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1� � ��.^� :'�•.,n.�.�^. i: �^. 'i�'Q I'�:r,:;�?���.�t' , l'�;'/�jill.�j.;; ��.�`St�,,ti.":�'� <br /> �. �' �' .. :d `. t. <br /> ,;�� i:� <br /> :� � <br /> . <br /> ---- - ---- . _ . . , �4� to�+�at,� .. <br /> '1'OCi6T1HRR!!V[TH�i!the Impmvetprnts now Ar henafter ertcud on�he pmperty.a�xl aill euetbcnte,op,�urterwxp,and - <br /> �xtuns now or McrcaRer u pa�f. uf ttnz: pra�rty. Ail replacen�ents nn� additlons �hall alsa I�e cavcrn! by this Scwrfry <br /> fust►u�i�►cnt./�ll of'thc fon:going i,f�:f cxrcd t�a in tldx Sccurity In�truntent aa thc"Pmy�crty." <br /> AQRROW�R Cl)VF?IVAI�iTS ihnt B�rrowcr is lawfi►Ily Eeisc�d oP the estnte hereby convcyal und haw thc right tu grant cana <br /> convey the Property and tt�a► �he Proprrty i�utx�xumberad,ex�ept for encumbrances of rca:ar�. Barro�ver w�rrmits iuxl wfU <br /> defend�gCnuually tt�r title tu tha Pto�serty against all claims nnd demunds,subject to any encumbronces of rernnt. <br /> THI3 5ECI7RITY INSTRUMBNT combines unifarm covrnants far natlorwl usc nnd non-unifprm eovenun�9 with limttcd <br /> varlat�on:s by judscliction t�o constitute u unifarm c�ecuriry instcumcnt cavering seal property. <br /> UN12�Ui�2M COV�AfAN�S.8urruwer�t�d Lendee wvenas�t aixl agr�us Pollows: <br /> 1. t9Ymeat ot Prt�tp�l and lnte�PreQayment tnd Late Ctwcges. Borrowcr ahutl promptly pay when due the � <br /> principal of and inurest on Qie debt evidenced by the Note nnd any prepayment artd late churges due under the Nate. <br /> 2. Fund�tor Tnxes�nd Iasurance.Subject to upplicable law or to a written�aiver by Lcncter. Horrawer shall Pny to <br /> Lender on tha day monthly paymcnts are due under the Nate�until the Note is paId in full.n sum("Funds")for:(a)ycarly taxes <br /> srnd assessments wl�ich mny uttuin priorIty aver thiR 5ecudty Instrumcut ss�a tien on the Property; (b)yearly leasehold payments <br /> or ground nnts on the Praperty,if uny;(�)yearty Iwzard or prope►ty i�uurance premiums:(d)yeurly fiood lnsurancc premiums. <br /> if any;(e)y�rty mortgage insurance premiums. If uny;uc�d(� any surns payable by Borrower w I.ender,in accordaace wtth <br /> the pmvi5ion�of paragrnph 8. in lieu of thB payment af mortgs�e insurance premiums.Thece ttems are called "Escrow Items." <br /> Lender nnay. at any ttme. collect and hold Furtds in an amount not to exceed the musimam iunount a Icnder for a federalty <br /> related moRgag�Ioun may require for 8orrower's escrow uxount under the federal Real Estate Setttement Pmceciu►�s Act of <br /> 1974 as amertdRCt from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.(`RFSPA"),unless anotl+er law that applies to the Funds <br /> scts a lesset amount. if so.Lender may. at any tlme. cwllect and hold Funds in an umount not w exoeed the lesser amou�t. <br /> I.ender may estimate the timaunt of Funds due on the basis of curnnt data urtd reasonable estimates of expenditures of future <br /> Escrow items or otherwlse in IIccordnnce wlth applicxtble law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in su� institudon whose deposlts nre insured by a federal agency, instrume�stality. or entity <br /> (inctudtng I.endet.if I.ender is such an instttution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.L.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow Items.[.ender may not cliarge Borrower for holdin�and npplyipg the Funds.annuAlly analyzing the escrow uccount. or <br /> verifyin�tho Escrow Items,unless I.ender paya Horrower interest on the Funds and upplicable luw permits Lender to inake such <br /> a charge, However,Lender may require Sorruwer to pay a one-ti�ne charge for an independent rea!estate tax mportin�seevice <br /> use�l by I.ender in connecxion wlth this loan, unless npplirablc law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> applicuble law requlres interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to puy Borrower any interest ur eamings un the Fund�. <br /> Borrower end Lender may agree in writIng. however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall givc to Borrower. <br /> without charge,an annual ncoounting of the Funds, showing cndits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for whtch e.�ch <br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additionat secudty for ali sums serured by this Security Instrument. <br /> If the F�nds held by L,ender exc�ed the amaunts pern�itted to be held by appltcuble law. Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> for the excess Funds in uccordance with the roguireraents af applicable Inw. If the umount of the Funds held tsy Lender at any <br /> . dme is not sufficissnt to pay the Bscmw Items when due.I.ender may so notify Borrowcr in writin�, such case Borrower <br /> shall pay w i.ender the amount necessary to make up the deticiency.Borrower shzll make up the deficiency in no more than <br /> twetve monthly i.ender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon paymettt in full uf all sums secused by this Security Insm►ment. L,ender shall pmmpdy refund ro Borrower anp <br /> Funds held by i:ender.If.under paragraph 21,I.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender.pdor to the acquisitIon or snle <br /> of the Property.shnll apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of ncquisition or sale as a credit uguinst the sums secured by � <br /> this Secudty Insttument. <br /> 3.Applic�tion oi Pa�yments.UNess applIcable law pmvIdes otherwise,ssll payments received by i.ender under paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shaU be applted: any prepaymem charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payablo under paragraph 2: <br /> iMerest due;fouith,to principa!due;and any late charges due under the Note. <br /> � A.CUargcap Lfeas. Borrower shall pay all taxes.asses.gments.char6es. fines and imposittons uttdbutable to the Property <br /> which may attain priorlry over this Seturity Instn�ment, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. 8orrower shall pay <br /> tt►es�obligations tn the manner provided in para}�raph 2,or if not paid!n thut manner.Borrower shal!pay them on time direcdy <br /> ta the peraon owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish tc�Lender all nodces of tunounts to bu paid under this paragraph. <br /> • If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrawer shall pmmptly fumiah to[.ender rtxeipts evidencing the payments. ¢`�' <br /> � Borrower shall pmmpdy discherge any llen which has pdority over thia Securlty Instn�ment unless Borrower:(a)u�rees In � "• <br /> w�a��g do the payment of the obligation sa�ured by the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender; (b)contests in gaexi faith the lien ��� <br /> by.�.c�+w�fends�alnst enforcem�t of the lien in, le�al proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the ��� <br /> eafarcement of the lten;or(c)secures from the holder of the tien an agrcement saaisfuctory to I.endar subordinuting the lien to � =�� <br /> rchis Security Insuuy�c�:i. If Lender determines that any part of the Property!s subject to a lien which may anain priority over �" <br /> uu «. <br /> this Securiry IInstru�ent,t.�x.+er may give Borrower u notice identifyins the lien. Bonower shall sutisfy the lien or take one or <br /> more of tha actions set foM a��•�e within 10 duys of the�Iving of notice. <br /> Fonn 9028 9/80 <br /> vpe 2 0l s y'� •" <br /> � .. <br /> +` � ' . .����T• �"�jSt��'',}r. •'s .--- . .�. . .....�.......�.. . _ , <br /> 0���{itJ'1:. !,(_�'yrY.. - ._ <br /> i��'+dii:��{''� Y t - <br /> ',�,�' ..,`. :�}.1dY Yl-' .iY��`li�i�.+�,..�i�. �: ::i•.. ':�t�:. ;�... 3�=t= ' . .. <br /> •'H�^�t`�CP' t51+.,7�x°�s f>•t'4�� 1.`1'..a ., t �I�. � a� `'Q i I' I� {,17et�t ',', . , <br /> L-• r`:.�.+'7 ,' f�17� . -!r � � r .. �n i . . . . <br /> a' � �:ti�t 1- .'Jr''';c`Y�'t �l�' ��Y;-�'ra t� I � �k ��: . . ' ' .' . , . <br /> -�+�y' - :� ' '�i tir r y'�: P'�t, 9..1b. I ' � . •. �t� . <br /> �'.�;K�' ..;�tYs::��i'���'.J:•�j:s�Y.�'�. I � 1..1$l; . . <br /> iN�l�G1`t$:�f/fVRK_1a�YI'�•l:._l.•FJaM�1i.�Y' 'wSk'R�'4511Y: "� . . -. - � <br /> ' f�M.A Wfi � �.iJ:..��• . . . <br /> � ,y, ��`� tu .L' <br /> ��^'��'�`��� �., � � . � ,, _ <br /> `�..`• +r�,�!tr�.'�w'A.;�1ti.-.a.-�ti7.,:'. r� T.1(�t.�.�� �:rti� . . � <br /> - � �,t f i ,.,�1,�. S..". .+.r �L1�1 w.�-. w.....: M��! I a w .. <br /> Y l �,r- �� ;F4 IM' j R'r L <br /> 4 ��+`;�r� . �`�:C _ � y a w . � - � . . ' .. <br /> '' �. �:' "���.�y � -7t i � ' �?�o: I r F�\ <br /> ;p X�'yflyf�� .��� 4 :'�{� r.i�`� 'a s ��:F�. . . 1y '13' � �j� . . � � • <br /> ' �` .� ��Y S }'y�i , a <br /> '4�,"' +S..� �l;'. .. �. <br /> o•:.�.i;;d?I�Ftt y.� .i , <br /> r ,, r� , i -' �� aL`. .. ....a1. • '»��: �. .. � ' �:: <br /> .�•• yr;. �'��,�d.��iA•e�.�R� � ry �`vd��'.:� , 9.°,�_'-- , <br /> "�•' �r '�`. ' , <br /> ,�i, :��::��'t� '"`�. •���'.i WY':E' �44�hs5:r ` �"' <br />