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<br /> 17.Trarusfer a►t tl�Property oe��ene4lctd InEec+eat In 8ocrower.(f nil nr any pxtt of the�+nprrty c�r�ny inteae�t in Jt
<br /> is�ol�!or tmnsfcrced i�r if a bcncficial intcrett in Borrower is sold or trnnsferred ar�d&�rrowcr is nat s nutural perhon)wtthout
<br /> l,ertder's prlar writton can�ent, l.etxier tnay. at ite opiian, require in�mediute p�yment in full uf ai! sums securrd Isy this
<br /> SecurIty Instrument.Howcvice,ihis optt�n sfiall no1 bo exerciseat by l.cndwr if cxerelsc ia�roliibited by federnl law qs of tho�into
<br /> of thts Security Instntmcnt.
<br /> If I,ender eaercises this aptton,Lender shnll�vive 8orrower notice of nscelemtion.The natice sh�ll pmvida a perlod af not
<br /> less thun 30 deys fram the dute the �wtice iR deHverod or muilal within which Aorrawer muat pay uil sums secural by this
<br /> Sccudty lnsttun�cnt.ff Borrowcr feils to pny these s�uma prior to tho expimtIon of thie period.Lcnaer muy invoke a�iy remodie�
<br /> permittecl by this Securiry Instnrment wlthaut further natice or demand on Borruwer.
<br /> IS. Bon�ower'a Rigttt to Rel�tate. lf SorrowGr m�ets certnin candittons, Borrowee shuit huve the dght to hme
<br /> enforeement of this Security lnstn�ment discontinue� nt nny time prlor tu tho enr(ter of: (a)S days(ar auch ather periid as
<br /> applirnble luw rouy specify far ref�utatement) before s�le of the Properry pursuunt to sny power of snlc onntuiAed in tiiis
<br /> Secur[ty Instrument:or(b)entry of u Judgment enforcing thls Scxurity lnstrument.Tha�'.�e condit�ona nn thut Borc+�wer:(a)pay a
<br /> Lender aU sums which then would be due under this Securlty Instrument und the Note as jf no uccelomtion hnd occurred; (b)
<br /> cures any default af any other covenantx or agreemente; (c)puys ap expenses incurred in enfarcfns this Secudty Irtstrum�nt,
<br /> including,but not Iimited to.resuonable uttomeyr' fees:und(d)takes such uction es Lender mny reusotiably mquire to a�sutt
<br /> tbat the lien of this Sccudty Instnim�nt. Lendar's dghta in the Propetty und,Borrowar's obligatir�t.��,Day.tbe surus sxured by
<br /> this Security Insuument shall continua unoba�ged. Upon reinstutam4nt by Borrawer, thi��;Seaudty; �nstn►ment and the
<br /> obliIIations secured hereby shall rematn fully effoctiva as if no ncceletution,had occutred.HowBVer,�Rhi�,�i�ht to retnstate shall
<br /> not upply in tha case of aooeletntion under parugraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sate ot iVote; Change oi i.oan Servicer. Tha Nate or u partisil int�t�ats•in,iha Note (together Witk��this Security
<br /> ; instnuncnt)may be sold one ar aiore times without prtor.�oticu to Borrower.A�stic roay result�n A chan�;e in sha;�aUty(known
<br /> � as the"1.oan Servic�r")that colletts monthly payments duq.unrl�r the.Note and thfs Secudry Insttument.There also mey be one
<br /> I tir more cl�apgas of tlie I,oan Servicer unrelatcxt to a xele�f the Nnt$,•If there is a change of the Loan Servlcer. Borrower will be
<br /> � given written nodce of the change in uccoNance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notIce will state the name and
<br /> uddress of the new Loaa ServIcer and the address to which paymenta should t�$made. The natice will also contain any ather
<br /> _, ,�_ ., . it�formetlon rec�uired by appllcable law.
<br /> i ?A. Hazardous Substances. Eonower shal! not cuuse or permit the presence. use,disposal. storage, or release of nny
<br /> . , Huzurdaus Substances on ar in thc Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else ta do, Anything affecting the
<br /> '" �,'�,��� f Prape►ty that is in violation of any Environmental [.nw. The prec.�ding two sentences shall rtot a ply to the presence, use. or
<br /> ,,,
<br /> � storage on the Property of small quenttties of Hazardaus Substances thut are generally reoogni to be appmpriate to nomtai
<br /> � msidendel us�and to muintenance of die Property.
<br /> - . ,,,• , Borcower shall prompdy give I.ender written nodce of any investigatlon, claim,demand. Iswsul[or other actIon by any
<br /> � � � � govemmental or regulatory agency or pr�vate party invalving the Property and any�lazardous Substsnce or Environmental Law
<br /> � �'�,'s,�1 of whtch Borrower has actual knowledge. if Borrower learns.ar is notified by any governmentai or regulatory author�ty,that
<br /> 1 n �'t.t±
<br /> ,,,��;,..�,�..:;�;,; : I any removal or other rcmediation of any Hazsu�dous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> ��_� ;,r � a!!s�sss;�remed3a!ectians in azcor�snct with Envsronmental Ts►w.
<br /> �� •,�;�G�,,�;, . . As usal in this patagraph 20, "Huzurdous Substances" ure those substances defined as toxic or harardaus substances by
<br /> ' ��?s �»s•rr,r:'<< ' Environmentat I.aw and the followin� substances: �asoline. kerosene, other fl�unmable or toxic petroleum products. toxic
<br /> ` ",�� '' s pesticides and herbicldes.volutile solvents.materiuls contct�ning asbestos or formuldehyde,and radioactive matedals. Aa used in
<br /> ���"��''``1�'�"•�`���,��'��' this pnragra h 20. "Environmental Law" means federat luws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locat�d that
<br /> ._ -.�,,,��.���,;,.�.,
<br /> �:;..;�__,..„� : ;... , relate to hea th,safety or environmentai protection.
<br /> �:..•�S.=:.�,: ;..: NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower und Lendcr further covenant and Agree av follaws:
<br /> `���"' "''�'' � ���.,'� 21. Aecelecutton;Remedtes.I.ender shell give notice to Bormwer prtor to acceleration fpllowing Borrower's breach
<br /> •�'�!:+'',•�F•"`•'�°•"'�"�"° o�.eqr.rnven��nt or a�roament•in this Security Instrument (but not prtor to acceleration under paraprapb 17 nnless
<br /> ��''�'+'�"�' '�� appl!¢abto law prnvtdes otherwise). The notice shatl specify: (a)the default;(b) the action required to cure the default;
<br /> •���'�!•�� � •'+""` (c)u date,�n�t le�than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by wbich the default must be cured;and
<br /> `°�?"''''" ' � ` ```' (d)that fuilure to.cuce the default on or before the dute specit7ed in the nottce may result in acceieration of the sums
<br /> ,�.,::'.: '�
<br /> ���_,,;.,,;;,,,.,,:';��_ secured by thhs S�rudty Instnament uud sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Boreower of the cight to
<br /> �:,?a:�r. y�a•�� rt:� reinstate after aeeeleration�and the right to bring a court action to ussert the non�ex[stence of a defauit o�any other
<br /> '�`��l���°�"""""�` defense ot Borrower to ucceleratton and sele. lf the default is not cured on or betore the date speclfied in the nntice, '
<br /> ,.�,,.-;::w�ri ... . � ��,;
<br /> � „ `�, n� I.ender, at its optton,may require immediate pay�nent in full uf all sums secured by this Secarlty Instrument without
<br /> : . . further demand and mey invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applica6le law.l.ender shaq be ,
<br /> :•.t.,•.. • enNtled to rnUect all expenses incurred!n pursuin�the remedtes provided in this parasraph 21,includia�,bat not limited =:_�
<br /> . � to,rea�oneble attorneys•fees vnd costs af tttte evidence. '.���,_�
<br /> - , " IP the puwer of sale is ir+voked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in whic�n any part of the �c:�
<br /> •�'� Property is lacnted and thull mail copies of such noiice in the men�er prescribed by applicable law to Borrower und to .:�,•_�
<br /> '+ ?"~�� the other persons preseribed by applicable Iaw.After the time required by appltcable law,Tcustee shali�ive public notice ;Y�
<br /> ._ of sale to the persons und in the manner prescribed by applicable luw.Trustee. �vithout demand on Borrower,shall sell
<br /> '`�,;r.' ' ° the Propertv at publtc auctton to the htghest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desiRnated in the notice of
<br /> ;�,,� sale in one or more parcels and in nny order Tcuxtee determines.Trustee mAy postpone sale oY ali or uny parcel of the
<br /> ���'��'`"' � Property by public announcement at the time and place of any previoacly �cheduted s�te. I.ender or its designee may :,� ,�.
<br /> • ' purchase the Property at any sale. `i'
<br /> �;-. � .,
<br /> � a., Form 3028 8/90
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