a�MaMef�M.Trusto►�ha0 kNp tliN Propaty In ComR�f�nc!wilh��!�ppltciblt l�vro.ordinrncN�u�d npul�
<br /> fN/Mfp b ffMtMM1N bypN1N Ot MYIYbt111M�1W p►00�Ctbt7(OGM�GtFYNY�ff�d b M1�1'�ifl M'�EfMIM'OfMMMIM�i.01M0"I.TIIMtO►/11N1
<br /> kMp Mw.Prop�rty kw hon��11 wE�t�ncM�wd b be hu,�rdoudor bnfo u��nY Erwkonm�nlN Uww(or+M�liwh w�rb a
<br /> M++Mn�"Has�do�w kla�rMls'9.�'ruMor hK�t►Y wr'nr�snd npr�nb to L+�ndor M�t u+�r�a►��o tM�dow MMrrldr on a
<br /> undM I!N Pro{+�rty.Trwbr h��bfl Mr+N a IndanwNy atW hakl Aen�IrN I.�ntMt.ib dlt�ola�s.ollfa�nr ilnMdv9NM�nd��M.�nd
<br /> �ny M�ee!!�!�re M!_e�Me►'s InlAaM,han and�In�t anY and ui oWrn�.ds�MON.�o�nd I�bliitiw ariekq k1 ooMnelien wiN�
<br /> 11N P��wa�.uM dwP�o►���Y FN�urdow I�R�I�fiis on.und��from or�ui GW Fr:�:y+'�i:��St��t:C!
<br /> 10. A�MM N IOMM.Tturkx lwroby snipns b L�ndKlM rwN�.ten�M�td Oroh1�M ItN Prop�try:Rn�vldad!hM TtuNor
<br /> N�11.uMN th�abcurr�ol�n Ewnt d O�hul!Mrwnd�►.haw tMN�ht to cotMct snd nMin euah naMs.l���nd p�oAM M wy
<br /> b�cam�dw�nd p�y�61�Upon th�ocaumno�01�n Ewnt of[�itul�L�ndK may.NthK In pM�on or by�t wiTh a witl�»
<br /> brinpirp any aatlan or pracMdinq,or by�ncM+nt�PP�inbd bY�court�nd without ng�rd b IM ad�qwcY o!11e�Mc�xiq►��►
<br /> upon�nd Ww pow�ion o11M ProMrly�or any p�rqh��ot.ie ia own narn�oe 1n tha narr�la!1heTru�e,and dd�nYadt w1�1�A k
<br /> d�arn�e»c�ary or dMk�bN Eo pn�wtMvalw�mpirleNfWilty otrondbHflyottt�Prop�h.or�cqr Da't1f�'�af ot kNK«tlfMnln.
<br /> Incnw ths incan�tl�Mrom a praMat tM eeeutit!►h�nof e�rtd�wHh a►wiThout fakinp Pa�b�ot Ih�Praqaty.w�'be o�
<br /> a�rw1�colMct Itw nnt�„1�and P����includiny lhca P�dw�nd unp�ld.�nd appl�IEM�.ha�1t and
<br /> exp�nws af ope�tion and colleetlon tneludinp attomeys'tees�upon any Indebt�dn�a aeeund h�r�by.MO�n auch aMsr at L�nfK
<br /> m�y drlwmirn.The entKinp upa{��nd takinq poss�s�lon of tM Prop�ty.!h�coll�stlon of su�h r�nb,iafws and Dra�t�1�nd 1f�
<br /> ��ipon bwohdetRUR���ue��owchuoofkeotdMau u�d.not�wittu�t�ndlnplbsaanUnw�In�+Dow�sbndfhs�Pt1 ` a
<br /> th�cotisation.nosint�nd appitcstion M rer►ts.tau�s or arofib.and T�uct-a artdi lorsdssr r.�sall6e en�w�!M���Y
<br /> provid�dfo►in�nyof tMl.�om Doaun�usabli�wuponoscum�aof�nY Eve�to�Oafaui�irtc4udirqw��hanlirt�htlonth�rFpMb
<br /> tim4tatlonon,� s Oh andremed ufes snd�erranya�aipnmM►�tm�eaessandra�srocordedwv��'a�Y•�►�T�°
<br /> and tlM r�wiver�ttidl be Itab�to�ccount onh►thos�reros�ctwlh►r�eoMved.
<br /> 11. Ev�b d D�wM.The bllowinp ehall constitute an Event o/0elautt under this Oeed ot'frutt
<br /> (�)Failure to pay any insfalimeat of pdncipat or tnterest of any other eum aeaured hereby wben du�
<br /> (b) AbreacbofordefaultundaranyprovlafonoonteinedinthsNote,thfsOosdofTrus�anYOfthsLoanOocuma�b�orM►
<br /> othe►ibn or encumbtance uoon tAe Prope�tv:
<br /> (c)A writ of executlon or attachment ar any aimllar procea�shall be entered apalnst Tnlator whtaA sh�Ul bscoms�Ii�n on
<br /> the Properiy or any poNon thsreof or interost thorein;
<br /> (d)Thsre ahatl be fll�d by or apafnst Truator or 8onower an actlon under any present or futurs teden�l.t�b or athsr
<br /> faxii+r�o�ii�c�t�d�ator aiTnsstar ar 8c�a��ar�a�!s4laQr anY N�^N►Pret�to�dabt�o,e enta.laaues orp o��eroof,o�Trwtor
<br /> or Borrower et�all rAake any general asstgnment tor the beneflt of credtWra:
<br /> (e)The,sa�e.traniter.leeae,aasignment conveyance or turther encumbrance ot ell or ar►y paR of or any intore�t In the
<br /> Property.elther votur�qirily�r involurttarily,without Me expres�written consent of Lender,provided that T��sha�l bs
<br /> �permttted W execute a lesae af the Properiy that does nat confain an opUo�to purchase ar�d the te►m ot which does�ot excMd
<br /> ' one year.'
<br /> (Q Abandonment ot the Property:or
<br /> (p) ff Trustor la notan tndlvtduel,the isauance,ea�e,transier.asstgnment,conveyance or encumbrence M more then a toest
<br /> p��_percent o}(if a corporatton)ite isaued and outstending atock or(if a paRnerahip)e total ot percent ot
<br /> pArtr�erahip intereats dtMng the period th{s Deed of Trust rematns a Iten on tt�e Property.
<br /> ;� 12 RNn�dUr AceN�ratloo Upon O�buM.In the event of any Event oi Oefauit Lender may,without notice except aa tequired by
<br /> , . �aw,deolare all indebtedneas eeaured hereby to be due and payabie and the same ahalt thereupon become due end payabte
<br /> wtthout arqr preaernmen�demand,proteat or noUce of any kind.Theroafter Lsnder may:
<br /> (a) Cemand that Truatee exercise Me POWER OF 3ALE yranted herein,end Truatee ehaii theteeitet Cttuse Tnt�OPs
<br /> iMereat In the Property to be ao�d end the proceeds to be distributed.ail in the manner provlded tn the Nebraska Truet Deeds
<br /> Act
<br /> ,*��t;� (b) ExercJaear►yandalirightsprovidedforfnanyoftheloanDceumertteorbytawuponoccumenceotanyEventof0etaui�
<br /> .:�'�., a�(c) Commence�n ection to toreaioae this Deed ot Trust as a mor¢gege,appolM a�eaeiver,or apeciflcaliy eMorce any of the
<br /> :.��,+':.'s�'.`�i. covenanb hereof.
<br /> ;�:;� No remedy hereln conterred upon or reaerved to Trastee or Lender ia intended to be exclustve of any otAer remedy heretn,In Me
<br /> �._:._::;_::. Lonn t)ocumenta or by law provtded or pennitted.but each ahall be cumulative,shait be 1�edditton to every otRer remedy gtven
<br /> , � hereunder,in the Loan Documenffi or now ar hereatter existing at law or In equfty or by etatute,ar►d may be enerctaed concumeMi!►.
<br /> '":_'": ", independentty or auc�sstvely.
<br /> ' 13.Tlvsb�.The Truatee may resign at any Ume without cause,and Lender may at any dme and without cause appoini a ,
<br /> ��_�. '" succeasor or eubsNtute Trustee.Tnistee shail not be Ilabte to any pariy,inctuding without Ilmitatlon LenrJer,Bonower.T�r or any
<br /> °����� � �' purahaaer of tfte Praperty,tor anq losa or damaga unlesa due to�ecktess or witttut misconduat,and ahall not be requlred to take any ��n
<br /> ' .:�;..rF .'�.. �.',,.
<br /> actlon tn connection with the enforcement oi thia Deed o!Trust untess Indemnftied, In writing,tor alt costs,compensadon or .
<br /> ,;;�`�;::,. ..., _ expenaes whiah may be associated Merewlth.In additlon,Truetee may become a purahase�at any sate ot the Properiy Qudfctet or ��: �;�
<br /> • urtder the power of eaie graMed heretn);poatpone the sate of all vr any pordon ot the P►operty.as Provided by taw;or sell the
<br /> �� � Propeny as a whola,or in separate parceta or Iots at Trustee's dlscretion.
<br /> ,a. .. 14.Fea�ntl Erp�nsa.ln the event Trustee selle the ProPerty Dy oxercise ot power of sate,Trustee shail be entlUed to epply
<br /> ' any eate proceeQs flrat to payment of 8II costa and expenses ot exercising power of sale.lncluding att Trustee's tees,and Lender's
<br /> �..:rx� ' ••:::. . arsd Trustee'e attomey's tees.eatuelly ineu►►ed to extent permitted by epplicable law.111 thB @Veflt BOf►OWBf Of TNStO�BXQ�C�EBS 8fly
<br /> ' A,�;r::,�':1 .:,,;,_: rtgM provfded by Iaw ta cure an Event of Oefauit,Lender shatl be entlUed to recover trom Trustor all costa and expenses eotuaUy
<br /> �w�� -�.,••� rl incurred aa e tesutt ot Tniator's detautt,including wlthout limitatlon all Truatee's and attorrtey's tees.to the exteM permitted by
<br /> A4,•'%° '". ... • apPlEeabtelaw.
<br /> ' � 16.FuWn AdvanaN.Upon request ot Borrower.Lender may,at ite opUon,make addfUonal end tuture advances and�e-
<br /> - � edvancea to Bonower.Such advances and readvances,with Intereat thereon,ehall be secured by this Oeed of Trust At no Nme ahall
<br /> �� theprinaipai amountof the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust,�ir��ir�sums advanced to proteatthe securiry o}thie
<br /> �_�__._y_�Ya�..�� •h�.n1n nr 4 r Wh1C�18Y@f 18 9f��l.
<br /> •- . vCeo Vi t`rYO4 biia.�vu u�o w�yn�a��rt��w�pa.o.��v.....�......�.�... _• -
<br /> �: 16.IIIMaN�eou�Provtsions.
<br /> ,� • (a) Bortorru Not RNasad.Extension of the tlme for payn�ent or modlHcatlon of amortl=atlon of the sums secured by this
<br /> � � • Qe�d o!Truat Sranted by Lender to any succdsaor fn interest ot Borrower ahatl not operato to re�ease•�n any manrter,tho ilabl�iry
<br /> � ed
<br /> �" � of the arigtrfal Borrower and Bortower'a sucasasora In interest Lender shBU rtot be requlrod to commence proceedings againat
<br /> . ° suct�ouccassor or retuae to extend dme for payment or otherwtse modty amorNrstlon of the sume se�ured by thla Deed of T►ust
<br /> �� by reason of anq demartds made by tho original Borrower and 8orcawer's successors�n intefest
<br /> (p) L,�QK'�Pow�a.Without atteadng the 1{abllity of eny other persor� Ilable tor tho payment ot any ob►tgatlon herein
<br /> �� �, '� mentioned,and wlthout affeatlrtg tAe Ile�or charge ot this Deed of Truat upon any portlon of the PropeRy not then or theretotore
<br /> . reteasad aa eeaurtty tor the fuU amount of atl unpaid obllgadona.Lender mey,from tlme to Ume and without nottce(1)release any
<br /> �� . person so Ilable.(Iq extend the matudty or niter any of the terma ot any such obtigallons,(lii)grant other indu�gences,(iv)release
<br /> or reconvey.or cauae to be re�eased or reconveyed et any 8me at Lender's opdon any parcel.portlon or all of the Properiy.
<br /> ��§' `� (v)ffike or refeaae any other or nddltlonal aecurity for any obllgaUon herein menUOrted.or(vl)make compoalUona or oth8r
<br /> . '���� �_ �� • ananpementa with debto�e in retettan Mareto. !
<br /> � . I
<br /> .
<br /> . .
<br /> •i� ,
<br />