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<br /> THt9 CEEd O�TRtJBT,ls mad�as o!ths tSth�y pf Auo. „_.,,.,_�,19—g�y�nd�mon9
<br /> thsTiusWr. tl�rk D Stslk s vAyp�,,,L6E gYELH Inusband oneLXife �
<br /> 3117 8r�nt+rood Dr (3rand I�Ya d � �R ����
<br /> ' wtia�e matlinp addre�a Is __�sroin 'Truata, w �b
<br /> the Tru4W, Fiva Points Bonk � �epra�k� Coroor�tior,� - •
<br /> whaa maltH�p address Is P.O. 8ox 1507 tirMnd I�+land. YE �8d02 r_ (��n.�s�'.�m�
<br /> �e��ry� Bive Pointe Bank �
<br /> whase maitinp eddress Is 2015 H. Broadrell t3rsnd Ialend. NE. 68802•iS07 ������«��,
<br /> F06i VAWAE±LE CONSIDERATION,inNudtnp Lender'a extanelon of cre�lt tdenUflad herein W berk D Stelk
<br /> 6 iIANDA LEE STELK (herein"Bonower',wheiher one or more)and the trun herein created.
<br /> �� thp recetpt of whiah�a hereby acknowledged,Trustar hereby irrevocably grenta,transfere,convsys and esstpna to T►uetee.!N
<br /> Tlta1ST.WRH FCWER QF8ALE,forthe 6eeefltand secudty of Lender.underartd aubjsctto the termsand condltlona hereinsiter eat
<br /> iqtth,tha real property,deacribed as toliows:
<br /> -�; >'�''-�'� HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA.
<br /> , ,
<br /> . •,� ,,; .
<br /> -,,;.,, !��++('��'. Topether with all buildtnga,tmprovementa.8xturea,streeta.alleys,paaaa9ewaYe.easements,�iphte,privlleqes end appurte- ��
<br /> ` � nances located thereoo or in anywtse pertainin8 thereto,and the rente,isaues aod pro�te.revorsiona aed rematndera theroot,and _:�
<br /> ,���'P�+<:'�"�.�• suab persona!propeAy Mat is atfaahod to the Improvements ao ea to constftute a flxture,Inciudinp,but eot Ilmited to,heaHnp end '��
<br /> ^`�-�,.�,,.:'f�r�'•''�;.' cooUnp epuipmen�and toQether wtth the homestead or marifat interests,if any,whlah i�terests are hereby reteased and waWed;atl '
<br /> t���� • '�`�`'�•. of whtch,l�cluding reptacementa and addidons Mereto,is hereby d$clered to be a part of the real eatate eecured by tha Uon of thia �,;•�
<br /> ,;,�,�;,_.:.::�: : � Deed o!Truat and all of the foregofnp being referred to herein as the"Property". �.�h..
<br /> " Thls Deed of Truat shatl secure(e)Me payment of the pdnaipal eum and interest evidenced by a promissory note of credit
<br /> ��','�• :•. :.:';r, . epreement dated �uBUni ISita i394 ,havi�g a matuHq dete ot ��gusi 15tts lp97 -
<br /> .
<br /> � •: - ,.� .. .
<br /> .r o .. `•^��1'>:''i~' : 6�467.18 !��'�
<br /> •'�������' � In the o►iginal pdncipal emount of S ,and any and alt modHicadona extenalons artd renewata ��
<br /> r. thereof or thereto and any and all future advaneea and readvancea to BoROwer(or any of them if more ihan one) hereunder .�'."
<br /> ,'''�� ' :, puroueM to one or more promiaaory�otes ar oredft agreementa(hereln calied"Note'�;tb)the PaYment ot other Bums advanced by
<br /> Lender to proteat the aecurity of the Note;(c)the pe►tormance of a�t covenants and sg►eementa of Trustor set fo►th hvrefn;artd(d)aN
<br /> , preaent and fuWre Indebtednesa and obttgatloas of 8orcower(or any of them if more than one)to Lender whethor direct.indireat,
<br /> ,, _ � � . abaolute or con�npent and whether arising by�ote.guaranty,ove�draR or othorwise.The Note,thls Deed of 7ruet and any and a0
<br /> otherdoauenta that aecurethe Note or otherwise exeouted in conneaUon therewith,inoludtng wlthout Itmttedon gua��ie�aseuriy
<br /> '�^:���� � egreemente and asaignmenta of leaaes and rents,shall be referred to herein as the"Loan Oocuments".
<br /> : . . '' Trustor covenanb ar�d agrees w(th Lender as toilowe:
<br /> 1. Paynwnt ot le�d�6hd�.Ait indebtedness aecured hereby ahatl be paid when due.
<br /> -. 2. Tltl�.Truator Ie the owrter of the Proparty,hes the right and authority to convey the Properry,and warranta that the Ilen
<br /> �' " ' ' � � created hereby la a Nret and pdor Ilen on the Property.except for liens and enaumbrances set torth by Tnistor in w�itlnp and
<br /> �'•���� ��" deiivered to Lender befo�e execudon ot this Deed of Trust,and the exeauUon and deltvery of this Deed of Truet does not�lolate any �
<br /> �....-,. :. ...;�
<br /> • • contrect or other obli�atlon to which Trustor is subject
<br /> ..� . 8. Tars,A�nsnb.To pay bebre de�inquency eIi texes.speclal aaaessmenta and ali other charges egainatthe Property
<br /> � °'� now or hereaiter levlad. U
<br /> �� • 4. hqwane�.To keepthe Property insured egainst damape by fire,harsrda Included within Meterm"extended co�►ereQe"•and •
<br /> ' suclt othor hasarda aa�ender may�equire,in amounts and with companiea acceptabte to Lena�.naming Lender as an additlonal
<br /> 1 ' � named I�sured.wKh loss payabie to Me Lender.in case of losa under such policies.the Lender i�authorized to adjust.coltect and '�
<br /> �, compromise.all ataims thereunder artd shal{haveti�e opUon of applying ai{or partof the Insurence proceeds(�to any indebtedness
<br /> : � ' aecured hereby and in auch order as Lender may determine,(if)to the Trustor to be used for the repafr or restoratlon attho Properly
<br /> � �' � or{fii)tat any other purpoae or object eatlstaotory to Lender without attec�ng the tien ot thls Deed ot Trust for the fult amount secured
<br /> , ,�'., hereby before such paymer►t ever took ptaca Any sppltcetlon of proceeda to Indebtedness shait not extend or poatpone the due
<br /> �:��� � date of any payments under the Note,or cure any defautt thereunder or hereunder. .
<br /> ,,�,. 6. Es�arow.Upon wNtten demand by Lender,Truator ohatl�ray to Lender,in such manrtar�s Lender may destgnate,eutflcient
<br /> �� auma to enabte Lender to pay as they become due ane or more of the tollowing:(i)all texes,aesessments and other charges egainst
<br /> ,'�.::- , the Properiy.(iq the premiums on the properiy inaurance requfred hereunder,and�Ui)the premfums on any mortgage inaurance
<br /> ,-�� , requlred by Lsnder.
<br /> � .. 8. NaMbnanw.R�in and Canpilanw wkh Laws.Trustor shail keep ti�e P►operty�n 9ood condtdon and repair,eha�l
<br /> � ' promptly repair.or replace any lmprovement whtch may be damaged or destroyed:sRal1 not commR nr permit any wasLe o�
<br /> detedoraUon of the Properly;shali not remove,demotlsh or subsfantlaliy alter any of tt�e improvemenfs on the Prope�ty;ehap nut
<br /> y� commi;suiter or pesrmit any eet to be done In or upon the Properiy In violaUon of any law,ord'a�ance,or regulaUOn:and ahall pay and �
<br /> ' promptly dlscharpe at Trustor's cost and expense e�t Ilena encumbrances artd charges levied.imposed or asaessed against trie �
<br /> �',: `� � Property or any part MereoL �
<br /> �: ' , � 7. �nh�ctt Danah.Lender is hereby asstgned all campensatlon,awards,damages and other paymenb or relte!(herelnafter (
<br /> . "Proceoda'�tn conrteciion with cond.emttaUon or other taking of the Property or paR thereof.or tor eomreyance fn Ileu of eondemna- �
<br /> � " Uon.Lc�rtder nhall be entitled at(ts option to commenee.appear in and proseeute in Ita own nanrte any actton or proeeedirtgs.artd �
<br /> . • eRali alao bo enUUed to meke any compromtse or aeUtenierrt in connectlon with sucA taking or damage.�n the eventany po�tfoa of ;
<br /> � the Pronerb la as taken or damaaed.Lender aMU have tho a�ton.in itm sote and absolute�dtscreUon.to apD�Y�1 such Procaeds.
<br /> atter deduaNnp theretrom all costs and expenaes Ineurred by It in connecHon wft�suah Procesda upon enY inaeoneartes�secureo
<br /> hena0y artd in such order as Lender may drstemnlne.or to apply atl suah Proccads.nftor sach dcductiora,to the�toratlon of M�
<br /> • �� Property upon euch condiUoru aa�ertder may dete�minm.My eppltcaUOn of P►oeeeds to indebfledness shell not exLend or postpone
<br /> " tt�e dus date of any paYmenb urtder the Note,or aure any detautt thereurtder ar hereurtder.Any unapptted furtds shall be patd to
<br /> 1lrusto�
<br /> , " 8. Pulona�OY L�dK.Upon tAs occurrenee of an Event o!Qetautt hereurtder.or if any act is taken or tepaf proceedinp
<br /> commsnced wAtch maUerlalty atte�Lender'e Intereyt in tha Properry.lender may tn Ha own diacretlon.Dut without abt[gatlon to do
<br /> �.. „ so,and wi�ttout aottcs to or demand upun Ttustor and wltRout reteasirtp Tivator irom eny obttgatton.do any ect wht�h Truator Aes ,
<br /> ° aaroed Out faila W do a�d may atso do any otAer act it deema necesaary to proteat the cecudty hereat Trunar eh��t,imrrtedtatey►
<br /> upon damand tharefor by Lender,Ray to Lendar atl co3ts and expenaea incurred artd sums expertded Oy Lendsr ie connectton with
<br /> � . the sxesdas 0y Lender of tk0 toroQotap►tQhts.toQetRer with IrKerostlhereon at�Ae detautt rate provided in the Note.wAicA shatl Oe
<br /> " added to the tndebtedrtess secured Reroby.Lartder shall rtot�rtcur any I(abi8ty because of ar�yMtng it may do or omit to do
<br /> ., �r . ' ha�lltrtffa►. .
<br /> . �
<br /> .. .
<br />