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� - _ '�1',.�� ... ....:�,� <br /> 't- <br /> .. 94_ sos�a , <br /> �7.'I'rnnsftr o!t�e Prnpe�y or e Beneftcta!Intfxe!ct ln� oll ar any ps�rt a�ths i�roperty or xny interc!►t In it <br /> is sold or trctnsFcrrcd(or if a he�te�cictl it�terest in Qorrower ig salc!nr transferred cind 13an4w�r is uot n natural pensun)without <br /> l.ender'g prlar wriuen consem, Lender muy, ut its option, rsquice iirnacdiute payi��cnt in t�tl af all cttettn c;.cured by tt�ix <br /> Securlty Instrumcnt. Howavcr,tf�is aption ahall nat be cxenirc+�by l.endcr iP�xercls;,ix prol�ibite8 by fod:raf luw as of�he date <br /> of this Sccnr�ty(rtstrument. <br /> If l,ender excrcires this o�t ion,Lcnder ehutl give Bonawer notioe�f accsleratian.Tha nottce eha11 provide n period nf�wt <br /> less thn�3Q daya fr�am the data tho nottce ia dclivered ar mailod wlthin whicb Borrower must pay al!�uma recured by thir <br /> Sesuriry Instniment. IF Borrawer foile to puy these sun�►s prior to the capiration of this period. I.ender may invoke any rcmetlid <br /> pc,:nuittccl t�y ti�f:,$ccttrl:�i��tntcntni without fiu�ihci•�wtlw oe dc��und an EioYrowcr. <br /> 18. �o�rrower's i�M ta RN�tate. If Borrower me�ts rertain wnditions. Borrower shali have thc ri�ht ta hsve <br /> enforcerr�nt Q�thi� Secudty Instrument discontinued nt any iimr prior to the earlier of: (a) S day�(ar s�rch other perlod u <br /> appticable Iaw may specity tor relnstatcmenq befom sule of th�s P�operty pursuant to any power of sale oontainai in this <br /> Security Instrum:nt;or(b)entry af u judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.l7tose conditions are that Barcower:(�)Qaya <br /> I.ender�Il sums which then would be due under this Secur�ry Instruvnent and the Note as if no acceleratian hacY occurnd;(b) <br /> cures any default qf nny ather covenants or agrcements; (c)pays all expenses incun+ed in enforcing this Security Instrument. <br /> Inctuding.but not limited to,teawnable attomcys' fccs;and td)tnkes such�ctioa tws[.ender may reasouabiy reciuirc to�.�.wre <br /> that the lien of thia Socurity Instrument. l.,end�r's rights in the Prnperty und Borrower's obligation to puy tho sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument shall cont�nue nnchunged. Upon relnstatement by Borrower. this Security Insuwnent �nd c�e <br /> obligtttions secured hereby shall remnin fully effeccive us if rto accelerntion hud occurred. However,this right to reinstate sha11 <br /> not upply tn the case of ucceleret ion under panigraph 17. <br /> 19. Sple of Note; Ch�nge of Loan Servioer. The Note or a partial interest ln Wc Note (together with thia Sacut€ty <br /> Instnunent)may be sold one ar rnore times wlthout pdor notice to Horrower. A sale may result in a change in the enNty(knowu <br /> ss�he"Laan Servicer') that collects monthty payments due uhder the Note and this Secudry Instcument.There also mnY�� <br /> or more changes of the Luan Servicer wuelated to a sale of the Note. If theTe is a change uf thC Lorui Se�+icee.Itorrown'wIlf�s <br /> given wdtten nouce of the chen�e in aocordance with paragrnph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wtll state the aame and <br /> address of the new I.oan Servlcer And the address to which payments sh�uid be xnade.The not�ce wlll Wso contain any other <br /> inforrrk�uIon rcyuired by applicable law. <br /> 20. Iiazardous Substano�s.Borrower shall not cause or pemut the presence, use.disposal. atorage.or release af any <br /> .�'�,. Hawrdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor al[ow anyane else to do. anythins affectiag the <br /> Properry that is in viotatton oF any Envimnmental Law. The preoeding two sentences ah�ll not apply to tho presence. use. ar <br /> stora�e on the Property of smnl l qucintities of Hazardous Substances thst aro�eneralty re�gnized to be appr�prlute to nortaa! <br /> residential uses end to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give L.ender wntten notice of uny investigatton,claim.demand.lawsuit or other action by any <br /> governmental or regulatory agency or ptivate pttrty involv(ng the Property ar�d any Hautrdous Substance ar Bnvirontnental Law <br /> ,,-;:;. uf which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notified by siny governmental or regulatory authori .that <br /> n <br /> any removal ar other remediatlon of any Hazardaus Subswnce affecti�g the Property is necessary,Boaower shall promp y take <br /> ai i necessary mmediai ac[ions im accordance wici�Environmenwi Lsw. <br /> �4 As used in this paragraph 20, "Haznrdous Substanoes" are those substances defined as tox(c or hazardous substances by <br /> Ehvironmentel Lsiw and the foilowing substances: gasoline, kemsene. other ftammable or toxic petroleum�mduMs. toaic <br /> �;��� �: pesticides ond herbicides,voletite solvents.materiuls contutnin�asbestos or formnldehyde.and radioactive matenals. As used in <br /> this parugrnph 20. "Environmentnl Law" means federal luws and laws of thc jurisdiction where the Pmperty ia lc�cated that <br /> :, t' relate to or environmental protection. <br /> `�'�`�'"'' :T NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lender further covenunt and agree as folluws: <br /> � +• 21.Acceleration; Remed[es.I.ender shall give nottce to Borrower prior to acceleration following Bomowe�'s breach <br /> � •r, of any covenant or sgreement tn this Secur(ty Instrument (but not prior to accelerution under paragraph 17 unless <br /> ��•+•--�• ••� '' npplicuble!uw provtdes othenvtse). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the aMfon requlred to cure the default; <br /> •;��M.,ti. • (c)a�t less than 30 dvys from the date the notice is Riven to Borrower,by which the defuult must be cured;and <br /> ':��. ° (d)that failure to cure the deTault an or before the date s fied in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums <br /> '*• ; � '��1 secured by thts Security Instrument and sele of the Property�. The noNce shall further tnform Borrower of the cight to <br /> .�f retnstute atYer ncceleratlon and the risht to brin�a court actton to assert the non-exlstence of a defautt or nny other <br /> ;„�„��,,;;..�;,;,' defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale.I[the defuult is rtot cured on or before the date spectfied In the notice, <br /> i�;F , Lender, at its opiion, may require immediate payment in fuli oP all sums secured by thts 5ecurlty Instrument without <br /> ��'�;• '' "?:� • further demand and may inroke the power of sale and any other rnmedies permitted by applicable law.Lender shall be <br /> y� .>.r:�.�,'!r;;r <br /> �,,`,;,,,;;�,�•�, entitled So collect all expenxs ineurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paregreph 21,includ[ng�but not limited <br /> ' to�re�sonable attorneys' fees and costs of tiNe evidenc�. <br /> •�;- '" � ' � If thepo wer of sale Is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice oP default in each county in which ony part of the <br /> ,,,,,��:,,. . Property is l�cated and shall rnaU copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicaltle law to Sorrower and to <br /> ���r'� .. the other persons prescribed by epplicable lew.After the time required by appltcable law,Trustee shall give publtc nottce <br /> of sale to the persuns and in the munner pc+escribed by applicable law.Trustee� without demand on Borrower�shall sell , <br /> c.: :.�'''..,'1����'�� the Property at public auctiun to tl�e hiRhest bidder at the t[me and place and under the terms dest�nated in the notice of , <br /> •� ' sale in one or more psircels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale oP all ur any pareel of the `���� <br /> ^' " �•�.: , Property by public announcernent at the time and place of any prevtously scheduled sale. I.ender or its destgttee may ;�:;a <br /> . ' pnrchase the Property at any sale. :f~ <br /> i�`' �`�`h <br /> t � � <br /> ' ` Form 3028 8l80 <br /> Poqo 6 0l 6 <br /> �'� i <br /> 1 � <br /> G,' <br /> �.• '_"_.�._�' <br /> .EV• . o ':� . ., . '_''"'" " .. -` - . .._.. . '\�._..._ _��-^—,—r^- . „ . , `�_"_. ^ , ,� • -��" <br /> .. .�. � . - .. -_':� . �. „ .. 't.';��� .� . �i .. U.. <br /> ' ". ,, o � . <br /> �� , �, . <br /> ,,� v' ., ,. " , � .. , . . • .. ' . . <br /> .. . .F7 .. � .� � .. . ., .. '� � . ' - ' . . .LLi:rt:.:tl��. . .. . . ., .. <br /> .� �� .. • . . ' �� ., •` . .�s�.�^�J�' �i � V . . <br /> ' . �i . . � l. .. ' .. - . . , �� _ ' i <br /> .i ' .. . �l r� - .� - . <br />