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r" t � r ,�A��� J''�.� . 1VA��. e�Hy1� I � H1.1��l�44t ���� 5 . t ' , " .1 �� �� ��1.�t.l.���H/.(.��'}7�r <br /> Y� f�5 , � ;V� ���'� �r���r,if�t.. �i .�a..-.. . -� •.�� �: „ :. <br /> + .y 'f - !, <br /> ,�° �.t�r.tii. . '�¢(� i ;,�•:•:. <br /> ,.,.. , ��-r <br /> ;;,_ � <br />-,� <br /> --- - I ' ' • 'f�[��1'FIER WITN �I!th�Nnprdvar�U tiow or�M�ifiir K�otRO aon tht prop�Ry.�nn�il s�tMnwitr:appt�a!,�nd _-- -- - <br /> ' 9xtur� oow a h�rwttw�p�rt of th�prep�rty.AN rpE�awn�ts.►nd�ddM�ns�h�M�Ho be eov�d by Ahk 9aa�rlty institaniM. <br /> . , ., <br /> AI!ot the tor�okip b M�rred ta In 4hls BRCwity Inatrum�nt u th�'Raprrty." <br /> 80RRt1WER COVENANTS that 8orruwK is lar�(uYy eNxed of ih� e�tate heraby conveysd anA h�e the d�ht to arant and <br /> cut►v�y ths Proparty�nd 1Nat th� Prap«ty Ie unmcumtaered, exaept tar enwmhnncw of racard. 8or��rv�r wa�r�nts �nd wfil <br /> dMend pm�lh�Nt1�to ihs Rop«ty ap�lnst�11 oNNU��nd d�rwmd�,wbJ�at to a►y encumbwnara N naord. <br /> THlB i9ECt1R1'TY IN9iRUNlEN't aombina unKortn cav�nt� 1or n�tbnai uw �nd n�n�unNam aovmantr wilh Iknit«i � <br /> vadatbns by JurkdkWn to aonstlwtt a uM(am s�curtty inmummt eov«1na rorl prap�el�t. � <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Born�w�t and I.�ncMr aov�nt md aqn�u byows: <br /> 1. Paymsnt of Prinetpal �nd Int�r�st; Pr�psym�nt and I,.at� Charp��.Boreow�t shd promptly pay whm � <br /> due tf»prtncip�l of ad int�nat on th�Qebt Mdmc�d by th�NoU and my pnpayrnont and kb oNrrpw►duo undor tho Noto. <br /> 2. Furtda tor Troas �nd Insuranc�.8ubJ�at to�ppWubl+kw a to s wdttm wairK by Undu,Borroww sh� py <br /> to Lendar on the day munthy p�yrna�ta us du�undv th� Note, unUl th� Nots la pald tn tup,� sum(•Funds')fo� {�)ywy <br /> taxaa and auetam�nts whloh rr�y attak� pdotity over thie Se�urtty Inatruma�t aa• Nmn on th� Pirop�rty; (b) yearty{�t�hold <br /> paymente or�round mnte on the Proporty,it�ny; (o)yarly hax�rd or property tnauranos pranluma; id) yeuty 11ood Insunnc� <br /> premiurs+a,if any;(e)yeady mortgnpe Ineunnae promiums.B any;and(q tny aums payabls by Bortov�er to Lende�In accordAnce <br /> wfth the provlalona o} par�gra�ph 8,in Aeu ot the paymant o!mortgage insurenes pramiuma. fiese ftema are catied 'Eacrow� <br /> ftema.• Lenda may, at+�ny Ums, eolleet And hold Funds In an emount not to exeoed tho moximum amount n lencla fot d <br /> tederaNy rekted moKga9e�oan msy requfro tor 8orroweP'a escrow aaeouM under the taderal Re�1 Entate 3ettiement P►oca�ree <br /> t Aot of 1874 aa amended frorn Ume to time,12 U.B.Q.�2801 et aeq. ('RE8PA•), uniesa anothx law that appliea to the Funda <br /> �;,;; ��,' aete�teaaer amoun� It so, Lenda mny,at eny timo, coNeat and hoid Funda (n en emouM net to exceed the lesser amour�t. <br /> ° �'�:s,iTi�x�+� Lender may estimate the amourrt ot Funda dun on the baals ot curter►t data end reeson�ble estknv2es oi expenditures ot Niuro <br /> ''a�:�::?:f�':��r��`', ` Escrow Items or othawtse in aocordence with appikable iaw. <br /> L"'"''�;.,,, The Funds ehall be heid In an InatttuUon whoae depoafts are(nsured by e federsl agonay,InnrumentelNy,or entity Qnduding <br /> �'``'r`�� the Funda to the Eacrow <br /> =«'•-•,..•"�1� �?'. • lender, If Lender ia auah an InetituUon)ar in any Federal Home Loan Benk Lender ahaU appy Pll� <br /> .w. .:_,..,.r.�...: <br /> �;:.��,.:.F:..::..:..:::Y, ftems.Londer mey�ot charge 8orrawer tor hotdinp and eppying tt�e Funds,annuepy an�sg the esctow aecount, or vattying <br /> ;;; ,;;5.,...• �,.1;.,..�, the Eaerow Itema, untean Lender pays Borrower Mterest on tha Funds and appneable law permtte L.eader to meka such a <br /> -, aharge. However, Lende►may requVe Borrow�to pay a onotlrrte eherge tor an Indepondent reai eatate tsx �eporttng sarvice <br /> �� , used by Lende� M aonneadon wrth this loan, untess applloabte law provides olhetwiee. Un�ess an agreement is mede or <br /> +;;;t� �•• appkable law requlrae intaeat to be patd, Lender shal not be requlred to pay Bortowar any Intereat or eaminga on tha Funda. <br /> ,�� > ' � Borrower und Lender may agree In wrttlng, howerer,lhat intereat sha11 be paid on the Funda. Lender shalt give to Hortowa, <br /> � . '. wlthnut aharge,an ennt�al aceounL'ng of the Funds, showing r.redits and debits to the Funds and the purpose tor whloh each <br /> r � ' . debR to tha Funda was mnde. The Funds are piedged as addlUonal seeurlty for a0 eums eecurod by the Seanily tnstruman� <br /> ' ;��� , If tha Funda hefd by Lender exceed the smounts permftted to be held by appllcable Iaw, Lender shali account to 8orcower <br /> � tor tha exaeso Funds [n accordance witb the�equkemcnta of applicabie Iaw.It the amouM of the Funds hald by I.eader at any .� <br /> • Qme fa not suffldent to pay the Eeaow Itema when due,Lender may so noUly�ortowe�in wrtHng,and, in auah case 8orrower �,� <br /> ° � •� shati pay to Lender the emount necessmy W make up tlre deflciency. Bortower shall make up the defldency in no more then : �-�� <br /> � ' • tweNe monthy paymanh►,at Lender's sole dlaaetlon. <br /> !lptxs peysnett2 in hs!!o!81!stsms sectirs�d �y t!f!e^�ltHy 4nAhument, Lender ahaU promptly retund to Borrower any Funds � �^ <br /> •• ' � hetd by Lender. It,•under paragraph Zt.Lender shall acquire or sell the Properly,Lender, prfor to the acquisklon or ea�e ot the <br /> . Propeity,shell appy any Funds heid by Lende►at the time ot acquisition or sa�e as a credtt agelnst the aums secured by this <br /> . 3ecudty Ins4umant •�` <br /> 3. Applteatlon ot Payli1611t8. Un�ess applicabte Iaw provides otherwise, atl payments receivctd by Lender under y' <br /> , paregraphs 1 and 2 shell be appiled: flrat,to sny prepayment oharges due unde�the Note; soeond,to amounts payabie under „ <br /> , paragraph 2;thhd,to tnterest due; tourth,to p►indpat due;and last,to any tate cherges due under tho Note, •�' � <br /> � , 4. Charge8; Uena BoROwer shall pay all texes, assesomente, charpea, Mea and imposRions arirlbutabte to the <br /> Propaty whlah may atteln pdorily over this Secudty inetrument,and Ieasehoid paymente or ground rents, M any. Borrower eheli <br /> • pay these obAgaUona in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or it not paid fn that manner, Botrower shell pay them on @me <br /> ' '`�. � � direotly to the peraon owed paymeM. Borrower ahell prompty fumish to Lender ail naticea of emounts to ba pald under thls <br /> • paragraph. Ii Borrow� makes these paymenta dtredly, Borrower shad prompty fumlah to Lender receipts evidencing the <br /> , payments. <br /> 8orrower shaU prompty d(soharge any Nen whieh hae pdorfty over this 3ecudty insdument unless Bortower: (a)egrees h <br /> ' wdUng to the payment of the obRgaUon securud by the Yen in a manner sccepteb�e to Lender, (b)eontesta In good fafth the • <br /> Iien by, or defenda against entorcement of iho Ilen tn, teg�l proceedings whlah In the Lendet's opinion oparate ta prevent the <br /> , ' enfotcemern ot the Nen; ar(o)secures hom the hotder ot the Aer►an agreement eaUstaatory to Lender aubordinadng tha Iien to <br /> this Security Instrument. It Lender detertninea that any pad ot the Property Ia subject to a Ilen which may attain pdo►ity over thls <br /> „ , Security InaAumenR Lender may gtve 8onower a noUce IdentNytng the Iten. Borrower ahe�l saUsy the Aen or take one w more of <br /> -• tha acUona set lorth abova wfthin 10 days of the ghring o1 not�ce. <br /> 8. HeZB/d or Property Insurance. Bortower shaA keep the improvements now exisdng or hereafter ereded on tho <br /> Property insured egainst Ioss by ftre, hezards included wlthin the term `extended coverage• and any other hetards, inciuding <br /> • flaoda or floodtng,tor wAloh Lender requires Insuranee. fiis insurenae sheli be mainleined(n the amounts and tor the periods <br /> ' thet Lender requires. The inaurance caaier providing the insurance shall be ahosen by 8ortower subjeat to Lender's approvat <br /> , whtch shall not be unreasonaby wfthheid. It Borrower talls to matntain coverage descrlbed above, 4ender may, at Lender's <br /> ' opdon,obta4�coverage to proteot lender's dghta In the Property in accordanca wlth psregraph 7. <br /> ` • AU insurance polides and renewels ahaN be acceplable to Lender and eha0 Inc�ude a standard mortgage cJause. Lende� <br /> �.� �: " shall have the dght to hold the polictes and renewa�s. q Lender requtres. Borrowe�shait promptly ghre to Lender elI recetpta ot <br /> "' � ' pald premlums and renuwai noUces. In the event of Ioss,Bortower shaq glve prompt noUce to the insuranee eartler end Lender. <br /> • Lender may make proot oi Ioss M�ot made prompUy by Bortower. I <br /> , . Untess Lender end Borrower othervvtoe agree in wriWg, �nsuranc�proceeds shail be epplled to restoraUon or repaU ot the <br /> .� � Prope�ty damaged. a tha restoraUon or repak is econon�ICUiy feaslbie and Lender's security Is not Iessened. If the►estoretlon or <br /> t repair is not economicaDy teasib�e or Lender's secuNty vvautd be lessoned, the insurance proceeds ahali be appAed to tho sums <br /> ' secured by thia 3ecut�ily Instrument, whether ar not Ihen due, wtth any excess paid to Borrower. it Borrower abandons the <br /> ��� PropeAy, or does not answer wlthln SO days a noUce from Lender that the Insurance cortier has oNered to settle e clakn, then , ;;:• <br /> � 1`�''��'•, lende� may ooNeat the insurance proeeeda. Lender may use the proceeds to repafr or restore the Property or to pay suma � <br /> secured by this Senutity�nstrument,whether or not then due. The 30�dey per(od wiq begin when the noUce is given. � <br /> ' � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in w►iNng, any eppiicadon of proceeds to pdncipal shatl not extend or � <br /> • postpone the due date ot tho monthty payments referred to in psragrephs 1 and 2 or change the emount of the payments. ff � <br /> ��+ under paragraph 21 the PropeAy is acquired by Lender. Borrower's dght to any Inourance poUoies and proceeds reaulUng hom � , <br /> damage to the Property prtor to the acqu�sidon shaU pess to Lender to the extent of the sums by thls 8ecurity�nabument L � <br /> immemaieiy prior io ine acquisidon. <br /> 'a 6. Occupanay, Preservatio�, Maintenance and Protaotion of the Property; Bor�owor's Loan � <br /> AppIICBtIon; Lsaseholde. Botrower shall occupy, estublish, and uae the Prope�ty as Bortower's princlpal residence within <br /> � ., sbdy daye a8er the exea�tfon ot this 3earfly Instrument and shai� contMue to oacupy the Prope�ty es Borrower's pdnctpat i <br /> residence for at least one year after the date ot occupaney,un�ess Lender othe►wlse agrees in writing,which consent ahali not <br /> „ � � be unreasonaby wfthhe(d,or unlesa extenuaUng dreumstences exist whiah are beyond Borrower's conVol. Bortower shalt not � <br /> destroy,damage or Impair the PropeAy,auow the PropeAy to detedo►ete,or commit waste on the Property. Bortower sha�l be In <br /> • � dotauft ii any forfekure actbn or proceeding, whether eivN or criminal, Is begun that tn Lendet's good tafth judgment cou�d resuR <br /> in foMeiture oT the PropeAy or otheavise meteiialry im�et�the Iten creatad by thls 3eeurity�nstrument or lender's securily fnterest. <br /> F1318.LM0(12193I poqe 2 of 5 ', <br /> �. <br /> v ' <br /> . •708 <br /> .. i.,. . <br />