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<br /> � �,'� ' v�� . �� sfi ' .
<br /> r'1 .
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<br /> 'mpFs17#ER WI'C6i aJl thc improven�ej►ts now oc hemntter crrcted ca�QH;Rrupcety.�d uqi en-- ieni5;u9 rtcn:u�c,v,
<br /> und [ixtuccs now on c�reaCter u�ot tiu:property. All replat+3en�cnts and additi�ns�1►al1 ulu�bc csrvcrcd by thla Scc:urity
<br /> insttumcn� All of�fotegoing ia ncferred ta Ip thla Setutity lnatrumrnt as the "i'�+�perty,• .
<br /> BORROWEIt COVENA[VT3 that sormwee is lawtl�lly ReiseA af the estate henby convtyed anA hax the d�bt to�rahi
<br /> and convey tha R+�p�Ut e tn the Prop�ny aga�ns�c�ims�and daem��dse ub xt to y encumbrw�c��nF recoc¢iwan�+u►ti Mnd
<br /> wlll defend g�nealty
<br /> THlS SECUe�tiTll 11VS"Y'ItaJ[�A18N't' com6ines unifunt�l c�ven�u�fi�rwdcs.-utJ usc; wxi �iUU•un:forn cmlcnan� r:ith
<br /> umicoo v,�,�ans ey juasa�on co coas�cuce a unlform secudty inatcusaent covedce�rcal propetty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAMTS. B�rrower and I.enAer covcnnnt and a�tee es follows:
<br /> 1. P�,Yment af 1'rN�dpl�!Iotereitb�Wl�pt aad Late C�tes. Borrower shu11 P�P�Y OwY whcn due ihe'
<br /> pri�nci�of end interest on the dc�t evidenced by the 1�Iote t�nd any prGpayrnent end late chargcs due under the Note.
<br /> � �ads tar'iliucts ard I�unn�e.Subject to appltcabtc law or to n written wuiver by i.cndcr.Borrowcr sh�ll psy to
<br /> Lerlder on the day monthly payments are due under thc Nou,und!the Note is pa�d tn fLll,u sum("Funds")fa:(a)yciurly
<br /> ta�eas►assessments which may atteia priorlty ovez this Sccuriry Instrument as A licn on the Propetty:(6)yearPy teasehotd
<br /> paymen�s or gmund rents on cde Propeny, if any; (c) yeruly haza�d or propertiy insurance premiums; (d) yenrly flbud
<br /> iassr�ke piemiuums,if any: (e) Yearly mortgage insurance premiums.iP any;and(�any aums payable by Bortower to
<br /> ms,
<br /> Lender.ia arcordancc w1ti�the pmvis[ons af parngrurh 8,in liev of the payment of mortgage insutance pi+emiums. These
<br /> items are called"Escrow Items." l,ender may.at az►y tLne.collect and Iwld Fltnds in tu►amount not to exceed the maxtmum
<br /> amount a lender fot a federally related mo�tgage loan may vequire for Bor�rower a escrow sccouut urxfer the federal Rea1
<br /> 8sqte Settlement PmceduRS Act of 1974 as amended fmm time to dme,t2 U.S.C.�2601 a seq.("It�3PA").unless anothar
<br /> law t�at applies tv tt�e�Uttds sets e tFSSCr amouat If so.Leader rnuy.at any tiaae,coUect r�nd hold F�nds in s�n amnunt not w
<br /> exceed the less�er amoun� I.euder tnay estlmatc the amount of Funds due on the basia of current dstw nnd nnsoaable
<br /> e�dmates of eapeaditures of fi:tu:e Escrow Items or othecwtse in occordance witd applicabie law.
<br /> The Funds shaU be held in aa iastitution whose deposjts are fnsured by a fedeeai ngency, inswmentaliry.or endty
<br /> (including Lei►der,if Lender is such an Ins6tudon)or in any Fedetul Nome Loan Bank Ixnder shafl�sply the Funds to psty
<br /> the Fscmw Items. Lender muy rtoi ch�e Borrower for holding and opplyfng tbe�ttda.annually analyzing We esccow
<br /> �unt,or verifyIng the E��row Items. unless Lender pays Borrower iaterest on the Fuuds and applicnble law permita
<br /> ,•.z �,e�r co make such a char�e. However,Ixnder may nequlre Bomower to pay a one-tlme charge for an tadepsndent reul
<br /> ¢scate ta�repo�ting servlce�sed by L.eader In conaection with this loap,unless appl[cable!aw provides othcrw(se. Unless an
<br /> agretment is m�de or applicable lnw requires iaterest W be puid.Lender s�all nnt be requjred to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> eamLi�s a�u the Fuicds. Borrower nnd Lender may agrce in wridns,however,that iatemst shall be psiid on tbe�nds. l..ender
<br /> � ,,',�:, p � sbadl give to Bomoa�er.without charge,an annual accounting of tlte�nds,showiag credlts and debits to the Funds und the
<br /> .� p�ose for which each debit to the Funda wus made. 'Ihe�ds ere pledged os addidonat security for ail sums secured by
<br /> ?7��.•,_ � i�Secwity Insuumen� �
<br /> �.;• .,. If tke Funds held by Leader ezceed the amounts �emnitted to 6e held by applicable law. L.ender shall account to
<br /> .�'�'rr.- Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance wlth the req�ements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> . '`�Y+L Lender at any dme{s aot sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lcader may so nodfy Borrower in writing,und. in
<br /> �•�,h.'� such case Ba�c�,v�+er shall pay to Lender the amount necessary co make up the deficiency. Borrower shaU make up the
<br /> ''•�.•' " deficiency in no ntore thaa twelve montiily paymcnts.at Lender's sole discredon.
<br /> •� T�'���v`�ir�?s'�F;� 1Tpon paytaent in fu11 og all sums secured by this Security instiument,L.ender shnll prompdy�+efurtd to Bonower any
<br /> P�C:4,�y;E��,�,; �,���,y(�nder. If tender paragraph 21.Lender shall acqu�re or sell We Propecty.Lender.prlor w the acquisidon or
<br /> }z:'�'�;��;�4•� sale of che Pc�oge�rty,shaU apply any Funds held by L.eader at the ame of acqu�sidoa or snle es a credit a�ainst the sums
<br /> .. . . secured by tbvs S�,vrity Instrument. -. -
<br /> �� '° `�•�'�^�''� 3. App�llcation af P�yments. Unless applicable Iaw provides otherwise, aU pnyments received by I.ender under
<br /> `.�'„;�';fiir. ,
<br /> ,•� . paragraphs 1 aad 2 shall be applied:first,w su►y prepaycnent charges due under the Note;second.to amouats payable under �r�,
<br /> '• a ��;'' paragraph 2;third�to interest due;funnh.to priacipal due:and las�to any late charges dne under the Note. '�;':•
<br /> .:,.. "�-=� 4. CAarges;Ltens. Boimwer shall pay all taxes. assessments, charges. fuces and imposiHons auributable to the �
<br /> S" ': � prvperty wtuch may attaln priority over thia Security Instrumen�and leasehold payments or gound rents,if auy. Borrower .:„::.
<br /> s.�'�':"�yf'.` shall pay these obligations ta the manner provided in parngraph 2.or if not paid!n that msinner,Bornower shall pay them on �...,,,
<br /> �;.,j:,S1;:�;, r,,•., dme direcdy to the person owed paymen� Bozsower shall prompdy furnish to L.ender all nodces of amounts to be paid under ' ,,�
<br /> ?�,��ti�yx.�,:•�:,•�...- this parngraph. If Borrower makes these payments dicectly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evldencing ,;,:%�+
<br /> y� ' the payments. ;;. ��,
<br /> �•i f'\�.��4��;i�..� .
<br /> -_, ,;.::�,,:�
<br /> Borrower shnll promptiy discharge aay lien whtch has prioriry over this Security lnsavment unless Bomower.(a)agrees ' �tiw�
<br /> rj�;y4 , in wrlting to the payment of the obligadon secured by•the lien in a manner accepmble to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> ��� � lien by.or defends against enforcemertt of tbe lien irt.legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinIon opecate to prevent the
<br /> �_� .y -� enfo�ement of the li�n;or(c)secures from the holder of the Gen an ageement satisfactory to I.ender subordinating the lien
<br /> �:.�:,.� .
<br /> ' "i.:+s:�,;-� ' to this Security Instrument If L.ender detennines that any p�ut of the Property is subject to a lien which may attttin priority
<br /> , .,::.,•, ,.
<br /> ������`� � one or�mor�eco the acti'o�set onh above�thin 1 days of the gi ing��ce e lien. Borrower shall sctdsfy the lien or take
<br /> �;�,;.:. ` � , g� Baz�rd or property Ingurano� �orrower shall keep the impmvements now existing o:hem.after erected on the
<br /> �.� �„ Pt+operty insut+ed agalnst loss by ficc,hazaeds inctuded within the tecm"extended coverage"and any vther hazards,includiing
<br /> ��'� . . . floods or flooding.for which Lender requires insurance. This inaurance shull be mainwined in the amouats nnd for the
<br /> .,�; �
<br /> } ..' Form 30?8 9190 fPuBe 2 oJ6 pages► �<•",',;
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