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`;'ii' ' ";• �� , ^ '4�l.1' . �..,r c. <br /> . . ,(W�� . _:•r. <br /> ' n`�. . <br /> � ?.• ' <br /> r. <br /> , .. -�"'�1 <br /> i:i <br /> . � ' �` . �/�.i <br /> .. .. . . . it . . .. . ' (1 <br /> - . <br /> . • <br /> . .... . . . ._-'.�_...._ ... .�. <br /> . . . . . �����'. '.___ . <br /> tlin mc�ntt►ly paymrnta, �vl�ioh sro rcfaned 4o in�Saragraph �, or ehonge tha amaunt af auch g��yrrtsnt�.Ay�y nxa�e <br /> • pra;ce�s aver an anaaunt t�equlred w Pay ell autstanding 1r�debtedness vnder the Noto and thie Secarlty lcu�trumentahiil� . <br /> be peid to the onttty Ie�aUy entit�c8 therAto. <br /> ,� <br /> 8.Feet.Leader may collxt fae and ohugce authorizzrrd by tAe Secrotery. <br /> 9.(3r�tta��le tor�cseleretioaa oi DebE. <br /> (a� Dehult. Leader may. exce,pt as Itmited by regulat�aas iasuod by the Searetary ia tiTe cese oi p�ymont <br /> delaulta,requlro immediate payraeat In fu11 of alt sums secusad by thte Sooudty Inatrument It: <br /> (i� Borroaes�defautta by iailing to pay in full asq montbly payment requirod by thie Securtty litatrument <br /> prIor to nr on the dua date of the nert monthly payment�ar <br /> tiij Bortower defaulte by failing,for a perlod of tbirty daya�to periorm arey othar obligattm�s contaiaed in • <br /> this�3eatulty lastrumeat. <br /> (6)�alo Wtthout Cradit Approval.I.ender ehatl,if pamitted bq applicablo law and wlth tho prior approv�l <br /> oi the Secreteiy,roquire ierimediate paymeat in full oi ail sume secured by this Seaudty Instrument if: <br /> (1)AIl ar part o!the Proparty,or a baneficisl intarest in a trust owniag all or part of tbe Propetty,is sold or <br /> otherwise transfernd(other t�ac by dovise��deacent)by t'he Borrower,aad <br /> (ii) The Property te aot acca�piad by the �ureheser or.grantee ae hie or her principnl residence� or the <br /> purcAaser or graatee dcea sc�ooaupy tha Property but hi�or her cralit hass aot been approved ia aceordaace <br /> with tha requiraments oi tha�ecrotnry. <br /> (e� No Waivor.If circumstaaces occur th�t woiild pera�it Leader ta requira irmmediate payment in fu11�but <br /> Leader doea not roquire auah paymente,I.ender dces n4t waivo ite dghts wIth respect ta subRCqueut eveate. <br /> (d) Ra=ulations o!HUD Saccet�ry. Ia many citcumataaces reguletione isaued by the 3ectetary will l�mit <br /> Lender'e dghte ia the casa oi psyment defaulte to requira immedtate payment ia full end foreclase if not putd. <br /> "1i�'����� '1 �; Thie Seaurlty Inatrument does aot suthorIze acceleration or foreclasora if not permitted by regU]atlons of tha <br /> ♦ ����,RZ�.��+'• S�'O1HTy� <br /> •.•;.i.,a�;�i;..�.�: <br /> �-'�,F�:''-�',`'-+�. (o) Mortgage Not Iasured. Borrower agrees that should thia Securtty Instrument aad the Note socured <br /> '.,��� ::r�r�. ; thereby not be eligible for insuranco under tha Netional Housjng Aat within 60 days from tho date henof, <br /> '�`.• ��:°•. �. ���R;, Lender may,at its option and notwtthstending anything ta paragraph 9,require immediate pnymsnt in full of alt <br /> ���� s�Y '��� '���• sums secuted by this Securtty Inatrumem,A wrItten atatement of aay authorIzed ageat e[the Secrctary daud <br /> �.�':�►:`�:��.:�.>�� -��:: <br /> :���`;�`%�`'T'��.�` � the�buahall bo d�sned conclusi oe rooi oi suclh iaelt�h�1�NotavIthstandin�the fo�*eia ttl�is ottlo�n ma� <br /> Y P &� � �tS'• � � B, P Y <br /> •R:•"�:. � . •' ' '' aot be eaercised by Lender when the unaveilability of ineuranca is solely dua to L.eAder's failure to remit a <br /> ''�'" �'��' ''' ' mortgage inauraaoa premium to the Sectatary. <br /> i�•,:;•;�e:,, ,;r.,..,��.� <br /> "'"J t 'y ., �S ' 10. Reinstetemeat. Borrower has a ri ht to be rainstated if Lender hes r uired immedlate <br /> .,,�;�;�.�,�.,,,»...:",:,:R: � 84 PaYment ia full <br /> ;u., ....• . becausa oi Borrower's fatlure to pay aa amouat dutl under the Note or thia Securitq Instrument.This right applies even <br /> ;t;:.;n.. : . , . • after forecloaura proceediagrs ero inatituted.To reiastate the Securitq Instrumeat.Borrower shall tender in a tump sum <br /> �';;�;;.,�:.:..,:.� all amouats re�quired to briag Borrower's account curr�►t iacluding, to the axtent they ere obligattons af Borrower �'� <br /> ��:*�r.r};A-�• <, uader thia Secwity Instn►ment�foreclosure costs and reasonable and cuswmery attornays' and espeasos properly e,:- <br /> "ti'��;�^'°�' � associated with tha foreclosure procading. Upon retnetate:nent by Borrower. thia Security Instrument and the +��-+ <br /> "'��•'"=�"'�� "' • obligations that it secures ehell remaia ia efiect es Ii Leader had not required immedlate pnynaent in full.However, '';�';',"�� <br /> . . ""' Lendet is aot required w permit reinstatamant if: (i) Letidar has accepted reinstatement after tba commencemesit of '..��;� <br /> foreclosure roceedings withia twa years immediately preceding the commencement of s curtent foreclosura <�` <br /> ' • proceeding, �i) reinatatement w�ll precluda fot�eclosure on different grounds in the future,ar(iii) roinstatement will '�"_?� <br /> ". • adversely affect tha prinrity of the lien created by this Security Instrumant. ?,,:�::,,t <br /> ., f, �� <br /> .:+''" � • 11. Bonower Not Reloased; Forbearance By Leader Noi a Waiver. Extc�neIon of the tima af payment or <br /> � .. , � modification of amortizetion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to eny successor in <br /> -"�* intereat of Borrower shell not oporate to releasa the liability of the original BnrrowPn or Borrowet'e successor in <br /> ,�,. <br /> .�,i�,;�� ° ' interest. Lendar shell not be required to commence proceedings against any auccessor in interest or re4use to extend „ <br /> �� � � time for payment or othercvisa modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrurnent by reason of eny <br /> demand made by tha originel Borrower or Borrower's aucce,ssors in interest.Any forbearence by Lender in exercising <br /> � any rIght or remedy shell not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any ri�ht or remaiy. <br /> � � , <br /> ��(Np t021�1 Oq��of 6 <br /> .. IMBds: •� <br /> � . <br /> � ' <br /> 1 . ..__...t�--_.•--�'—•`•'-_..._--.___.,._.-,--�.__...__.._..._-.-•-'-'-"'...--°-...------ � _ ------'-- -'-- '-• _ .,-' -... „ _ <br /> :i . .. . .. .. i`�..�:. ' • •' . - .. �..•.3f�."•X.�'�i1��'l.J�i'•.-�Sr'- t . - '�.r� . <br /> � .. . �� �• - � ,-' <br /> �� - � .. - � . " - . . ' ( „ � . ' . <br /> . o � ° u � . ., � .. •y . . ° _. _ <br /> . � . 'u - . � . . . . , <br /> . .. �, + " ,. -. . ,. . � - <br /> y. ., :. ., ,. <br /> " � . ,� ., � � �� , , <br /> u . ., U � „ „ . . . '.. <br /> � , � - ,� • a . _ .. <br /> ` � � �� I .. .. .. , ` �. ._ .. il., . - +r `��,�. .� .� . . . . - .. .. <br /> 1. � . . � .. . .. . .. . -� . � �,. . � � „ ' <br /> , .. . .. . , .v � . <br />