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<br /> .Upu�t r�ecrlpt..of po�yme+�t o[the prk� i�ld, Truntre aHaU dd)ree to ths {�urelM�er T�atas'�dded aa�re�inR tbe �� .�.
<br /> � k'rnprrty. 7'he rocital.c in tlx rrust��`e decd Fhuli!�I�rtmu tkcfc evtde�ace at ttee tmt�a�f the stKtr.mrnt�m�uk Oherk{n.
<br /> 'd'ru�tce a1u�11�wppty thr pruce�lx ot ths sale In the[ullowing+�rdcra (o)to ell ru!,ly and e�pen+Kw oC exc�risi�Ihe pit�wrr e►t
<br /> x�le��d ihe sak.la�cludlnR the p�yment ot d�e Tr+,atte's ia��ciw�fly incnrred►not eo xxeted �1i
<br /> af the pr3nrtp�l amuunt o�the nM�Nt the tlmc ot the derlarrtkm oi dettuH,and rar�able RttorAeY�•tea��per�tt�
<br /> b7lawt(b)to�11 aara�s�►�ured by thie Security Imdrun�enoi and(e)�nr rxcas to tho per+on or pen�oa�!eMlly ea1HkA tn
<br /> it.
<br /> . 22. �c�:�.ii�o,;ra�:�. U�au payment of�H surn.5 stc��rv'd hy this Scc��rity Ir�irtnnen�, l.ender �!1 rc�uest 'Pcu�tea tu
<br /> reconvey the Pcopeny and shail surrcMler this Sacuriry Ipstcunxnt and all notes Cvidcncing debt se�.'urcxi hy thi� Socurlty
<br /> Instniment to T�ustee.Trustee shAl!recoi►vey the Property witNbut werranty und withaut churge m the t�erson or per�c►ns lea�lly
<br /> cntitled to it.Su�fi perwn or prr.scros shall pay any rceoxdatton rnscs.
<br /> 7.3.3ubedtute'�u9tee. Lender. at It,9 option. m�y from timc to tlmc removc Tn►stee and apputne a succcssor tnisree to
<br /> �ny Trustee appainted hGreunder by nn instrumenc rccordod in the counry in whicfi tl�is Securlty Instrument is recardai.With�wt
<br /> convayw�ce af the Froperty,the successor tn�.vtce shuii succeed to nll ehe title.power and duttes conteRai upfm Tmstce hercln
<br /> t,uxi hy applicable law.
<br /> 29. Request[or NMfoe�.Bocrower etequest.g that oopEes of the natices af default und sale be sent to Bnrrower's addc�ps
<br /> which ia thc Property Addrcss.
<br /> Z,,r�Ittders tu thiy Sceurtty L�stram�ttA If one or mora dders are cxecutad by Bomower nt�d recoNod togcther w[th this
<br /> Secur�ty instn�tnent.tha wvenants and ag�aemesnts of each such�ider shall be inc�nipornted inta and sha11 nmend and supplement
<br /> t6e oovenants and agroements of thla Security[nsttument s�s if the rider(s)were n part of thts Secudty Instmment.
<br /> [Chcck applicatfle Iwx(es)]
<br /> Adjustubte Rute Rider Condominium Rider 0 t-4 Fcunity Ridcr
<br /> �raduaced Payrtent Rider �Ptannod Unit Developm+ent Rider 0 Biwcekly Pnyment Rider
<br /> Ballaon Ridcr [�Rstte Irnprovement Rider 0 Seoond Home Rider
<br /> �V.A.Rider �Other(s)[spacifyj
<br /> BY SIGNINCi SELAW.Barrower accepts and agrees to the teims and covenunts conwined in this Security Instn►ment and
<br /> in uny rtder(s}�ecuted by Borrower sutd recorded wilh it•
<br /> Witrt�ses: T .c� Q _7�.
<br /> G(" f 3 —+�-�r-� i�)
<br /> ' KEV1N D LAHOWETZ •��Wn
<br /> , •���D'�� (Seal)
<br /> • $H�� L (� �Bormwet
<br /> (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> -Bormwer -Bortower
<br /> The foregoin�instn►ment was acknowledsed before me this i dfly of AUGUST . 1994 •
<br /> bY LB�IN D. 6A50iEtE A�11 8HA1DA L. LI18018TL, BA�H lil 8I8 AND BBI ON aHT AAD AS 8F0 86 BACB 0l86t •
<br /> Wlmess my hn�►d and notarinl seal at pgp�D I SLAND NBBRASKA n 'd County.the date afnmsaid.
<br /> iV[y Commission Expires:
<br /> ot�ry Publtc
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