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<br /> •i ,„��; ,r• TttU mottQap�Naass e loan m�ds hy Carutar�iY Fedenl.A�ote dated the same date aa thb enatp�pe eontatns the tams for repaynbnt ot that toon.lt that
<br /> ,, ,'��f;.��:;'t rtotl is M►�d�p�d or ropla�d by�osw tats�twiil6s sac�ated by thb r�w�tpspa
<br /> 5, i�c�.����� 1 ptomis��hetollowinpthGtps:
<br /> �{i,.c�;r�.••�. k .- ° 7.N�payn�ants an any note a othx debt aewrod by thb rywrtpaps wlti be pa�d when due.
<br /> ."�"�;•s;. ' 2.M inuW�ncs policytot fire and extended eovotage will be kept In fo�e on the property tn an amount at lea�t eqwi to ths debu secursd by tfib .�,
<br /> morto�os Plus�nY other aartoaIIw Asted In psregraph 8.The inwrenes eony�ny must be s�tlafaatay to Comrnemiai Federal,and Cammeroi�l
<br /> ;� .ua;.,:.:. ,.c� Fed�al wiU bs a�ame�(inwred on ths poiiay.
<br /> ::•4:`. ; ��,'
<br /> . 3. All taxns and atteumants on the properiy wtll be pnid 6efaro they become dnli�uent.
<br /> pr.': .
<br /> �_..`{ =,. ;��;, •�: 4. No wute wiQ b�eatnmittod on the praperty,and it wiU be kept In goad ropair. ,
<br /> .•.�;,,,s.`��:-
<br /> ,,.,y�.:!,,',. . �.fis proparty wili rtot ba sold pnctudhg by land contraat�.leassJ,and no intenest in it wfll ba autgned in any way. •S. .
<br /> '� �r(�,<�?;9 rr;' (� �':�'r'."
<br /> . •, ,,.,..,'� .. 6. 1 own the propsty iree aadctear of any other�wrtgspas ar eneumbranees EXCEPT �. .
<br /> ,..... 7. No otl►er rtwrtpeQe or Usn an the prqierty wiU uv�er be albwed w tre in dofault a be faeelosed.
<br /> .` . • H any of tAwe promiaml aro not kept,thai Commerciat Fadetai een deetare o11 0!the debt immediatety due end payeble wiMout edvoeecs rtotlaa The
<br /> ��.. .• � . .;.-�: intanst nts will ineroass to 18.0096 a�ny grwte►rsts dtowab�spy�sw�t tfiat dmo, and this mortgaps can bs foreelossd.H ths debt ii aecdorst�d.then 1
<br /> . . afaoasaipn any rent or otha►incoms hom the P�opatY to Cammarciat Fedant.
<br /> �'�', ,. CaR�in artio�nts c�n be pN9 by Commerciet Fedenl a�addod to the debt exurotl by thia matqqs.Thoy aro any tazea or insuronce 1 hws aprsed to
<br /> psy bue hil tq any attamey fees o►eourt expenses Comme�otal Fcdersl p�ys H it is mede e peny at eny legat aotlon brougfit by saneons dse eoneeminp dro
<br /> '•y��'"�,��':• p and any�ttomey feea o►eaut expen+ea whtch the law might allow H Commerdel Federal hs�to go to eouRsgainst mo w eo�ieot Ms debt o► �
<br /> .,.' ••{': �, � f�losr thts mort8sqe.lt any ot these thin0s haPDen,then ffie edditionai debt witi acctuo intaeat at the same rete aa the rost a!the deb!and mutt be paid
<br /> � .. r,.•' F.�'` imnrdiatety.
<br /> ' � •..�, H thb paaporty is ewr eondemneel undor the power oi eminent dornain or eny simiiar method oi tektng propaty for pubtto use,eny proeeeda ot the tekinp .
<br /> • - wfll b�p�W to Commenelai Fedaral up to ths full emount ot tho debt aeciued. � �/t;:
<br /> t.' � • J Q �p ��i(
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<br /> i�e tt0 turo � ,
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<br /> r.'.i,�� .. ,, � STATE OF � ) I
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<br /> �°'' COUNfYOF H�1LL �
<br /> �,.�.
<br /> �. e� On thia S1�H day o�f �r .18_44.betoro me.e rtote�y publia in and ta eaid county, peraoneily aeme
<br /> �7�1�C I�iIB �?� - to me known to be Ne tdentleel peraon ape�aons wfioae
<br /> f nams is a ars offbcad w the ebova mortgage,and thay,he w ahe soveralty acknowiadgod Me aafd inawrt�ent and the ezecutlo�thereof to be thair votunta+y
<br /> ' �ct�nd deed.
<br /> � „ VYITNESS my hand ��i�,d �� ta wrimm above. � � _ �� �)�� � .,
<br /> Myeoetrr�iseimexpiros •1�;,•, ,• � ;,�y` C1id ,l1lLl�---��
<br /> � , : CQf�STAi�:.E�<.SLCaid ��N�blie'sSigetatune
<br /> �:t• ,� . tiy cc�yn.Exp.Jan.�3,1�15 ON-107�7 (04/94)
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