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A: <br /> �q`�`���• tMl�IIEOIO�CABANK�WiAND IEI.AND <br /> 1 3r�f :�� W�I�A�.�iNYi � <br /> �:ti���.'., Q <br /> ~::: ' h.:,.;����Y � �G <br /> •:-�- <br /> .�,i�� ..�.: `�.-:<.�r SEND TAX NOTICES T0: <br /> TiMGTMI J O'CO�iNOii�nd CATtEAIt�L O'GONNOii <br /> �, . ;� �i��WFAT.IOFM <br /> . •� OitAIO ISLANUs t1E i�10S <br /> � Si�ACE ABOYL TH18 LINE IS FQii iiECOflDEA'3 WE QM.Y <br /> � � . � � - D�ED OF TRUST <br /> • THIS AEEO OF TRUST IS DATED AUGUST 1&, 1994. enwnq TiMOYHtt J O'CONNOA and CATHERINE L <br /> � � " ' O'CONNOR�HUSBAND AND WIFE,whose addrea lu 2112 WE�ST JCHN,GRAND ISLAND,NE 6�09(�eteaed <br /> � to l�etow as "Tndator"); U�IIiED NEBRASKA BANK, GRAND ISUIND�whose eddrcss ts 7Gd N.WEBB RDAD, <br /> � . GRAt+ID tSLAND, NH 8Q�03(reterred to betow somettmes as"Lender" end tomstimes W "BeneflciNy7 arlel <br /> =�?:r,��- . UNREO NEBRASfU�BANK, GRAND 18LAND� NE, whose adflress b 700 N WEBB RD., GRANO lSi�ND. N� <br /> ''-''� 688a4(roterrod t�o below as"Trustee"� " <br /> oottvew�utce�wo Gwwr. FoI YMuabN�dMAtb��TNitor eonv�s to YNStN In ttutt,WITH POIMEA OF SALL,IW ItN OMN11!Of <br /> � ,•�•� LendK M BM�tkt�►.W of Ttustor's rlpht,tltle, �nd intarest In nnd to tlN foNOyrinp des�xlbed rea! propa�f►. top�ttw►�UHA�M �tinp or <br /> � subs�4�nN encted+Dr aMhad bWldlnps.ImProvertwnb and Ibduros:a!I aasarneMs.�ipMs of waY.and aPPurteninc�aN waNr.w�Mr riphb and <br /> dNC11 dChl4(Inf.luffln0 Btodc in u11IidY�with Wtch or Mrlp�dbn ripAtsr and a8 ottqr dOhts, md proAtsre�tlng to th�t�al .Inr�ludl <br /> �� wNnout p,�qon�r rwnra�,ou.yas,peoct�xr�t and dmiw rrwtt�s,locat�d in H�Lt.��ounty. State ot Nebrask� Re� <br /> , �opQrty"): Y <br /> LOT TEN (10)AND A TRACT OF GROUPID 12 X 40 FEET OF LOT NINE (9� MORE PAilTICULARLY <br /> � DESCRIBEO AS FQLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTH-EASTERLY COANER OF SAID LOT N1NE(9) <br /> �.:.�; RUNNING THENCE IN A SOUTHERLY OIRECTION� A DISTANCE OF 40 FEET,THENCE WESTERL.Y A <br /> •;��• DISTANCE /2 F�ET,TMENCE NORTHERLY d1 DlSTANCE OF 40 FEET�THENCE EASTERLY ALONG 1HE <br /> i:".y ' <br /> ''•'' ALLEY UNE CF SAID LOT. A OISTANCE OF 12 FEET TO THE PU10E OF BEGINNING, AL�.IN BLOCK ... <br /> . FIVE (5�, IN GILBE'FiTS SECOND AODRiON TO 'iHE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND� HALL COUNTIf, "_�' <br /> . NEBRdlSKA �`�� <br /> The Rav Praperly or Ra address ts aommoniy known ss 16�Z N EOOY,GRAND ISLAND,NE 68807. <br /> ::;:��`,-. Tn�star pr�nty assipna to Lander(qtso known as Benetk�ry In this OeOd ol Trust)aN of 7rustats rqM.tiNe,4nd interest ln and to d prosent snd , <br /> fi�tura teas�s d tla Propaty tM all Rents 1rom tla P►operly. M addldon,Trustor grar►ffi Lender a UnHam CommYrcW CodY seourNy tntenst In the . <br /> Ronb�nd tAe Perso►isl ProDerty deflned be�ow. ., <br /> OEFINITIONB.TM tollowinp words shail have the tollowtnp meaNnps when used in thb Oeed of Tn�st. Terms not othe�wise deNned In tNs OeeO of .. <br /> ' . � Tn�st ah�1 haw th�maaNnps ariribtited to euoh te�ms In the Unitorm Commerclat Code. AY reterences to dotlar amouMe shdl menn amouMS fn <br /> . tawcw mony►m uw umea smtes a amedce. <br /> i�':, <br /> "1°', B�rllfkl�ry. fie wad'9enefletary'mew�UNI7'ED NEBAASKA BANK,(iRAND ISLAN�.ib sua�sso�a and asstgro. UNRED PIEBRASKA 's�,`' <br /> ' BANK.(iRAND iS1AND elso is reterted to as'Lender'ln ihb Oeed of Tn�st. � <br /> . �. Dsed of Trt1a4 The wads'Deed of Tn�sP mean thb Oeed o!Tnqt amonp Trustor.lender,and Trustee.and h�ctudes without IlmitaUon ati <br /> assipnment end seourftyinterest provlslons reted�to the Pe�sonai PropaAy and Rents. <br /> ' Gu�aRttN. The wotd(iuereMor'means end indudes wllhout Artfitatlon any end all punrantors, suretles,and accommodfltlon parties in I <br /> ,: , conntrotion wlth the Indebtedneas. ; <br /> tmprovemOnt�. TM wad Nmprovemenis'menns and inctudes w►thout IimNeBan eli existltg end futurs Improvements,�.buildtnps, � � <br /> stn�ctu�es,mobNS homes�t�ced on the Reet Properly.fadlitle�.addl8oro,rept�oe�rienffi and othe►conshuctfon on the Reat Propafy. i � <br /> inde0leQnes�. The wad 1ndeDtedness"maar►s aU pdndpal artd Interes!payabb under the Note and any amouMa e�ended a advanoed by <br /> .. > Lender to disoharpe obtlpallons ot Trostor or e�naes tncurrod by Trustee a LenEer to enfaroB abligatlona ot 7ruslw under thb DeeO ot 4rugt, i <br /> •,. - togetM+r with Intarost on wah amourds as provided fn this Oeed of TNSt. Spedtic�ity.without Itmlhtton,thb Oaed o!Tru�t�ecuroa a <br /> .....i���..aU.Wi.�ei.eeueaf.s�wruw te malos�dvanw tn Trustor so tona as Trueto�cometies wtth dl the tmmf ot tAe Note. <br /> , '�'�.....��'��"'"_"'"".".__ .�"'_ __ . <br /> �' . LEndE�.Th9 word'Lender'meens UNRED NE6RA.SlW BANK,CiRAND ISLAND,ib sua�ssas and nsslpns. , -- <br /> '" hoU. The wotd"Nott"�t�eans ihe Note doted Aoaus118,1�4�in the�rineipal amouM of 5�0,�87.00 trom Tnatof to lender. <br /> toppther wllh W renewtls,axtem,�lor�s,modlRCador+s,reflnandngs,and subs utlons tor the Note. The mahuily date o!this Oeed ol Tnist 1s , <br /> '�. Oeoetnbet 16.1994. <br /> Pe�eon�l Prope*ty. lAe words'Pensonat Properfy'mean alt equfpment�Podures�and otl�e► ertictos ot peisone►propedy now or hereatter • <br /> a owned by Tnistor,end now ar hereaftar ettaChoe!or alNzed to the fleal Property;toppth0r wflh ell axesslor�s,pnAs,enq eOdiUons to,aIl <br /> roptiCemenb of. and d�l dtsbsUtuBons far,any of aueA property;and together wtth eU ptocueds (induding wlthout ItmltBtlon alt Insurattce <br /> � prooMds and retunds of premlums)trom any seb or other dlspasltlon ot the Piroperiy. <br /> .' P�operfy.Th6 ward'Property'means cdlecHvely the Real Properry and the Per�onat Propedy. <br /> Rer Propert�l. Ths wads'Real Properly'msan the PropeAy.fnterests and dphts desafbed ebova in the"Conveyar�ce and QranP'sec8on. <br /> qs1�d Do�wtNnt�. TA� words"Retated Documenb'meun and indude wlthout UmltaUon alt promissory�oles,credlt epreemeMs,toan . <br /> agrNmtnts.emArpemenLl apreemetds.puara�tes.seCUrfty agreemeMS.martgages.deeds of wsf.and all other Instrue�ents,agr9ements and <br />- � documsnts.whether now a hereatter existlng,executed tn connecHOn wlth the Indebt9dness. � <br /> ' � ,' <br /> ,: . <br /> 1 . ..... . .... ... ..._._..__.... _. ._ -------••---•- ,_.... ._... .... .._.. _ . .. . . _ __.,. — - - <br />