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<br /> , I1N TNE bISTRICT COURT qF HALL COUNTY. �EB� I ��4 la 38
<br /> ' f,t.l:.hfU�E9
<br /> ;:�.!:':r,t;tSTRlCt COURT
<br /> JERRY ti. OSTERDAY,
<br /> Peti�tioner. CASE N0.
<br /> ��
<br /> vs. DECREE
<br /> Respondent.
<br /> � B� IT REMEMBERCD that on th9s 9th day of August, 1977, thls matter
<br /> came on for hearing before the Court; the Petitioner was present in Court
<br /> ,.,:-� and represented by his attorney. John A. Wolf; the Respondent was not
<br /> jYN:.,'•.
<br /> prasuer►t in Cour�t and was represented by her attorney. V9ncen� L. Dowding;
<br /> evialence was taken and the cause submitted and the Court being fu11y advised
<br /> in the premises makes the following findings:
<br /> 1. That at least one of the parties is and has been a rasiden� of
<br /> ��� Nebraska far at least one year prior to the filing of the Petition herein.
<br /> ;i;s%��•. . �;
<br /> •:� ;�r 2. That the Court has 3urisdiction of both parties and of the sub�ect
<br /> �� �� .
<br /> ;;.�� � :.. matter af this action. �:
<br /> 3. 7hat neither party is a member of the Armed Forces of the U�ited :;,���
<br /> :�
<br /> Stattes. .:�::.
<br /> 'ti'C'N
<br /> 4. That the Court has determined from the evidence that every reasonable � ,
<br /> •r�
<br /> effort to effect reconc111atian has been made. without success, and that ,��:.;�
<br /> . �
<br /> �;, �1 ? .`r::.-
<br /> �s��r:=�w the marriage of Petitioner and Respondent is irretrievably broken.
<br /> .^ri��5:'"�, ;•.''r-.
<br /> :,;,,N1��,Y�
<br /> ��::�.:A� IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED BY THE COURT as follcws: �=����
<br /> a��:_,:a�r
<br /> �;:�c�r;:; 1. That the marr9 age i s 1 rretrl evably broken and that the marr9 age
<br /> .. .':i'rr.;"'=
<br /> •n���:.� :- be, and hereby is. dissolved.
<br /> '':����.°'�;�:r:
<br /> ��:��`����°`.��� 2. 7hat the Property Settlement Agreement entered into by and between
<br /> �:::��. �.....
<br /> !:"'�..�T�j:�.f�.
<br /> . t't'Y:*5.�:1:�
<br /> ' �'� ��c the p�rties is fair and reasonable and the same be, and hereby is. approved
<br /> ���,w'
<br /> y,�y{ �__
<br /> •'.}f��Y...!L��$�
<br /> �r�i���{:Adli:dw:r�t
<br /> and is attached hereto. marked "Exhiblt 1". and made a part of th9s Decree
<br /> •� �:�:� :.�;;:� as though fu11y set forth heretn.
<br /> ....�:�i,�.�M
<br /> '�-�':..:' 3. Upon s�ipulation by the party, the Court finds and orders that the
<br /> �: .
<br /> �`�i �� � � Petltianer shail have the r9ght to cla9m both children as dependents for
<br /> �A�Y:it�'_.�..:�.,:,• _
<br /> �. ...Ln•,. :..:. ..
<br /> ._:J� L'0..: .�_.
<br /> ^••�x�� income tax purposes.
<br /> ., t.';l.t;a�,;:�;.
<br /> •_� -��,��.:,..
<br /> '4id��°``' ' 4. Residence of the minor chlldren sha11 not be transferred from this
<br /> r ���1:.
<br /> �k��, . "':�:
<br /> ,����.;�..,;��-.� :; State w�thout permission of the Court.
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<br /> ., r�ICttO FIL�ED
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