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<br /> 1.:•;:�: *.i!n.���:'.. �
<br /> ` ' '` ��• not peraanr�lly tiablo on tho Note or under this Deed of Trusl,an6(cD agtties that Lender and �ny atbet Sorco+�'er
<br /> hercunder mny agcea to e�ctend.modity�forbear,Ar mako any othtr acoommodation��vltA regard to the tetm�t oS this
<br /> ��' � Decd af Truat or the Note.wlthout t�at Hoerowar'a cousant and wlthout rcleuing tha4 Boreow�s or moditj�tng Qhh t�ed
<br /> of Tcutt a to that Borrawor't laterest in the t�e+oper¢y.
<br />,°� . e
<br /> 1a. Nellee.8xcept fa�r any noitce caquir�d undet applleable i�w to be Qivan In anothee m�nncr�la)uiy n�t�'ee to (�
<br /> :� Bonower provided for in this Iked of Trwt ahdl6e�tren by deliv�rin�i!or by matllnQ Ruch notice by ccriitied m�lt „�
<br /> ��a addrsued to Borrower�t the Ptoperty Addre�oe�t sueh uther�ddrtss�s Bo�owce rqsy desisnate by natice to Lender �
<br /> -.. . _- as peovldcd hcreln�nad tb)nay notice to�en�e�shnlll�o�lren by ce�etiIled mail to I.ender'e addceas etatod hcrdn nr to
<br /> ,,: �� �� such ather uldress as Lenda m�y dalga�te*�y aoitce to BUrrowas u provlded herein.Any aotice prorWod for in thb �
<br /> • Dced of Trust ahall be dcemed to have beea given to 8o�wer or Lender when�iven in the mtnner desl��tcd hereln.
<br /> . ' 13. Gforeenlnj Lsw�SHerRblllq.The nate�nd Ixd IRw�ipplicable to Iids Deed of Tnut shvl be the laws of the
<br /> �� jurisdictton la which the Praperty Is ixated. The fongoing untence sh�ll nat limtt ttn applicsbifi4y af Federal taw to
<br /> tbis Deed of Truat.In the event that aay provtalon o:clause of thts Deed eP Tcust or the I�'oto conAicta wtth applic�ble
<br /> law.sucb conflict shatl not affact other provistons of this Deed oiTruat or the Note wdich csn be given etftct witttuut the
<br /> . contlicting provialon�and to this end the pmvt:ions of lhls Deed o�Tewt and the Note ara declued to be s�rerabte.b
<br /> � used herein.•'costs"."e:penses"aad"attomeya'fas"fnclade all sums to the estent not pmhtbited by applirable law or
<br /> limtted hereia.
<br /> ' , lA. Barnwe:'s Copy,Borrower shell be fLmished a canformed copy of the Note and of tbts Da�of Ttust at tho
<br /> time of exxution or aRet recordation hereof.
<br /> 1S. RebablllWbn Iaaa A�eemen�Horrower shati tLIfiU aU of Ba:e�ower's obligations uader any horae nhabilita•
<br /> � Non.impravem�nt,repale or olher loaa agmmeat wl�3ch Horrower enters into wlth Lender.Lcnder,At I,�snder's option�
<br /> �� may require Barrower to e:ecute aad detiver to Lender.in a form acceptable to Lenda�an t+sslgnment af any dghts.
<br /> cia�ms or defensea which Bore�ower raay have agatnst parties who supply!alsor�materials or seevlas in coanxtion witb
<br /> ° impravements made to the Ptoperty. ��
<br /> �� 16.Tranafer ot t6e Prope�ty or s Benettcf�i lntsrest tn Borrow�er.lf eU or any part of the Property or aay interest "•
<br /> in it is sold or transferred(or if a beaeflcial Wterest In Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural �`��
<br /> person)wlthont Lendec's prIor writtea conscnt,Leader may.at its optIon,require immedIate paymeat ia full of aU "�I�'
<br /> aums secured by this Deed of Ttust.However�this optlon shall not be exercised by Lendex if exercise is prohibited by
<br /> . federal law as of the date of thia Deed of Trust. �"
<br /> �,�;,: � . !f Lender exerclses this option, Lender sbaU give Honower not(ce of acceleradon.The notta shall provIde a 'a
<br /> � �7 pedod of not Icss than 30 days from the date the notice is deltvered or matled wttdin which Bonower must pay all sums ,
<br /> - ----- seture�!by ihfs ne�d of Trusc.If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this perfod.i.ender may
<br /> " invoke any remedIes permitted by thia Dea1 of Truat without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> NoN•UNIFORM C�OVBNANTS.Borrowerattd Leader further coveaaat and agree as follows:
<br /> ':'.�.;,} 17. Aaeler�4ton;Remedta.E�ept a peodded ta pu��npL 16 beieof,apon Bmrcoxer'�6raeh o!an,'rnaaamt
<br /> �,;;�;+ or�gnement oi Borrowee tn t1�Deed af'ha�t,indn�Boreowes'�htlnrm to py�,b�tbe ead oi 10 ctkncia dyn after
<br /> � � t6er are dne,�ay samt suaeed b�tb4 Deed oi Tswt, Leader pdoe to accelet�tbn s6a11�he notloe ta Horeowes•
<br /> provlded la pus�rap61Z 6ertoi tpeclfjto�e (11 tlie 6reac6;(�)the actlon ea�W�ed to cara�ne6 bceach;13)�date•not
<br /> las t6an ZO d�p tQOm the dste th�e 6oNce to m�tkd to BorroNer,bq w6ic6 saeh bre�h most be caredi and(4)dut
<br /> idl�ue to care�ech breac6 oa or betore tbe dsta�peei8eei tn tbe tatloe miy raalt in acakraflon oi the wa�acared br
<br /> • Wb Deed of Trad�nd Mle oi the Propert�r.'ibe aottoe�6d1 tart6er inioem Bo:rower oi We et�ltt to ret�hte�fter
<br /> �cceleratton aad t6e d�ht w brtnQ s ooaet actian to aaed d�e nonoubhace ot R detadt or uiy ot6er deten�e ot Borrower
<br /> to�ccetetatton aad s�le.lt tbe be�h 4 no!curad on os befnre the dwte apecl8ed In the nodee,Leader,at Lendor's
<br /> � opt[on.m�y declue a11 ot We�nms tecared by tl�1� Aecd of Teo�t to be tmmed4tel�dae tad py�ble withoat Enet6er
<br /> dem�nd�nd au�y inroke We powes otude�ud�y odier srmedia permltted by�ppltcable i�w.Leader�6�11 be eatitkd
<br /> . to coUect dt c�awnable cwb�nd eupema Incarrad fn pmsata�the remedla psadded ln t6h P�rn�eaP617�indadin=,
<br /> but rrot t!mlted to,nawn�ble sttoeaer'fca.
<br /> It the power of wle b tnrofced.Trn�tee�l�all record a notloe of defaWt In ac6 couny in wWc6 ttie Pro�ert�oc wme
<br /> . Part th�rceoi 4 located and�I�dl m�i!copia oi aarh aotloe tn the mwner prasrlbed b!'�PP�ea61e law to Borro�ru�nd
<br /> � • to tl�e other penam praedbed by apPltcable law.Aftes the l�e oi sac6 tlate as my b�eegat�ed by�ppltcabte Isw,
<br /> . • T�wtee�haU�ive pubIIc notloe ot�ale to t4e peewris and ta We m�naer pracei6ed b!sPPUcabk law.Tra�tee�wtthoat
<br /> te
<br /> � dem�nd aa IIorrower,�hdl rell We Property st pnbltc�uctton to the ht�est 6ldder at the Hme and plue and andes t6e
<br /> t�ems dal�nRted in the uotlee ot�ale in oae or moie pu+ceb aad In wch o:der a�Tnutee msy detesmtoe.Tnntee m�,r
<br /> ' pottpoue eitle of all or any puxe!ot t6e Propeety br pabtic ac�onnc�eat at the time end place oi ao�pn�loudy ;
<br /> u
<br /> � schedWe�ule.I,ender or Leader'�dsst�anee m�,f Pae�cha�e the Peapertf at�uo�tate. � ,
<br /> . , , Upoa eraeipt of p�meat of t6e pdce bW,Tro�6te�1u71' ddi�er to the pt�cl�er Tro+�lee'a t{eed conveytng tfro I
<br /> P�pert�sold.T6e nxttals in the Tru��ee'� dced sbtU be prims tacte e�[deace ot We trath of We�tatanents msde �
<br /> •. " tberetn.Tcnstea shall sPPI,��6e pm�d�oi tl�e�le la tbe tollowln�ordoe��t)to all reawn�ble caab and espeusn of tde I
<br /> � s�le,inclndlerg.but not Umtted to,'!'c�stee't[�es�ctatt�ineurnd of aot moie thaa .............%of t6e gro�a sRle ,
<br /> pdce,reaonabte aaoeaeys�[eea snd casb of ttfk e.tdeaoe;(b)�su�nms�ecaeed br tht,Deed ot Tnrse�•ad(c)�he a• i
<br /> cess,it any.W t6e penon or penosn legally eatltkd ti�a�eto. '
<br /> 18. Borroaer'� Riaht w Retmtate. Notwithstunding L,ender's acceteratton of the sums secured by this Deed of '
<br /> Trust,due to Borrower's brcach.8onower ahall have the tight to have any proceediags begun by Lender to enforce this �
<br /> ; Dced of'T'rust discontinued at aay time prior to the earlier tn occur of(i)the ftRh day before the sale of the Property ,
<br /> �' • pursuant to the power of sale contained in this Deed of Trust or(ii)entry of a judgment eaforcing this Deed of Trust if:
<br /> L,_._.,_____.: (a)Botcower pays Lettder ell suens whtch would be then dus under this Dced of?nut and the Note had no aceeleratton
<br /> .�— �� "— occurred;(b)Bortower cures aq breaches of aay other covenaata ot agteements of Borrower contained in thls Deed of
<br /> � •• 'I'ruat; (c)Bnrrower pays a(l reasonable espeasa incurnd by Lender and Trustee in enforcing the covenants and
<br /> � agrameMa of Borcower contained in this Deed of'frust and in enforcing L,eader'a and Trustee's remedies as pmvided In
<br /> '; paragraph 17 henwF.includiag,but not llmitcd to.reasonable attorneys'fees; and(d)Borrower takes such action as
<br /> ,' • I.ender may teasonably requir� to assure that the llen of thts Deed of Tcust. I,ender's interest in the Pmperty and
<br /> �� Borrower's obligatton to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Tcust ahall continue unimpaired.Upon such payment and
<br /> � cure by Borrower.this Deed of Trust and the obligations secured hereby shalt eemain in tiill force and et'fect us if no
<br /> ,�
<br /> acceleration had occurnd.
<br /> 1'�• 19. Awtyn�wt of Reata; Appolntmea! of ReceWer; Lender In Pa�sesalon. As additional security hcrcunder.
<br /> � Borrower hereby atsig�►a to Lender the renta of the Property,pmvided that Borrower shall,prlor to accelcrution under
<br /> � paragraph 17 heteof or abaadonment of the Property.have the dght to rnllect and retain such rents as they become due
<br /> • end payable.
<br /> Upon acceleration under paragraph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Property,Lender,in person.by agent or by
<br /> judlcially appointed receivet shall be entitled to enter upon,take possession of c►nd manage the 1'roperty and to cotlect
<br /> . !
<br />