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<br /> A. Tttc Bcnc4ciary. ur its ag�nt�.nro aatharizcxl to cnter at any rsasona�6o tim�upon ox In any pari 4f the.�propecty dbor t1�e
<br /> purpoxc of in:poctin�the�u�d[ar tho purpae of pedorm.ins anY of thc�cu thry�te Au�thodzod w pert�xm waAu t4a�areas d' .
<br /> any loin inncumcnu cxuuta!bY 7'n�etora. " _.
<br /> !. It dl or euy„patt of ti�e praperiy at any lnterat of Tn�tors i�io1Q triuufand or flutber nncumbdsed witbant t6n wriaen
<br /> � oonatn�of tho 8enc![clary,thc Her�Ralwty may dxlsn all autu�eciued!6y ihis T�wt Dead ta ba imt�iaotelY�+�WY��
<br /> gt0000d to the remodia avaiia�ie to ii widei tI�cL;PaWi�:ravlstaaa cru�.i�i�,d I�rcia
<br /> 16. My ot the�ollovring eveau slwll be docsmed mn event ot ddault 1►erait�der:
<br /> a. Tnutor�ehall have Wiled to maicn�aymant o8 any installmenl of principal or iatcrai or ury dhes sama secured i�erdry w1�aa �
<br /> d�a;
<br /> ` b. Then tias axarred a bnach of or default wxfcr any tecm, oovcnant, egraniem, oondluon. P[�n'ision, n�lon or
<br /> warranty cantained in ttds Dood of 1 tust,tiw aote or aay othex loan inatn�ment sa�rtd l�ereby;
<br /> c. Tbere ttat boen a defauit by th�Tn�stors i��tl�c p�yII�ent of any prlar or a�s�uent lien ar ciu,vaibrnnoe in respect in sll or nny.
<br /> pact of tho property:
<br /> d. Tcustors shalp file a voluntary petitlbn ia banlwpccy or stiall ba adjudicated bankrupt or insoh�ent, � slialt mtke an
<br /> assigament for tbe berrefit of cratito�s in res�ect to the Property'.or aa action to en�orco aay licn or eucambranoe or judgmei►fs
<br /> against tite praperiy is commerwed.
<br /> 11. In tf�e event of any deFautt,the BenGfificiary may doclare aU indebtodness secured hereb�►w be duo anl payable and We same
<br /> sshaU thenupon beoome dua attd payable without any preseatmenL deniand.Protest or nMloc of aay kind. 'Themafter.tbe ee�iciuy�
<br /> may:
<br /> a either in person or by agen� witte or wlthout bringing eay astion or pmo�ealing, or by raxiver appointed by a oourt and
<br /> vrithor�t regard to tbe adequac3�of suy securtty,enter apon and take possession of the propezty,or amy put theroo�la►its ov►n
<br /> �ame or in the name of tl� Tn�stee, aad do aay acte which it dams aooessa�' and desirabk to pr�.se�ve tDe valuo,
<br /> maricc4ability or centaMliry of thc ProperiY.or part thereof. or intecest thcrcln.Increase tho income tberefmm or protoct tha
<br /> satuity hucof ar�.wlthout teking possGSSian of the property,sue for or othcnvlse oollect the rents.lssues and profita thorao�
<br /> including those past due and anpaid, end appiy the same, less oosts and expenses of opeiaSoa aad oalIection, including
<br /> auorney f0es,upon a�►Y indebtedaess secured hereby,all in such order as the BeneficIary mny determina Tho entering upon
<br /> and teking pa�ssexsion of the tcust estate.We wllectioa of such rents.issues ar►d proSts and appUcation Weloof aa aforesaid
<br /> s4a11 not cun:or waive any defaWt or noticx of defaWt hereunder or invalidate any act and in response w snch defaWt or
<br /> pnr9uant to such notioe of default siad notwithstanding the odntlnuance in possession of the pmperty or the asAxNon,teaipt
<br /> and�appllcation of rents.issues or pmSts.Tmstee or the Beneficiary maY be enUtlea to exercise avery right praviaod for in say
<br /> � K �;t 4f 9he loan instnumeats or by taw upon oocurrenoe of eny event of default,includin�the rlght to eacercisa tltie poaer of sale;
<br /> � �;. b. eaauaence an acdon to foreclose this Deed of Tcust as a mortgage, appoim a receiver,or speciflcaUy enforoe any of the
<br /> . ��.�;�:.�; ,� cnvepants hereaf,
<br /> ��.+,��*
<br /> `'� -"� e. deliver to Tn�st�ee a written declaration of def�ult aud de�nand fur sale,end�vritten mo�ce of default and election to cause
<br /> .. <:�;�.�.,�;.:...:
<br /> v••Y�Y'1 A «�" 1
<br /> f 1Yustois interest ia the property to be sold wluch aotice Tnutee shaU cause to be d�ly filed for record ta the aQ`irial reoo
<br /> .�A ,.:°'f'`�:1,�'"�"'�`t`r of the couuty in which the PropertY is located.
<br /> ,+p�F
<br /> �"'�~"�� �'�' r'"'"� - 12. Should the Bend'iaary elect to foreclose by exercise of the puw�er of sale herein oontained the Beneficiary shall notiiy Tmstx �• .
<br /> �:.�..:;,.n�,.;a.:�a..�.
<br /> ��,,;�u;,,;�;,�.;;�, and shall deposit wlih 3'si�stee this Deed of Tcust and the rtotc and such reoeipts and evldencc of expenditures msda and sccuracl �-
<br /> � ' ' >°����t ' he as Tn�stee and u n uest of the Heneficiary,the Tn�stee shaU canse to be reoorded,publishod and deliverad
<br /> :•:�,,.,..:•��ry� �Y �Y�re, I� �l
<br /> ' " �`` �'`` to TYnsior suc6 Notioe oBDefault and Notice of Sale as then required by law and by this Deed ofTn�st.Tmstee sball without demand
<br /> ����.�.
<br /> : .� .
<br /> i!��=�4' on T'n�sror.a Rer suc h t i m e a s m a y t h e n be r e q u i c e d b y l aw end afier record$tion of such Notice of D�t'ault aad after Notia of Sale
<br /> � . . «-.....,,�, having yean given as required by law,seU the proparty at the dme and place of sale fixed by it in such Notioe of Sale.�ither as a
<br /> ,�,r ' �,.,;�,:
<br /> ���. whole,or in separate lots or parcels or items as?mstee ahall deem expedient, and in such order as ic may determine, at public
<br /> ,:a:;;^,��::°:.:;:�:
<br /> ;;�;�;�-.;.•. :�� aucrion to the tu�hese bidder for cash and shalt delivet to such purchaser or purchasers thereof a deed to the property sold,wnsHstent
<br /> ;z,�';�,'�'� ' ��e with the law then in�'ect. Rcxitals in the Trustee's deed shalt be prima facie evidence of the uuth of the statements mado t6erein.
<br /> ' •'�-� Tnistee shall apply the proccedR of the sale in the followfng order:(a)to all c�sonable costs and expec�ses of ttte sale,lncludiag 6ut ,�
<br /> �,•p�;`.'. not llmited to Tnutee's fees of not more than 2%of the gross sale pr+ce,reasonablc attomey fees end costs of title evidencc;(b)to all
<br /> ,.:r,r:� �. sums secured bi' this Deed of Tcust; aad(c) tl�e excess. if any, to ihe persou or pecsons 1egaUy cntitled thereto. Aay person, .„
<br /> ��" imctuding the Beneficiary,maY Purchase seid property at said sale. Tn�stee may in the manaer provided by law.postpone sale of aU ��'
<br /> �+ or aay portion of the property.
<br /> �,
<br /> _ ��. . �
<br /> � �.�• 13. Tmstoe and the Beneficiary,and each of them.shall be entltled to enforce payment and perforniance of acry indebiedness or
<br /> � obligation secured hereby and to e�cercise all rights and powera under this Deed of Tnut ar under airy loaa instniment or othes
<br /> �:� =� � . agrcement or airy laws nor or hercafter enfora�d notwittistandins some or all of the indebtedness and obligattoas s�ccured hereby
<br /> •• wriich may now or hereafter be othernise secured whether by mortgage, deed of trust. pledge. lien. assignment or otherwise.
<br /> ° � Neith�the aa;eptance of this Dee�of Trnst nor its enfonemen� whether by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or oWer
<br /> � ' � ' powers hercin oontained.shall prejudice or in any manner affect Trustec's or the Beneficiary's rigtit to reallze upon or enforce airy
<br /> � �� othor secudty nmv oz hereaRer held by Tn�stee or the BeneSciary, it being agc�eed that Tnistee and ihe Beneficiary, asid each of
<br /> `' them,si�ali be entidcd to enforce this Deed of T�n�st and any ether security now or hereafter hetd by the Beneficiary or Tsustee in
<br /> �� '' . �+�' s�tch arder and mannet as they may ln theic absolute disc,�retion determine. No ree�nedy hemdn confened upoa or reseived to'['t�
<br /> ,�'� � " .. �� ar Bene�'iciary is inteaded to be excfnslve of any otha remedy 1►�rejn or by law provided or permitted.but each shall be ctunulative
<br /> xnd shall be in ndditfon to every o3tter remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing ac law or equity or by statute. Every
<br /> �� poNer or remedy given by any of the toan insirumuats to Trustce or the BoaoRaiary or to which cither of them may be otherwisQ
<br /> ��1S�I�A w�MS{b AYPMICiY� ��rrenttv or indenendo�v.8om Ume to time and as often as may be dcemed exptctient by Tcustee or
<br /> .._, .�_..._----,------- - .
<br /> Beneficiary,and either of them caay pursue inoonsistent cemedies.Nothing hereln shall be const�rued as prohibiting the Beaef�iciary
<br /> from seekin�a deficiency judgment againsc Tn�stors to thc e.�tent such aaion is pemutted by law.
<br /> • 14. Tnutors hereby request a copy of any notice of defaWt and that any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to Trustors at the
<br /> ��• � �� addcess set forth in ttee f rst para�reph of this Doed of'T'nist.
<br /> �' . IS. The Beaeficiary may.bY a written insttumem executod and acknowledgod by Beneficiary.mailed to Tcustors and recorde�in
<br /> �� the County in�vhich the propertY is located and by othen�ise oomplying with the provisions of the applicable law of the Statc of
<br /> ..�� r(ebraska.substitute a suooessor to the'Cnutce named hereln or acting hercunder.
<br /> ` � 16. This Deed of Trust�pplies to and inures to the benetit of and binds all parties hereto,their heirs.personal representatives.
<br /> , snooessors and�ssigns. The term"BeneRciary"shall mean the owaer nnd holder of the note.whether or not named as Beneficiary i
<br /> �� .. ' herein. �
<br /> .r� . I .
<br /> ►
<br /> � — — - - —- - - -- — - —
<br />