_, . . .
<br /> � .:. ; .
<br /> — -- —
<br /> -- , . .
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<br /> , .
<br /> . - ._a.. � ' ' � � _ _ _ . _ \_ _ ___ _ _ i 2
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<br /> — _ -- - - -`- . . •---; - • r'--yy-�r ,y ` < -.' ( ��; :"-, °
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<br /> - --- --� � � ' 19.Tieau�tcr af t`��roperdy ar a�en�eia1 Yn�S ta�xmwer.If all arr aay part of t�e l�mgerty�any inteaes�us.it .
<br />_--- - - - � is s�I�or trs�sff�r�to�if a�eae�eria!iates�s�ii�&mavr�is sc►!a oi uansfermd w�d 8arraF1er is�c� a�ral p�son)r�t�aa�
<br />- _--_--- . IEndet'$prin��w�iuen w�at, L�er may. ac its�opYi�n. �vire imm�iaie ira3'aagt in full`i►�� sums se�rgii by tI�s:�
<br /> - - -- Securitp_I6suvm�ni.Ho�evPZ.tWs ogtion sh�l1 u�t be eae�cissd by,Lekder if ea�ercise is,pm4ub,ced by�fcdera�i�w os of the dt�e . �.
<br /> - -- - - of this Se�rity�astru�ent. �. ° . - � - � `. ' ' .
<br />- - _-__-------= t�[,er�iex acet�cl�es t�is ap�ass.Lectder shall give&nr�owcr aotfce of�acel�aa.7g►e rwtiae shirtt provide ss peaiad af rtat ---
<br /> -- - ___ �..fess than 30 days froan the dai�tR�rzat€ce fs dcijvere�or�muled cuithin wltieh i�orrorver must pay ali sums sec�ced tiy dRis --
<br />- y� � < � Se�udty;tn5,crament.If B�,r.p��r�Ils ap�pay these si►nis�►r�or w the exp3rasIon Qf this perlad.Lend�r may invake_uny remfidics .
<br />'.- _-_— , p�rrtiitted��t���L��b'4�grn;c�ithaui fu�ther�ot�re orctemanA ott 8arroarer. • � ---
<br />� --- `�' � 18:� �it+���� Rcit�tat�. i[�3ormtiver meets certain rondiEtoas. Bamower`shall have the tis�e to i�av� _ --
<br />= enfoseem�Cnt�of thfg S�s�sy'•�n�imaient bisca►ntlnued at any time priaa ro the earlier of: (a)�dc►ys(or s�cp ather period as. �_�
<br />-� epPiteab2e lavr �ay'sp�ify fin tcittstatement)Izcfore sute oF.tize Praperty�pursu�r►t to uny:power of s�ile �nta��d in this ' -�----°-
<br /> ---
<br /> "-"—.-`-J -_ � Ser.urity instiumea�br(bD enuy of�jadgfiacnt enforcurg dris Se�Curisy ir�struatent.Tiiose oond�tz�s ara tt�t�o�raares:ta)F�Y� . -- ---
<br /> i�ldar u�l ssuns wluch thQn wauld�he da�e uader this�ecurity lisssm�m�ttt aad the Note as if no sc��eration ha�oecum;d;(b} - �- _ �y��--
<br />- � cures any defauit of a�t other cavenan�s or a�reemerits:(c)gaYs ctll�xpenses incivaed in enfnrcing this S�utity iastruraent.• . �__
<br /> - iacluding,but mat limited to.reasonabte uttomeys' fees;and(d)takes�ucb aru�n�Lender may reasanabTY require sn as� . -
<br /> that�he liQn of this 5ecurity Insuatncnt.Lencter's ri�ts in the Property aad Bflrmwer s obligat'son to pay the sums secuied by, . � —
<br />= this Secnriry Insttuiaent shall c�ntinus"uachaaged. Upqn reinstateg�eat by Barrower, �this 5ecuriry Iasuumeat and the •
<br />_ -�obl�gauons secured hemisy shall r�main fully effectiv�as�if no atxe�etation had occurnd.�Iowever,tHis right to reinstafe shall
<br /> aota�Ig in the rase af acoetetatioQ uader paragraph 17.. . . ,
<br />� 14 Sfll�of Notr; CAange o4'Loan Servic�r. The Note or a partial imesesc in the Note(togethet with this Securit�r _ ___
<br /> Instrament)'may be soid one or more times arithout priar notice to Borrower.A�te may result in a ch�ge in the entity(known ---
<br /> - as the"Loan Servlcer°)that r,oitects mandilY Pa3rmepts due under the Note and Nvs Sec�uity Instrumena There atso may 6 e one � _==-
<br /> � or mor�c6anges of tPte Loan Servicer unrelated w a sale of the Note.If the�is a cbange of the Loan Servicer,Sormwer will be
<br /> -�� given written aotice of tfie change in accandaaae with patagraph 14 above and applicable law.Tke notice will stnte the Qame and ••
<br /> °' - address of t�e aew ifoan.Seivic�r�the address w which payments shoutd be made.The notic�will also oontain a�other � , --
<br />=��y ��.n.z � ��i�- infar�tion required bY agPlica6le taw. • - -
<br />��� ' �'°'`� Z0.Ha7ardaus Sabstan�.Borrower shall nnt cause or permit the presence. use.disposal, storage, or relc�se of an�r �r -
<br /> _-�--s-,s-. . ' affectin the �'
<br /> ���'`- -�{ i -
<br /> _-�---°=-�--'-'- Harardous Su�stances;on or w ttte Propetty..Boaa�ver s6at! not do. twr.xltow aayone else�to do anytivng g .-=__=
<br />�'°°"'�:""•,'��'�; thaL isiaviolation oPaa Fssvironmen�al-Law.-The re.�xdin two.sentettces.shall..not_ 1 to_the._ tesertce._tcse,_Qr_-------.- � --
<br /> ;��. --- �-----..-- y- P ��- �PA Y- P ,��...�k`�=
<br /> _�.�,,;�i:'f�. ^° �Y
<br />�_.-,.��:�.. � � storage on ttte Ptaperty of s�mal!quantities of Hazardous Substaaces that are generatly tecognized to be apprapriate W nom�l -- --- -
<br />�I . I residautial uses asid to mamteaaace of the Pruperty. ...�� ,.,
<br />- � ',�� Barmwer shall pmmptty give Lender written nouce of arry irrvestigaaon,claim,deman4 lawsuit or other accion by any •��
<br /> m
<br /> . .��Y i 8 �� }Y 8� P iv8 �►?7+ Y .-;ti�
<br />-. �'�'�=�'.,;,; � overtunental or o a ar sivaze party invofv' the and an Hazandous Substance or Environatental Law .�.a--��=`—,
<br />_ .:. ����4�� of which.Borro�ver 6as actual kaory�edge.If Borrower.learas..or is.noufied by any.goverrmiental_or regalatory aathority, -- �.,-y�„ ��-
<br /> ` r'"`.�;:�' any removal or other remedia6on of a�r Ha7ardous Substance affecang the Property is necessary.Bormwer shall proimpdy talie '
<br /> _ � , � ::�.,° �
<br /> .�;�.�y'..��,. 3 ali aecessary remedial aarons in accordance with Environmental Iaw. • f t,;r.
<br /> � As used in this paragraph 20, Hazardous Substances are those svbstances defined as toxic or ha7ardous substances by� r �.�
<br />_ �'r`"'=''�::� � Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene, other•flammable or toxic petroteum productsT toxic � !f- ���'
<br /> 4`' �" � •pestieides and herbicides,volatile solvenu,materials containing asbestos or formatdehyde,and radioastive matetials.As used in '�;.��,s .�,
<br /> '�:�:."..�{'�P.s���,'. . _ .
<br /> �(� •:. � this paragraph 20. "Envimnmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wher�the Property is tocated that : t,f �-
<br /> :i�(4'J. !.f�/r� ... •��� ,,� .
<br /> � ` .; relate to health.safety or environmental protection. '� =��
<br /> ;`,��.�•"i�a.r•13,r.;;:,..:� ` PION-UIVIFQRM CUVEAfANTS.Borrower and Lender turt�er covenant and agree as foUows: ,. ''.%.; t�'; :_.
<br />_ ''-���°'�j"`�: .' ' 2 1.A a c e l e r a t Ioa;Rem e d ies.L e a der s 6 a 1 1 g ive na t ice•t o B o s rn v P e r p r t o r-t o a c c e t e r a t f a a i o i�,M o�g B o r r a�e r's b r e a r l� ;-'.;�`. :
<br /> �,.-�;:��:`i'r},;:;: .�:� ,.. ,
<br /> �''° ! �� h�':;�.�. of any cavemant or agre�nent in this Security Instrnment (bnt aot prtor to aoceterat�on aad�r PB�P�Ph 1? unless .�.-�,;.,:;yrf�°; k:
<br /> ' ZYf::f=.r�. � `.!./tr'1 T' � . .
<br />- �}E� ,. �-.,. appltrable law provide�s other�vise).'I'�e aotice shatl sperify: (a)the defaatt;(b)the acaton rei{aired to cnre the detaWt; �.:,�,;:•: �`�,,• •�t
<br />-� r.r,.16� .. ••'•:-
<br /> ,!�}�, �.,�e�r�:__� (e)a date,noi tess than 30 days fmm the date the not�ce is given to Borrower,by�hic8 the defaWt most 6e cured;and ;�`;•,`•r�;:'.:��;�_: �;��;":
<br /> , , .�},: _ (�tha4 failare�ern+e the deFanit oa or 6efore the date spect�ed in the notice may result Im a�eoeters�tion of the suets .,�i`,.,,� ; ;•_;_y
<br /> '���,`'���. ��:y: secuned by this 5�rity L�strament and sale ot the Ptnperty. The not�ce shall farther inform�orrawer of We dg,6t to � , ,. ,�,,�
<br /> � ,.. � � rei�ate after acceteratioa sad the dght to briag a court actlon to a�ert fhe non-existence�a defaWt or aay otiter ��� � -
<br /> - ;, „?'T' • d e f c i�c e o f B o r ro w e r.t o a o c e l e r a t i o n a a d�a t e.I f t h e d e f a W t.i s n o t c a r e d o n o r b Q�n r e t h�d a i e s p e c i�C e d i n t h e n o t[ce, •,����r��;���'--���:
<br /> �,`�;;...� ; Lea�,at its option,may�eqvire irnmediate Qaymemt in fall of all stmss serurec�by thts Security Instrument witltout . •.;.,,Y�:;.. �.,, ,�. _,:.;�:,-�
<br />_ . . fm�tter demand and�Iay invoke the�so�s�r oY sale an�a�other remedies permiYte�Uy applicabte taw.I.en�s6aU De ,� . '=�..:°��": ;-.�-
<br /> • errtit[ed to coltect�!expeases tncare+e�iB�u�sviag the r�ies Prnvic�In tQts ParagraPh 2Il,f�fiudiag,but noi Hmited _ . # .. ;,,��.
<br /> :� r _r :r� �: . to,reasom�ble attva�s'fas and casts oftitle evide�ue. : � . :, ; , '�}�,�,"` -
<br /> n"d
<br />"�,� - :��' If the pnwer a�'.sale is iiavoked,Tnistee shall record a not�ce'�'c�efanit iq each county%�w6Ich any part o!the '_ .r.; .;., ,.,,:,
<br /> � �'�M";�-�'t1i•. � Pro is located aa�a�raII¢�"1 coples o!sach notice in�the manner prescrWed by appftqble la�v to Boreower and to : ,,' ,., . ,��•-'-
<br /> �:_�
<br /> . ?'-,.:��:" ` the o� rsons reset�'1���;app cabie taw.After the Hme required by applicable law,Trustee sfiall ve ublte aotice ��t�`"�� � � �'-�::i•
<br /> . �.,. . . pe p It St P ;�;i<+.�,�: :'i..�1k.:.;::_...� :
<br />_ :�j;;"< ; , ' of sale to ehe peisoms� '{,un t�+re manaer prescribed 6y applicable taw.Tnistee,without demand on Borrowes,shall se!! �':;%t��:s''%,:., t:• '. •'���
<br /> ;i�'�; `�':'."`, ;� ;, ' the Property at��to the highest bIdder at the time and gC�e aad under the tern�s desipnated in the nottce of �,••�� . '�'"`�'
<br />� ,,�;��:•a�f;.�t•�; � sale in oae or���Bnd in any order Tntstee detern�ines.T��tee mey postpone sale of ali os any psircel af the . ;:��- .: :.
<br />_;;` �: . ;: :� p�peKy bY Puis[t��nac��eat at the time and place of any previously stheduled sale. Lender ar its de4lgnee may ` -;j:� . . „
<br /> `:`1'. . ' � 1��5.L�:� .�.
<br /> t;:�1 r�'�' pancbase the Prop'�Ay at ar�p�rtrc. ,��,c,;�� . .
<br /> '?' .�
<br /> c�:t� .��l.k�.;,
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