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<br /> � A. "Wlortgage"shall mean thaF cerrain Deed of Tiust Fn rhe princ� aJ sum . •�. h� _ "
<br /> t°� • , � vf$ 209 OQO 00 dated Aug�st 1� �g 9w ;_ � � _ -
<br />-�= ' `:y, HOOI�R BROTHBRS. ILiC. ,as Trustor,to NORWEST BANK � ,$ :;4;:,.r ' -_ °
<br /> , r executedby ,.� 5�� ,y;;:...",�.,�.
<br />��:.� � �;...:`°;-'�; � illEBRASKA,IVATIOMAL ASSOCIAT/ON,s�Beneficiar.�m upan the ieaf�sstare and improvemenis .�': , :
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<br /> �"?`1�f3��������t�.,y � � as avidenced tey the aote arrd secuisd by the Oeed of�irisr,as well as any other : r �•�r , � :_ ,�,_ _
<br /> s�, ���t �1���r' : si�erving instr"iimenta; .
<br /> Y�'
<br /> ��� "AL' ',��3 I:'� � ' '. . •'• ,..�� ��:. �:. ' . . A - ..
<br /> 4� ���'�' ` � . �NOW;'TH��REFORE,forand-in consideration of the makingand fuadingofsaid Loan,and�for ��:��'-� �•� ;, �te�
<br /> ��1sr, �.
<br /> .��,•;�;�„ . • � � ottiergoad and valnable consideratfon,the ieaeipr wrher+eof is hereby acknawledged,Assignor,for itself, �:;y >''��, .
<br /> � ' . � !ts auCaessors;personal representatides,heirs and assi�ns,has bargained,sold,transf�ned,assigned, � .����:" � �`°' '��'� '�
<br /> " ' � ' aonveyed,set overand deJivered,and by these presents dnes hereby bargain,se/1,rransfer,assign,and � � , _ ;�;!"i . �
<br /> �.�..: � convey as security for rhe�epayment of the ebove described indebtedness and the paymeat and per- - � _
<br /> � _-�- � � � formance of all of tha terms and conditions of the Nota and Mbrtga�e evidsnci»g the same,and eny � ��"�'�-"� �'`
<br /> !� �:
<br /> � • and aJ!amendme�ts,extensions and renewals theieof,a1/leases now or hereafter executed aKecting � • � " �'�r,�' ' •
<br /> . �.:?�.�'-'� — -
<br /> •• • tlte Mqitgaged Piemises,and ap rents,issues,profits end incoms ai�d sums ol money which may now -��;� �`. . ;r�., .., ` �
<br /> � � . � ��� . or hereaRer be or trecome due and ouuing under and by vlrtme of ssid leases,!t being rhe inPention � � : . �.
<br /> �. � hereDy to establish a compl8fe transfer and assignment of the leases hereb y assigned and a/!the avails . � . . • �j ,,._1.,�z;
<br /> � thereunder unto the Assignee,its successors and assigns,topether with the right,trut without tOre �:�°��� °..`�>'��%�-
<br /> � . � otrligation,to calJecr all of the said renis,issues,p�ofits end income arising or accruing,or which may ,,; .;' ��^'`k=�
<br /> - �' become due atany timo during the life cf this Assignment.Assignor further ag�ees,upon demand ' -�� -�•�':�
<br /> ` tharenf,io deliver to and deposit aaid leases witi�Assig»ee. _ :.:.• �. � �� ' ��
<br /> 4 " ;' , .. . ' ."�a
<br /> l:.. .� �
<br /> ; . ` ' '. ��;� Assignor her�by designates,constitutes and appoints Assignee,irs successors and assigns,with . : ,.<... ' '' =_
<br /> ' � `" �°'�`�'t� fu//porver of subst6rr�ian,Jts t�ue and lawfu!attomay with pouver for it and ia its name,place and � "'
<br /> - �?�.� .1;.::.�.';.' �-•": -_
<br /> :, `.. '��.
<br /> - �,.. ;�=;���'��:<'�,: '�• � � stead,fo�in the nam�af Assignee,to ask,demand,cot/ect,�eceive,receipt and give fup and com- �-��;�`..• ��:��� �
<br /> :�;.�'';�;'S��i'"�` •� .� pleis acquittances for aar and al!renrs,issues,profirs and income hereby assigned which may become , �;�'"'��"��� �
<br /> �t�-fi`-, . �. .• � Y , � . ���,.
<br /> `���� `���' � � due and payable by lessees or other accupants of the Mongaged Premises;and at its disaeti0n to file : ,,;� .;'�,': . T
<br /> �: � .���.,.. : "�' any claim or take any other actio�or pioceeding to make any s�tt/eme�rt of any claim;either in its - --�- - --`�r�� • =�::�-=
<br /> - - � own name or in rhe name of Assignor,oi otherrvise,which the Assignee,or any sucressvr may deem � . � ��
<br /> � ° ' � desirab/a i»order ro collect and enforce the payment of any and a!l rents,issues,profJts and income � • � :�.�; . ;;;:
<br /> , � ' herein ass/gned. Tha lessees and occupantx of ihe Mortgaged Piemises,or an y pan herenf,are heieb y � : <> � _
<br /> t'` . �. � . ..•,�� exp�ssly authorized and directed io pay all rents and sums herein assigned whrch vrrou/d be payable ,
<br /> to Assignor•,except for this Assigsamenr,ro the Assignee,and to transmir and deliver such payment - � .
<br /> • to rhe Assfgnea or such nominee as it may designate/n writing,deliveied to end received by smch ��
<br /> �' ��. � �� � ' l�ssee or occupant,who is expresaly relieved of any and al!duty,I/abllfty or ob/igarion to the . .
<br /> r-�. �'� . Assigno�in respeci of a11 payments so made. � � . ' .
<br /> '; ; . .
<br /> ,�: . � ' . � Assignee shal!be,and heieby is,vested with fuH pou�rer to use all sush measures,lega/and � , . �"
<br />" �• , ' ' � equit�blo,as in its discretlon may be desmee�ecessary o�proper to entorce this Ag�eement snd . �
<br /> � . �'� � to co/lect the rents,lssues,proflts end Income asslgned hereunder,including the right to ente�upon ,, �� � :�4"
<br /> �. .: . � ihe prem/ses and[o take pvssession thereof,and Assigno�hereby grants full power and a�thority � • .
<br />-', to the Asslgnee to exercise all rights,privAeges and pawers hejein granted ar an y and all times here• � ' '
<br /> .�� ���� � �after,withaut notice to Assignor,with tu/l power to use and aF d y all of the rents,issues,p�ofits and �
<br /> .. incnme herein assigned to the payments of any Jndebtedness ot ltability of the Aasignor ro the� . .. �
<br /> � Assignee,In such o�der as Ass/gnee may determine. � ' ' .'.. , ' :
<br /> ;ti;,4;`.F; - : - . , . . , .. .._i,.
<br /> '` ... ' .. f .. . � ``'���•'
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